different warring states of japan

Chapter 1742 You must kill her yourself

Akechi Mitsuhide thought for a while, and felt that he was indeed too careless, so he bowed deeply and said.

"Thank you Fujitaka for your reminder. I will go to Sakai Port in person to communicate with Yono Takada."

Seeing Akechi Mitsuhide listened to the persuasion, Hosokawa Fujitaka was in a good mood and bowed back.

"There is no need for these empty courtesy between you and me, I just think Gao Tianyang is a capable person, we don't need to offend her.

Last year, when Shiba Oda went to war, Takada Yono raised funds twice, with a total of 200 million stone military expenses and 200 million stone rewards, so that he could single-handedly support an army of [-] people.

The samurai believe in the righteousness of the sword and look down on merchants who are only interested in profit, but we should respect the heroes of the merchants like Takada Yono.

What's more, the identities of the Takada family are different, why should we take the risk of turning against each other. "

Hosokawa Fujitaka's thinking is a typical politician's thinking.

Usually, you are good and I am good. If you can coordinate, don't do everything. But if the conflict of interests between the two parties cannot be adjusted, turning over is killing the root.

She said that merchants are mercenary. In fact, the most mercenary is a cold-blooded politician like her. She is really shameless.

Fortunately, Hosokawa Fuji's filial piety is deeply rooted, and he is firmly bound by the bright future of the divine family, so he becomes Mitsuhide Akechi's most reliable ally.

Compared with Hosokawa Fujitaka, Akechi Mitsuhide still has the feelings of a martyr in his heart. He is willing to be a white glove for Yoshihiro and to do dirty work for Shiba Tianxia. In fact, there is some bottom line.

After talking about this, Hosokawa Fujitaka asked again.

"Mitsuhide has been busy for His Highness Oda this time, and there is a lot of discussion outside, saying that you are in Siba, and your heart is in Oda.

I naturally know that Mitsuhide has sincere feelings for the saint, and I will not believe those outrageous rumors, but is it a bit too much for you to put so much effort into the Oda family? "

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"In Fujitaka's opinion, should His Highness Oda's expansion be smoother or more difficult?"

Hosokawa Fujitaka was taken aback for a moment, a little confused about what Mitsuhide Akechi meant.

Akechi Mitsuhide asked again.

"Let me put it another way. Do you think the Oda family's expansion too fast is a good thing?"

Hosokawa Fujitaka understood a little bit.

"From the perspective of strength, naturally the faster the better, the stronger you are, the smoother it will be to sweep the world, but the foundation is unstable and there are many hidden dangers."

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded.

"His Highness Oda rose in Owari. Before she took Mino, it was natural to expand as quickly as possible. Only when she has enough strength to conquer the Quartet can she grow rapidly and at the least cost.

But now, the Oda family is already the most powerful feudal clan in the world, with a territory of 300 million shi leading the world. Is it so important to expand rapidly by 100 million shi at this time?
You know, His Royal Highness Oda has only risen for seven or eight years, and the Oda family is already full of newly joined courtiers from Kamiowari, Mino, Ise, Omi, and Echizen, and their minds are too complicated.

Talking about the background, the current Oda family is just a subordinate of the Oda family, the head of the Shiba clan. It is not an exaggeration to call them family slaves.

Her Highness Oda started her business with an iron fist, and is famous for suppressing retainers and subverting the traditions of the samurai family. The faster her power expands, the more complicated and difficult it is to eradicate internal conflicts. "

Hosokawa Fujitaka suddenly realized.

"That's why you helped His Highness Oda take down Settsu Ishiyama quickly. It's best to surrender the Mutozong without even fighting. This will add hidden dangers to the Oda family."

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"The war of the Wu family is a shuffle. Eliminate those who are not pleasing to the eye on the battlefield, promote your own people, and redistribute benefits with military merit rewards, which is conducive to stabilizing the rule.

The Oda family is growing too fast, and His Highness Oda has no chance to ease internal conflicts through political consultations. Only war is the best way to clean up dissidents in the family.

Moreover, she never seemed to consider such a thing as easing and compromising.

Use violence to suppress retainers, use force to drive retainers, ensure that your strength is absolutely strong, use obedience tests to continuously spur retainers, and eliminate disobedient ones.

His Highness Oda is really a cruel person. "

In Akechi Mitsuhide's view, Oda Nobunaga is really a freak. The samurai group, which is based on feudalism and whose family business is public property, does not have the soil for the birth of such a radical dictator.

Because this kind of person has not developed and grown, they will be wiped out by foreign enemies together with retainers inside and outside. Samurai society cannot tolerate this kind of lunatic.

But Oda Nobunaga used his outstanding military talents and cunning political methods to deceive the retainers and passed his weakest period.

When the Oda retainers came to their senses, they were already Oda Nobunaga's slave labor, and they had no ability to resist.

Oda Nobunaga has been moving the samurai from the core territory outside, forcing his retainers to continue to manage new territories and attack foreign enemies.

Waiting for the new leader to mature, Oda Nobunaga will be classified as a direct leader, and then the retainers will be moved to the outer periphery, and the retainers will never be given the opportunity to strengthen themselves and resist the family governor.

Today, Oda Nobunaga's direct collar already includes most of the territories of Owari, Mino, Minami Omi, and Kita Ise.

Shibata from Echizen, Hashiba from Kita Omi, and Kitabata from Minamiise are all being driven to be pioneers, continuing to attack new territories for Oda Nobunaga.

Oda Nobunaga knew that many people were upset, but she didn't care, because she had absolute strength, and the retainers had no strength to resist.

Mu Qiang of the Wu family, the process of driving his retainers is also a grand test of obedience.

Those who obeyed and sent troops were given sweets, and those who violated the law were severely punished without mercy. Hashiba Hideyoshi's rapid rise, and Lin Xiuzhen's ruthless expulsion were two typical examples.

Under Oda Nobunaga's PUA, the Oda vassals work hard every day, exhausting themselves, and have no energy or time to think about the possibility of resistance.

The more Akechi Mitsuhide got to know Oda Nobunaga, the more he admired her snowballing tactics.

I admire it, but not everyone can use this method. The user must be a real strong person, and most people don't have such a big heart.

As Hosokawa Fujitaka said, the foundation of the Oda family is not stable. Ordinary people sitting in the position of governor of the Oda family are like sitting in the crater of a volcano. It is too late to have nightmares every day. How can they have the strength to maintain it.

But Oda Nobunaga can talk and laugh happily, be full of confidence, cut off the heads of every rebel, deter all those who have unruly intentions, and make this PUA system run smoothly.

After a series of innovations such as the collection of samurai houses, the separation of farmers and soldiers, and music and music seats, the Oda family is still the original version of the samurai family except for the name. The family system is actually quite different from the traditional samurai family.

Oda Nobunaga is a super dictator different from traditional house governors. She can squeeze more potential of the territory and achieve the ultimate mobilization that ordinary house governors cannot do.

Therefore, the Oda family with 300 million shi is already invincible in a sense.

But Oda Nobunaga was out of luck, she met a different opponent, Shiba Yoshigin.

If Oda Nobunaga is the most rebellious samurai freak, Shiba Yoshigin is the most traditional samurai pervert.

All of Oda Nobunaga's actions are to subvert the tradition of the samurai family, and to strengthen his own personal strength by any means.

All of Shiba Yoshiyin's decisions are to maintain the samurai tradition, protect the interests of the middle and lower classes, and unite the entire samurai class.

The actions of the two people are actually not very popular with high-level samurai, but if there are only two people to choose to be the boss, it must be Yoshihiro Shiba.

Akechi Mitsuhide is not afraid of Oda Nobunaga's growth, because the biggest weakness of Oda Nobunaga's PUA system is herself. If Oda Nobunaga dies, the great career of the Oda family will collapse.

In fact, the same is true for Yoshihiro Shiba.

The only core of Shiba's theocracy at present is Shiba Yoshihiro himself. If Shiba Yoshihiro dies suddenly now, his women can conquer each other and beat out the dog's brains.

However, there is still a difference between Shibo Yoshigin and Oda Nobunaga.

Shibo Yiyin gave out benefits to people every day, and he was very aggrieved. Everyone counted on him to live a long life in order to protect their own interests.

Oda Nobunaga keeps everything in his pocket. Outsiders hate her, and his own people hate her too. It is best if she dies tomorrow, so that everyone can rush forward and share her inheritance.

There is a world of difference between the two, which is why Akechi Mitsuhide dared to attack Oda Nobunaga.

Hearing Akechi Mitsuhide's exclamation, Hosokawa Fujitaka suddenly said something.

"You want to follow the story of General Ashikaga Yoshiki? Aren't you afraid that the sage will go mad?

Today is not what it used to be, the prestige of the saint is in full swing, you can't get away with it like last time. "

Akechi Mitsuhide sighed.

"Oda Nobunaga, she has always only asked for, but not shared. She doesn't even care about the tradition of the samurai family. What else can make her in awe?

The sage wants to establish theocracy, spread out his branches, and unite the descendants of various families to rule the world. All families can be sisters, but Oda Nobunaga is a serious problem and has to be eliminated. "

Hosokawa Fujitaka shook his head.

"I'm not asking if you did the right thing, I'm asking if you're sure you can escape the saint's wrath afterwards."

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled slightly.

"I already have some ideas, but I still have to go one step at a time.

His Highness Oda is not so easy to deal with. It is far more difficult than Ashikaga Yoshiki to gain her trust and let her relax her vigilance.

Furthermore, Shiba's retainers haven't hated her to the bone, and Oda's retainers haven't desperately longed for her to die. The timing is not ripe yet. "

Hosokawa Fujitaka nodded.

"Since you want to think long-term, then think more about your retreat. You and I are an offensive and defensive alliance. Don't act rashly and hurt me."

Hosokawa Fujitaka and Akechi Mitsuhide have already been bound together, if Akechi Mitsuhide loses his favor, Hosokawa Fujitaka will also be implicated.

Akechi Mitsuhide is a martyr, but Hosokawa Fujitaka is not. Hosokawa Fujitaka is a utilitarian politician through and through. The traditional samurai thinking of continuing the family business is deeply rooted in her mind.

Akechi Mitsuhide was naturally aware of this, and expressed his position.

"Don't worry, I don't need to do this kind of thing myself."

Hosokawa Fujitaka smiled.

"That's right. The three who killed the general last time were also three good people. It really had nothing to do with you."

Akechi Mitsuhide followed suit with a smile, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart.

Ashikaga Yoshiki is just a reckless woman, it's too easy to kill her.

But Oda Nobunaga is different, she is an unparalleled hero in the world, once she makes a move, she must be 100% sure, and she must not leave a trace of life.

If Oda Nobunaga is allowed to escape from birth, the future of the Shiba family will be greatly changed. This is something Mitsuhide Akechi absolutely cannot tolerate.

So, killing Oda Nobunaga. .Perhaps Mitsuhide Akechi can only rest assured if he does it himself, and can no longer rely on other people's hands.

But Akechi Mitsuhide was not going to tell Hosokawa Fujitaka about this, because the politically slick Hosokawa Fujitaka would never agree with Akechi Mitsuhide to do so.

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