different warring states of japan

Chapter 1755: 1 transaction and 1 scene

Chapter 1755 A transaction and a scene
Yu Shiba is in the main formation.

Hashiba Hideyoshi, who pretended to be upright and took the initiative to break the blurred boundaries, was also anxiously waiting for Shibata Katsuie to wake up.

Damn it, drive me away quickly!

What are you talking about with me? I'm not the protagonist of Hokurikudo?I don't want to do it, just let me go. We all hate each other, so why don't we all go separate ways and see each other again in the future.

Hideyoshi didn't know when Shibata Katsuie would wake up, and she couldn't take the initiative to remind him, so she could only wait anxiously, dragging it out day by day.

At this time, Hatamoto came in to report, and Maeda Toshiie came to see him. Hashiba Hideyoshi was moved and hurried out to greet him.

Maeda Toshiie saw Hashiba Hideyoshi coming out in a hurry, with a kind smile on his face, and he concentrated on playing his role well.

Acting as a peacemaker and a good old man between Shibata Katsuie and Hashiba Hideyoshi is her usual style.

No one in the Oda family should be offended. They must make many friends and few enemies. Anyway, how the internal interests of the Oda family are distributed has nothing to do with Maeda Toshiie.

What Maeda Toshiie wants is personal connections and interest bundling. When Shiba Yiyin needs it one day, he can dump all the chips he has saved on the table to show his value.

Oda Nobunaga actually hated the good-guy appearance of Maeda Toshiie, because in the Battle of Shiba Oda, Oda Nobunaga had already suffered from the power of this good-guy.

The Shiba family has a deep relationship with the Oda family, and the Maeda Toshiie family has an even deeper relationship with the Oda family.

Yoshigan Shiba was once a minister of Oda Nobunaga, as was Toshiie Maeda.

Because Maeda Toshiie killed Juami angrily, Shiba Yoshigin interceded for her, so he went to Luo to help the Oda family to seek the guardianship of Owari. So far, both of them have escaped the control of Oda Nobunaga.

Until Ashikaga Yoshiaki came to Raku, the Shiba family and the Oda family still had a relationship that was more cooperative than confrontational. It can be regarded as the first cooperation between the Shiba family and the Oda family.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki succeeded Ashikaga Shogun. Ashikaga, Shiba and Oda fought for control of the shogunate and dominance in Kinki. The Shiba and Oda families gradually became confrontational.

The first time the Sri Lankan cooperation broke down, the two sides finally took the opportunity of Takeda Yoshinobu, the Swamp girl, to fight a 20-person war involving many countries.

After the post-war compromise, the Fushimi Castle system was established, and the Shiba and Oda families joined forces again, which can be regarded as the second Shiba-Oda cooperation.

Maeda Toshiie had already stabbed Oda Nobunaga hard when they broke up for the first time.

Of course Oda Nobunaga was still frightened, but she couldn't find a chance to pull out the soft nail that was deeply stuck in Oda's retainers.

Maeda Toshiie will not give Oda Nobunaga a chance to get out of his own way, so she must have a good relationship with all aspects of the Oda retainers group. This is a secret game between her and Oda Nobunaga.

For Maeda Toshiie, Shibata Katsuie and Hashiba Hideyoshi are not important. What is really important is to mix among good friends with related interests and make Oda Nobunaga unable to do anything to him.


Maeda Toshiie is busy being a good guy on the banks of the Asano River in Kaga Province, but he doesn't know that danger is approaching in Etsuchu Fuji Castle not far away.

Uesugi Kenshin sent an envoy on the first day, departed from Kasugayama Castle in Echigo Province on the third day, and arrived at Jinbo Nagasaki Castle and Yuechino Fuji Castle on the fifth day.

The Echichu guardian established by the Ashikaga shogunate was the Hatakeyama family. After the decline of the Hatakeyama family, the Jimbo family, as the guardian, competed with the Shiina family of Shinkawa County for the control of Echichu.

The Jinbao family business experienced several ups and downs, and finally, under the leadership of the outstanding family governor, Jinbao Changzhi, it rose again and became dominant.

In order to make it easier to conquer Shinkawa County, Jinbo Nagaji built Fuji Castle in Anju Township on the east bank of the Jintsu River as his residence.

Since the Hokkaido trade route was re-planned by Yoshiba Shiba, Nanao Port has become a transit point connecting Tsuruga Port and Naoetsu, and business benefits have greatly increased.

Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna of the Noto Hatakeyama family was arranged by Yoshigan Shiba to return to Nanao Castle in Noto Province and serve as the guardian of Noto.

The families of the Noto Kingdom surrendered to Yoshizuna Hatakeyama in name, but in fact they shared the meat in the pot of Nanao Port.The saint makes the decision, hello to me, hello to everyone, there is no need to fight for life or death.

Go down the river from Nanao Port and reach the Fuji Plains in China. This bay is Fuji Bay.

There are abundant water resources here, and there are many good ports along the Jintsu River Joganji River where Fuji Castle is located, making it the main bulk cargo distribution center of Nanao Port.

The long-term god protector took advantage of this to develop his territory. These years have been peaceful and trouble-free, and his family business has prospered.

But as Jinbo Nagasaki became seriously ill and the Oda family's troops came along the Hokuriku Road, this outstanding family governor of the Jinbo family had to start thinking about the future.

The heirs are mediocre and cannot hold on to the prosperous Fuji Plain. If they hold on to it by force, it will be the crime of a child holding gold in the busy city and cherishing a treasure.

Since you can't keep it, you might as well find a backer and donate money to protect yourself.

Oda Nobunaga was anti-traditional and anti-samurai, which was something he would never choose for the post of divine protector.

Yue China was protected by Uesugi Kenshin's signature, and it was impossible for Yoshihiro Shiba to fall out with Uesugi Kenshin for a little land and money.

Coupled with the fact that Yoshigan Shiba took up Shintoism and Kenshin Uesugi gave birth to a divine descendant, the political trend of Shiba merging with Uesugi became clear, and the choice of the long-term divine protection position was actually determined.

Completely surrender to Uesugi Kenshin, entrust Yue China, and let the unpromising heir become the retainer of the divine descendant Uesugi.

With his family status as the guardian of the Echu family of the Jinbo family, he united in the Kanto Palace Council and cheered for the Uesugi family.

Uesugi Kenshin is a traditional samurai family. The structure of the Uesugi retainers group is actually very loose, and the retainers have great autonomy.

Compared with the strict management of the Hojo family and the noisy internal affairs of the Takeda family, the Uesugi family's model of living their own lives, always yelling and then going out to kill people together is really very traditional and harmonious.The Jimbo family will definitely feel comfortable joining the Uesugi family.

Before and after Uesugi Kenshin arrived at Fuji Castle, various forces from Noto, Vietnam, and China also arrived in a hurry. It was related to everyone's vital interests, so all parties responded quickly.

Kenshin Uesugi, who had just arrived at Fuji Castle, visited the chief priest. The chief priest kept his spirits up and talked secretly with Kenshin Uesugi all night.

The next day, seeing that representatives from all parties had arrived, Uesugi Kenshin borrowed the meeting hall of the residence to have a frank talk with Zhu Ji.

In the main seat, Uesugi Kenshin said calmly.

"Rules are rules. Since the rules have been set and everyone has benefited from them, we must work together to maintain them.

If an outsider reaches in and wants to break the rules, he must cut off the thief's hand.

I want to raise my troops to march to Kaga for a decisive battle with Shibata Katsuie. Will you ladies be willing to help me? "

Everyone can't help but look at each other.

Entering Kaga Country?What is Kenshin Uesugi doing?
Noto, the various forces in Vietnam and China, actually have never had a good impression of Kaga.

Kaga's earthly Buddhist kingdom was a model of successful missionary work advertised by the Ichigo clan, but it was a political disaster that intensified the conflict between the military leaders and the temple leaders.

Originally, there was a conflict between the military leaders and the temple leaders, but this conflict was limited to the fact that the temple leaders were unwilling to bear taxes, and secretly expanded their territory to resist the taxes with force from the Nepali Corps.

The Wu family would naturally be unhappy if they could not collect the temple's taxes, but the relationship between the two parties would not reach the point of life-and-death struggle.

But after the Ichigo clan subverted the guardianship of Kaga and established the Buddhist kingdom on earth through Ichijo Ikui, this conflict escalated from an economic issue to a political issue.

The Zongfang officials used violence to drive out the guardians of the Wu family and established their own religious regime. What did they want to do?If all the monasteries in the world followed suit, wouldn't the martial arts world be doomed?

Therefore, Yixiang Zong was regarded as a troublemaker by both the temple and the martial arts family.

Originally, most nuns only wanted to live comfortably and did not want to rebel, and most samurai only wanted to collect taxes from the monastery and did not want to destroy Buddha.

But now?The trust between the two parties has been broken through the bottom line, resulting in the intensification of conflicts between secular religions. However, Ishiyama Honganji Temple is still complacent and claims to be a great name of Buddhism.

Oda Nobunaga offended many people, and many of his policies made people hate him.

However, both the samurai family and the nuns are happy to see the result if they keep fighting hard and pursue the Ishiyama Honganji Temple fiercely.

The Ezhong Yixiang Sect originated from the Five Dynasties Buddhist Orthodox Tradition, which is very different from the Eighth Dynasty Buddhist Orthodox Orthodoxy after the reform. In fact, it does not like the fanatical approach of Kaga Yixiang Yikui.

Therefore, when the Oda army attacked Kaga Country, everyone was watching the show happily. It was not until Oda Nobunaga's envoy came to Vietnam, China and Noto that everyone realized something was wrong.

The grandson of Oda Nobunaga has a huge appetite. It turns out that he not only wants to congratulate us, but also wants to devour our Etchu Noto.

This is also the reason why Uesugi Kenshin was able to respond to everyone this time. It's not that everyone likes Uesugi Kenshin, it's just that everyone hates Oda Nobunaga more.

This is like a general election in a certain country. I would rather hold my nose and choose Lao Deng, just because I hate Lao Peng more.

But no one expected that the first thing Uesugi Kenshin said when he invited people to a meeting was to invade Kaga Country and take the initiative to provoke the Oda family.

It's one thing to hate the Oda family, but it's another thing to actively provoke them.The Oda family hasn't called yet, should we call first?This guy is just looking for trouble, why are you making such a fuss!
Zhu Ji was silent, the atmosphere was cold, Shen Baochang coughed and said.

"We all signed the agreement together back then, and even if Kaga is always in trouble, he is still a part of the agreement.

The Oda family is insatiable, not satisfied with Kaga Ichikuni, and has already ordered us arrogantly.

If we continue to wait and see and wait until the Oda family's knife is placed on our necks before reacting, it will be too late.

Your Highness Uesugi is far-sighted and has a far-reaching vision. The Jimbo family is willing to help you lead the horse and kick the pedal, jointly resist the Oda family, resist the enemy outside the country, and ensure the safety of Vietnam and China. "

The Chief Divine Protector said a lot of words in one breath, but felt his throat was dry and itchy. He couldn't help but cough again, and took out a white towel to cover his mouth.

When he let go of the white towel, he saw a bright red patch on the towel, which turned out to be blood coughed up.

The chief priest pretended to be nonchalant, pinched the white scarf tightly and put it back into his sleeve, observing everyone's reactions.

She is already terminally ill and cannot be saved, and now she is holding on to her breath, just to find a way out for the Shenbao family.

Last night, she had a secret conversation with Uesugi Kenshin.

Uesugi Kenshin promised to unite all the people in the Kanto Shifu of the Jimbo family. The Uesugi family tree will be the important minister. The core territory around Fuji Castle will not be reduced. The interests of Fuji Bay maritime trade will still be the same. Jinbo Nagasaki is very satisfied with his position.

The laws of the Uesugi family were already loose, and each family was responsible for household production, which was akin to autonomy. Uesugi Kenshin did not care about having one more important minister under his command with greater autonomy.

Expand the territory first. When Uesugi Miyuki takes over in the future, Uesugi Kenshin is worried that his daughter will not be able to control it. He can use the butcher knife to the old sisters in his old age and help his daughter trim the branches and leaves.

Uesugi Kenshin just needs to be known as violent, and she doesn't care about the notoriety.

(End of this chapter)

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