different warring states of japan

Chapter 1768 The saint running around

Uesugi Kenshin took the initiative and severely attacked Shibata Katsuie's Echizen Oda Army.The military intelligence report of the Battle of Tetori River was transmitted back to Edo Castle yesterday, leaving Yoshigan stunned.

Yoshihiro wrote a letter a while ago asking Akechi Mitsuhide to wipe Uesugi Kenshin's butt, but Uesugi Kenshin was so ruthless, and he didn't know what Akechi Mitsuhide was going to do with such a big mess.

Yoshigan knew very well what kind of temper Oda Nobunaga was, and Akechi Mitsuhide must have a headache now, not knowing what she wrote in the letter.

Yoshihiro felt a little embarrassed towards Mitsuhide Akechi at this time. He seemed to have taken it too far as a hands-off shopkeeper. Naturally, he felt guilty when he saw Mitsuhide Akechi's letter.

It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

Yiyin's eyes averted for a moment, but he still sighed and took the letter to read.

His expression became weirder and weirder, and the fingers holding the letter subconsciously tightened, clenching the letter into a ball, attracting the eyes of Kamaojigo and Ii Naomasa.

After he finished reading and put down the letter, Kamao Clan couldn't help but ask.

"Sage, what did Akechi-sama say in his letter? Is there any room for maneuver regarding the war between the Oda and Uesugi families?"

Yiyin glanced at the Pu Sheng clan. After reading the letters, he would always give them to the Pu Sheng clan to browse and archive them. This could be regarded as training this important central official.

But today, the words in the letter were not convenient for Kamo clan to see.

Yiyin smoothly put the letter close to the candlestick beside him, watched the letter turn into ashes in the candlelight, and said lightly.

“Mitsuhide Akechi did a great job.

She helped Oda Nobunaga a lot in the Settsu Ishiyama strategy, and immediately authorized Maeda Toshiie to represent the Fushimi Castle system as an envoy to the Uesugi Kenshin camp, temporarily reaching a tacit understanding of a truce on the front line.

As for what happens next. .Oda Nobunaga and Uesugi Kenshin have a surly and strong temperament, so let’s postpone it for now.

Oda Nobunaga wants to take over Ishiyama this year, and next year she will definitely peek at Shikoku, the Western Kingdom. She has no interest in chewing the hard bones of Hokurikudo.

Kenshin Uesugi had reached her limit in repelling the Echizen Oda army. Even if she wanted to continue to advance and further expand her results, the samurai of the two countries, Echigo and Noto, were unwilling to follow.

The two of them have their own difficulties, and the war on Hokurikudo drags on, so maybe it will be okay. "

Kamoji looked at the lit letter suspiciously, although the saint's analysis was very thorough and reasonable.

But he didn't want this letter to be archived, and he didn't even want to let himself see the contents of the letter. There must be a reason for it.

The reason why Yiyin is unwilling to let Kamao clan read the letter is very simple.

Because Akechi Mitsuhide mentioned a request of Oda Nobunaga in his letter, that he should visit Azuchi Castle in person, Oda Nobunaga agreed to start negotiations with Uesugi Kenshin.

Under the mediation of Maeda Toshiie, the war on Hokuriku Road has essentially stopped. The two sides used the Daishoji River as the dividing line. The Oda family returned to the starting point before the war and suffered a heavy loss.

But without a reliable armistice agreement, the two sides have been fighting at the border, and the fragile tacit understanding of the armistice may bloom at any time and ignite the war again.

Regarding this point, Oda Nobunaga's attitude is crucial. As long as she can swallow this breath, the war in Hokuriku will really stop.

Yoshihiro knew Oda Nobunaga's character very well. This person always took advantage but suffered losses. He was never tolerant and would always retaliate. He would only give up temporarily if he couldn't beat him, and then take revenge in the future.

Akechi Mitsuhide said in the letter that as long as Yoshigan is willing to go to Azuchi Castle, Oda Nobunaga can endure this tone.

Yiyin's first reaction when he saw this place was, is there such a good thing in the world?But when he thought about it, he suddenly understood Oda Nobunaga's mood.

Oda Nobunaga and Shimakatsu Takeo are about the same age. How anxious has Shimakatsu Takeo been since she didn’t get pregnant in the past few years?Now that I am finally pregnant, I feel radiant and happy every day.

Shima Katsuki is just the Kanto acting official of the Shiba family, while Oda Nobunaga is the governor of the most powerful clan in the world. Her family really has hundreds of millions of assets waiting for someone to inherit it!

The samurai family values ​​family name over bloodline. This is because the family business under the family name is related to the vital interests of all Ji warriors under the family name.

Therefore, the retainer group does not care whether the heir has the blood of the family governor. The retainer group just needs a young master who can help them maintain the family business. It does not matter whether she is the son of the family governor.

But from the perspective of the family governor, the view on the blood lineage of his heir is completely different. Who doesn't want to leave his inheritance to his heirs?
If a family governor cannot hand over the family property to his descendants, it is not because he does not want to, but because he cannot.Blood inheritance is a matter of nature, while family name inheritance is a political compromise.

But Oda Nobunaga, does she seem like a person who likes to compromise?

The Oda family centralized power in one governor, and the retainers were all slaves. Oda Nobunaga used his hawks and dogs to conquer all directions. Is this just to give away the country he had conquered to outsiders?

Oda Nobunaga's most urgent need now is an heir. She wants Yoshigin's seed to give birth to a divine descendant and inherit everything she owns.

Therefore, Oda Nobunaga, who has always been eccentric and violent, would consider compromising with Uesugi Kenshin, who was obviously inferior to him in strength. The prerequisite was that Yoshihiro went to Azuchi Castle Wormwood.

This request is very important to Oda Nobunaga, but from Yoshihiro's point of view, only two words come to mind, that's it?

Yoshigan originally thought that the price of making Oda Nobunaga compromise would be high, and it would be difficult for Akechi Mitsuhide to convince Oda Nobunaga, but he never expected that Oda Nobunaga's request would be so simple.

Is it difficult to get to Azuchi Castle Wormwood?As long as Oda Nobunaga is willing to cease the war, Yoshihiro can use all his strength to stay with her for as many days as he wants.

This is an easy condition that Yoshigan could not imagine, but on the other hand, it is reasonable and reasonable, which is why Yoshigan showed a strange expression and was unwilling to file this letter in Kamao clan.

Ever since he saw the pregnancy of Hojo Ujimasa and Shimakatsu Takeo, the envious Kamao Ujigo was so happy to get Yoshigan's nod that he sneaked into Yoshigan's room these days when he had the opportunity.

Naomasa Ii was so jealous that he no longer respected the leader of the group.

In such a burning situation, how could Yiyin have the nerve to let Kamao clan see this letter with obvious purpose?

Although the words of the Wu family's righteousness were written crookedly on every page of the letter, the word mugwort was clearly revealed between every word.

Going to Oda Nobunaga's Azuchi Castle, what else can there be besides mugwort?

Given the feelings of a young girl in Kamaoshi Township who is currently in love, let her read this letter. Is Yiyin still thinking about having an happy life recently?
Yoshigami looked at Ii Naomasa and said.

"Oda Nobunaga is very anxious and intends to complete the Stone Mountain Strategy this winter.

I originally didn't want to get involved in the fight between the Ishiyama Honganji Temple and the Oda family, but things didn't go as planned. The Kaga of Hokurikudo launched an expedition, which actually led to a military conflict between the Oda and Uesugi families.

If you can't avoid it, don't avoid it.

When the counterpart assistance plan for the autumn period is implemented and the famine in the four eastern countries is relieved, I will go back to Kinki to take charge. "

Yoshigami was ready to agree to Oda Nobunaga's conditions and return to Azuchi Castle Wormwood, but he couldn't explain it clearly and made a roundabout way of speaking outright.

Uesugi Kenshin could silently shoulder Naoetsu's expenditure of [-] gon for him, and he could also go to Azuchi Castle for Uesugi Kenshin and settle the Hokurikudo war.But this truth must not be told, otherwise Uesugi Kenshin would not only not appreciate it, but might get mad again and continue fighting.

Yoshihiro looked at Ii Naomasa, implying that Ii Naomasa and Hanzawa Naoyoshi's arrangements remained unchanged.

Hanzawa Naoyoshi will come to Kanto in the spring of next year to investigate the case. Yoshihiro just happens to leave Kanto. The Kanto samurai family is mentally relaxed and it is convenient to find out the truth.

Yiyin still doesn't know how many political chain reactions the heinous case discovered will trigger because of his nod, and he may even be forced to give up a good opportunity to unify the world.

It’s just that life is impermanent and things are unpredictable.

In addition, Yoshihiro's return to Kinki this time was not just to satisfy Oda Nobunaga's needs.

Oda Nobunaga, who was eager to conquer Yoshiyin, became more and more radical in her ways of doing things.

Originally, the expansion speed of the Oda family was already so exaggerated that it stunned the Wu family, but now that the Settsu Ishiyama strategy has been completed in one year, it is even more shocking to many people's jaws.

Logically speaking, if you want to eradicate the power of Ishiyama Honganji Temple, it will not be possible without ten years of hard work.

However, with the help of Akechi Mitsuhide, Ishiyama fell into embarrassment from all sides early and was isolated and helpless.

Neither Kii's Zaigashou nor the Mori family of the Western Kingdom could help Ishiyama Honganji.

The neighboring samurai families of Settsu, Izumi, Kawachi and other countries were not unsympathetic to Ishiyama Honganji, but under the pressure of the Shiba family represented by Mitsuhide Akechi, no one dared to move.

There was a massacre in Kii Country just now, and Akechi Mitsuhide has shown his determination. Who is willing to hit the knife edge again?
Akechi Mitsuhide's full assistance saved Oda Nobunaga several years of time, and also made Yoshigage feel a little confused.

The Fushimi Castle system was entrusted by Yoshigan to Akechi Mitsuhide, but he did not expect that Akechi Mitsuhide would kneel down and lick Oda Nobunaga like this.

The last person who was kneeled and licked by Akechi Mitsuhide was Ashikaga Yoshiteru, but Yoshigan would never forget the ending.

Although Mitsuhide Akechi used the power of Settsu Ishiyama to get close to Oda Nobunaga, he almost perfectly settled the troubles of the Hokuriku Road war.

But Yoshihiro was still uneasy. He had to go back to Kinki to see what Mitsuhide Akechi was doing.

The last time something happened to Ashikaga Yoshiteru, it was Yoshihiro's excessive neglect of Kinki and its long-term neglect of authorization that led to that tragedy.

The Shiba family has developed rapidly in these years. If Ashikaga Yoshiteru was still there, the authority of the shogunate would never have degraded to this level, and Yoshigan's divine power would not be implemented so smoothly.

But even though he enjoyed the many benefits of Mitsuhide Akechi's machinations, Yoshigami still felt unhappy. After all, he was just a warm modern man and could not be a cold-blooded politician.

Go back and watch Mitsuhide Akechi, lest Kinki is set on fire by this dark fox again.

Furthermore, Oda Nobunaga captured Settsu Ishiyama and opened the way to the Shikoku of the Western Kingdom.

With Oda Nobunaga's current mentality of eager for quick success, she will definitely not slow down, but will speed up her attack on the world.

The Miyoshi family of Shikoku has weakened. Whether it is the family governor Miyoshi Yoshitsugu who is staying in Hanoi, or Miyoshi Yasunaga of Awa Kingdom and other retainers, they all bow to the Shiba family.

The Miyoshi family has gone from a tiger that threatened the shogunate to a hawk dog raised by Yoshigami, turning its head to bite Shikoku.

Oda Nobunaga will not let go of the land of Shikoku, and she must get a piece of the pie.

The Shiba retainers in Kinki were not qualified to negotiate terms with Oda Nobunaga. Only Yoshihiro went back to discuss how to divide the pork with Oda Nobunaga in person.

The same goes for the Western Kingdom. The Oda family's strategy for the Western Kingdom will definitely begin, and very soon.

Yiyin once promised Nizi that Shengjiu would return Nizi's family to the Western Kingdom in a glorious state.

Over the years, Nizi Katsuhisa has loyally guarded the Kinki Shiba Territory for the Shiba family, and is one of the most reliable retainers who makes Yoshigan feel at ease.

Now that it's time for Yoshigan to fulfill his promise, the Shiba family cooperates with the Oda family to conquer the Western Kingdom, and Nizi Katsuhisa is asked to go back to the Mori family to settle accounts, return to the ancestral land, and establish a family business again.

In order to suppress Akechi Mitsuhide, to negotiate with Oda Nobunaga, and to promise Nizi Katsuhisa, Yoshigan must go back to Kinki once, and not just for mugwort.

But before setting off, Yiyin still has to keep an eye on Kanto for a while and leave after autumn.

It is now the turn of spring and summer, and the temporary review is being held.The people of the East returned to the Kanto Palace and the four Eastern countries provided loans and assistance. These two things must be completed without compromise.

Regarding the conflict between the martial arts families in the eastern and western parts of Guanbazhou, Yiyin is actually powerless. Forcibly dealing with such things as people's hearts will achieve half the result with half the effort, and sometimes it will have counterproductive effects.

He couldn't control it, and he didn't want to care too much. He just kept an eye on the bottom line of not allowing more wars and not starving people to death.

As long as we don't use weapons and people don't starve to death, the world will gradually become peaceful. No one naturally likes to kill, let alone be killed.

If we can sit down and talk about common development, most people are not willing to lick blood. After all, war destroys livelihoods and eliminates materials, and it can only become a paradise for a few careerists.

For most people, the worst peace is better than the greatest war.

After a hundred years of war, the Wu family in Guanbazhou was tired of fighting. Especially the past three years of peaceful development and the revitalization of water conservancy had aggravated the war-weariness of Guanbazhou.

Therefore, the rebellion of the people in the East can be quickly quelled this time, because the people's hearts have changed and the mass base is gone. The previous scene of careerists everywhere rebelling after a little ignition is outdated.

The rebels from all walks of life were united and the rebels were terrified. Finally, the rebellion was put down on the [-]th, once again confirming Yiyin's supreme hope.

Now, Yiyin once again introduced the people from the East into the Kanto Palace, allowing the East and the West to discuss the civil struggle, while he kept an eye on those who wanted to fight with each other.

The middle and lower classes have no intention of fighting, and the upper classes are surrounded by Yiyin and held in their hands. Who dares to call for war?
If this situation continues for another ten or eight years, peaceful development will become the main theme, and those who benefit will stand up to maintain the peaceful situation, Yi Bank will not need to be so tired.

Although Yiyin had a good idea, he didn't know that the prairie fire of the self-Qing movement in Dali County had been ignited, and violence in peace may not be as cruel as war.

In fact, whether it is Kinki or Kanto, everything has never been under Yoshigan's control. His wishful thinking has instead become a tool for some careerists to follow the trend.

But even so, he still wanted to correct the mistakes of the troubled times again and again, and wanted to create a political balance where everyone could sit down and feel at ease.

The good and evil of human nature continue to blend in the conflict of political interests, until one day a new political balance is reached.

At that time, a new social order will be born, and the world of Spo will truly come to the world.

Until that day comes, Yiyin can only run around, exhausted.

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