Chapter 177 Destiny
"I've made up my mind! Today I will march down the mountain to rest and recuperate, and I will attack the mountain after dinner tomorrow morning."

It has been six or seven days before and after entering Yamato, and no matter how blocked the news of Shihe Yicun is, he should be aware of it.

Yiyin has no time, and the Zahezhong must be cleared tomorrow.

In the field of vision, Yamanaka Xingsheng was holding a flag and was speechless, Nizi Katsujiu knelt and lamented, Fujibayashi Muku was at a loss, Fujibayashi Xing looked dull.

Maeda Masari, Otani Yoshitsugu, and Todo Takatora looked at each other, let out a cheer, and went down to form an army.

The three princes of the hundred lands were expressionless, not knowing what was going on in their hearts.

Shima Katsuo, Yagyu Munemo, and Matsukura Shigenobu looked uncertain, not knowing whether to speak or not.

The distance between the two was only more than a dozen miles, and it didn't take long for the army to arrive, but it took a lot of effort to set up camp.

Nizi Shengjiu wanted to speak again several times, but was rejected by Yiyin indifferently, and he was very anxious.

On the contrary, it was Maeda Yiyi who was asked by Yoshihiro to call in a hundred loud-voiced sergeants on standby, both Ji Wushi and Ashgaru.

This night seemed to be peaceful, but the camp was full of undercurrents. The San Taifu secretly contacted the various ministries and denounced Yoshihiko Shiba for his actions, assuming he was about to rebel.

Iga is still doubtful.After all, the army has set off to the present, and Shiba Yuqian has been steady at every step.

Not to mention Zahezhong's more than [-] first-level military exploits, just the new body on his body and the full-size spear in his hand made Yihezhong wait and see, and the third prince of the hundred places could not move for a while.

Therefore, she didn't think about launching it now.When Yiyin ordered the attack on the mountain, Ji Wushi, who was attached to the Baidi family in the south of Iga, was able to mobilize all Iga people.

Nizi Shengjiu felt something was wrong for a long time, but there was no way she could monitor the secret methods of Baidi Shangren.

In desperation, he could only explain to the three generals Maeda, Otani, and Fujido that they should keep an eye on their army, and Yamanaka Yukimori would guard the imperial front and wait and see what happened.

The Fujibayashi sisters were caught in a dilemma, and it was unacceptable for Ihe to attack the mountain, but the two concubines had already made a poisonous oath, and now they didn't know what to do.

Speechless all night, the sun rises in the east.

The camp gradually became popular, burying the pot to make food.Today's food is no longer miscellaneous rice sent by farmers and soldiers from Iga, but rice provided by Kofukuji Temple.

These monks are really rich.The military rations provided are all rice, without ginseng and miscellaneous grains, and there is no sandy soil that cracks teeth.

Whether it is ashigaru or Ji Wushi, they all eat very sweet.Such delicious rice balls, many people have never eaten in this life.

The people below are happy to eat, but the people at the top are hard to swallow.The eyes flickered between each other, not knowing what they were thinking.

Only Yiyin was full, so he didn't think too much about it.Everything that needs to be done has been done, and the next step is to see if the system baby really loves me.

After eating too early, the whole army attacked and surrounded the mountain where Zahezhong was stationed.

It is said to be encircled, but in fact there are only a few people left to monitor the cliffs on three sides, and most of the troops are concentrated in the front.

Today's army formation is a bit strange, the main formation is in the front, there is no first move, and the second move first.

The next three Iga armies lined up left, center and right, with Kita Iga on the left, Yuno in the center, and Minami Iga on the right. In front of the formation were a hundred loud-sounding sergeants prepared by Yoshihiro Maeda Yoshiki.

There is no curtain in the shogunate. The opening hall is in front, and Yiyin sits in it.

"Niziji, send someone forward to call for surrender. Give them a meal time to think about it, and then I will attack the mountain."

Ni Zi Sheng was speechless for a long time, looking up at the attacking mountain was all by surprise, taking advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness, how could he declare war like this.

At this time, she was also smashing the cans, and gave the order bitterly.

Miyoshi Yoshiko on the mountain was watching the battle with Suzuki Shigehide, thinking about the strange formation of the Iga army.

When they heard the shouting words below, they were all speechless.

For a moment, Miyoshi Yoshiko laughed.

"Recently there are few heroines who have actually made Shuzi famous. I have long heard that Siba Yuqian is fierce and brave. Seeing him today is an exaggeration."

Shigehide Suzuki said nothing, she had been cautious all her life, but this time she was bewitched by Miyoshi Yoshiko's picture cake, and she took a rare adventure.

But when things are abnormal, there are demons, she said with a bow.

"I'm going down to prepare for defense."

Miyoshi Yoshiko nodded with a smile.

After Shigehide Suzuki walked away, he beckoned some of his cronies to come closer and said.

"Get ready, up and down."

"Yes, ma'am."

Suzuki Shigehide had already thought about it, although no matter how he thought about it, he didn't think Iga's army could attack.

But if something goes wrong, her elite Zaga party will attack Miyoshi Yoshiko Honjin shogunate and take her down to beg for a surrender.

At this time, the atmosphere at the foot of the mountain became more and more dignified.

Nizi Shengjiu has been staring at San Taifu Baidi, even though she is respectful, she still keeps her eyes on her for a moment.

The three generals of the Shiba family are all suppressing the army in each formation. Here, Ma Hui was selected from the three armies and came from Iga.

Here, only she and Yamanaka Yukimori are really attached to Shiba Yoshigin, and the Fujibayashi twins can barely believe it because of their poisonous oath.

Surrounded by these Iga horses, she felt a chill in her heart.Up to now, she still doesn't understand what happened to Yuqian?
Why would he insist on going his own way, who is usually very receptive to advice.


Yiyin suddenly spoke.

Nizi Shengjiu was thinking about something on his mind, he was taken aback, and hurriedly answered.

"Yes, Imperial Majesty."

"Do you know? I've been having a dream recently. I dreamed about the ancestors of Spo, and they told me..."

Yiyin's voice became lower and lower, and Nizi Shengjiu couldn't hear clearly even if he concentrated his attention.

He is just pretending and acting.

Although some samurai believe in Buddhism, deep down, the samurai belong to the family of ancestor worship.They don't believe in ghosts and gods, but only in their ancestors, and they care about family continuity.

Yiyin started with ancestors, just to define the following scenes.

This is the blessing of the ancestors, not black magic!
"Is it almost time?"

Nizi Shengjiu was confused when he heard what he said, but was shocked by this sentence.

"I want to speak, let a hundred speakers prepare."

"Yes, Imperial Majesty."

Nizi Shengjiu gave the order, and all the loud voices in charge of the sound transmission were listening attentively and getting ready.

Yiyin stood up straight, straightened his waist, and said.

"The ancestors of Yamato are above, our family originated here. The red sun is in the sky, and the ancestors have spirits.

Genji's courtier, Miyoshi, did not follow the precepts of the ancestors, and abolished the rules and regulations.The old place of tea poison, the crime is heinous.

I, Yoshigin, the son-in-law of the Shiba clan of the Ashikaga family, uphold justice and seek innocence!
For the rest of my life, the Sibozong family lost its heir, and I will continue the family business as a man.

The destiny is manifest, the ancestors pity me, cherish me, and never abandon me.

Let me conquer this mountain!Just let me set things right!Let me revive the Shiba family again! "

After finishing speaking, Yiyin pointed to the mountain where the party resided, and looked into the distance.The hundred people in front of him shouted along with him, and the voice spread far to the top of the mountain.

Seeing his calm face, he was actually quite nervous.Fiddled with the system in a hurry, looking for the switch of the special effect of the girl.

found it!
Sure enough, it was a drop-down order in normal mode, and the system was just like this.

Now there is not only a killing mode, but also an insight mode, and there is another jealous beauty.

Open the sky to be jealous of beauty.

The map shows that the master is the center point.

OK, big enough!

Although I don't know how many square kilometers it is, the Zaga and Iga people are all circled on the map.

Choose weather, rain.

Choose intensity, small, medium, large, violent, pouring.


After clicking these, Yiyin continued to look into the distance.The sound of the heartbeat can be heard clearly.

The three princes behind him finally couldn't bear it any longer, and stood up with his sword drawn.

"Listen, Iga! Shiba Yoshigin is going against the grain and wants us to die under the barrage of iron cannons. How can he do what he wants!
Iga!Follow my hundred lands and three princes to rebel! "

As soon as she finished speaking, the hidden stake arranged hadn't responded yet, but the breeze was washing her face.

I groaned in my heart.

This summer is scorching, the sun is scorching in the sky, where does the wind come from?

After three breaths, the wind gradually picked up.

For five breaths, clouds surge in all directions.

After ten breaths, dark clouds covered the sun, and the whole world fell into darkness.

Fifteen breaths, lightning and thunder.

Twenty breaths, the torrential rain poured down.

Yoshigin didn't turn his head to look at the Hyakuchi santai who was kneeling in astonishment, snatched the imperial flag from Yamanaka Yukimori, stepped on his own Kiso horse, and galloped back and forth in front of the formation.

The heavy rain wet his feathers and wet his flag, and the Yuqijia flag was attached to the flagpole like a spear.

While running, he turned on the insight mode and looked up the mountain.

A long list of texts is constantly changing, morale is high, emotions are stable, slightly shaken, fighting spirit is lax, and the morale of the army is disintegrated.

it is good!
After running a lap and letting everyone see him, Yiyin returned to the front of the formation.

Pulling the reins, the horse raised its front hooves and stood upright on the spot.Yiyin held the imperial flag and pointed directly at the top of the mountain.

"It's Shiba's destiny! Attack the mountain!"

For a moment, the world was silent, only the torrential rain exploded.

Afterwards, the shouts of thousands of people suppressed the storm!

"Shiba is my destiny! Shiba is my destiny!"

The crowd is rolling, rushing to the top of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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