different warring states of japan

Chapter 1787 Brothers-in-law cannot be sold

Compared with the tit-for-tat confrontation between the Hojo Satomi family, the conflict between the Takeda and Satake families appears much softer.

Satake Yoshige's migration to the north was a foregone conclusion. She was afraid that the saint would change his mind again, so she made this matter known to everyone early on.

The Satake family is preparing to run away, and the Takeda family is waiting to take over. Although the two parties have some conflicts of interest, there are no irreconcilable fundamental conflicts.

For the land of Ou, Yoshigan's strategy is to infiltrate Minami Ou and suppress the Date and Mogami families.As for the northern part of the Ou region, there is a choice, and more attention is paid to the northern part of Dewa country.

Dewa Province and the northern part of Mutsu Province belong to the west and east of Honshu Island respectively. The local climate is cold and there was basically no development value in the Middle Ages.

Mutsu Province is adjacent to Ezo Island in the north, and its main coastline is in the east facing the Pacific Ocean.

The most powerful southern clan in the area seems to occupy a vast area, but in fact, it only has a territory of [-] stones in the south. The land is vast and the resources are poor.

You can’t grow crops in frozen soil, you can’t open mines in cold mountains, you can’t go fishing in the sea facing the Pacific Ocean, and you don’t even know what kind of ocean it is?It's called the Pacific Ocean, and it's the least peaceful of the five oceans.

As far as the ancient shipbuilding technology, navigation technology, and fishing net technology of the island country are concerned, going to the sea is equivalent to feeding the fish. Don’t expect to rely on the sea to eat.

Therefore, the Nanfang family can only graze, and the Nanfang horse can be regarded as one of the best horses in the island country.

The northern part of Mutsu Province is like this, and the northern part of Dewa Province is not much better. However, Dewa has an advantage, which is the Bohai Rim trade circle.

Dewa Province faces the Sea of ​​Japan to the west, which is different from the Pacific Ocean to the east.

In order for the great ocean currents of the Pacific Ocean to return to the East Asian continent, it must first take a stroll around North America.

On the contrary, the Tsushima Warm Current in the Sea of ​​Japan is a branch of the Kuroshio Current. It enters the Sea of ​​Japan from the Tsushima Strait and passes along the coast to the Tsugaru Warm Current in the northern section.

To put it simply, this is a highway on the sea. You can quickly reach various places along the coast by taking this highway, forming a trade circle between the Bohai Kingdom and the island countries in the ninth century.

After the collapse of the Bohai Kingdom, the island nation lacked internal materials and lacked trading value. The ports from Hokurikudo to Ou gradually became marginalized, and only the trade from the Tsushima Strait to Shimonoseki flourished.

Yiyin reopened the Hokurikudo shipping trade route, and the trade line extending northward from Naojiangjin gradually recovered.

New trade routes have been formed from Niigatazu in the north of Echigo, Sakai Minato in the south of Dewa Province, Akita Minato in the north of Dewa Province, and even Jusanminato in the Tsugaru area of ​​Mutsu Province in the north.

This is the main reason why Honjo Nobunaga is drooling and wants to expel the Mogami family and occupy the Shonai area. Sakai Minato in the Shonai area is the port connecting the maritime trade line between Echigo Country and Dewa Country.

Akita Minato in the northern part of Dewa Province is the location of the Minato City agreed upon by Yoshigan and Tozawa Moriyasu, and Tozawa Moriyasu must fight tooth and nail to win this place.

The territory of Dewa Province between Sakai Minato and Akita Minato is the relocation location where Yoshigan is preparing to move Satake Yoshige in order to help support Tozawa Moriyasu.

In other words, Yoshigan's attitude towards the southern part of the Ou region is to penetrate as much as possible and capture the key gateways for Ou's power to move south, such as Aizu, Fukushima, Yonezawa and other places.

As for the northern part of the Ou region, Yoshibank is more concerned about the northern part of Dewa Province, which has commercial value, and ignores the northern part of Mutsu Province, which lacks development value.

The land of Ou is too big, and it was a bitter cold land lacking value in the medieval times. Yoshigan really has no interest in paying too much attention to the situation here.

Seizing the southern gateway and the northern port, the Ou Takeshi family would be slaves under Shiba's divine authority, and would no longer be able to resist.

The northward migration of the Satake family was part of Ou's strategy. Yoshihiro gave a blank check of 40 koku, and Satake Yishige also accepted the challenge of opening up new territories.

Therefore, the conflict between the Takeda family and the Satake family is far less acute than that between the Hojo family and the Satomi family.

The Satake family has a place in the new Shiba world, and they don't have the despair of the Satomi family who can't see the future.

The Satomi family had no place to go, so they could only bite the bullet and fight to the end.Of course, that was for the Hojo family.As for a saint, she wouldn't dare even try to meet Yi Yao through someone else.

Of the three powerful feudal lords of the Kanto Palace, Hojo stared at Satomi, Takeda stared at Satake, and the Uesugi family's target was the Utsunomiya family in Shimono.

Compared to Takeda Hojo, Uesugi Kenshin may be the easiest one.Because the status of the Utsunomiya family in Shimono Province is far inferior to that of the Satake family in Hitachi Province, and the Satomi family is in Boso Peninsula.

The Utsunomiya family had nothing to do against the powerful martial arts families in Shimono country, and the Oyama family even competed with the Utsunomiya family on their own without showing any signs of weakness.

The Sano family has taken refuge with the Uesugi family, and the door to Sano's leadership has been opened early.

This rebellion of the Oriental People is the last effort of the Utsunomiya family. Since the rebellion has failed, why should the Utsunomiya family still struggle?

Lie down and let the grass grow.

The three powerful feudal lords of the Kanto Palace have regarded the people of the East as fat and will not stop eating them. The more Yoshigami thinks about it, the more he gets a headache, and he looks at Takeda Shingen without saying a word.

Takeda Shingen smiled slightly and asked.

"What is the saint thinking?"

Yi Yin sighed.

"You clearly know that the people of the East will not take the initiative to repay the loans provided by their counterparts, nor will they be willing to give up their territory easily.

But now you are so complacent and regard them as fish on the chopping block and meat in the bowl. Where do you get the confidence from? "

Takeda Shingen sighed.

"I know clearly that these villains are dishonest, but I have to compromise. Isn't it because I want to share the saint's worries? Why does the saint doubt me?"

Yoshigami looked helplessly at the naughty Takeda Shingen. He had no choice but to work with Ni Ni and force the Kantō shrines headed by the three powerful clans to compromise.

But now, he saw that the three powerful vassals were as stable as a mountain, but he was murmuring in his heart. He wondered what the trump card of the three powerful vassals was for their calmness.
Yoshigan didn't dare to ask about Kenshin Uesugi's bad temper.

The politics of the Hojo clan is not easy internally, and it is even more difficult externally to deal with Satomi Yoshiyao, an old fox. Yoshihiro is too embarrassed to criticize pregnant women anymore.

In the end, Yoshigami had no choice but to bully Takeda Shingen to get her to talk.

It's funny to say that because Takeda Shingen was responsible for the original sin of humiliating the saint, she had to stand on the front line with Yoshigan to save the family business, so she instead became Yoshigan's iron ally among the three powerful clans.

Yoshigan hopes that Takeda Shingen can answer his doubts, but Takeda Shingen is unwilling to tell Yoshigan that the fire that the people in blue are expanding to launch a self-purification movement was started by the three powerful clans.

This is the trump card of the three powerful vassals against the people of the East. Once Yiyin knows about it in advance, if he thinks it is inappropriate and stops it, all the arrangements will be in vain.

Takeda Shingen looked back at Yoshigage's curious eyes and smiled slightly.

"Saint, you can't bully me because I love you.

The three powerful vassals are all in the same spirit. If I betray my brothers-in-law today, how will I face them in the future?You don’t want the various divine families to have secret discord, leaving hidden dangers for the future, right?
You can rest assured that we will develop peacefully in the circle you have designated and uphold the righteousness of peace in Kanto. "

When Takeda Shingen said this, Yoshigami couldn't ask any more questions and could only shake his head with a wry smile.

Brothers-in-law?Sisterhood fluttering on a jill?How should Yoshigami respond to Takeda Shingen's words?

Yiyin attaches great importance to the harmony of the divine descendants' families above all else. The most taboo thing is to cause trouble and cause the wall to collapse and the blade to turn inward.

Takeda Shingen was right. If she really said it, Hojo Umasa and Uesugi Kenshin would definitely hate her if they found out about it in the future, and they would regard the Takeda family as untrustworthy.

In order to know how the three powerful vassals deal with the people of the East, it is indeed not worth the gain to create irreparable rifts between the Shiba Goddess families.

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