different warring states of japan

Chapter 1790 Hideyoshi the Bald Rat’s Laughter

This summer, under the peace in Kanto, there is a surging undercurrent, and the confrontation between the Uesugi and Oda families on Hokuriku Road continues to be stalemate.

Sakuma Nobumori of the Oda family led the Three Kingdoms and a half army and sent troops aggressively to besiege Ishiyama Honganji Temple.

But whether it was Master Xianru who was trapped in Shishan or Sakuma Nobumori who was besieged in Shishan, both of them were filled with despair.

Having been cut off from foreign aid, Master Xianru didn't know how long she could hold on, while Sakuma Nobumori, who was pushed by Oda Nobunaga with a stopwatch, knew very well that she probably wouldn't be able to pass this level.

We have seen many battles between the two armies, but it is rare that the top officers of both sides fell into despair at the same time.

The territory of the Izumi-Hosokawa family is located on the outskirts of the battlefield at Ishiyama, and Hosokawa Fujitaka holds Sakai Port on the edge of Ishiyama.

At this time, Hosokawa Fujitaka should have stayed there and paid attention to changes in the battlefield, but she suddenly came to Fushimi Castle south of Kyoto and met with Akechi Mitsuhide.

Fushimi Toba was originally the gateway to the south of Kyoto, and now Fushimi Castle has become a political platform for communication between the Shiba and Oda families, with a higher status.

Although Mitsuhide Akechi does not have the title of castle guard, both Yoshihiro Shiba and Nobunaga Oda prefer her to handle the cooperation between the two companies.

Therefore, the Shiba Army and Oda people in Fushimi Castle were all accustomed to being dispatched by Mitsuhide Akechi, who was more like a castle guard than a castle guard.

It was a hot summer day, but I don’t know where Akechi Mitsuhide got the ice cubes from, and they were piled in the four corners of the teahouse, bringing out the slightest bit of coolness.

After Akechi Mitsuhide and Hosokawa Fujitaka watched the tea performers, they dismissed the people around and chatted alone.

The temperature in the tea room with the sliding doors closed on all sides was suitable. Hosokawa Fujitaka sat on the table and stretched out his hand to touch the ice cubes, feeling the coolness in them, and smiled.

"You are getting better and better at enjoying it. I have only seen such a luxurious ice room at Takata Harano's place in Sakai Port.

Did you know that the entire area around the Shinsengumi's temporary stronghold has been bought by Takada Harano and turned into a garden beauty academy?

Looking from a distance from Sakai Port Customs, I can see the wealth and wealth created by piles of money, which makes me envious. "

Akechi Mitsuhide smoothed his hair and said.

“The copper smell in Sakai Port is too strong, and it is rich but not expensive.

If you like ice houses, just buy some ice. Sakai Port has all kinds of goods, are you worried that you won’t be able to enjoy it? "

Hosokawa Fujitaka sighed.

"How can I not be as majestic as you? I am sitting in Fushimi Castle, coordinating the Shiba and Oda families. How many people ask for your help, and all the gold and silver are moved to you. Of course you live a comfortable life.

I am different.

Izumi Province and Shikoku are across the sea. The people of Kii Province in the south are not at peace, Ishiyama is at war in the north, and Sakai Port is a place where demons are dancing.

Kitakawachi has the new leader of the Oda family of Settsu Province on the top, and Minamigouchi Hatakeyama Takamasa on the bottom is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and there is still Miyoshi Yoshitsugi pretending to be a grandson in his belly.

I have to keep one eye open at night. Who knows when I wake up in the morning, my family fortune will be gone in an instant.

With such a tight-knit attitude, no amount of money in food supplies can fill the gaping hole in military expenditures, so there is no money left to enjoy life. "

Akechi Mitsuhide covered his mouth and giggled, leaning forward and backward as he listened to Hosokawa Fujitaka complaining about his misery.

"Don't do this. With the saint here, who would dare to have evil thoughts about the Izumi-Hosokawa family? But you are right about one thing. I really rely on everyone's help in my good life.

You help me, I'll help you, that's right.

You see, the ice in this room was brought from the castle town of Kyoto by Hideyoshi Hashiba at a high price.

This guy is also brave. He just made a big mistake in Hokurikudo and was ordered by His Majesty Oda to shut up and think about his mistakes for a few days. Now he is starting to camp around again, hoping to go to the Western Kingdom to make up for his mistakes.

Isn't it interesting? The Oda family hasn't captured Ishiyama yet, but His Highness Oda's subordinates have already set their sights on the Western Kingdom. "

Hosokawa Fujitaka sneered.

"Greed is enough to swallow the elephant. I think the Oda family is so restless, and there will be a big trouble sooner or later. It is said that Hideyoshi Hashiba can't even take care of his own backyard. His husband wrote to His Highness Oda, accusing her of neglecting his original wife, and was even beaten by Oda. His Highness wrote a reply and was demoted as a bald rat and became the laughing stock of Kinki."

Akechi Mitsuhide waved his hand.

"Hashiba Hideyoshi's first wife, Ning Jun, was from the samurai family, and her status as a samurai warrior came from her marriage to her husband's family.

Many of the close confidants of the Hashiba family, the Wu family, were relatives of the husband's family brought up by Ning Jun. How could Hideyoshi, a sociable person like Hideyoshi, destroy the Great Wall and disrespect his husband Ning Jun?

The so-called discord between husband and wife is mostly just rumors from outside.His Highness Oda also had a bad taste, so he got involved and gave Hideyoshi the nickname Bald Rat to embarrass Hideyoshi. "

Hosokawa Fujitaka joked.

"It's hard to say. What if Yu Chai-sama is incompetent in bed and can't satisfy her husband, leaving her husband withered in the boudoir and feeling resentful?"

Although Fujitaka Hosokawa's joke is absurd, it is not far from the truth.

It's not that Hashiba Hideyoshi is not good, but that she has a saint hidden in her heart. She has long lost interest in her first wife. Coupled with her busy schedule and years of neglect, this has led to deep resentment.

But Hideyoshi Hashiba was born as a servant, and many of her family's distinguished ministers were related to Ning Jun. It was hard for her to really offend Ning Jun, so she could only keep things quiet.

Only then did Oda Nobunaga write a letter to comfort Ningjun and call Hashiba Hideyoshi a bald rat, which made the Kinki samurai laugh after dinner.

Lord Akechi pointed at Hosokawa Fujitaka and cursed with a smile.

"There are times when you are so sarcastic. How did Hideyoshi Hashiba offend you?"

Hosokawa Fujitaka shook his head and said.

"I can't say what's wrong. I always feel that this person has an impure mind and it's uncomfortable to watch."

Akechi Mitsuhide shook his head.

"You and her have nothing to do with each other, so why bother with her business.

As for whether the Oda family will be in chaos in the future, we don’t know yet.But now I have witnessed His Highness Oda’s generosity first.

Settsu State was conquered without a fight, and His Majesty Oda rewarded him for his merits. My outstanding diplomacy was the first one, and Niwa Nagahide's logistical strength was the second.

Therefore, His Highness Oda has decided to hand over Tango Kingdom to me and Wakasa Kingdom to Niwa Nagahide. "

Hosokawa Fujitaka frowned.

"His Majesty Oda regards the two territories as his own property and gives them to each other privately. Is this appropriate?

Even if the shogunate is left with only an empty frame, it won't be Oda-sama's turn to make any decisions. You should at least ask the saint about his intentions in this matter. "

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"I dare to make it clear to you here, naturally the joints have been opened.

Fushimijo has already sent a letter to Kanto. The saint has no objection, but I am in a dilemma.

Although the country of Tango belongs to me in name, I still have to take it myself, but you also know that I don’t have much territorial strength.

No matter how small Tango Kingdom is, it only has 11 koku. The Isshiki family has been running Tango Kingdom for nearly 200 years and has integrated with the local samurai family.

If you ask me to fight, I won't be able to defeat him.

Therefore, I would like to ask you to send troops to help. After that, the five counties of Tango Kingdom will be divided between me and you.

what do you think? "

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