different warring states of japan

Chapter 1802: Using a woman’s self-respect to force her into the palace

Hojo Genan stood up first, followed closely by Daidoji Morimasa. A group of people were waiting outside the screen in the inner room, only to hear Ono yelling inside.

"Congratulations to your highness, congratulations to your highness, it's a girl, your little highness!"

Hojo Gen'an and Daidoji Morimasa looked at each other, and both saw joy in each other's eyes.

Behind the screen, Hojo Umasa seemed to have calmed down and said weakly.

"Bring...bring the child over and show it to me."


Outside the screen, Hojo Genan's eyes widened. She seemed to want to see the child through the screen, the divine baby girl who would ensure the prosperity of the Hojo family for generations.

At this moment, Hojo Umasa's feeble voice came from the screen.

"Is that the boss of Daodao Temple outside?"

Daodeji Shengchang quickly bowed and answered.

"My lord, Lord Hojo Genan is also here, and all the retainers from Kawagoe Castle are here."

Hojo Ushimasa asked.

"My aunt is here too. Where is the saint?"

Daidaiji Morimasa looked at Hojo Genan, who took over the conversation and bowed slightly.

"The saint has not returned from Edo Castle yet, but we have sent envoys there. I believe the saint will come to see you soon."

Hojo Umasa seemed a little disappointed.

"It's a pity...it's a pity that he wasn't here and didn't see our child right away...It's such a pity...

Great aunt. "

"Hi, I'm here."

"Is Mouri Kehiro not dead yet?"

Hojo Genan's eyes widened. She didn't expect that Hojo Ushimasa had just given birth to a divine descendant, and within a few words, he began to pressure the senior officials to force him into the palace.

Mouri Kagehiro was originally a courtier of Uesugi Kenshin, and his mother Hojo Takahiro was the lord of Hojo Castle in the Kashiwazaki Plain of Echigo Kingdom.

The Hojo family of Echigo Province is not a Hojo family. Its lineage comes from Oe Hiromoto, an important minister of the Kamakura shogunate. She is also the common ancestor of the Maori family of Aki Province and the Hojo family of Echigo Province.

Seven years ago, Uesugi Kenshin went to Luo to seek the support of the shogunate and wanted to inherit the Yamauchi Uesugi family and the leadership of Kanto. Then she met Shiba Yigen in Kyoto. From then on, the two swords joined forces and became powerful in Kanto.

The samurai family who opposed Uesugi Kenshin in Echigo were bewitched by Takeda Shingen and took advantage of the opportunity when Uesugi Kenshin left Echigo to launch a rebellion covering most of Echigo.

Following Uesugi Kenshin to Kanto, Yoshigan Shiba, who had just arrived in your country, also established his prestige in Kanto for the first time by putting down the rebellion.

At that time, the person who was pulled out by Yoshigan Shiba to scare the monkeys was Hojo Takahiro.

Yoshigan Shiba killed Takahiro Hojo and forced the Hojo family in Echigo Province to change their name back to Maori Miao, which was deeply hated by Kagehiro Mori.

Therefore, Mouri Kehiro fabricated lies during the battle of Kawanakajima, causing Yoshihiro Shiba to be exiled. He was eventually captured by Takeda Shingen, imprisoned in Yantian City and forcibly humiliated.

After Uesugi Kenshin knew about this matter, she had always wanted to kill Mouri Kehiro, but due to Mouri Kehiro's leadership position among the Kashiwazaki people, she could only hold back for the time being.During the Kanto Campaign, Uesugi Kenshin transferred Mouri Kagehiro out of Echigo Country and placed her in Ueno Country's Amabashi Castle. Behind the seemingly important role was to separate her from the Kashiwazaki people, and she was secretly murderous.

Mouri Kagehiro knew that Uesugi Kenshin would not let him go, so he rebelled when Uesugi Kenshin was conquering the General Kingdom. As a result, Uesugi Kenshin defeated the General Kingdom and Hojo Ujiyasu took the opportunity to make a comeback.

Yoshihiro Shiba returned to Kanto, wiped the butt of Uesugi Kenshin's total defeat, reorganized the Kanto strategy, changed martial arts to civil struggle, and embarked on Shiba's new ideological line of peaceful development.

Mouri Kagehiro fled to the territory of the Hojo family and has been protected by the Hojo family ever since.

But there is no airtight wall in the world. With Takeda Shingen revealing the origin of his daughter, the past of Yantian City is no longer a secret.

Even if Uesugi Kenshin silenced Irobu Minami, it was only blocked for a while, and the relevant news finally came out through other channels.

Mouri Kehiro assassinated the saint in the Battle of Kawanakajima and betrayed his master in Mabashi Castle. He was already the most disloyal and unjust villain in Kanto.

But when the Hojo family instigated Mouri Kagehiro's rebellion, they naturally wanted to protect her safety. If she was used as a footcloth and thrown away after use, who would dare to easily join the Hojo family in the future?
For the sake of the credibility of the Hojo family, Hojo Ujiyasu rejected Uesugi Kenshin's requests several times while he was alive, and always protected Mouri Kagehiro.

After the death of Hojo Ujiyasu, the Hojo retainers group continued to implement the practices of their ancestors.Even if the Hojo family gradually got closer to the Kanto Palace and reconciled with the Uesugi family, they did not betray Mouri Kagehiro.

But after Hojo Ushimasa and the saint slept together, the nature of the incident completely changed.

The death of Mouri Kagehiro, a political leader of the Hojo clan, was due to her infinite love and affection for the saint, and she could not bear the evil that Mouri Kagehiro, a traitor, had done to the saint.

As his belly grew bigger and bigger, the Hojo clan became more and more powerful within the Hojo family.

Especially after the rebellion of the people in the east was put down, the young Hojo faction was completely convinced by the saint and fully fell in love with Hojo Ushimasa, the mother of the divine descendants.

The noble veterans have gradually been unable to withstand Hojo Ushimasa's power-seizing offensive, and at the moment when their daughter was born, Hojo Ushimasa once again took advantage of the dignity of the divine descendant and once again stepped on the bottom line of the veterans.

The death of Mouri Kagehiro, a political leader of the Hojo clan, was not only to vent ill will for the saint, but also to erase the influence of his late mother, Hojo Ujiyasu, and truly bring the Hojo family under his control.

Hojo Genan did not expect that the Hojo clan would choose to attack the senior ministers when he was at his weakest after giving birth.

But Hojo Umasa in the room knew exactly what she was doing. She was completely exhausted, her body was stained with sweat as if she had been soaked in water, and she could not exert herself at all.

When Po Wen held her daughter in front of her, she looked at the child's unopened skin, which looked like a little monkey.

Hojo Umasa frowned in disgust at first, and then was overwhelmed by the infinite maternal love in his heart, overwhelming all other emotions.

She was more certain than ever before that the daughter in front of her who looked like a little monkey would be her biggest concern for the rest of her life.

Hojo Umasa's eyes were always staring at his daughter, and the corners of his mouth could not help but turn up, and his heart felt peaceful.

I will no longer compromise with the retainers. From now on, the Hojo family has only one route, and that is the road of the Shiba Goddess.

Any hesitant thoughts, any hesitant behavior, are unjust to the saint and unfaithful to my daughter. She deserves to die!
Hojo Umasa's eyes were fixed on his daughter, and his voice was so soft that it was ethereal.

"Let Maori Jinghiro show respect for herself. If she refuses to show respect, help her show respect."

Outside the screen, Hojo Genan squinted his eyes and stared at the screen for a long time before finally bowing.

"I will obey the order of the family governor. I believe that Mouri Kagehiro is a decent person and will not embarrass the Hojo family."

Hojo Umasa showed a victorious smile and closed his eyes in exhaustion.

From today on, the Hojo family belongs to me, and even more so to my daughter.

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