different warring states of japan

Chapter 1917: Possessing six armors and having murderous intentions since then

Chapter 1917: Possessing murderous intention in Rokko

Yiyin's face was burning. He had underestimated Mitsuhide Akechi after all. He didn't expect that the sinister and vicious man who always looked elegant and gentle would have the courage and courage to walk from behind the scenes to the stage.

Fujibayashi Mukuro, who completed the task according to Akechi Mitsuhide's words and put all the responsibility on Akechi Mitsuhide and Momochi Santao, was already covered in cold sweat.

She worked hard and crossed the Tokaido in only ten days, bringing the news from Kyoto to Edo Castle. If Akechi Mitsuhide really succeeded, then Oda Nobunaga would be a dead man at this moment.

At this moment, Fujibayashi Mukuro recalled the scene before departure, still vividly in his mind.

Momochi Santao, the enemy who killed his mother and sister, is dead, and Oda Nobunaga, the trendy girl from the Warring States Period who made waves. . Is she dead too?


Ten days ago, Fushi was outside the city.

Momochi Santao, who was pinned under the white flag of Genji, stared angrily, desperately trying to raise his head to look at Akechi Mitsuhide in the distance.

I have been hunting geese all day long, but today I was blinded by geese pecks.

The third Taifu of Momochi was cunning and cunning. In the end, Mitsuhide Akechi was unreasonable and forcibly captured him in the military camp. He was so tall that he didn't even have the chance to use it. He was really unwilling to die.

The executioner behind him, Ji Samurai, had already unsheathed his sword, and the cold light pierced the back of Baiji Santafu. She opened her eyes wide and shouted at Akechi Mitsuhide in the distance.

"Akechi Mitsuhide, you killed innocent people indiscriminately and harmed loyal people. You will not die a good death, you will not die a good death!"

In the distance, Akechi Mitsuhide's delivery date was approaching. At this moment, he was enduring the discomfort and talking to Fujibayashi Mukuro. Hearing the wail of Momochi Santao before his death, he couldn't help laughing.

"Zhongliang? The Third Taifu of Baidi dares to call himself Zhongliang. This world is really eye-opening."

As he spoke, there was a flash of sword light in the distance, and a human head shot up into the sky. Blood splashed onto the white flag, spurting out a trail of blood that looked like splashing ink.

The head seemed to be pulled by the power of fate, and rolled all the way to Akechi Mitsuhide's eyes. The dead eyes of the third wife of Momochi were still staring at Akechi Mitsuhide.

The smell of blood passed through Akechi Mitsuhide's nose, his stomach was churning, and he couldn't help but bow his head and retching.

Fujibayashi carefully stepped forward to support her and whispered.

"Sir, your body..."

Akechi Mitsuhide pushed Fujibayashi away and said coldly.

"I'm fine. Warrior Ji is in strong health. Except for the three days before and after the birth, I haven't heard of anyone delaying business due to pregnancy.

You don't have to worry about me. Bai Di San Taifu is dead, and it's time for you to go to Kanto.

Remember, you owe me. "

Fujibayashi Muku naturally knew that Akechi Mitsuhide was trying to hold on. The saint's divine seed was unusual, and all mothers of divine descendants would suffer from this pregnancy. This was something that all the martial arts families in the world knew.

Akechi Mitsuhide also took advantage of the pregnancy weakness of the mothers of various gods in Kinki to create a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and wanted to kill Oda Nobunaga in one fell swoop.

Now that the arrow is on the string, it has to be fired. Not to mention being unwell, even if the child is unfortunately dead, Akechi Mitsuhide must persist to the end.

In order to kill Oda Nobunaga, Akechi Mitsuhide would rather risk the miscarriage of the divine descendant. This obsession and ruthlessness made Fujibayashi, who had a blood feud with his mother and sister, shudder.

Fujibayashi did not dare to say anything more, so he simply turned around and disappeared outside the camp.

Akechi Mitsuhide stared back at the dead-eyed Momochi Satafu, suppressed the discomfort in his stomach, raised his kick and kicked the head away, and said coldly.

"If you want to blame it, blame yourself for being stupid."

After waiting for a long time, thinking that Fujibayashi Muku had escaped from the camp, Akechi Mitsuhide gave the order.

"Here comes Fujibayashi Mukuro who left the team without authorization and has evil intentions. Mononomiban is sent out of the camp to hunt him down."

"Hi!" Monomi was good at detectives, how could he catch Jonin Fujirimuku? Akechi Mitsuhide gave Fujirimuku a reason to decently cut off his responsibilities.

Akechi Mitsuhide knew best in his heart that after today's changes, the saint must be very angry with him.

Nothing can be done over and over again.

Akechi Mitsuhide's conspiracy to kill Ashikaga Yoshiteru back then had already made the saint have a grudge against her, and he had been using her carefully and being wary of her in recent years.

Today, Akechi Mitsuhide once again attacked Oda Nobunaga, challenging the saint's bottom line for the second time.

Political conspiracy is never something that can be promoted, and light and darkness are distinct.

The saint walked the road of sunshine. Akechi Mitsuhide was willing to stay in the dark place where the sun could not shine, pulling out weeds and rocks for the saint.

Akechi Mitsuhide doesn't need a saint to understand her or sympathize with her, but as an excellent white glove, Akechi Mitsuhide needs to leave enough backup.

After the death of Oda Nobunaga, even if Akechi Mitsuhide does not die, his power will be stripped away by the saint, so her confidence to continue to influence Kinki is the handle.

Fujibayashi is a smart person, Akechi Mitsuhide will not destroy her, but will help her, just to leave this handle so that he can use her more in the future.

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled slightly, put Fujibayashi's little thing behind him, and looked to the north.

Kyoto, here I come. Oda Nobunaga, here I come.

Today, there must be a result between you and me, and I have been waiting for this result for too long.

Recall what Oda Nobunaga once did to the saint. . She took away the saint's first time and profoundly changed his life. .

A noble young man fell into troubled times, sold his body, and rebounded in the most humiliating way, achieving the revival of the Sibo family.

Thinking that Yoshigoshi Shiba had been tossing and turning between the beds of various women over the years, it was the first evil act of Oda Nobunaga that led to him giving up on himself, Akechi Mitsuhide's fist became hardened.

Oda Nobunaga, your retribution has come.

Akechi Mitsuhide held his round belly, straightened his spine, and ordered loudly.

"Go to Luo and enter the capital, the enemy is at Honnoji Temple!"


In Kyoto, there is a quiet room in the Tiantai Sect's annex.

Master Tianhai, a master of the Tiantai Sect, was chanting sutras indoors. The sliding door of the quiet room was opened. Mitsuhide Akechi carefully stepped onto the tatami with his stomach raised, holding his waist with one hand.

Master Tianhai glanced at Akechi Mitsuhide's abdomen, and he couldn't help but sigh at Akechi Mitsuhide's ferocity.

Oda Nobunaga would never have thought that Mitsuhide Akechi would attack at this time, so he would easily come to Kyoto and step into Mitsuhide Akechi's trap.

Women who have given birth to an avatar are well aware of the hardships before and after the avatar is born. This kind of torture during pregnancy is a weakness that outsiders cannot understand.

Oda Nobunaga thought that Mitsuhide Akechi was in the final stage of prepartum and relaxed his vigilance towards Mitsuhide Akechi, but he didn't want to. . Akechi Mitsuhide took Oda Nobunaga by surprise and blocked him in Kyoto.

Miyoshi Kamiro killed his ancestors, and the Shiba Oda family supported Ashikaga Yoshiaki Kamiro and succeeded him as Ashikaga Shogun.

Since then, Kyoto has been experiencing constant political turmoil, with the three Asholispo and Oda families competing at the center of the shogunate.

Ashikaga took action first, while Oda watched and tried to squeeze Shiba. As a result, Takada Yukino went off alone and launched Tenshu to massacre the shogunate samurai.

When Shiba chose to voluntarily withdraw from Kyoto and bide his time, the Ashikaga-Oda rebellion broke out, Sakamoto Castle was taken away by Oda, and Ashikaga, who lacked force, could only be suppressed by Oda.

(End of this chapter)

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