different warring states of japan

Chapter 1953 Kuroda Takaka offers advice

Chapter 1953 Kuroda Takaka offers advice

Matsunagamichi complimented him without doubting his presence.

"The deep love between adults is really enviable."

Hideyoshi Hashiba smiled and raised his glass to see off the guests.

"I still have to write a letter to my wife for peace of mind. As a man, oh, it's really troublesome."

So Matsunaga was very sensible and bowed to say goodbye.

When she walked away, Hashiba Hideyoshi's face immediately darkened, he handed the letter in his hand to Kuroda Takaka who was sitting next to him, and said.

"The letter I wrote to Shoryuji Castle did not move Hosokawa Fujitaka. She still chose to stand with Akechi Mitsuhide, no, it should be said that she fully supported Akechi Mitsuhide.

The Izumi Hosokawa family has been fully mobilized, and the Hosokawa army south of the Yodogawa River is about to move. Ikeda Tsuneki cannot hold it back. I hope I can get rid of Akechi Mitsuhide as soon as possible. "

Kuroda Takagao finished scanning the letter and said calmly.

"The interests of Hosokawa Fujitaka and Akechi Mitsuhide are too deeply entangled. You should not have had any illusions about Hosokawa Fujitaka in the first place."

Hideyoshi Hashiba sighed.

"The Izumi-Hosokawa family can stand firm in the shogunate politics and have the ability to judge the situation. I originally thought that all it takes is to understand and use it to benefit, and Hosokawa Fujitaka will definitely be tempted to rebel.

It's a pity, it's a pity, if it weren't for the existence of the saint, how could Hosokawa Fujitaka be so reluctant to let go of Akechi Mitsuhide? "

Kuroda Takaka said calmly.

"When Hosokawa Fujitaka makes a move, the Kyoto shogunate will look on with cold eyes, and their thoughts of sitting back and watching Mitsuhide Akechi die in the battle will be shaken. The battle of Yamazaki will be difficult.

Akechi Mitsuhide's foolish move to garrison Yamazaki turned out to be a bad move. She trusted Matsunagahide and Hosokawa Fujitaka too much behind her.

Matsunagahide fought back, but fortunately Hosokawa Fujitaka did not betray her trust, otherwise she would have been defeated miserably by Yamazaki. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi shook his head and said nothing. The rash person mentioned by Kuroda Takataka was not just Akechi Mitsuhide.

The fruit of victory over Yamazaki was too sweet. Even after Kuroda Takataka warned him several times, Hashiba Hideyoshi couldn't help but want to win the battle. He led his troops to rush into the Yodogawa River and outflank Mitsuhide Akechi's retreat.

Today, Hosokawa Fujitaka is not tempted and firmly stands on the side of Akechi Mitsuhide. The Hosokawa army stationed in Katsura River is enough to protect Akechi Mitsuhide's retreat.

By the time the Kyoto shogunate came to their senses, the Yamazaki battle planned by Hideyoshi Hashiba to decide the outcome was a complete failure.

Since the plan was no longer feasible, Hideyoshi Hashiba did not hesitate and simply said.

"Kuroda-hime, I am impatient this time. Do you have a way to save the situation for me?"

Kuroda Takataka glanced at Hideyoshi Hashiba, and saw that his master looked sincere and showed no embarrassment about his face. He was indeed a strong-willed man who could take things in hand and put them down.

In fact, before sending troops, Kuroda Takataka felt that the probability of success was very low, so he gave several warnings. It was only Hideyoshi's greed and lard that blinded him, and he ended up in a dilemma.

Kuroda Takataka's future is now tied to the Hashiba family's chariot. Naturally, he has secretly thought of countermeasures. Let Hideyoshi hit a wall, but it will give him a chance to use his talents.

Narrowing his eyes, Kuroda Takaka said.

"Although Akechi Mitsuhide made mistakes, she was pregnant with a divine seed for a saint, and there is still an orphan of His Highness Oda's divine descendant in Kyoto.

You are determined to kill Akechi Mitsuhide, and you will welcome Oda's descendant to Luo Kyoto. It would be best if things come true, but after all, this is an infringement on the majesty of the saint.

No matter how profit-driven the people in the Kyoto shogunate are, they dare not let you succeed easily. With Hosokawa Fujitaka jumping out to take the lead, this road is destined to be unreachable.

I have two good and strange strategies here, which I would like to offer to the Lord. "

Hideyoshi Hashiba nodded.

"You said."

“There is a saying in the art of war: before victory is calculated, defeat must be calculated first.

Akechi Mitsuhide's position has been stabilized, but there is a problem with the Yodogawa waterway behind us.

Our army can return to Settsu Province first and wait for Lord Niwa Nagahide and His Royal Highness Kitahata Shinpaku to form the Shikoku Legion, so that everyone can unite together and then make plans.

The Izumi-Hosokawa family on the southern front saw that our two armies were joining forces and would not dare to act rashly. This was the right strategy. "Hashiba Hideyoshi took a deep look at Kuroda Takataka. This disfigured and crippled young warrior Hime seemed to be serious, but in fact he was very thoughtful.

She knew clearly that Hashiba Hideyoshi would never choose this so-called right strategy, but she said it first.

Hashiba Hideyoshi is scrambling for time now.

On the one hand, they want to get ahead of Shibata Katsuie in Hokuriku, and on the other hand, they want to get ahead of Niwa Nagahide of Shikoku, so as to get the political chips to avenge the former lord.

If he turns back and waits for Niwa Nagahide to join the Shikoku Army, what initiative does Hideyoshi Hashiba have?

How can the prestige of Niwa Nagahide and Shibata Katsuie in the Oda family be matched by Hideyoshi Hashiba, a younger generation?

Even the word "Miao" Hideyoshi got it from the two of them with a shy face.

In order to compete for the inheritance after Oda Nobunaga's death, Hashiba Hideyoshi must obtain enough political chips to dominate the distribution of interests after the war, otherwise she is destined to be marginalized.

Kuroda Takaka knew this and used the first strategy to stimulate Hashiba Hideyoshi, just to make Hashiba Hideyoshi take the risk of using her second strategy.

Hideyoshi Hashiba really doesn't like this kind of little idea that even the master has to calculate.

Takenaka Shigeharu was also very intelligent back then, but she would never use such small tricks on Hashiba Hideyoshi, and she was more upright and sincere.

Thinking of Takenaka Shigeharu, Hashiba Hideyoshi felt pain in his heart again.

Takenaka Shigeharu persuaded her to give up her love for the saint, which further strengthened Hideyoshi's desire to conquer the world.

I have given up the love of my heart, so I must get enough compensation, I must win the world!

Under this twisted compensation mentality, when Hashiba Hideyoshi heard Kuroda Takataka mention the physical relationship between the saint and Oda Akechi, he felt mixed emotions in his heart at that moment, and he felt indescribably uncomfortable.

And the cleverness that Kuroda Takataka was showing off at this moment made Hideyoshi even more disgusted.

Of course, Hashiba Hideyoshi is a person who does big things. Now that she needs Kuroda Takaka, she will naturally hide her emotions tightly.

Hideyoshi Hashiba smiled.

“Sun Tzu’s Art of War says that in all battles, the most effective way to achieve victory is through the right combination.

Kuroda-hime's main strategy is sound, but it is not the way to win. Let's talk about the clever strategy. "

Kuroda Takaka bowed slightly and said coldly.

“The Shiba Divine Descendants have a superb status, Akechi Mitsuhide and Oda’s orphans are both Divine Descendants, and they are not easy to mess with in the first place.

Since the opportunity has passed in a flash, it is better to go with the flow and make other choices. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi asked in a deep voice.

"What's the plan?"

Kuroda Takagao looked at Yodo City in the distance and said coldly.

"I heard that Mitsuhide Akechi was behind the scenes when Miyoshi went to Luo and killed the previous generals, and Matsunaga Hide was also involved.

Over the years, Matsunagahide has followed Mitsuhide Akechi's words, not because the two have an irreversible relationship and their friendship lasts forever, but because of the coercion of Mitsuhide Akechi.

Therefore, this time Matsunagahide wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife, and use his master's knife to shut up Akechi Mitsuhide forever.

This disloyal and unjust person deserves to be punished. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi was frowning and chewing on the meaning of his words, when Kuroda Takataka said again.

“I heard that His Highness Oda’s visit to Luo this time was prompted by the friendly Saito Nō-kun.

No-kun and Akechi Mitsuhide are cousins. He has said a lot of good things to Akechi Mitsuhide over the years, and this time he even helped Akechi Mitsuhide kill His Highness Oda.

As a righteous member of the samurai family and a retainer of Oda, how can I allow these evil gangs who have harmed our ancestors and killed my lord to roam free?

Akechi Mitsuhide has his own saintly judgment, but Matsuhisa Hide, Saito Nogo-kun is not a descendant of the gods. Such villains and bandits can be killed by everyone in the world.

My lord, Yodo City is very close, and Azuchi City is not far away either. "

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