different warring states of japan

Chapter 1960 Burying the truth in history

Chapter 1960 Burying the truth in history

Xixi in the world is Lilai. The hustle and bustle of the world is all for profit.

Seeing Sanada Nobushige's prosperity, the Sanada family licked his face and came up to him. This was not a shameful thing in the eyes of the Wu family.

Just like if someone in a clan in the Celestial Dynasty becomes prosperous, they must be blessed in their hometown, otherwise they will be regarded by the world as aliens who despise etiquette and law. In the clan and township party, there will also be people who will pledge their allegiance to them and become the backbone of their confidants.

Since ancient times, those who achieve great things must unite a large number of people for their own use. The relatives and township parties are the lowest-cost human resources.

In the island country, the ecological niche is held by a single family, with generations of people. A person like Hideyoshi Hashiba, who comes from a humble background, has to rely on his wife's natal family for help, otherwise he cannot support his family business.

Sanada Nobushige's old roots are the Shino clan. This group of mountain people who believe in the mountains have a strong sense of unity and fighting will, which has supported Sanada Nobushige's great reputation.

As Sanada Nobunaga's status rose day by day, the Shino clan's cohesion around her became stronger and stronger, and even the Sanada family bowed their heads.

As long as the divine seed bred by Sanada Rin matures and comes to fruition, the Sanada family will become the fifth branch of Shiba Goddess in Kanto and the real core layer of rule.

The land of Kanto will also form a new era led by the five gods Uesugi, Takeda, Hojo, Shima, and Sanada, and supplemented by Yura, Satake, Date, and the highest secondary forces close to the Shiba family.

As for Ashikaga Yoshiji, the Kanto general who lives in Furukawa Castle, her position will become more and more embarrassing, and I don't know how she will feel.


Regardless of the new consensus on governance that is gradually gathering in Kanto, Yoshigan is currently speeding along the Tokaido with his colleagues, and his thoughts have long since flown back to Kinki.

On the way, all kinds of bad news came one after another, one by one, before Yiyin's eyes, making him more and more anxious.

Akechi Mitsuhide really killed Oda Nobunaga, but he was also injured in a tire slide. Oda Nobunaga's orphan was taken in by the Tendai Sect for shelter.

The sudden death of Oda Nobunaga seemed to arouse the consciousness of careerists within Oda.

Hashiba Hideyoshi was the first to take action, and Shibata Katsuie was not willing to lag behind. Kitahata Xinbao, who had just landed in Ishiyama, was even more impatient. The drama of power change within the Oda family had just begun.

The Oda family was in complete chaos, and the Shiba family was not at peace either.

The turmoil in Sakai Port intensified, and the food stamp crisis seemed to have crushed Takada Harano's fighting spirit.

Yiyin just wrote a letter to Yukino, asking her to advise Yangno not to be too stubborn and to cooperate with Dazo Changan to resolve the food stamp crisis.

But Yangono Yukino even wrote a letter together, admitting that the Takada family bore unshirkable responsibility for the food stamp crisis and requesting punishment.

Yangno was even more humble, feeling guilty that he was greedy for power and self-willed, and begged the saint to send someone capable to take his place.

The two Takada sisters' concession made Yiyin a little confused, just like the food stamp reform, which was originally thought to be full of resistance, suddenly lost its largest opposition force, making Yiyin feel like he was doing something wrong.

Compared with Takada Haruno's huge concessions on the food stamp system, the Takada sisters' joint request to rebuild Shintoism for the saints made Yoshigan even more confused.

What are these two girls thinking? The two people who were once familiar with each other gradually drifted apart over more than ten years, becoming increasingly difficult to figure out, which made Yiyin quite sad.

Perhaps, this is the price of power. As a saint, he has become more and more accustomed to this feeling of being in a high place.

Being studied intently by others every day, it is difficult for me to truly see anyone around me. And compared to the seemingly sensible Takada sisters, the bastard Akechi Mitsuhide gives Yoshigami a bigger headache.

Hashiba Hideyoshi raided Kamiro and almost forced Mitsuhide Akechi to death in Yamazaki. Fortunately, Hosokawa Fujitaka, a best friend, desperately rescued him, and finally pulled Akechi Mitsuhide back from the edge of death.

But perhaps, Akechi Mitsuhide himself wanted to die in the Battle of Yamazaki. With the beginning of the post-Oda era, everything is escaping from Akechi Mitsuhide's original prediction and control.

Without Oda Nobunaga's Sword of Damocles hanging above their heads, the Kinki samurai family immediately abandoned their tacit understanding with Akechi Mitsuhide.

Akechi Mitsuhide's attempt to kill Oda's orphan and split the Oda family completely failed.

Perhaps for Mitsuhide Akechi, the pain of leaving a mess for the saint far outweighed the luck of still living in this world.

Within the Shiba family, Ryomaeda is giving birth to a baby, and Nizi Yukimori is about to give birth. She is still crying and writing a letter asking the saint to kill Akechi Mitsuhide to avenge the tragic death of Nizi Katsuhisa.

Yoshigan really admires Hashiba Hideyoshi's decisiveness. This guy's self-destruction directly dragged Akechi Mitsuhide into the water, and it is very clear that Nizi Yukimori's first target must be Akechi Mitsuhide.

A traitor is always more hateful than a foreign enemy. Before killing Mitsuhide Akechi, Nizi Yukimori was too lazy to talk to Hideyoshi Hashiba.

From Yiyin's point of view, it was impossible for him to let the woman who had just lost her child pay for the life of a dead retainer.

Yiyin could never become a good ruler because he was never a cold-blooded political animal.

Yagyu Munenuki has returned from the Western Kingdom, and the truth about Nizi Katsuhisa's death has been laid on Yoshigan's desk, but Yoshigan does not dare to tell the truth, and can only light it with a wry smile and watch it burn to ashes.

The truth is not important, harmony is the most important.

Nizi Katsuhisa could only be killed by the Mori family. Hashiba Hideyoshi spread the rumor in order to make the Kinki Shiba leader stand by and watch Akechi Mitsuhide's plight. This is the only explanation that Yoshihiro can accept.

Nizi Yukimori and Akechi Mitsuhide are both Yoshigan women, and their palms and backs are full of flesh. What's more, this also involves the internal unity of the Shiba Goddess.

Therefore, even if he learned the truth from Yagyu Munenomi, Yoshigan could only bury the truth in history and turn it into dust.

Kinki was in chaos, and Oda Nobunaga and Yoshigan reached a tacit understanding, which was completely destroyed after the Honnoji Incident.

With no money in his hands and a family in turmoil, Yoshigan really didn't know how to interfere with the Oda family.

Akechi Mitsuhide is really a pig. She thought that Yoshigan could pull together the Kinki Allied Forces and the Kanto Allied Forces to bulldoze the Oda family's four million koku territory just like they did with Oda Nobunaga last time.

But the reality is that the food stamp system is in turmoil. Not only can Yi Bank not be able to spend four million stones in military expenses, it is uncertain how much food will be poured into this big hole to finish it.

His only thought now is to return to Kyoto as soon as possible to ensure that his children and women are alive and that no more family members will die.

As for the four million stone territory of the Oda family, it cannot be moved for the time being, and can only be explored slowly.

However, Yiyin, who was on his way, was pulled by his sleeve in Sanhe Country, and he explained his misery with tears and runny nose.

Tokugawa Ieyasu, who had just crossed from Sakai Port to the Kinki Shiba Territory, and then fled back to his hometown by boat from Ise Province.

When she heard that the saint was passing through the border, she was so anxious that she didn't even wash and change clothes. She stopped in front of Yiyin with a running embarrassment, and forced Yiyin to cry until her heart softened, and she could only stop to say a few words of comfort.

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