different warring states of japan

Chapter 2002: Maeda Yoshiki is forced into a corner

Chapter 2002: Maeda Yoshiki is forced into a corner

Rulers must first win over and stabilize their own base before they can rely on their base to rule the people.

History records only the princes and generals. No history will record the names of the dead people. Unless their existence shakes the country, they will leave their names.

As isolated individuals, their lives and lives are never considered by the rulers.

But Oda Siniang is not an ordinary person. She represents the fundamentals that helped Yiyin reach the top. She has seven certificates of thanks written by saints in her hand.

The reward for serving the public is the core cohesion of the martial arts group, and it is a symbol similar to the contract between the king and his subjects. Seven certificates of thanks are enough to make all the Sibo family say they are loyal.

The rulers must disintegrate the organizational power of the ruled, and more importantly, they must consolidate their own organizational power. Whether through ideas, money, or interest bundling, the essence is to protect their own fundamentals.

And Oda Siniang just represents Yoshibank's own fundamentals. If it cannot be handled properly, it may make others feel sad.

The Sibo family has not yet conquered the world. At this time, we cannot let go, we must be stable. Yiyin's image in line with the Wu family's righteousness must be firmly established.

The seven certificates of thanks represent the moral principles of the Wu family for being rewarded by the public. The whole world of martial arts is watching, watching how Yiyin, the saint who represents the traditional moral model of the martial family, will handle this matter.

The Kamo clan has seized on this point, hoping to use this to extend the hand of the Tongxin Secretariat to the Shiba Real Estate, the most important small treasury of the Shiba local samurai family.

The core of maintaining political power is finance. To put it simply, it means two things: how to collect money and how to distribute money.

In both cases, there are big problems with the Siba regime. This is why the Tongxin Secretariat, headed by Kamao clan, is very worried about Siba Real Estate and refuses to let go.

The central government cannot control local finances. Local governments have their own independent treasury. How can the central government control local finances?

In order to avoid the tendency of local separation in the future of the Shiba family, in terms of preventing the slightest inadvertence, the ideas and actions of the Kamo clan are absolutely selfless, and even Yiyin cannot directly oppose it.

Yoshigan was just worried about intensifying the conflict and hoped to take action slowly. However, reality proved Kamao clan's right again and again, forcing Yoshigan to passively follow up.

After thinking again and again, Yiyin finally sighed.

"The order is issued to warn Maeda's interests and require her to handle the matter properly."

Kamojigo said with a bow.

"Hey, in accordance with the wishes of the saint, the Tongxin Secretariat will prepare a decree to punish the Iga Maeda family for their unjust behavior of delaying the construction of pre-sale houses without authorization, and ask Lord Maeda to deal with the relevant people."

Yiyin smiled bitterly and thought to himself, I didn't say it so specifically.

However, what the Kamo family said made sense, and Yoshigami couldn't refute it, so he could only nod reluctantly and said.

"Go and draft the text. I will print it after reading it."

A gleam flashed in Kamo's eyes, and he could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart.

Although the saint had to read and revise it in the end, the content of this remonstrance could not be changed much. After it was issued, Maeda's interests could no longer hide.

Maeda interests must give Central Spoelstra a clear answer, instead of the ambiguous suspension of pre-sale houses like last time.

Kamao clan did not expect that just by stopping the construction of pre-sale housing, Oda Siniang would be the trump card that fell from the sky.

Sure enough, any pre-sale that buys first and builds later is bullshit. It is only natural to pay one hand and hand over the house.

Even profit-seeking businessmen know the simple principle of clearing the goods upon delivery. Maeda's interests took inspiration from Sakai Port Takada Haruno and figured out the pre-sale, which is simply a joke in the world.

Giving money but delaying in handing over things violates the simplest moral bottom line of ordinary people. Even the Wu family can't see it. This matter is completely unreasonable and is not just fraud.


In just three days, Aochi Shigetsuna's head was delivered to Tawen Mountain Castle.

At the same time, the Maeda interests of Ueno Castle in Iga Province also received severe instructions from the Shiba Center, requiring the Iga Maeda family to provide a reasonable explanation for the grievances of the Oda Siniang family.

In the library, Maeda Mamoru looked livid. Maeda Riku, who was sitting under her, read the order document three times and finally sighed deeply.

Kamaojigo's preemptive confession pushed the Iga-Maeda family into a corner. If the Iga-Maeda family admits that there are systemic problems at Shiba Real Estate that should be comprehensively rectified, it would be tantamount to opening the door to thieves and allowing the Tongxin Secretariat to fully intervene in all affairs of Shiba Real Estate.

Doing this would offend all the local martial arts families in Spoland. They had just invested money to start a good real estate business, but before the business started, those who collected taxes and made money came first.

The Iga-Maeda family were the first to take advantage of Shiba Real Estate and had already made a lot of money. Even if they bowed their heads and admitted defeat at this time, they would spit out part of the profits without hurting their bones.

But when Spo led the Wu family elsewhere, they were unlucky.

Those people in the Owari Shiba Territory and the Kanto Shiba Territory had just spent money to carry out large-scale construction projects. They were so hungry that they had not even picked up their chopsticks.

If the Iga-Maeda family bows their heads like this, they will definitely offend countless local colleagues, and life will not be easy in the future.

But if the Maeda interests grit their teeth and do not think there is a problem with the current Shiba real estate policy, then Maeda Toshihisa, who instigated the Maeda interests to delay the construction of pre-sale houses, must imitate Aochi Shigetsuna's seppuku.

The Wu family values ​​etiquette and equality of status.

When a saint burns seven certificates of thanks to commemorate the souls of loyal and righteous people in heaven, he must use the heads of important people to hold them.

The village of Kamao killed his aunt and the chief patriarch of the acting family governor. What card could Maeda use to follow up?

According to the principle of reciprocity, it can only be Maeda Toshihisa, Maeda's adoptive mother and chief family elder. Moreover, she is also the mastermind behind the delay in the construction of the pre-sale house.

Maeda Riku put down the paperwork, looked at his adopted daughter Maeda calmly, and said.

"Let me take the responsibility."


Maeda's eyes were red as he snatched the document of remonstrance issued by the representative saint of Kamao clan from his mother's hand and tore it into pieces.

Maeda Riku was shocked and cursed.

"Are you crazy? This is the will of the saint!"

Maeda said through gritted teeth.

"I don't care! In short, no one can touch a hair on my mother's head!"

It is said to be the principle of reciprocity, but the relationship between people is different.

Her mother, Kenhide Hamo, gave her a nickname to Shiba Yoshiyin since she was a child. She had no relationship with her aunt, Aochi Shigetsuna, so it was her mother's wish to let Aochi Shigetsuna act as housekeeper.

Aochi Shigetsuna threatened the prosperity of the Kamo family, and the Kamo clan ordered her to commit seppuku without blinking an eye, and Kamo Kenhide would not complain at all.

But Maeda's interests are different. Although Maeda Rihisa and Maeda's interests are just adoptive mother and daughter, their relationship is far better than that of ordinary mothers and daughters.

Maeda Yoshitsu was born into the Takigawa clan. Her mother died in the war and her father starved to death. It was Maeda Rikyu who adopted her and raised her with great care.

For the benefit of Maeda, Toshihisa Maeda did not even get married, and because of Oda Nobunaga's relationship, Toshiie Maeda replaced the inheritance rights of the Maeda family in Arakoko Castle.

In recent years, Maeda has been doing whatever she wants, just because she has a good mother who works hard behind the scenes to manage the territory for her and silently wipes her butt.

Not to mention the deep relationship between mother and daughter, it is just that the construction of pre-sale houses was stopped this time because Maeda’s interests misappropriated funds for education without authorization, resulting in no money to build pre-sale houses.

This incident is equivalent to Maeda Riku trying to suspend the pre-sale of houses to help Maeda's interests deal with the aftermath.

Until now, in order to prevent Maeda's interests from becoming the point of contention between the central and local governments and to be the sandwich cookie in a dilemma, Maeda Riku is willing to bear everything and commit hara-kiri.

The adoptive mother has a deep love for licking her calf. If Maeda agrees with the adoptive mother to commit seppuku, is she still a human being?

The samurai family puts family business first and everything can be sacrificed. Damn it. Maeda's interests have never been a conservative and traditional samurai family.

At this moment, Maeda said with a sneer, regardless of his mother's frightened look.

"You're a member of the Pu Sheng clan. If the tiger doesn't show off its power, you really think I'm a sick cat! I'll fight you!"

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