different warring states of japan

Chapter 2013 Maybe more than 2 stones

Chapter 2013 Maybe more than stones

Looking at Sanada Nobushige's shocked expression, Umino Riichi said calmly.

“Nowadays, the contradiction between the central and local governments in Spo continues to intensify, and the saint is helpless.

If the Sanada family can reconcile this, it will definitely make the saint happy.

If the Kamao clan is transferred away from the center and the pressure on the local samurai family is greatly reduced, they will also look at the Sanada family in a different light.

If they can allocate 200,000 koku of territory to the Kamou Clan Township, the Tongxin Secretariat will feel deeply comforted and have a good impression of the Sanada family.

This is a good thing that kills three birds with one stone. "

Sanada Nobushige smiled bitterly.

"Of course I know it's a good thing, but I can't afford this land. I can't give all of Nishi Ueno, Tobi Castle, and Shimogotsu to the Kamao Clan Township, and I'll pack up my bed and go back to the Shinano Mountains to gnaw dirt, right?"

Umino Riichi looked at Sanada Nobushige and said solemnly.

"My lord, I don't know something. During the days you stayed in the mountain stream, the people below were busy.

Our banker and the Shonai samurai family are inextricably linked. With your endorsement, our banker Shinchang has freed up his hands and feet to take over most of the Shonai area.

Except for the Sakada Minato port area, which the saint named and handed over to the Mogami family, the entire area within the estate has become the extended sphere of influence of the estate.

On the other side, Kaji Jingzuna once again sent troops to the four counties of Aizu, which was overwhelming.

If I hadn't restricted her from crossing west of Lake Inaashiro, the entire Aizu samurai family would have swallowed more than 400,000 koku. "

Sanada Nobushige gasped.

"The two of them are so brave. They are worthy of being feared by saints. Even if they are broken down into pieces, they can sweep through the village and Aizu. I underestimated them."

Sanada Nobunaga had just taken over the position of Nizi Yukimori, and was in charge of the local Shiba tribe in Shimotsu. In order to grasp the situation as soon as possible, she chose to embrace Honjo Nobunaga and add Ji Jingzuna.

The Yangbei Zhong were originally a pack of hungry wolves from Xiayue, and their reputation spread far and wide throughout the Kanto region.

Yoshigan Shiba and Kenshin Uesugi worked hard to break these unruly guys into pieces and restrain them individually.

During the reign of Nizi Yukimori, he also strictly restrained the people of this village and the people of Jiadi, and always restricted their movements.

Sanada Nobushige let go of the reins, and the two mad dogs who had been suppressed for many years escaped from the cage, and the situation on the Ou border suddenly changed drastically.

Umino Riichi said.

"It's okay for me to say that Honjo Nogecho, after all, there is a red line drawn by the saint, and you are not allowed to violate Sakata Minato.

In addition, Mogami Yoshimitsu is now very close to His Highness Uesugi, and the two families are so close that they are about to form a baby marriage, which makes Honjo Nobunaga afraid to act rashly.

Aizu is in trouble.

At the site of the Fourth Battle of Aizu, the rule of the Ashina family had already collapsed. Date Masamune and Satake Yoshige each wooed the local samurai families and launched an all-out confrontation, causing all businesses to wither away and the people's peace of mind.

Kaji Jingzuna used the name of Kanto Palace to appease the local area, but the local samurai family actually bought into it and clung to the thigh of Kanto Palace without letting go, and the whole territory was about to surrender.

This is not easy to handle. "

Sanada Nobushige frowned and kept nodding in approval.

Originally, she just wanted to win over Honjo Nobunaga, add Ji Jingzuna, and pretend to be a B in front of them, so she let them go.

Who knew that the bones of the Aizu samurai were so soft that they would just come up to him as a licking dog, which even shocked Sanada Nobushige. Aizu and Fukushima are the gateways from the Ou border area to the core area of ​​Kanto. The Aizu area is also connected to Echigo Hokuriku, making it the place where the Four World Wars were fought in the true sense.

The fighting power of the samurai family in Aizu is very strong. Sanada Nobushige really didn't expect that the Kanto Palace's current appeal would be so great, turning these vicious dogs into licking dogs in an instant.

Sanada Nobunaga didn't care whether they licked or not, but suddenly there were two hundred thousand koku or even four hundred thousand koku in his hand, which made Sanada's claws numb.

Among the four counties of Aizu is Lake Inaashiro, which is the largest inland lake in the island country. Aizu is roughly divided into east and west parts, each with about 200,000 koku.

The current situation is that all samurai families to the west of Lake Inaashiro have surrendered to the Kanto shrine represented by Kazuki Tsuna, while the samurai families to the east of Lake Inaashiro may kneel down at any time.

It was impossible for Sanada Nobushige to turn a blind eye to such a large piece of land.

Anyway, Kasuki Tsuna has Sanada Nobunshige's endorsement, so she can't be blamed for this. She can expand as much as she can. In the end, she ends up with tens of thousands of koku, which is also a big profit.

But Sanada Nobushige was different. The order she issued resulted in the four counties of Aizu being brought under the jurisdiction of the Kanto Palace, so she had to take responsibility.

But Sanada Nobushige has only been in power for a few years, so she doesn't have the background to control the new leader of 400,000 koku.

Furthermore, the area of ​​the Four Wars has always been unruly, and the Aizu samurai family is not good at it. If it is not managed well, it will eventually cause big trouble.

Also, Aizu and Fukushima are the gateways of Ou, and behind them are Yonezawa and Sendai, which were both Date Masamune's territories.

Date Masamune has now climbed onto the holy couch and surrendered to Shiba.

Sanada Nobushige's invasion is raging, and is about to expand to Yonezawa, Fukushima, and Sendai, the core of the Date family. What does this make Date Masamune think?

Those people in the Shimogoshi community did not do things lightly. If they got into trouble with the Date family and the lawsuit went to the throne of the saints, Sanada Nobushige would have no reason.

Regardless of whether she is a member of the Shimokoshi family or the Aizu family, in the final analysis, she is not a direct descendant of Sanada Nobushige. If she is toyed with by the people below, she will be laughed to death by her colleagues.

The more Sanada Nobushige thought about it, the more troubled he became. He looked at Umino Riichi pitifully, and wanted to count on his good strategist to give him an idea.

But when she saw Umino Riichi nodding calmly, she suddenly felt a hint of enlightenment in her heart and blurted out.

"Do you want to hand over the Aizu area to the Kamamo clan?"

Umino Tori nodded.

"The Kamao Clan is the chief of the Doshins, the favorite of the saint. We can't take the blame for Aizu, but she can.

Aizu is an important town in Ou, and neither Date Masamune nor Mogami Yoshimitsu are easy to deal with. Only the seniority and background of the Kamao clan can suppress the local area and stabilize the Kanto border for the Shiba family.

Isn’t the Kamao family dedicated to the public good? Then let her pacify the Ou border for the saint and contribute indispensably to the world of Shiba.

Furthermore, the enfeoffment of Aizu did not disdain the chief central officer.

We now have 200,000 koku from Nishi Aizu, and if Higashi Aizu is determined to surrender, that will be 400,000 koku.

There are also various families in the Nan'o Basin who have long been exhausted in the battle between Date Satake's family. The saint's cronies entrusted Aizu, so they naturally knew how to hold on to each other.

There are a lot of fields in the Nan'ao Basin, and the land is not bad, with 200,000 dan. . Four hundred thousand stones. . Maybe I can get eight or nine hundred thousand stones in the end.

The villagers of the Kamo clan have worked hard for the saint for so many years, and if they can get nearly one million dan in the end, it will be considered worthy of her loyalty.

For such a fertile land, the Tongxin Secretariat will not say that we have driven the Pu Sheng clan away from the center and exiled it to the frontier. Instead, they would like to thank us for arranging a retreat for the Pu Sheng clan. "

The more Sanada Nobunaga thought about it, the happier he became and laughed.

"Liu Niang has thought carefully, so let's do it!"

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