different warring states of japan

Chapter 2018 The Lord of Aizu 7 Stones

Chapter 2018 The Lord of Aizu Seven Hundred Thousand Stones

Hashiba Hideyoshi was about to become popular. As the closest person to Shiba Yigen, Kamao Clan found it unacceptable.

If due to his relationship, the Shiba family was in civil strife and had no time to take care of others, the Oda legacy was swallowed up by Hashiba Hideyoshi, creating a new powerful enemy for the Shiba family.

Pu Sheng's hometown is afraid of dying of shame.

At this time, Umino Riichi's suggestion came into her eyes, which gave Kamao clan the idea of ​​compromise.

She snuggled in Yiyin's arms, looked up at Yiyin, and spoke softly.

“Sage, I think Umino Riichi’s suggestion is good.

The issue of the Ou border has always been complicated. When Shiba Oda fought, there was also chaos there.

Now that the Shimogoshi people have invaded the Shonai and Aizu areas, if they are not handled properly, I am afraid that there will be another big problem between Honjo Kachi and Date Mogami.

Not as good as. . Just let me go. "

At the end of the story, the villager of the Kamo clan felt like he was out of breath. The thought of leaving his beloved saint and going to the frontier was like a knife piercing his heart.

But she had thought clearly early on that if things were not harmonious, she would entrust Ii Naomasa to sacrifice herself, and she had no regrets at this moment.

Now that Umino Riichi has suggested that he can do more things for the saint after leaving, Kamao Clan feels a little better.

But the more sensible she is, the more guilty Yiyin feels.

It was precisely because Yoshiyin himself was hesitant and conciliatory that the Kamao clan, who deeply admired him, was so passive.

Yiyin felt uncomfortable when he thought that the village of Pu Sheng had been following him on various expeditions since he was ten years old.

"You gave up so easily?"

Pu Shengshixiang sighed.

“I acted too hastily, and I shouldn’t have made a fuss at this time.

Hashiba Hideyoshi's army has entered Mino Country, Oda's letter may compromise at any time, Tokugawa Ieyasu has just entered Owari Country, and the situation is critical as he is unable to help.

Shibata Katsuie is dead, Ikeda Tsuneki has taken refuge in Hashiba Hideyoshi, and Niwa Nagahide is alone.

If Oda Xinbao and Tokugawa Ieyasu were also defeated and compromised, there would be no force in the Oda family to check and balance Hashiba Hideyoshi.

Fortunately, winter is about to enter, and the Hashiba Army and the Oda Tokugawa Allied Forces are still in a stalemate for the time being, at least until next spring.

The conflict between central and local governments on our side must be eased. Only by leaving the center can Maeda's interests put aside their grudges and work together to deal with Hashiba Hideyoshi and win the Oda collar for the saint. "

Yiyin looked at the village of Kamao and talked. It was obvious that she had a backup plan.

Because of Hashiba Hideyoshi's rapid progress, the Kamao clan could no longer continue to be in a stalemate with Maeda's interests. Taking a step back would open up a brighter future.

The Spo family's issue of central and local power distribution cannot be solved in a short time. This is a huge burden left by history.

The Spoel Real Estate is just a pretext. The key is that the Spo Center must take back financial power, personnel power, military power, and supervision power.

The curtain has been lifted on the Hamo clan township, and I originally wanted to take a few more steps forward, but unfortunately time does not wait for us, so I can only do this for the time being.

Yiyin understood her thoughts, sighed and asked.

"If you leave, what will happen to Tongxin Secretariat?"

Kamojigo smiled.

Sure enough, the saint also felt that Umino Riichi's suggestion was good, and he still gave it a hint.

Since the Sage family also feels good about it, the Kamo Clan has no intention of continuing to fight with Maeda's interests, she said.

"I want Naomasa to take my place. What does the saint think?"

Yiyin smiled bitterly.

"Naomasa has a strong temper. Do you want to ease the conflicts or intensify them?"

Naomasa Ii has a tough style and has always been in charge of central supervision functions.

The Kamao clan was ready to run away, but instead it helped the tougher Naomasa Ii to come to power. Can this be considered a compromise?

Kamo Shigo shook his head and said.

"By leaving the center, I have given enough face to the local forces. After all, the Tongxin Secretariat is a central organization in Spo, and represents the majesty of the saint. How can the local forces take it lightly and do whatever they want from now on?"

Naomasa took over my position, so she should be tougher. Maeda's interests are already in the wrong. If she continues to mess around after I leave, she will be living up to the saint's friendship. "

Yiyin nodded, understanding.

The departure of Kamao clan is not a unilateral concession, but a hope that both central and local governments will take a step back and jointly deal with Hashiba Hideyoshi, who is about to successfully integrate the Oda legacy.

Maeda's interests were irrelevant to begin with. If the Kamao clan retreated, she would still have trouble with her successor, Naomasa Ii. Even the Maeda Toshiie would not be able to continue to support her, let alone others.

The stalemate in the central-local conflicts is, after all, due to the kindness of the rulers, who are unwilling to stand up and deal with the situation severely.

Now that the Kamao clan is forced to leave, the saint feels guilty for her, and the local forces headed by Maeda's interests will suffer if they don't understand.

These days, no one is stupider than anyone else. Maeda naturally knows what to do. If she is really stupid, the local supporters behind her will stand with the central government to correct her.

At this time, even if Ii Naomasa's attitude is bad, as long as he doesn't go too far, the place will tolerate it.

Which is more important or less important? In fact, everyone knows it.

Yiyin looked at the indifferent face of the Kamao clan, and couldn't help but sigh.

The village of Kamousheng had already settled everything for the saint, except for its own future.

With so many thoughts in his mind, Yoshigami hugged Kamou clan tighter and tighter. If he doesn't hug him now, he doesn't know how long it will take if he wants to hug him again in the future.

Ou, that's thousands of miles away.

Yiyin thought for a while and said.

“Aizu is the gateway to Ou, and its importance is self-evident.

Your hometown is willing to go to the frontier to share my worries, and I will never let you be embarrassed in the place.

Nishi Aizu's 200,000 shi is too little. I will entrust you with 400,000 shi from the four counties of Aizu and control the Nanao basins, giving you the right to do things conveniently.

Whether it is Satake Takeda of Hitachi, Kachi Honjo of Shimotsuchi, or Mogami Date of Ou, any issue in the Nanao region must be negotiated with you and listened to your suggestions. "

Pusheng's village looked at the saint in astonishment. He was so moved that he couldn't restrain himself for a moment.

The Minami Basin is a group of mountain basins south of Aizu Fukushima and north of Hitachi Province, Shimono Province. The stone height is almost 300,000 koku.

The samurai family here originally followed Satake Yoshishige to fight against Date Masamune. Now that the Satake family wants to give up Hitachi Kingdom to the Takeda family and change the seal of Dewa Kingdom to 400,000 koku, they naturally have no interest in taking care of them anymore.

The four counties of Aizu, together with the Nanao basins, have a stone height of almost 700,000 koku. This is the southernmost part of Ou, connected to the Kanto Plain. The climate is warmer than in the north, and the agricultural yield per mu is not low.

Yiyin handed over this place to the Kamao clan village, which made her become a daimyo with 700,000 koku, and warned the powerful samurai daimyo around her, which can be said to be a great blessing.

Seven hundred thousand koku, Sanada Nobunaga has been fighting with his life for ten years. Sanada's people have come forward one after another to dare to die, and they have gained a reputation as the best soldier in the world. The core territory is only Nishi Ueno 100,000 koku.

Shima Shengmeng followed the sage to conquer the Kanto region and guard the Kanto plain. After so many years of hard work, the core territory was only a hundred thousand koku in Tomusashi and ten thousand koku in Dahu.

This time, Yiyin gave 700,000 shi to the Kaso clan township in order to tell the martial arts families all over the world that the Kabo clan village was not expelled from the center, but to assume more important responsibilities in Kanto.

Tears welled up in the eyes of Kamishojigo, holding his beloved saint in his arms and refusing to let go.

Yiyin stroked her smooth back and whispered.

"What? Do you think it's missing?"

Pu Shengshixiang shook his head fiercely.

"It's too much, the saint has given me too much, but... I still have some unreasonable thoughts in my heart.

Saint, don’t get me wrong, I’m not asking for territory, I just want it. . think. . I want a saint to give me a child. "

Kamoji buried his head in Yiyin's arms, too embarrassed to lift it up. The rosiness on his face spread to his neck, revealing a rose-colored luster.

Yiyin couldn't help but licked her neck and whispered in her ear.

"Fool, there is no need to ask for anything. I also want my hometown to give me children."

Kamouso closed his eyes shyly and kept praying to God in his heart, wishing that his dream would come true.

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