different warring states of japan

Chapter 2026 Akechi Mitsuhide’s Jealousy

Chapter 2026 Akechi Mitsuhide’s Jealousy

Yiyin nodded.

“Yes, the geography of the peninsula is as follows: mountains in the north and fields in the south, mountains in the east and fields in the west. The best places are in the south and southeast coast, across the sea from Kitakyushu.

In ancient times, islanders landed on the peninsula many times and even took control of Baekje for a time. "

Akechi Mitsuhide looked at Yoshigan and asked.

"The sage once said that the future of the Sibo family lies in maritime trade, and re-opening trade with the Ming Dynasty is a top priority.

It's just that I suffer from the fact that I don't have the value to let the Celestial Empire care about me. I yearn for the Celestial Empire and have nothing to do.

If Hashiba Hideyoshi invades the peninsula, will he attract the attention of China? Can the Shiba family take this opportunity to show their value and reopen trade with China?

But if China doesn’t care about the peninsula as much as you think, then aren’t we just raising tigers and waiting to see Hideyoshi grow stronger? "

Yiyin nodded, Akechi Mitsuhide was really smart, he could tell with just one point, he said with great confidence.

"No, China will definitely intervene in the Peninsula War at all costs."

If possible, Yoshigan certainly hopes to strangle Hideyoshi Hashiba now and nip the threat in the bud.

However, the death of Kamou clan has caused a chain reaction. Naomasa Ii is filled with grief and anger, and wants to promote the political reform of the Shiba family again.

But this time, Yoshihiro decided to stand up and support Naomasa Ii and not repeat the tragedy of Kamao clan.

Since Yoshigan is not going to strangle Hashiba Hideyoshi to death, he simply changes his mind and thinks about how to maximize his own interests while having no choice but to accept Hashiba Hideyoshi's growth.

As soon as his thoughts opened up, Yiyin thought of the peninsula.

Hashiba Hideyoshi, who captured Shikoku Kyushu, is not strong enough to compete with Yoshigan. She may choose to invade the peninsula and expand her power.

No matter how powerful Hideyoshi Hashiba was, she was also an islander of this era. She had a narrow vision and did not know the importance of it. She thought that if the previous islanders could invade the peninsula, she could do the same.

The biggest loss the islanders suffered in the history of the peninsula was caused by the Tang Dynasty. For thousands of years, the islanders did not dare to touch the peninsula again.

But now the Ming Dynasty has experienced Hongwu and the two Japanese rebellions in Jiajing, and its performance is not ideal. The fear that the islanders had from the Tang Dynasty has faded a lot from the Ming Dynasty.

Hideyoshi Hashiba did not dare to defeat the strong with the weak and fight Yoshigan. He was likely to follow the expansion method of the ancient islanders and land on the peninsula to seek expansion.

But why does Yiyin think that Ming Dynasty will definitely react violently? Not only is it the exact record of his previous life, but also because he understands that times have changed.

As Yiyin said just now, the topography of the peninsula is mountains in the north and fields in the south, mountains in the east and fields in the west. The best places are all in the south and southeast.

In the past, China didn't care much about the peninsula because the capital of the past dynasties was not BJ, but now it is!

The essence of the peninsula is across the sea from the Shandong Peninsula and the Liaodong Peninsula. If the islanders capture the essence of the peninsula, they can directly threaten the surrounding areas of BJ across the sea.

As long as the top brass of the Ming Dynasty had any brains, they would not have allowed the islanders, the notorious birthplace of Japanese pirates, to occupy the peninsula, not just in the southern part of the peninsula!

If Hideyoshi Hideyoshi had a disdainful attitude based on historical inertia, thinking that China did not care about the southern part of the peninsula, and casually landed on the peninsula, it would inevitably trigger a war that China could not afford to lose.

At this time, the Shiba family could demonstrate their united front value by stabbing Hideyoshi Hashiba in the back, reopening the Kanhe trade with her corpse, and being accepted by the Celestial Empire as a member of the tribute system.

This time, Yiyin will build Sibo Shenquan into China's most loyal lackey, and the island nation will also become China's unsinkable aircraft carrier in the Pacific, sharing prosperity and disgrace with China.

Akechi Mitsuhide rolled his eyes.

"What if Hideyoshi Hashiba refuses to go ashore?"

Yiyin sneered.

"It's not up to her."

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded, looked at the saint, and said in a melancholy tone.

"Back then, it was I who offered the strategy of occupying the magpie's nest and making the saint sacrifice his innocence, which led to the current political situation in Sibo's family that is divided.

Now that I think about it, I can't bear it.

The saint has lived too hard these years, trapped by love, and worried about his children, all because of me. The death of Pu Sheng's hometown made the saint grief-stricken, and he realized that he had sinned deeply.

I know that I am not qualified, but I still want to advise that this person has passed away, so please ask the saint to express his condolences.

The saint now has enough descendants of gods, and he no longer has to do things he doesn't want to do. "

Yiyin smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Akechi Mitsuhide thought that it was because of her strategy of occupying the magpie's nest that she sacrificed her innocence and became a slut. This is a typical thought of a female leader.

In fact, Yiyin had never felt uncomfortable about this for even a second, but he enjoyed it from beginning to end, doing it as hard as he could.

But today's death of Pu Sheng's hometown has extinguished the last trace of frivolity in Yiyin's game. Worrying about whether many descendants will cause trouble to Xiao Qiang in the future has made Yiyin no longer able to hesitate.

By this time, Yiyin had lost the fig leaf of using the strategy of occupying the magpie's nest to cover up his mood and interest in having fun.

Yiyin sighed.

"I have enough women and children. I will not be sentimental towards outsiders unless necessary."

Akechi Mitsuhide kowtowed to the ground, thinking back on the hard work of being a saint over the years, he couldn't help but choked up.

"Sage, thank you for your hard work..."

Yiyin shook his head, stood up and walked out.

"I'm going to check on Miracle Pill. I think she's finished her meal too."


Akechi Mitsuhide watched Yoshiyin's figure disappear into the courtyard and silently closed the paper door.

At this moment, a figure rushed into the room from outside the paper door and knelt down to Akechi Mitsuhide.

Akechi Mitsuhide narrowed his eyes.

"You eavesdropped on my conversation with the saint?"

The visitor shook his head.

"How could I have the courage? I just arrived, and I didn't expect that there were people with the same intention inside and outside the village. I was also scared to death. I thought the saint knew about your contact with us."

Akechi Mitsuhide looked at Mukufujibayashi in front of him, saw that she looked flustered and undecided, and judged that she was not lying to him, so he smiled.

"What are you afraid of? You are my rare friend in times of trouble. How could I betray you?"

Fujibayashi was silent. If possible, she would certainly not want to have anything to do with Akechi Mitsuhide.

But the death of Momochi Sandayo tied her firmly to the pirate ship of Akechi Mitsuhide. Given Akechi Mitsuhide's insidiousness, it was difficult for her to get off this pirate ship.

Fujibayashi asked after being silent for a while.

"I can't stay any longer. People outside will find me at any time. Why did you ask me to come here this time?"

Akechi Mitsuhide shook his head. "never mind."

A trace of anger flashed in Fujibayashi Mukuro's eyes.

She is currently in a bad situation. Although the saint acquiesced in the death of Momochi Santaifu, he transferred back Kirikage Saizo from the Momochi family from Kanto to participate in the core affairs of the confidentiality team.

Therefore, Fujibayashi also kept his tail between his legs as he did not want to show any flaws and be caught by Kirigage Saizo.

Akechi Mitsuhide understood Fujibayashi's eyes, shook his head and explained.

"I didn't mean to amuse you, it's just that there is no need to do what you need to do.

I didn't expect that the saint would come to me on his own initiative, nor did I expect that the saint would be so obsessed with the death of the Kamoi clan. "

Fujibayashi said coldly.

"Didn't you always let me stare at Hideyoshi Hashiba's little moves?

The actions of the Koga clan are all under my supervision. The two incidents involving Oda Siniang and Kamou Clan were behind the scenes, and the evidence is conclusive.

Since the saint cares, just submit the evidence. "

Akechi Mitsuhide shook his head again.



Fujibayashi looked at Mitsuhide Akechi suspiciously, wondering what this extremely resourceful poisoner wanted to do.

She was willing to be driven by Akechi Mitsuhide not only because she had the evidence in Akechi Mitsuhide's hands, but also because presenting the evidence to the saint would consolidate her position in the secrecy team.

With the saint's trust, she could suppress Kirikage Caizang and ensure her power.

But now that the evidence was conclusive, Mitsuhide Akechi changed his mind as a last resort, leaving Fujibayashi quite puzzled.

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled slightly.

"The saint has changed."


“Becoming more decisive, tougher, and more powerful.”

Fujibayashi was confused and looked at Mitsuhide Akechi, wondering what she was thinking.

Akechi Mitsuhide sighed.

"Hashiba Hideyoshi's first generation owl female, although she has good abilities, she started too late after all. If she follows the rules and follows the rules step by step, she will not have any chance.

Therefore, if she wants to succeed, she must take risks.

I didn't expect her to be so brave, daring to use the Koga clan to stir up internal conflicts within the Shiba family and buy herself time.

Hino Castle was within the influence of the Koga clan, and her actions were almost perfect. The only flaw was that it was too coincidental. Both accidents happened in Hino Castle, so the saint would inevitably become suspicious.

Originally, I wanted to let you present the evidence, but the saint was so angry that he could justifiably kill Hideyoshi Hashiba and annex Oda's old territory.

Unexpectedly, the saint would come to look for me in person and order me to go out to investigate the death of Pu Sheng clan. It was even more logical.

Unfortunately. . Pity. . "

Fujibayashi asked with a frown.

"What's a pity?"

Akechi Mitsuhide shook his head.

"Don't ask about things you don't need to know. In short, don't report them."

A trace of anger flashed in Fujibayashi's eyes. Is Mitsuhide Akechi trying to play monkey tricks? Sending yourself here and there, you end up amusing yourself.

Fujibayashi Mukuro is eager to use this credit to ensure his power and position, so how can he be willing to be manipulated by Akechi Mitsuhide.

Akechi Mitsuhide noticed her dissatisfaction and said with a smile.

"What? Not convinced?"

Seeing Akechi Mitsuhide's unemotional smile, Fujibayashi felt as if his heart had been poured with a basin of cold water, and he quickly kowtowed to the ground.

"I don't dare to be humble."

Fujibayashi Mukuro knows who Akechi Mitsuhide is, having done so many things for her.

Even though Mitsuhide Akechi is now at peace, it is not something that little shrimps like Fujibayashi Mukuro dare to bully.

She is the adoptive mother of Oda Kimaru. The saint came to her to discuss the death of Kamou clan. It can be said that Jane is in the holy heart.

Not to mention, Fujibayashi Mukuo still has some leverage held by Akechi Mitsuhide.

Akechi Mitsuhide looked at the frightened Fujibayashi and said calmly.

"The saint has ordered me to investigate the death of Pu Sheng clan. When it's time to hand over the evidence, I will naturally ask you to take it out. What are you in a hurry for?

With my support, Wuying Caizang cannot threaten your position. "


"Go away, be careful, don't let others notice."


Akechi Mitsuhide opened the paper door, and Fujibayashi Muku disappeared into the courtyard.

Looking at the winter scenery in front of him, Akechi Mitsuhide suddenly smiled.

She will not tell the saint the truth about the death of Kamou clan for the time being because of the grand strategy that the saint mentioned before.

Hideyoshi was afraid of the saint, so he would rush to conquer Shikoku and Kyushu, and even land on the peninsula as the saint expected.

If things are done too hastily, the foundation will naturally be unstable, which will be very beneficial to the Sibo family in the future to conquer the Western Kingdom, Shikoku and Kyushu.

Since the saint wants to fight against the outside world, he must first settle the internal affairs, so let's settle the internal affairs. Akechi Mitsuhide did not want the truth about the death of Kamou clan to make the saint become emotional and undermine his own grand strategy.

Let Hideyoshi Hashiba jump around for a few days to see how far she can go.

Akechi Mitsuhide didn't know why the saint was so confident, thinking that Hashiba Hideyoshi would definitely invade the peninsula and provoke the Celestial Empire.

But seeing the sage holding the pearl of wisdom in his hands and keeping his word, Akechi Mitsuhide couldn't help but feel happy.

The death of Kamou clan turned the saint into a better ruler, which caused a dark jealousy in Mitsuhide Akechi's heart.

Death can be as light as a feather, or as heavy as Mount Tai. It is a good death in Pu Sheng's hometown. . I just don’t know if the saint will be heartbroken for me one day when I die. .

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