different warring states of japan

Chapter 2031: New Positioning of the Blue Clothes

Chapter 2031: New Positioning of the Blue Clothes

Since the incident with Mikami Kito, the Blue Shirts lost two of their leaders in succession. The sage also denied the justice of their self-purification movement, and they have never been able to recover.

Although Yiyin felt pity for the loyalty and bravery of these girls and allowed the Blue Shirts to continue to exist under the Tongxin Group, this once vibrant student army no longer had the sharpness it once had.

Now, taking advantage of the opportunity of the descendants of the Sami entering the core, Yiyin will also have to readjust the organizational structure and goals of the Blue Shirts.

Originally, the Blue Shirts were a group of overseas students from Kanto who came together to form a spontaneous political group because of their belief in Yigin's new ideas and their sense of samurai righteousness.

Yigin now wants to strip the Blue Shirts of their political attributes and define them as a vanguard of young girls with Sōma's new ideas, making them a group of minors that focuses on learning.

The study abroad program of the Samurai Giri Promotion Association has never stopped over the years.

The outstanding female warriors from the lower classes of Kanto have been studying in the Shiba Territory through this channel, receiving the blue robes that represent the grace of the saints.

These children came from their poor hometowns to the wealthy Spo territory, were impacted by the lighthouse effect, and naturally became the most staunch supporters of Saint Spo's new ideas.

The white rice in your mouth will not lie. The reason why the Sasaki family is so rich and powerful is because they follow the saint's new Sasaki ideas.

As long as your hometown also recognizes the saint's thoughts and becomes a follower of the saint, then your hometown can also be prosperous.

Children's thoughts are always the most simple. They believe everything they see with their own eyes, but because of their immaturity, it is difficult for them to see the essence behind things through phenomena.

Under the deliberate guidance of educators, they are all willing to lead the way and turn their hometown into a beautiful paradise like Spo Territory.

But these children will grow up eventually, and it will not be appropriate for them to stay in the blue group when they grow up.

The Sasaki family must also give them a future, so that these outstanding talents who are truly grateful to the Sasaki family can have a place to use their talents and become the backbone of the Sasaki regime.

Yoshigin looked at Ii Naomasa and said.

“The study abroad program of the Samurai Giri Promotion Association is successful, but girls will eventually grow up, and we need to give them a chance to realize their own life values.

From now on, the Blue-Cloaked Clan will not retain girls over the age of fifteen. Those who meet the age requirement will go through the coming-of-age ceremony and become female warriors, and will be selected by the Tongxin Secretariat.

Those who should be assigned to Spo should be assigned to Spo, and those who should return to their hometowns to continue their studies should go back.

The people in blue should look like young people full of vitality."

Ii Naomasa bowed and accepted the order. She had completely understood the saint's meaning.

The military family's coming-of-age ceremony was learned from the capping ceremony of the Celestial Empire.

The Celestial Empire tacitly accepted the coming-of-age ceremony at the age of twenty, but in times of chaos in the military world, people would not wait until they were twenty. Often they would have the coming-of-age ceremony at the age of fifteen, wear a black hat, and be given a name. From then on, they were considered adults and could go out and kill people.

If some family businesses are in danger, they will make their ten-year-old children come of age in advance and drag the children to kill people, or even make infants come of age and become the head of the family.

Yiyin limits the age of the Blue Shirts to those under fifteen years old, which means that the Blue Shirts are a group of minors whose priority is learning.

Studying abroad in the Sōma Territory, wearing blue clothes and receiving the grace of the emperor, these outstanding children whose values ​​have not yet been fixed are destined to be the most supportive female warriors of the Sōma regime in the future.

The descendants of the Sōma gods join the Blue Clothes at the age of five. The Blue Clothes who train with them must be the outstanding ones selected from the Blue Clothes who study abroad in various places in the Sōma Territory.

Yiyin put them together with his own children to cultivate the relationship between the monarch and his subjects.

The descendants of gods need to cultivate feelings among themselves, and also between the descendants of gods and the blue-clad people.

The four great irons in life are the pure-minded girl's school days, which are the most sincere. When the God-descended people graduate from the Blue Clothes at the age of fifteen, they will naturally take away a group of old classmates who are loyal to them.

In the complex feudal society of the military family, it is extremely important to have a solid base when debuting.

No matter how great Oda Nobunaga was, he still relied on the help of his friends in the wild kids group who grew up behind him to make his debut.

These blue-clad people are loyal to the Sōma regime and have outstanding talents. The most important thing is that they have the opportunity to get the Sōma system directly without going through the Sōma selection!

If we say that Akechi Mitsuhide's strategy of occupying the magpie's nest was to use the retainers of various families to lay eggs, he could make up for the defect of the Sasaki family having no base.

Then the new system of the Blue Shirts that Yiyin established today is to cultivate his own close friends for the descendants of the Sasaki Gods.

What’s even more interesting is that the close friends of each descendant of God know each other.

They are all interest groups that came out of the same school and know each other well. Even if there are frictions in the future, it is unlikely to be a fight to the death.

On the contrary, if everyone works together in unity, there is a greater possibility of exploiting outsiders.

The island nation has a population of tens of millions. In the future Sasaki Kingdom planned by Yoshigin, only one million samurai are considered human beings, and the remaining nine million untouchables are just cattle and horses, to be guarded against and suppressed.

The Blue Shirt system was to select the best children from one million samurai families to become the backbone of the Sasaki family's theocratic rule.

The Spoelstra selection will bring the outstanding adult players who have escaped the net back into the Spoelstra system and make them part of the vested interests.

Behind the 80,000 Shiba organization are 80,000 households, affecting 400,000 to 500,000 samurai population, accounting for half of the entire samurai population.

The remaining half of the samurai population may also get two opportunities to enter the highest interest group through the Blue Shirt System and the Sōba Selection, and will not be forced into a desperate situation with no hope.

As long as they can firmly grasp the ruling tool of the samurai group, the Sasaki group can suppress nine million cattle and horses and create the myth of the Sasaki theocracy that will last forever.

While Yiyin explained some key points of the future development of the Blue Shirts to Ii Naomasa, he asked her to return to the Tongxin Secretariat to organize and compile a list as a system.

On the other hand, he was also constantly thinking.

Selecting talents internally is like using a sickle to cut off the best part of the malt tips, and talent selection must be maintained by finance.

If the Sasaki family wants to snatch away the best talents of the island nation, they must maintain Sasaki's lighthouse effect of leading people above others and the three-white diet of the New Life Movement, all of which require money.

After all, this world is material, and there is nothing you can do without money.

In order to maintain an army of 80,000, the Sōma family had to monopolize foreign trade, use a food stamp system to rule the island nation's economy, and control the channels for the circulation of materials.

This requires the cooperation of Hashiba Hideyoshi.

Yoshigin was looking forward to Hashiba Hideyoshi's conquest. He would sit back and watch Hashiba Hideyoshi take over Shikoku and Kyushu, until Hashiba Hideyoshi lost his mind and took the risk of invading the peninsula.

As long as Hashiba Hideyoshi lands on the peninsula, the Sasaki family will have united front value and can negotiate with the Celestial Empire about the price of stabbing Hashiba Hideyoshi in the back, take over the Kanko trade, and completely monopolize foreign trade.

Yoshigin kept saying that children are the future, and people around him like Maeda Toshimitsu, Date Masamune and others watched him plan for the future in awe.

But no one knew that at this moment, Yiyin's heart was boiling with only two words in mind.

Make money... Make money... Make money... If you don’t have money, how can you bribe the world’s elites?

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