different warring states of japan

Chapter 2044: The Influx of Distinguished Guests

Chapter 2044: The Influx of Distinguished Guests

The nobles who participated in setting the reverse repurchase interest rate of food stamps had plenty of ways to make huge profits, and their investment behaviors were all reasonable and no one could find fault with them.

This is just the simplest way. Each family of the Sōma clan has followers who are proficient in arithmetic, and the tides of appreciation and depreciation of the food stamp system are enough to make them burp.

Compared to the hard work of digging for food in the fields, relying on squeezing the farmers’ land taxes every year and having to worry about uprisings caused by excessive oppression, relying on the food stamp system to earn the price difference is both decent and safe.

The world is full of goodwill, and the world is all good.

With control over food stamps and supplies, the control over the territory by the various families of the Sōma clan will only be stronger than it is now, and they will control more resources.

Yang Noi thought about it carefully, while Yukino was still confused, so she asked.

"But what does this have to do with the fact that the distinguished guests haven't arrived yet, as my sister said?"

Yang Na chuckled.

“Because those guys are not familiar with the rules of the food stamp system, they must look for me, the founder of the food stamp system, to guide them in the game.

If they don't want to make things worse and pay more tuition fees, or shoot themselves in the foot, they have to come and ask me for advice on this SPX Joint Interest Rate Control Committee and this interest rate meeting.

Spoelstra Fed. . Haha, the saint is wise, and all the descendants of God are within your grasp. "

Yukino tilted her head and looked at her smug sister and said.

"But I remember my sister promised me that she would no longer get involved in business matters."

Yang Nai snorted.

"The Spo food stamps are related to the great cause of the saints, how can they be regarded as business? This is the lifeblood of the country, the power granted by heaven, only the descendants of the Spo gods can get involved.

The saint established the Spo Federal Reserve, which not only united the various divine families, but also excluded interference from outsiders. It was enough to become the cornerstone for establishing stability in the Spo world.

  I don't want to be involved in business affairs anymore, but without my participation, can the Spoelstra Fed be successful? Those landlords who only know how to exploit their subjects, what do they know about financial services?

You just wait and see, there will be a time when they beg me for help, and maybe they will even ask me to be the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Spoelstra and preside over meetings for a few years."

Yukino was somewhat suspicious of Yono's smug look, but the development of world events certainly proved Yono's foresight.

In the following days, the various families of the Sasaki clan sent envoys to visit, presenting precious gifts and sincere blessings.

Takada Haruno, who had been in the dark due to the Sakai Port food stamp crisis, has once again become a hot figure. There are constant stream of water wheels in front of the Shinsengumi's headquarters, and it is a prosperous scene.

As time passed, the backgrounds of the people who came became more and more strange, which further raised Takata Haruno's status.


After her confinement, Takada Haruno finally felt better and could come out to meet guests in person.

I don't know whether it was a coincidence or intentional, but the distinguished guests who came at this time all had their own ways.

The Sōba business magistrate was the Daizo Changan, the Sōba Tadashi foundation steward was Ishida Mitsunari, the Lianzhengshu deputy official was Hanzawa Naoyoshi, and the annotated square writer was Honda Masanobu.

Although these executives who hold various administrative powers have low ranks and status, they are all bigwigs who control real power.

As the centralization of the Tongxin Secretariat accelerated, the power of the central government's executive bodies also increased.

As the saying goes, you can conquer the world on horseback and rule it on foot.

The internal restructuring of the Sōma family has pushed the power of various factions to a new height, and it has also made everyone feel uneasy. The higher you climb, the harder you fall. Who wouldn't be afraid?

Internal governance cannot be separated from money, and talking about money cannot be separated from Takata Haruno, the Sasaki goddess of wealth.

Although Takada Haruno has retired from business and focused on Shinto work, there are some things that others will not let go of just because you want to.

The establishment of the Sōma Federal Reserve system, the adjustment of various branches affiliated with the Sōma central government, and the innovation and restructuring of the Sōma family's economic system all involved Takata Haruno, the goddess of wealth who made great contributions.

It can be said that without Takada Haruno's fraud in Sakai Port over the years, the Sasaki family would have been just a medieval feudal local tycoon, no different from other samurai families.

If a saint has no money, he can only learn from other martial families to exploit land resources, instead of being as aloof as he is now, pretending to be noble and not caring about money.

Who doesn't care about money? It's just that the Spo family's methods of making money are too high-end and their appearance is much more beautiful.

All of this is inseparable from the Sasaki food coupon system that Takata Yono built up through ten years of hard work, as well as a series of financial innovations such as the Hokuriku Road trade route, Sasaki real estate, and Sasaki dokogura.

So, when the economic system of the Sōma family changed, everyone thought of her at the same time, just like a captain would subconsciously look at the compass first when determining the direction.

In the reception room, Gao Tianyang sat calmly on the main seat. Now her identity was the mother of the descendants of God, and she was extremely noble.

Below the table, the bigwigs from all sides sat respectfully, but Takada Yukino had long been fed up with all this socializing and did not show up at all.

Among the magistrates who came to congratulate him, Hanzawa Naoyoshi had the highest status and sat closest to the front.

He is the cousin of Yuigahama Yui's daughter and a talented person admired by Ii Naomasa.

With the exposure of Yuigahama's identity as a descendant of the gods, Ii Naomasa became the chief executive of the Tongxin Secretariat, and Hanzawa Naoyoshi's status also rose and became very popular.

After Takata Haruno gave birth to the descendant of God, she finally shed the inferiority complex she had from being born a servant, and her every move became less ostentatious and more free and easy.

She accepted the congratulations from the princesses with ease, pointed at Hanzawa Naoyoshi and smiled.

"When you came to Sakai Port to cause trouble for me, I knew you had a tough life, but I didn't expect you to escape from that dangerous place in Kanto unscathed.

Yuigahama family. No wonder you were able to come back alive, Fukuho."

Hanzawa Naoyoshi once gave Takata Haruno a lot of headaches. This guy who couldn't eat anything was like a stone in the toilet, smelly and hard.

The most interesting thing about this person is not her wisdom and courage, but her good luck.

She was appreciated by Maeda Toshiie and Ii Naomasa successively, and was admitted into the Shiba organization as a ronin. She became close sisters with Yuigahama Yui, and finally turned into a descendant of a god.

Even though the Yuigahama family is very weak, being weak has its advantages. It is precisely because they are weak enough that the saints will favor and protect them and allow them to do some extraordinary things.

If the things that happened to Hanzawa Naoyoshi happened to any of the three powerful clans in Kanto, even the most important officials would have been killed without any negotiation.

It is because the Yuhihama family is so pitifully weak that Hanzawa Naoyoshi can live so freely to this day, and is becoming more and more proud as he lives, which makes Takata Haruno sigh.

The differences in strength and weakness are all false, only Jane’s presence in your heart is real.

Hanzawa Naoyoshi bowed respectfully, no longer as arrogant as before, and smiled.

"Lord Takada, you are joking. I was really reckless at the beginning, but you are magnanimous and forgiving and don't hold it against me."

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