different warring states of japan

Chapter 2046: First Sight 5

Chapter 2046: First Sight of the Five

Takada Haruno looked at the leaders from all parties present and smiled slightly.

"I have been taking care of my pregnancy for a year and have not been concerned with worldly affairs. I never expected that you all would have a bright future. This is truly cause for celebration."

The princesses kept saying they dared not, Gao Tianyang just smiled without saying anything, but was thinking in his heart.

The saint handed over the most important Spo Federal Reserve to the Divine Group, but asked the United Secretariat to promote the various parties' implementers and make them responsible for the specific internal political management.

The United Front people in the Grand Council are responsible for bullshitting about legislation, the noblest descendants of gods hold the purse strings, and the Enforcers have to work their butts off and take the blame when trouble arises.

This routine seems pretty good.

Okura Choan and Okuma Asahide were responsible for the local taxation systems in Kinki and Kanto respectively.

Mitsunari Ishida is in charge of the welfare system of the Shibachu Foundation.

Naoyoshi Hanzawa is in charge of the Anti-Corruption Agency's supervision system over officials.

Masanobu Honda was responsible for the procedural backup and archiving of documents and contracts from various places at the Institute of Annotations.

Although these five magistrates were not big figures, it could even be said that they were just middle-level officials within the Sōma ruling system.

But now, under the leadership of the Secretariat, they are in charge of a series of important local tasks such as taxation, welfare, supervision, and contracts.

The saint, through the Secretariat of the same heart, has firmly grasped the power of all parties related to the administration.

The prototype of the Five Bugyo began to emerge, and would then continue to develop as the administrative system of the Sasaki family deepened, eventually becoming the tool for the Sasaki family to rule the world.

Although the United Front Work Department of the Grand Review nominally possesses legislative power, in reality most proposals are carried out behind closed doors.

Proposals that are not allowed by the Sōma family will not even be considered for deliberation, and there will be no applause or support from everyone at the meeting.

The United Front members can only follow the rhythm and go with the flow, but when they raise their hands to agree to a motion, it is tantamount to authorization.

In this way, specific administrative and judicial powers are granted to various institutions led by the Secretariat.

On the surface, the three powers of legislation, administration and justice are not decided by a sage alone, but are decided through a grand deliberation by the military representatives such as the United Front Work Department, which is in line with the tradition of military collegiality.

As the supreme leader of the traditional samurai faction, Yoshigane Sasaki liked this form very much.

I will share the benefits, and everyone will take the blame.

After all, when something is decided by everyone together, even if something goes wrong, it naturally cannot be the saint's problem, but everyone's problem.

Furthermore, although the Grand Council has the power to legislate, it does not have the power to review the fiscal budget. The fiscal power is actually taken away by the S-Bo Joint Reserves Conference through the interest rate discussion.

The SP Federal Reserve will become the exclusive property of the SP Divine Clan, and no outsider will be allowed to touch it.

The Sibo Divine Group will use the financial tool of Sibo Food Stamps to control the resources and wealth within the Sibo sphere of influence.

The saints will also be kind enough to loosen their fingers and allow a small amount of profit to flow out, allocated to the Grand Council and to those hard-working followers, in exchange for their gratitude and efforts to serve the public.

Takada Haruno has seen the future, and she is not the only smart person in the world.

This time when she gave birth to a descendant of a god, four of the Five Commissioners came to congratulate her. Okuma Chaoxiu was far away in Kanto and could not get away, but I think he would send someone to visit her.

Takata Haruno and Okuma Asahide were located at opposite ends of the Hokuriku Road trade route. They had worked together for about ten years and had always had a pleasant cooperation.

Now that the Takata family has elevated their status to that of a descendant of the gods, Okuma Asahide will certainly not miss the opportunity and will certainly continue to maintain friendly relations with Takata Haruno.

Although the Sasaki clan had not yet unified the world, the saint who occupied Kanto and half of Kinki was already preparing for the future of the Sasaki clan. Just like the first shogun Minamoto no Yoritomo who founded the shogunate and opened up the military regime, she did not rush to Kyoto, but stayed in Kamakura in Kanto to optimize her military system.

In the eyes of the samurai all over the world, at this time, Sasaki Yoshikane was doing what Minamoto no Yoritomo had done before, and he devoted himself to building his own samurai system.

This action can better deter the villains and win the hearts of the people than Oda Nobunaga's conquests. After all, since ancient times, it has been easy to conquer the world but difficult to rule it.

But on the other hand, Yoshigin Sasaki's move also affected and damaged the interests of too many people, and reforms and innovations also need time to settle. In the following years, the Sasaki family was in chaos.

Takada Yono sighed.

This is also the reason why the saint has never left Duowen Mountain City and has focused on staying at the center.

He couldn't attend the weddings of his adopted daughter and son, and he couldn't attend the birth of Takata Haruno's child. The saint must have a hard time.

Da Zang Changan saw that Takata Yono was silent and couldn't help but speak.

"Mr. Takata Yono has a far-sighted vision, and the way the food coupon system works is amazing. The more I learn about it, the more I admire him."

Takada Haruno was brought back to her senses by her words and said with a slight smile.

"Master Dazang Chang'an is too kind.

The Takata family has already withdrawn from the business, but I have been busy for ten years and am involved in too many aspects, so it will take some time for me to withdraw completely.

Today, all of you gentlemen are here, and I also want you to help me.

I intend to divest myself from the business, but I have to find a good way out for those followers who have been eating with me for ten years.

If you have any use for mathematical talents in business, taxation, budgeting, etc., please help me place some of my old subordinates there so that I can retire with peace of mind."

Da Zang Chang'an's eyes lit up and he bowed.

  "Your Excellency, that's not right. They are talented people who have served the Sasaki family and made great contributions. How can we let them shed blood and tears?

We believe that we have a responsibility to treat them well, so we will take them over and make good arrangements for them."

Da Zang Chang'an took the lead, and the others also expressed their willingness to help.

In fact, they were not helping, but owed a favor to Takata Haruno.

Takada Yangnai dismantled the business system he had run for ten years and handed over the talents to the various followers to help them stabilize the situation as soon as possible and keep up with the saint's pace of economic reform.

This favor is a huge debt.

Takada Haruno smiled slightly.

"My body has not fully recovered yet, so the details are in the care of Imai Munehisa. You go find her, and she will satisfy you."

Distributing the talents to the magistrates was something that Takada Haruno and Imai Munehisa had been planning for a long time. Who to give them to, how much to give, and how to give them all had to be carefully planned.

This time, Imai Munehisa also followed Takata Haruno and withdrew from the business. Her family no longer ran a business and focused on Shinto.

Since ancient times, the most honorable people in this island nation have been priests and nobles.

  Imai Munehisa has the opportunity to climb up to become a top shaman, so why would he need a business? The status of a mid-level warrior that he worked so hard to obtain is no longer attractive at this moment!

Rebuilding Shinto requires a lot of money, materials and manpower.

Takada Haruno and Imai Munehisa had already planned to sell their old subordinates to various magistrates to make a profit, and then use their positions in the new system to continue long-term cooperation.

The core idea is to make money, lots of money to spend.

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