different warring states of japan

Chapter 2055: Young Appearance, Old Heart

Chapter 2055: Young Appearance, Old Heart

The predecessor of the Samurai family was a group of samurai who guarded the estates of the emperor and his ministers. Later, they constantly intervened in the political struggles of the emperor's court and gradually formed their own power.

The first shogun, Minamoto no Yoritomo, established the Kamakura shogunate, and from then on the military regime came onto the historical stage.

The third shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, massacred the emperor's court. From then on, the military regime broke away from its dependence on tyranny and truly embarked on an independent ruling system.

In this process, the manor economy also collapsed over time.

Although the island nation is on the sea, it is an agricultural nation through and through, completely different from the maritime nation like England.

The rise of the manor economy was consistent with the agricultural nature of the island nation, as the islanders' fishing and shipbuilding skills were too poor.

If the fishing net is not made well, it will not be able to catch any larger sea fish and will just make a hole in it when it is torn.

Shipbuilding can only build flat-bottomed boats that can sail in the calm Seto Inland Sea. Once in the open sea, strong winds and waves will overturn you.

Since we can't rely on the sea, we can only dig for food in the land.

External exchanges were slow due to backward navigation technology, and the closed internal cycle of the manor economy became the mainstream economic development direction.

It was not until Ashikaga Yoshimitsu opened the door to the Kango trade, and then the southern barbarians came to the island country to further open up trade routes, that the manor-based economy based on domestic circulation on the island country collapsed.

First of all, in Kansai, where foreign trade was frequent, the manor economy could be said to have collapsed.

As the Sasaki family continued to expand the Hokuriku trade route system, the manor economy in Kanto was also beginning to disintegrate.

Upper decision decided by the economic background.

At this point in time, the new people of the world who want to end the chaos in the island nation have two paths to choose from.

First, embrace the emerging maritime trade, make money from the sea, use strong economic power to win over the hearts and minds of the people, and suppress dissidents.

Second, close the country to the outside world, cut off foreign trade, and return to the old path of internal circulation.

If the future ruler of the world is a local rich man from the Kanto Plain, then she will definitely choose the second path.

Because Kansai was the region that benefited the most from maritime trade, whether it was Kyushu, Shimonoseki, or Sakai Port, all of them got a big share of the emerging trade network.

The local rich owners in the Kanto Plain were not only exploited by the Kansai people through the commodity economy, but also faced military threats from the Kansai people who used their abundant financial resources to support their troops.

But Yiyin was not a local rich man in Kanto, so he chose the first path and increased the income from the first path.

If Yiyin only used maritime trade to obtain a large amount of financial income, he would just cover the castle tower with gold foil and build a golden teahouse to show off his wealth to the world and intimidate ambitious people.

This method works, but not forever.

What Yiyin wants is long-term stability, which means not only the money from maritime trade, but also the use of currency to monopolize all resources within the island country.

As mentioned earlier, the island nation is a closed economy with only a few external trade channels. In addition, due to the insufficient productivity in ancient times, there were actually not many materials that needed to be exchanged between different places.

The island country is also known as the Treasure Island. Precious metals are the most abundant in it, but food, cloth, salt, books, copper coins and other commodities are in short supply and need to be imported in large quantities.

Since the sources of exchanged materials are concentrated and the quantities are small, it is not cost-effective to use the abundant gold and silver of the island countries for trading, which can easily cause the depreciation of precious metals.

As long as the Shiba Tokura builds up a large enough reserve of precious metals and provides enough commodities to maintain the needs of trade on the island, food stamps will have the potential to completely replace other currencies and become the only currency.

Because gold and silver were cheap and commodities were expensive in the market, the cost-effectiveness of food stamps became more prominent. In addition, the monopoly of commodity channels only allowed the use of food stamps for purchases, which further drove out other currencies.

Until the end, only food stamps were used for transactions within the island country, and most of the gold, silver and copper were stored in the Sibodo warehouse for settlement of foreign trade.

This is exactly the enhanced version of the first path that Yiyin has in mind, and the Spoelstra Fed is the monetary tool to control this route.

The Sasaki clans were powerful local vassals. They already had land and people. In addition, the Sasaki Federal Reserve controlled the currency and could mobilize the resources of the entire island nation, making the divine power indestructible. The power of the second generation of Sasaki generals was destined to be small.

Because the Grand Council is responsible for legislation and the Senate is responsible for policy, the most important financial power actually lies in the hands of the Federal Reserve.

Once the Sasaki Fed in Yoshigin's mind is formed, there will be nothing worth fighting for in the position of Sasaki Shogun, and at most some personnel power will remain.

Without the experience of having the final say and holding great power, who would be willing to give up everything and fight for that position without any bottom line?

As long as there is no desperate idea, the bottom line of the political environment will be raised. We are all descendants of the God of Shiba, and we will not fight like dogs for food.

Therefore, Yoshigaki did not care too much about the little thoughts of Kenshin Uesugi and the three powerful clans in Kanto behind him.

The establishment of the S-Bo Federal Reserve itself is a dimensionality reduction attack on the traditional military ruling thinking.

The Sasaki clan controlled the entire island nation by controlling the currency, and even General Sasaki could only watch and sigh.

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Mutual need and common prosperity, rather than creating a dictatorial system with unlimited power, is the only way to ensure long-term stability and prevent everyone from licking the dictator's boots without any bottom line.

In Yibin's conception, the Spoelstra Fed will have a chairman, but he will not be an indefinite manager who will serve for five, ten, fifteen years forever, but a chairman of the joint meeting who will be elected regularly.

Uesugi Kenshin was actually a very traditional woman. If Yoshigin had not appeared, all she would have pursued was to command the women as the Kanto Kanrei of the old Kanto system.

It's not just Uesugi Kenshin, but also Takeda Shingen and Hojo Ujimasa, the three of them actually couldn't understand Yoshigin's political thinking and financial system.

At this moment, Uesugi Kenshin, who was physically and mentally satisfied, thought that his strategic intention had succeeded, and he relaxed completely.

She looked at Yiyin's ageless face, felt the ambition and strategy in his heart, and sighed.

"Saint, you are still so young, but I am old."

Yiyin also looked at Uesugi Kenshin. There were faint wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and her face was not as delicate as it used to be. He didn't know how to comfort her for a moment.

He has the system plug-in of being forever sixteen years old, but he can only watch the woman who accompanies him grow old one by one.

To the Wu family, this was evidence of the deity’s arrival, but to Yiyin, it was a different kind of torture.

Although he still looks young in appearance after living two lives, he is already old and decrepit on the inside. Just like Uesugi Kenshin, he no longer has the vigor and vitality of his youth.

He smiled bitterly.

“Everyone will grow old and die, and I will be no exception, but have you ever heard of three deaths?

The first death is losing breath and stopping heartbeat, the second death is saying goodbye at a funeral, and the third death is being forgotten by the world.

As long as there are still people in this world who remember you and me, and as long as the descendants of the Sōma continue to exist, we are not truly dead.

Therefore, please do not worry about those trivial matters, lend me a helping hand, and let our descendants rule this island nation forever, let our descendants continue for thousands of generations, and let the power of the Swabian gods prosper forever.

Okay? "

Uesugi Kenshin was unusually calm as he listened to Yoshigane's words silently. He seemed to be back to the time when they first met in a tavern in the castle town of Kyoto.

It was the same back then, he was talking and she was listening, and then they have been together until today.

Uesugi Kenshin was filled with emotion, smiled slightly, and spoke in a firm tone.

"Of course, I have always stood by your side. I have always stood by you, I am standing by you now, and I will always stand by you. I will never change my mind."

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