Chapter 2057

Kenshin Uesugi frowned. Whether it was the voting system of the Spo Federal Reserve or the new policy of the Divine Territory Management, they all made her feel uncomfortable.

Yiyin said calmly.

"The voting system of the Spo Fed and the specific terms of the Divine Territory's management still need to be discussed with the Divine Clan before being finalized. It's just a draft right now."

After hearing this, Uesugi Kenshin calmed down a little and nodded slightly.

Yiyin is just trying to give a punitive blow. What he wants is to integrate all the divine families into a divine group with common interests. He can't force the cow to drink water by force.

Let's put the word out first, and each party will naturally consider it from their own perspective and work it out.

The main reason is that the benefits of the Spo food stamps are too great. Once the Spo Federal Reserve is successfully established, it will be equivalent to the Divine Group controlling the resources of the entire island country.

Compared with the petty fighting among local lords, the temptation to collect all the wealth in the world is greater.

At this time, Yoshigin proposed a voting system and the jurisdiction of the gods. Although powerful Kanto feudal lords like Uesugi Kenshin were dissatisfied, they would not turn the table to oppose it.

And Yiyin never really wanted to infringe on the power of the Kanto Divine Descendants. He just followed the political principle of making a gesture of breaking through the roof before opening a window, taking two steps forward and one step back.

Equal voting is definitely not possible. The Kinki divine descendants are all small fiefdoms, and the largest one is only 200,000 or 300,000 koku of Hosokawa Fujitaka.

The Uesugi, Takeda, Hojo, Sanada, Shima, and Date domains in Kanto all had more than 500,000 koku.

If everyone had one vote, Guandong would definitely not want to play, as it would be too bullying.

Therefore, what Yoshigin really thought in his mind was that the powerful feudal lords with more than 500,000 koku would have two votes, and the rest would have one vote each.

The powerful vassals have many votes, but their total cannot exceed 70%, while the election of the Federal Reserve Chairman requires more than 90% of the votes, and daily resolutions also require more than 70% to be passed.

This means that even if all the powerful clans in Kanto united together, they would not be able to control the Saba Bank. Moreover, each clan in Kanto had its own selfish desires, so they would inevitably have to compromise and cooperate with the Kinki clans.

Ensuring the strength of the strong and protecting the bottom line of the weak is the fundamental principle of the Spoelstra Fed system, and everything is for unity.

As for the conversion of the territories of the descendants of gods into divine territories, the interests of the heads of the families of the descendants of gods may not necessarily be harmed. The ones who are really unlucky are the retainers of each family.

By taking advantage of the title of descendants of the Sasaki God, the retainers of various families have reaped all the benefits over the years.

The central government of Sōba dispatched secret inspectors, honest officials, divine guards and other central agency personnel to the local areas in order to limit the power of each family's retainers and regulate their retainer obligations.

Uesugi Kenshin couldn't figure it out at the moment, but when she went back to communicate with Takeda Hojo, that vixen Takeda Shingen would definitely understand the key.

Yiyin sighed slightly.

Kanto is his foundation, and the existence of the three powerful feudal lords is both his greatest help and his greatest hidden danger.

The three families of Uesugi, Takeda and Hojo each have the mobilization power of one million koku, and the independence of their retainers is also very strong, unlike the two families of Sanada and Shima who started out by relying on Sasaki.

In fact, Uesugi Kenshin, Takeda Shingen, and Hojo Ujimasa themselves were often controlled by their retainers.

However, with the rise of Shiba in recent years, the three heads of the family have used their daughters' status as descendants of gods to make their retainers taste the sweetness and obey them willingly.

After all, the benefits of the Sasaki descendants are so great that the retainers of each family are willing to bow their heads and obey the orders of the head of the family.

But if we let it go, when the saint and the three family heads pass away, the power of the descendants of Shiba will not be as strong as it is now, and the retainers below may not be so easy to talk to. They are all warriors who have struggled out of the troubled times. The subjugation of the superiors is like a curse hovering over their heads. Who dares to believe in the loyalty of the retainers?

Yigin suffered too much loss, and the three daughters of Uesugi, Takeda and Hojo also suffered a lot.

Therefore, Yiyin believed that they would understand, and even used the power of the central government to further suppress the retainers and achieve the supreme status for himself and his daughter.

The interests of the Sibo Central Government and the Sibo Divine Clan are consistent, and cooperation will benefit both sides.


The saint and Uesugi Kenshin spent a few days together, and then Uesugi Kenshin returned to Kanto and hurriedly went to the Takeda and Hojo families to discuss two important matters: the management of the Shinto region and the Sasaki Fed.

The fact that Uesugi Kenshin obeyed the reform of the Blue Shirt and personally sent his daughter to Tamonyama Castle also inspired the Tongxin Secretariat headed by Ii Naomasa.

Even the nominal second-in-command of Guandong had to bow his head and obey the adjustment. What qualifications do others have to comment on the new policy of the Tongxin Secretariat?

Seeing that the saint was determined to reform and innovate, most of the military families under Sōma stopped their activities. Even if they were somewhat repulsive in their hearts, at least they did not dare to say anything outwardly.

The political arena in Kinki, with Tamonyama Castle at the center of the vortex, has only returned to calm on the surface, but it is actually turbulent underneath, even worse than before.

The Kyoto Shogunate and the Kanto Samurai-sho were reorganized, and the Kanto Samurai-sho's Grand Council System was about to eliminate the Kyoto Shogunate's political system that had lasted for two hundred years.

No matter whether it was the hereditary shogunate retainers, the prestigious officials, or the high-ranking officials such as the three governors and four officials, they were all in a state of panic at this moment.

Although the saints are generous, most of the middle and upper class families can obtain the status of united front members and continue to contribute their remaining energy to the Grand Review.

The middle and lower-level shogunate retainers were also properly accommodated. They were able to obtain the title of Sasaki and be guaranteed a minimum amount of welfare food. Those who were capable could also participate in the Sasaki selection and continue to improve within the new system.

But for the old samurai families, this was a huge political shock, which was equivalent to being laid off and finding a new job for them as they were used to living a life of idleness and waiting for death in the old system of the Ashikaga shogunate.

  Have the ability to go? What a joke! If I had the ability, why would I stay in this quagmire of the shogunate?

Apart from the glory of their ancestors, most of the losers in these troubled times have no ability to change anything, and their family status is just their capital to make a living.

Now, the saint wanted to overturn the table where they ate and set up another table, which naturally aroused the resentment of countless people.

Although these people are not capable of accomplishing anything, they are more than capable of causing trouble.

Yiyin used to raise them and protect them, and he was the saint they sang praises to and followed.

As for now? Who knows what is going on in everyone's mind.

Yagyu Munenori, who was in charge of maintaining stability within the Kinki Sōba camp, had gradually begun to feel the enormous pressure and problems everywhere.

At this time, the Tongxin Secretariat had a new reform direction.

The Metsuko Yagyu Group was changed to secret inspectors, with the authority to suppress internal forces for spying and maintaining stability, and the scope of responsibilities was expanded to include all the gods.

Yagyu Munenori, who originally only assisted Niwa Katsuhisa in suppressing the internal affairs of Kinki Sasaki Domain, was suddenly raised to a new level.

What is the God Territory? It is the three major Sabo Territories and all Sabo God-descended territories. The scope of authority of the Secret Inspector is at least thirty or forty times larger.

The Kinki Sasaki domain was expanded from 200,000 koku to the Kam domain with 6 to 7 million koku. Yagyu Munenori did not feel the slightest joy about the promotion or wealth. The moment he got the news, sweat broke out on his forehead.

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