different warring states of japan

Chapter 2064: Grain Stamp System Tax Reform

Chapter 2064: Grain Stamp System Tax Reform

In order to improve their own military strength, military families in various places after the Warring States Period have been trying to reform and exploit the resources of their territories as much as possible.

This led to the emergence of short-term fees for construction for the lord, building taxes similar to the population tax calculated based on the housing, and special taxes for various industries.

Taxes are collected for chopping wood in the mountains, and taxes are also collected for traveling merchants. Anyway, all resources in the territory belong to the lord. The seven things the people of the territory have to do when they go out are taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes.

How did these taxes become a mobilizing force for samurai lords? This involves the transformation of the tax base from the Kanko system to the Ishiko system.

The guangao system was a tax system that converted land output into copper coins. However, in actual use, the guangao system was difficult to operate due to the confusion in the values ​​of imported money, fine money, and inferior money.

Therefore, the shigao system, which used land output as the tax base, gradually replaced the guangao system and more accurately covered the output of the territory.

The current situation is that the tax systems vary from place to place. Some local samurai are still using the kanko system, while some local samurai have begun to use the iskko system.

Now, the Sasaki family is going to force the samurai under its command to use food coupons, which is equivalent to using the Sasaki food coupons to recalculate the tax base of land output.

Even if local samurai continued to use the Kanko system or the Ishikatsu system behind closed doors, the self-sufficient manor economy was already on the verge of collapse, and external exchanges were inevitable.

If we insist on not changing the food coupon system, we will suffer huge losses in the exchange rate of production materials exchanged with foreign countries.

However, if local military families used the food coupon system, it would be equivalent to the Spoken Bank controlling the resources of their territory and exploiting them through seigniorage.

The Sōma clan can adjust the interest rate on the reverse repurchase of grain coupons to raise or lower the price of resources of local military families, and continue to suck their blood by buying high and selling low.

How to make local samurai accept this new tax system that benefits others at the expense of themselves is a headache and a problem that the Sasaki Bugyoshu have to face.

Yiyin rubbed his temple and also found this problem very troublesome.

Of course, he could force local military families to use food coupons, but such blatant robbery would greatly deplete his personal prestige, and a wise man would not do that.

  It would be best if the local samurai families were willing to use the Shiba food coupons, but who would be stupid enough to do that for others for no reason?

Yiyin asked.

"Since the followers have raised this issue, is there any way to solve it?"

Yiyin had no other options, but since Da Zang Chang'an dared to point out the problem face to face, he had to come up with a solution. This was the basic ethics of a subordinate.

If we just pass the problem to the master and let him solve it, these dogs would be raised in vain.

Dazang Changan bowed.

“The various enforcement agencies have met together several times to review the issue.

If one wants to drive out other currencies and make the Sōma food coupons the main currency, or even the only currency, within the Sōma family's sphere of influence, one must make changes to the tax system.

Unifying tax rates and establishing a tax system reform based on Sōba grain coupons will greatly stimulate the demand of local samurai to store and use grain coupons.

In this regard, Master Hanzawa Naoyoshi has made a very interesting suggestion. Please let her explain it to you personally."

Yiyin looked at Hanzawa Naoyoshi who was sitting behind Daizo Changan. This guy was obviously an official of the anti-corruption system, so how did he get involved with food stamps and taxation?

Seeing the saint's gaze cast towards Hanzawa Naoyoshi, Da Zang Chang'an also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

One should not meddle in matters that are not within one's jurisdiction. Only when she sat in the position that Takada Haruno once sat in did she realize how hot this volcano was.

Having inherited only part of Takada Haruno's power, Daizo Changan was already overwhelmed, and no one knew how Takada Haruno had managed to survive all these years.

Sibo Dokura is a business of robbing Peter to pay Paul. Even though the turnover is in the tens of thousands, it is actually a loss-making business with a lot of debts when you really count it.

This is similar to modern banks. Deposits are the bank's liabilities and require interest payments.

Loans are the bank's income, but they also require taking risks.

The interest rate difference between deposits and loans is the bank's profit, so in order to make as much money as possible, banks must increase leverage.

No bank can withstand a run, because it is impossible for the bank to leave all the deposits there for people to withdraw and pay interest for nothing. It must take out a portion of it to lend out and make money.

Therefore, deposits will never be enough for all depositors to withdraw, not to mention that banks have to increase leverage in order to earn interest rate spreads, so the actual cash flow is even less.

Therefore, confidence is the most important thing.

As long as the market has confidence in the banks and there is no bank run, the banks will survive.

On the contrary, once confidence collapses completely, nothing the banks do will work, and they are doomed.

The food stamp crisis and the Sakai Port riot were, after all, a rehearsal for the collapse of market confidence. It was only because the saint's prestige was too high that the market immediately regained its confidence once the saint announced his intervention.

But in reality those problems still exist.

Takata Haruno created a financial monster that did not belong to the Middle Ages. After Da Zang Changan, who was only given a portion of the control, figured out the principle behind it, he was immediately scared to death.

The reason why Sibo Dokura was unable to make ends meet was actually because of his confidence. This was very stimulating for the ancients who lived within their means.

But Da Zang Chang'an has finally made a comeback, and she is certainly unwilling to surrender and run away, so she has to find more support for the safe operation of the Sbo food coupons.

Tax reform will make the calculation standard of land output with grain coupons based on grain coupons, which will greatly expand the scope of use of grain coupons and no longer be limited to the business scope.

This idea was very creative, but the problem was how to make the local military families accept that from now on, taxes would no longer be collected in copper coins or grain, but would all be based on numbers on a thin piece of straw paper.

This was a hurdle that Daizo Changan, who controlled Sasaki Dokura, could not avoid, and Hanzawa Naoyoshi took the initiative to jump out to take the blame for her, and Daizo Changan was naturally overjoyed.

If this thing succeeds, Da Zang Chang'an will not only be meritorious, but his power will also increase greatly. If this thing goes wrong, Hanzawa Naoyoshi will be the primary responsibility, but Da Zang Chang'an will also have room for maneuver.

From Hanzawa Naoyoshi's perspective, she wanted to do something practical and didn't care about personal gains or losses.

Hanzawa Naoyoshi, who is tied to the descendant of the god Yuigahama, is actually more confident than when he walked alone in the dark alley and confronted despair.

Da Zang Chang'an is not a latecomer who is a descendant of gods, and he cannot muster the courage to be the first in the world like Hanzawa Naoyoshi.

At this time, Hanzawa Naoyoshi faced the saint's inquiring gaze, bowed and said.

"This method is very simple. It is to keep the existing interests of the local martial family intact and only take the future increase."

Yiyin narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, then said.

"Please elaborate on this."

Hanzawa Naoyoshi spoke eloquently.

"The local samurai families are afraid that the Shiba-shin clan will take away their interests, so they are not willing to cooperate with the food coupon system.

However, land output is relatively stable. On fixed land, the income from fields, minerals, timber, etc. in good years and bad years can actually be calculated.

Therefore, the Shiba family can promise the local samurai families that they will not touch their existing income and will only use the food stamps on the incremental new income, and they will not be too resistant. "

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