different warring states of japan

Chapter 2076 Tell Xueno I Want to Eat Fish

Chapter 2076 Tell Xueno I Want to Eat Fish

On the other side, the smart little girl Uesugi Miyuki swore secretly, and felt some inexplicable resentment in her attitude towards Yigin.

On the other side, Ii Naomasa, who had left the children, also noticed that the saint was in a bad mood, and cautiously tested him.

"Saint, the Second Prince is truly gifted and intelligent, and it is truly eye-opening."

Yoshigin glanced at the cautious Ii Naomasa and smiled.

"Miyuki is indeed outstanding. I am also surprised at how good this child is. I didn't expect that Uesugi Kenshin, that reckless... ahem, could actually give birth to such a daughter.

I was just thinking about other things that had nothing to do with the kids."

Ii Naomasa breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a moment, and asked.

"Is the Saint upset about the things happening in the Kyoto Shogunate?"

Yiyin smiled helplessly.

The domineering and heroic Ashikaga Yoshiteru died, and the brutal and radical Oda Nobunaga also died. Only a bunch of cowardly people were left, which sometimes made Yoshigaki feel sick.

Thinking of Ashikaga Yoshiaki's face which was 70% similar to Ashikaga Yoshiteru, Yoshigin couldn't help but sigh.

  This pair of twins look very similar, but why are their personalities, tempers and IQs so different?

Ii Naomasa heard Yoshigane's sigh, but he misunderstood it and spoke in a low voice.

"A saint need not worry too much about those fools in the shogunate. They will eventually perish if they do too much evil. If not punished by heaven, others will punish them."

Yoshigin stopped and looked at Ii Naomasa with a slightly angry look on his face.

"I asked you to warn them not to do anything reckless. Why didn't you tell them?"

Ii Naomasa kept silent, Yoshigane stared at her for a long while, and finally sighed.

"You got involved too? Were you bewitched by that bastard Akechi Mitsuhide?

Good, good! You guys have grown too powerful! I can’t say anything to you now!”

The power of heaven was so great that Ii Naomasa's knees weakened and he fell to the ground and kowtowed.

"Sage, please calm down. The shogunate is corrupt and should have stepped down long ago. You have protected the shogunate for ten years and found a way out for the shogun's retainers.

But the shogunate officials didn't appreciate it and sought death themselves, so why should you care about their lives? "

Yoshigin pulled Ii Naomasa up, pinched her chin, patted her smooth and white cheek, and warned her.

"I know what I'm doing, tell Mitsuhide Akechi and those restless ones.

If they still consider themselves my women, then stop right there. The descendants of Sasaki must not be stained with the blood of the Ashikaga Shogunate.

Miyoshi went to Kyoto and murdered General Ashikaga Yoshiteru, and was despised by the samurai of the world. I will not repeat the historical tragedy. The Sasaki family is not the Miyoshi family with a bad reputation! Don't be stupid like the Miyoshi trio!"

Ii Naomasa wanted to say something, but Yoshigin shook his hand and gave a stern order.

"Go, tell my women to stop immediately. I don't care what they are planning, just stop right now!"

Ii Naomasa gritted his teeth, bowed and left, turned and walked away. Yoshigin looked at her receding back and couldn't help feeling sad.

Politics is not about treating people to a dinner, it is a bloody and cruel struggle.

Those people in the Kyoto shogunate were so stupid that they actually wanted to invite back Ashikaga Yoshiaki, thinking that this would prevent the political reforms of the Sasaki family and stop the Dai Council from annexing the Kyoto shogunate.

  They are courting their own death!

Yoshikin was torn because he was moved by Ashikaga Yoshiteru's sincerity before his death and voluntarily supported her sister Ashikaga Yoshiaki to take power. But now he wanted to kill Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the only relative left in the world.

Although the conflict in Ashikaga had escalated to an irreversible level, Yoshigaki still wanted to cover up his mistake.

In public, Yoshigin's political justice comes from Ashikaga Yoshiteru.

He entered the Kinki political circle as the widow of the previous shogun. Although times have changed, the political impact of Sasaki's destruction of Ashikaga was very bad, enough to destroy his benevolent personality.

Personally, Yoshigin also wanted to give the Ashikaga family a chance to step down with dignity.

As a last resort, the family name can be inherited by an adopted son and continue the lineage of Ashikaga Yoshiteru. If the descendants of Sasaki personally smash the signboard of the Ashikaga Shogunate, the Ashikaga family name will no longer be easy to continue.

All in all, Yoshigin had done his best for Ashikaga Yoshiaki and the people of the Ashikaga shogunate, and he could deal with them in any way he wanted, but he did not want to destroy Ashikaga Yoshiteru's lineage and leave her without a shrine.

Taking away everything from someone, yet still hoping to leave a penny for them to make yourself feel better, maybe this is called hypocrisy.

Looking at the back of Ii Naomasa disappearing outside the courtyard gate, Yiyin stared at him for a long time, thinking about his own things.

His own women were worried that he was too soft-hearted, and were ready to unite to kill Ashikaga Yoshiaki and the Kyoto shogunate, which was left with only a face left.

But they were mistaken. With the reform and innovation having come to this point, Yiyin himself had no way out and would not have the energy to tolerate or favor his political opponents.

On the one hand, he condoned Hideyoshi Ichijo's expansion, on the other hand, he deepened the internal reforms of Sōma. This was an internal and external linkage that complemented each other, and it was also a tightrope walk that was as delicate as walking on thin ice.

If his internal reforms failed halfway and Ichijo Hideyoshi took advantage of the situation and broke away from his control, Yoshigin would be irresponsible to the Sasaki descendants and to his own women and children.

For the sake of his lovely daughters, Yoshikin was of course cruel enough to kill Ashikaga Yoshiaki, and he would not show mercy even if all the people in the Kyoto shogunate were killed.

But can't this be done in a more beautiful way?

Akechi Mitsuhide was used to being the white glove and the mastermind behind the scenes. Now she is taking on too much responsibility and blaming others, instigating them to act without any scruples.

But Yoshigin was unwilling to see his women destroy the Kyoto shogunate and take the blame for putting the last nail in the coffin of the dying Ashikaga shogunate.

The Sasaki family needs to gain the world without any stain, and Yoshigin needs to be pushed to the altar by the samurai families of the world who kneel and beg for the throne, so as to establish the kingdom of God.

Since ancient times, the more righteous a country is, the longer its prosperity will be.

Akechi Mitsuhide was still anxious. She was worried that Yoshigaki did not want to kill Ashikaga Yoshiaki because of his guilt towards Ashikaga Yoshiteru, which would cause the entire grand strategy planned by Yoshigaki to fail.

Yiyin sighed and continued to move forward.

He walked across the yard and stepped onto the porch. Tachibana, who was waiting there, bowed and pushed open the sliding door.

Yiyin did not walk into the room, but looked at Tachibana Kanade who looked respectful and said.

“I know you have a private channel with Yukino, please pass on a message for me.

It's autumn now, the fish in Osaka Bay should be fat, ask Yukino to bring some over, I want to eat fish."

Lihua knelt down and kowtowed to receive the order. Yiyin walked into the room with a blank expression. It was a sunny day outside, but the shadows in the room covered his face, making it impossible to see his expression clearly.

Akechi Mitsuhide was too high-profile. Perhaps this was her purpose, to make it known to everyone with the idea of ​​killing the chicken to scare the monkey.

But Yiyin doesn't like to be high-profile, and doesn't want to make an example of someone. He likes to convince people with virtue. So let Yukino come over. Her Mibu wolves are very obedient and useful.

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