different warring states of japan

Chapter 2078: The Pretty Wife of My Dead Best Friend

Chapter 2078: The Pretty Wife of My Dead Best Friend

Ninagawa Chikayo didn't know what her daughter was thinking. She was still worried about Ashikaga Yoshiaki's lack of progress, so she said.

"Go back and persuade Her Excellency Gongfang to let her go to Luoyang and enter the capital as soon as possible.

Please let her rest assured, Hatakeyama Takamasa and I have jointly written a letter to the saint.

The general has returned from hunting in the west, which means he has realized that what he did was wrong and is willing to bow to the saint. The saint is always kind and generous, so he should give the general a chance to admit his mistakes, right? "

Mr. Ninagawa smiled bitterly in his heart.

Admitting your mistake now? Why didn’t you do that before?

Before, the saint was still interested in maintaining the shogunate as a platform. If the general had come back at that time, there would still be some room for both sides to talk.

But now the saint has made it clear that he wants to kick out the Ashikaga shogunate and start anew. At this time, the shogunate leaders invite back the Ashikaga shogun. Isn't this clearly a way to flatter the saint?

Saints are kind, but you can't bully honest people like this.

Mr. Ninagawa calculated the pros and cons in his mind, wondering whether he should sell his insane mother earlier, so that he could at least preserve the family business.

But Ninagawa Chikayo was already impatient and urged.

"Go quickly!"

Ninagawa sighed and dragged his feet.

"Mom, aren't we being too hasty?

Since you and Lord Hatakeyama have already written to the Saint together, you should at least wait for the Saint's order before leaving.

Although it only takes a day and a night to get from Yodo Castle to Kyoto, this route is not a good choice.

To go along the Katsura River one has to pass through Katsuryuji Castle. You know that is the territory of the Izumi Hosokawa family. Lord Hosokawa Fujitaka and Lord Akechi Mitsuhide have a special friendship. How dare the general take that road?

If you take the Yodo River instead of the Katsura River, you will have to pass by Fushimi Castle where the Kyoto garrison commander, Lord Yoshitsugu Otani, is stationed.

If there is no order from the saint, Lord Otani Yoshitsugu will not give face to anyone, including the general. "

When he heard the name Akechi Mitsuhide, Ninagawa Chikayoshi shuddered subconsciously.

Ninagawa Chikayo knew everything that Akechi Mitsuhide had done, and she could be said to be one of the participants.

This poisonous scholar is already unsettling as an ally, and even more terrifying as an enemy.

Katsurakawa absolutely cannot leave, but the current Kyoto garrison commander, Otani Yoshitsugu, is a stubborn person.

In her eyes, there is only the saint, and she has no regard for the existence of Shogun Ashikaga at all. If a conflict arises, it will only be embarrassing.

Seeing that his daughter was stubborn and refused, Ninagawa thought about it and said hesitantly.

"How about we wait for the Saint's reply and see what he means?"

Mr. Ninagawa nodded quickly.

"Mother is wise. Let's see what the Saint says. If the Saint allows the general to return to the capital, then everyone will be happy and we won't have to make life difficult for ourselves."

Ninagawa thought about it, nodded reluctantly and said.

"Well, since we've already wasted so many days, let's just wait a few more days."

Ninagawa Chikayoshi was not sure whether Sasaki Yoshikane would really allow Ashikaga Yoshiaki to return to Kyoto, but it would not hurt to give it a try.

Of course it would be best if the man had mercy on her and let her go.

If the man disagreed, then Ninagawa Chikayo would take Hatakeyama Takamasa with him to welcome back the Shogun. The Sage had great righteousness in his heart, and she didn't believe that the Sage would be so cruel as to kill the Shogun, Kanrei, and the Shinsho Daikan on the road.

That man, he can't do it.


Ninagawa thought she knew Yoshigaki very well, but she had no idea how cruel a father could be for his woman and children.

Only children think about making choices, adults want them all.

Yoshigin has to maintain his reputation and character, and the troubles of the Kyoto shogunate must also be eliminated, so naturally he thinks of Takada Yukino, the bloodthirsty and close friend.

When Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was forced to commit seppuku by his subordinates, Ashikaga Yoshiaki was so frightened that he hesitated to move forward, and the princesses in Kyoto were in a state of panic.

Yoshigin, who was stationed in Tamonyama Castle, was furious when he was overtaken by Amago Yukimori before he could even wait for the secret summons from Takada Yukino.

Ii Naomasa was forced by Yoshigin to suppress his actions and not allow the descendants of the Sasaki clan to act recklessly. After hearing the news, Amago Yukimori of Koriyama Castle was dissatisfied and ran to Tamonyama Castle to cause trouble.

After the death of Niwa Katsuhisa, the Niwa family and the Mori family had become an irreconcilable personal feud.

The sage secretly released Hideyoshi Ichijo in order to reform the internal system, and Amago Yukimori reluctantly tolerated it.

It is never too late for Niko to take revenge even after ten years. She doesn't mind waiting a few more years. As long as the Sasaki family is strong enough, the Mori family will be dead sooner or later.

However, seeing that Ichijo Hideyoshi swept through Shikoku Island, annexed three countries, and colluded with the Mori family and the Ashikaga Shogun to facilitate Ashikaga Yoshiaki's return to Kyoto to cause trouble, Amago Yukimori was furious.

The Minamikawachi territory of Hatakeyama Takamasa was not far from Koriyama Castle, so this time, Amago Yukimori actively mobilized his troops and prepared to participate in the new version of the event organized by Akechi Mitsuhide.

She did this not only to expand her territory, accumulate strength and prepare for a counterattack on the Mori family, but also to directly weaken the hostile force of the anti-Sako alliance, the Mori and Ashikaga.

Now that this matter has been forced to stop by the saint, Amako Yukimori is naturally very dissatisfied. He thinks that the saint is tolerating evil and condoning the growth of the power of the Mori family.

At this time, inside the room, Amako Yukimori was kneeling in front of the saint, crying, dressed in simple clothes, with a sad look on his face.

But her crying did not resonate with Yiyin. Instead, it made Yiyin's eyes keep wandering around her.

As the saying goes, if you want to be pretty, be filial.

Since the death of Amago Katsuhisa, Amago Yukimori has not worn brightly colored clothes again. She always wears plain and simple clothes, just like a widow.

This made Yiyin complain. It was her best friend who died, not her husband. Why did she make it sound like she was in mourning?

However, the beautiful lady Xiaoqiao is worth fucking. Yiyin's eyes widened when he saw her and he couldn't help but wriggle his index finger.

Niwa Yukimori was once the most beautiful girl Yoshigin had ever seen in his life. He eventually made her the mother of his daughter. At this moment, her charm of maturity and innocence really made him itchy.

Yoshigin was distracted and his eyes were wandering, but Amako Yukimori just lowered his head and cried silently.

"My lord, you know exactly what kind of person Hatakeyama Takamasa is.

Back then in Kyoto Castle Town, you were the one who saved me from her clutches. If you hadn't come to my rescue, I'm afraid I would have been killed by her.

  The family fortune of the Hatakeyama clan had long been completely destroyed by her, so how could the samurai families of Kii and Kawachi still take her seriously?

If it weren't for the saint's mercy, and considering that she was from the same famous family as the three governors, he gave her the position of governor of Minami-Kawachi and treated her well, the Hatakeyama family would have been finished long ago.

  Now, Hatakeyama Takamasa is colluding with outsiders and intends to harm the saint. What are you still worried about?

Watch me lead my troops into Nanhe Nei and seize her territory, to avenge the humiliation of the Kyoto Castle Town, and to vent the anger of the Saint!"

Niwa Yukimori talked for a long time until his mouth was dry, but he didn't get any response from Yoshigin. He looked at the saint in confusion.

  But when Yiyin saw her licking her dry lips seductively, the fire in his heart grew even stronger. How could he have the mind to talk about Hatakeyama Takamasa at this time?

Yoshigin grabbed Amako Yukimori's wrist and pulled her into his arms. Before Amako Yukimori could scream, Yoshigin covered her mouth tightly.

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