different warring states of japan

Chapter 2083: You Can Only Go All the Way to the End

Chapter 2083: I can only go all the way to the end

As soon as Jinfeng Yulu met, they won but countless on earth.

Yiyin has never been able to understand Yukino's way of thinking. How did that silent and introverted girl who always snuggled up behind her sister become such a pervert now?

She has eyes that see through the world, and she has a heart that kills without blinking an eye. In her eyes, except for the saint and her sister, the life and death of other people has never been important.

She liked watching her sister enjoying the pleasure of the saint. She liked watching Tachibana Kanade and putting herself into the role of Tachibana Kanade, as if Tachibana Kanade who was pampered by Yoshigane was herself.

Whenever she thought of this, her already broken body seemed to warm up again, as if a new spring of life was flowing out of her body.

Today, there was no double happiness from her sister and Tachibana Kanade, but just the Sage and Tachibana Kanade filled Yukino's heart with passion, and she placed her hands on her abdomen to feel the life surging in her body.

Time will not stop for anyone, and good times always pass quickly. When Yukino recovered from her wandering, Tachibana Kanade was no longer in the room.

Meanwhile, Yiyin was scrubbing the towel in a silver basin, carefully wiping Yukino clean while not forgetting to complain.

"You knew you were not in good health, but you still... you fainted. It's really... really..."

Yukino thought back to the Ah Hei that Rikka had played before. Hehehe, she let Yiyin wipe it and chuckled.

"Dead, dead, what a happy death."

Yiyin threw the towel into the silver basin, tapped Yukino's forehead with his finger, and cursed.

"What a crazy girl."

Yukino stared at Yoshigane's face in fascination and murmured softly.

"Why does the saint favor me so much? It was like this back then, and it is still like this now. It has never changed.

Sometimes I feel as flustered as my sister, and ask myself, am I worthy? I am just a lowly maid who came from a servant family, and I don’t deserve the love of a saint.”

Yiyin flicked her forehead with his finger.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I like Yukino, so why should we talk about whether we are good enough for each other?"

Yukino grabbed Yoshigatsu's fingers, put them in her mouth, squinted her eyes and stirred the fingertips with the tip of her tongue, using all her strength to flatter this man, and was so happy to the point of madness just because of his words of love.

Unfortunately, her body was broken, so she could only do this.

Yukino said vaguely.

"The saint is a god. Gods don't grow old, but Yukino does. Yukino is already old and useless."

Yiyin felt itchy from her licking, so he pulled out his fingers and rubbed them on her cheek, humming.

"Since I am a god, I can like whoever I want. What does your appearance have to do with my liking for you?"

Yukino gently covered Yoshigin's hand, rubbed the back of his hand against her cheek, and murmured.

"Thank you, thank you for liking me all these years, thank you for liking me."

Yiyin pinched her face and scolded her with a smile.

"You are still that little fool."

The king and his subjects snuggled together, and time seemed to have gone back to more than ten years ago, and this moment was exactly like that moment.

If life could always be like the first time we met, it wouldn't matter if life was abnormal.


Xueno is happy. Even though she is disabled and useless, she has never forgotten her oath and never forgotten to carry out her will.

Even though she became a murderer and a bloodless and tearless pervert in the eyes of the world, she still accepted it as sweet and had no regrets.

However, some people, who have received great grace from saints but have been blinded by greed, are destined to be punished by heaven.

Kyoto, Hatakeyama residence.

Hatakeyama Takamasa slammed his palm on the tatami and cursed.

"Why hasn't the Lord taken action yet? The Sage has already agreed for her to return to Kyoto, why is she still hesitating?"

Ninagawa recalled the contents of his daughter's letter and sighed. "The general is cautious. She offended the saint so badly in the past, but the saint was able to forgive her and allow her to return to Kyoto. She was naturally terrified.

It is unclear whether the Ishikimizu Hachiman Shrine group is a blessing or a curse, and the Lord of the Court is inevitably worried. "

Ninagawa Chikayo swallowed the words "a guilty conscience" that were on the tip of his tongue. He didn't know whether he was complaining about Ashikaga Yoshiaki or scolding himself.

Hatakeyama Takamasa and Ninagawa Yoshiyoshi did not expect that the saint would so readily agree to let Ashikaga Yoshiaki return to Kyoto.

It was originally thought that the saint would put forward some harsh conditions, but unexpectedly he only asked Ashikaga Yoshiaki to go to Iwashimizu Hachiman Shrine to worship Hachiman God and repent for his past.

  Is this the end?

Overjoyed, Hatakeyama Takamasa and Ninagawa Yoshiyoshi quickly contacted Ashikaga Yoshiaki who was stranded in Settsu.

However, Ashikaga Yoshiaki felt that Sasaki Yoshikane would not let him off so easily and was suspicious, which made Hatakeyama Takamasa very angry.

When it comes to the death of Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, Hatakeyama Takamasa was far more terrified than Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

If Miyoshi Yoshitsugu could be forced to death by his own troops in northern Kawachi, then Hatakeyama Takamasa, whose power was in southern Kawachi, would also be doomed.

If we talk about unpopularity, Hatakeyama Takamasa is much more serious than Miyoshi Yoshitsugu. The two countries of Kii and Kawachi, which were hereditary to the Hatakeyama main family, were completely ruined by her.

If he had not surrendered to the saint and saved the land of Minami-Kawachi, Hatakeyama Takamasa would not know where he would have ended up.

This cunning scoundrel Hosokawa Fujitaka was able to bribe Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's retainers and remove the thorn in Kitakawaochoi. Naturally, he could also bribe Hatakeyama's retainers who were dissatisfied with Hatakeyama Takamasa and swallow up Minamikawaochoi.

What's even more terrible is that Hosokawa Fujitaka gave birth to a descendant of the gods, and as the mother of the descendant of the gods, she is one of the descendants of the gods of Shiba.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's death was so inexplicable that the saint who ruled Tamonyama Castle didn't even mention a word about it.

He is the legitimate successor of Miyoshi Nagayoshi and the head of the Miyoshi main family. Compared to the long-outdated Hatakeyama main family, the influence of this female tyrant Miyoshi Nagayoshi still remains.

When he thought of this, Hatakeyama Takamasa felt a chill in his heart.

Ninagawa Chikayo was afraid, and Hatakeyama Takamasa was even more afraid. They were both people who had received great favors from the saint, but they were blinded by greed and played disloyal and unjust political tricks.

But at this point, there is no turning back for either of them. They can only go all the way to the end and use General Zhengtong and the Saint to negotiate terms.

Seeing that Ninagawa Chikayo was still sighing and hesitating, Hatakeyama Takamasa gritted his teeth and said in a cold voice.

"Write a letter to Ichijo Hideyoshi and ask her to join us in exerting pressure. We must make the shogun take action."

Ninagawa Chikayo was stunned.

"Isn't this bad?"

Hatakeyama Takamasa sneered.

  "What's wrong with that? Does Ashikaga Yoshiaki really think that he is the general and we can only beg her to move her butt?

Settsu was Hideyoshi Ichijo's territory. If Hideyoshi Ichijo insisted that Ashikaga Yoshiaki leave, would Ashikaga Yoshiaki dare not leave?

Without Hideyoshi Ichijo's protection, no one can guarantee the safety of the Shogun."

Ninagawa Chikayo made a bitter face.

"Why is it so... Why is it so..."

Hatakeyama Takamasa glared.

  "Wake up, do you really think you are a loyal and righteous man of the shogunate?

You and I welcomed back the shogun only to ask the saint to make concessions, delay the discussion on the reorganization of the Kyoto shogunate and the Dai Council, and seek better conditions for the Hatakeyama and Ninagawa families.

It doesn't matter what Ashikaga Yoshiaki thinks.

  She must come to Beijing so that we can have bargaining chips to negotiate with the saint. This is the most important thing!

We have already offended the saint. Even if the saint is kind, so many middle and lower-level samurai families in the Kyoto shogunate have been bribed by the Sasaki family and are close to the saint. They are becoming more and more displeased with you and me.

We can't delay any longer. We must bring along our own people who are willing to meet the general and make a bigger show of force.

After Ichijo Hideyoshi forces Ashikaga Yoshiaki to move, we will go to Iwashimizu Hachiman Shrine together and make Ashikaga Yoshiaki repent and let her enter the capital!"

Ninagawa nodded and smiled bitterly.

"As of now, that's all it can do."

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