different warring states of japan

Chapter 2092: Things about being a man

Chapter 2092: Things about being a man

After accepting the sincere apologies of Hosokawa Fujitaka and Akechi Mitsuhide, Yoshigaki, who had relaxed, was also very proud of himself, thinking that he had removed the biggest hidden danger within the Shiba family, that is, the one who liked to go his own way.

But in fact, Yoshigin only scared Hosokawa Fujitaka, while Akechi Mitsuhide, this troublemaker, was no ordinary trouble.

After licking each finger in his mouth clean one by one, Akechi Mitsuhide smiled slightly, looked up and said.

"Ashikaga Yoshiaki committed many evil deeds and suffered divine punishment at Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine.

The Ashikaga Shogun, the shogunate's kanrei, the administrative representative, and a number of hereditary shogunate retainers all died under the thunder. Even the white flag, sword, and gold seal handed down by the Ashikaga shogunate were reduced to ashes along with the Hachiman Shrine.

The orthodoxy of the Ashikaga Shogunate has been severed, but the world cannot be without a ruler for a day.

The Sasaki family was originally the direct descendant of the Ashikaga clan, and the direct descendant of the Kawachi Genji clan. However, because of the persecution by the ruling Hojo clan in Kamakura, the Sasaki family was forced to move out of the Ashikaga clan and become a branch.

Now the wheel of fate has come. The Ashikaga Shogunate has lost the favor of heaven, but the Sasaki family has a living god. This is heaven's will for the Sasaki family to inherit the orthodox lineage of the Kawachi Genji, revive the shogunate, and bless the world.

But Hideyoshi is unwilling to obey the king and has ambitions, so the saint should make plans early. "

Let’s not worry about whether it’s God’s will or not for now, and just say that this samurai regime has lasted for two generations of shogunate, and they are all direct descendants of the Kawachi Genji who follow the rules of samurai succession.

If the Sasaki family inherits the legitimate line and revives the shogunate again, then the samurai world and the legitimate line of the Kawachi Genji will be truly tied together.

Just like Liu Bei of the Celestial Empire, if Liu Bei successfully established the Third Han Dynasty, then it would become a consensus among the people of the Celestial Empire that only the Liu family could be emperor.

But even though Liu Bei died halfway through his career, the prophecy of the golden sword still troubled emperors of all dynasties. Once the world was in chaos, someone would rise up in the name of Liu to fight for the world.

Today's island country is just like the Celestial Empire during the Three Kingdoms period. The direct line of the Kawachi Genji has already conquered the world and become the common ruler in the hearts of the samurai.

If this happens again, the samurai of the world will inevitably be deeply impressed that only the direct descendants of the Kawachi Genji are qualified to become the shogun.

By that time, the value of the direct lineage of Kawachi Genji will further increase, and it will be difficult for outsiders to casually claim to be descendants of Kawachi Genji by simply claiming to have a surname.

The status of the orthodox line will be further deified, and those samurai daimyo who dare to claim the surname of the Kawachi Genji's side branch will no longer dare to covet the orthodox lineage.

With the protection of the two major identities of being the direct descendant of the Kawachi Genji and the descendant of Bishamonten, the stability of the Sōma world will exceed that of the Kamakura shogunate and the Ashikaga shogunate, and the justice will be more solid.

In the vast territory of the Celestial Empire, there would be a major purge every few hundred years when dynasties changed, sweeping all the nobles of the previous generation into the dustbin of history.

Are kings, princes, generals, and ministers all born with a certain kind of blood? This sentence has long been deeply engraved in the genes of the Chinese people.

The Chinese are inherently unwilling to accept their fate and do not believe in evil. All they think is that things will go wrong over time.

But this is not the case in island countries.

In the closed society of the island nation with its orderly hierarchy, the obsession with noble bloodline is far greater than in China.

  The Millennium Nobility is a real reality. No matter whether it is the Minamoto clan, the Heike clan or the Fujiwara clan, they have no connection with the Millennium Nobility, so how can they have the nerve to call themselves nobles?

A dragon gives birth to a dragon, a phoenix gives birth to a phoenix, and a mouse's son goes to dig holes. The long-term closure of the ascending channel makes everyone sit in the position they should sit.

Even when troubled times come and the time has come to change one's fate, those of humble origins who have successfully counterattacked will immediately find themselves a sufficiently noble ancestor.

In this harsh environment where everyone has to learn to read the atmosphere and cannot survive without sticking together, the only way out is to integrate into the noble class.

Look at that talented Hideyoshi, but he still had to kowtow to others.

He wanted to be Genji's son, but Genji refused to accept him. So he turned around and kowtowed to the Fujiwara clan. Finally, he was relieved that he had obtained a noble family background.

Shiba was originally a relative of Ashikaga, and there was nothing wrong with him inheriting the lineage of the Kawachi Genji.

Yoshikin was not surprised that Akechi Mitsuhide had made this suggestion, as the time was ripe to kick out the Ashikaga Shogunate and inherit the Kawachi Genji line. But she insisted on involving Hideyoshi, which showed that she had selfish motives.

Yoshigin glanced at Akechi Mitsuhide and said.

"I have already told you about Hideyoshi Ichijo's future. Why are you bringing it up again today?"

Akechi Mitsuhide said respectfully.

"The divine power is as great as the sea. I am deeply troubled, and I do not understand why the saint would indulge Hideyoshi Ichijo."

Yiyin shook his head.

"The shogunate is the shogunate, and Ichijo Hideyoshi is Ichijo Hideyoshi. The former is ungrateful and brought punishment upon himself, but the latter is still of great use. They cannot be generalized."

Akechi Mitsuhide sighed.

“Your Majesty’s frank words make me feel uneasy, but I have some personal grudges with Ichijo Hideyoshi and I hate him to the core.

If Fujitaka hadn't saved me, I would have been buried in Tianwang Mountain and would never have had the chance to serve the saint again."

Yiyin sighed.

"For people like us, personal grudges are too much of a luxury. Let's take a long-term view."

Akechi Mitsuhide bowed and agreed, thus skipping this section.

She deliberately mentioned Ichijo Hideyoshi, not to do anything to him, but to tactfully express to the saint that she had surrendered and confessed, and would not do anything behind the saint's back again.

But in fact, it is impossible for her to be obedient. She is destined to cause trouble in her life.

But if Yoshikin remained vigilant against her, it would be difficult for Akechi Mitsuhide to act in secret. He could just use the power of the gods to show his panic and fear, and make the saint relax his vigilance.

With the truly convinced Hosokawa Fujitaka acting as a background, Akechi Mitsuhide's compromising words did not seem abrupt, and he actually believed Yoshigaki, this honest man.

Changing the subject, Akechi Mitsuhide said.

“Ichijo Hideyoshi is still of great use, and the saint can tolerate him for now.

But the world is without a master and the people are uneasy. It is urgent to succeed the direct lineage of the Kawachi Genji. I beg the saint to have mercy on all living beings.

For the sake of the world and all the people, please take on this heavy responsibility for the world!"

Although he intended to inherit the direct lineage of the Kawachi Genji, Yoshikin still did not want to be the bad guy and make himself look ugly when talking about the Ashikaga Shogunate.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki and other high-ranking officials of the shogunate rebelled against the will of heaven and were killed by God. It had nothing to do with Yoshigin.

In the eyes of the world, Yiyin is still the saint of benevolence, righteousness and morality, following the most simple and unpretentious military ethics, and worthy of the trust of the people.

So for some things, Yiyin must maintain his own image and cannot take things by force. He must learn from the Three Bows and Three Declines of the Celestial Empire and be begged and pushed by the military families of the world to ascend the throne of the world.

The three bows and three concessions of the Celestial Empire may seem pedantic, but in fact it contains the wisdom of the Celestial Empire.

One side wants to show its sincerity that you are the only one who belongs to you, while the other side is forced to accept it for the sake of the people of the world.

As a male prostitute, you have to set a good example.

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