different warring states of japan

Chapter 2099: The 9-State Expedition is Imminent

Chapter 2099: The Kyushu Expedition is Imminent

Ichijo Hideyoshi sneered.

"Yes, even if we move to that incomprehensible Xirenchuan, we still want to rebuild the fence with Xirenchuan as our surname. This is simply outrageous!

A descendant of the Ashikaga family of Kamakura, a dignified general of Kanto, is so cowardly and allows himself to be manipulated to such an extent. It really opens my eyes!"

Kuroda Kotaka said calmly.

"Kituregawa is indeed a good place, sandwiched between the Ashio Mountains and the Yamizo Mountains, with the Uesugi on one side and the Takeda on the other. With these two clans watching over it, it is indeed a good place for the saint to feel at ease.

It is said that the saint gave Kitsuregawa Yoshiuji a fief of 5,000 koku, and granted the Kitsuregawa family the status of a family of the Sasaki clan, with the same treatment as a daimyo of 100,000 koku.

Kitsurekawa Yoshiuji helped the Sasaki family get rid of the two big troubles, the Ashikaga Shogun and the Kanto Shogun, so being able to escape unscathed is the reward she deserves."

Ichijo Hideyoshi looked back at Kuroda Kotaka and said.

"You think clearly."

Kuroda Takataka said.

"Now that things have come to this, getting upset will not help. It is better to plan the next step."

Ichijo Hideyoshi said coldly.

"Don't try to provoke me in a roundabout way, what choice do I have?

I have done so many things to let Yoshigin Sasaki down. He will never forgive me, let alone let me go.

I have no choice but to fight to the bitter end."

Kuroda Kotaka bowed.

"My Lord, you are not afraid of the enemy's strength and our weakness, and you are determined to seize the world. Xiao Gao is willing to die for you."

Ichijo Hideyoshi looked at the bowing Kuroda Kotaka with a forced smile, his gaze lingering on her neck for a moment.

Even if this vicious and insatiable scholar changed his allegiance to Sōma now, it would be difficult for him to realize his ambitions. He could only remain a traitor for the rest of his life, which was more painful to her than killing her.

Therefore, Kuroda Kotaka was afraid that Hideyoshi Ichijo would be afraid and retreat in the face of Sasaki Yoshikin's huge advantage, so he used words to provoke him.

Ichijo Hideyoshi knew that Kuroda Kotaka had bad intentions, but he was not willing to argue with her at this time.

As the internal integration of the Sasaki family progressed smoothly, fear arose within the Ichijo family. Pro-war retainers like Kuroda Kotaka, who firmly supported the conquest of the world, were already a minority.

Hideyoshi Ichijo now really needed people like Kuroda Kotaka to encourage internal efforts, so he was naturally very tolerant of her.

With a slow sigh, Hideyoshi Ichijo's eyes turned firm and he spoke.

"I have made up my mind. I will accept Otomo Yoshitane's request for assistance and immediately send envoys to mediate the war and ask the Shimazu family to stop the war in Kyushu."

Hideyoshi Ichijo wanted to emulate the political wisdom of Yoshikin Sasaki who had proposed a no-war policy in Kanto and interfere in the affairs of Kyushu in the interests of maintaining peace.

Kuroda Takagao shook his head.

"The Shimazu family has already unified Kyushu and will never accept your suggestion."

Ichijo Hideyoshi sneered.

“That’s what I need.

Even if the Shimazu family accepts my mediation, I will force the Shimazu family to take up arms and fight me. Only in this way can I defeat the Otomo family and the Ryuzoji family as quickly as possible.

I must take Kyushu before Yoshigin Sasaki completes the integration. Only by taking Kyushu, plus the western part of Japan, Shikoku Island, and the old Oda territory in my hands, will I have enough strength to convince the samurai under my command to compete with Yoshigin Sasaki for the world.

We have to hurry now, otherwise there will be no chance."

Kuroda Takaka nodded.

Sasaki Yoshigin was unrivaled in the world, and the high-ranking officials of the shogunate were all wiped out by an inexplicable thunderstorm, which had already frightened all the lords under Hideyoshi.

Hideyoshi Ichijo tried his best to deny the rumors of divine punishment at Iwashimizu Hachiman Shrine, admitting that it was a natural disaster and accident to dispel everyone's concerns.

On the other hand, she must achieve greater results in order to encourage everyone to continue to follow her and fight against Yoshigin Sasaki.

Originally, the three families of Shimazu, Otomo, and Ryuzoji in Kyushu were in a fierce struggle, and Hideyoshi Ichijo was not yet fully prepared to intervene.

She wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the fight, suppress Otomo Yoshijin's letter for help, and then see how the situation develops.

But now, Hideyoshi Ichijo had to take the initiative to attack the Shimazu family, the strongest of the three families in Kyushu, and conquer the other two families, barely taking over the nominal control of Kyushu.

Just like the Mori clan in the west, they seemed to be an ally of Hideyoshi, but they were very independent and would definitely be a hidden danger in the future.

But the situation was pressing and Hideyoshi Ichijo could no longer care about anything else and had to send troops.

Kyushu Island is mostly mountainous and has little land, with the plains mainly concentrated in the central and northern parts.

Especially the Chikushi Plain, which is mainly composed of Chikuzen, Chikugo, Hizen, Higo and Shikoku where Hakata and Kumamoto are located, and the Kumamoto Plain, is the essence of northern Kyushu.

Kyushu Island is close to the mainland and has been a window for the island country to communicate with the outside world since ancient times. Hakata Bay, which is close to the peninsula, is the focus of contention among the princes of Kyushu.

The Port of Hakata is the gateway port for the island nation's foreign trade, and Dazaifu, located near the Hakata Bay, is the core stronghold for the imperial court to rule the Saikaido.

After the establishment of the first military regime, the Kamakura shogunate, Minamoto no Yoritomo appointed samurai to guard the western border, and the first head of the Shoni family moved into Dazaifu and established the military regime's management of Kyushu Island.

As the times changed, the Shoni family declined and the Ouchi family once controlled Hakata Bay.

When the Ouchi and Amago clans were both defeated and the Mori clan rose to power, northern Kyushu became a place of chaos.

The Shimazu family in southern Kyushu has a long history. They were appointed as local lords during the Kamakura shogunate period, which is 500 years ago.

The three countries of southern Kyushu can be regarded as the traditional territory of the Shimazu family. The local samurai have close ties, and it can be said that they are all composed of relatives and hereditary descendants of the Shimazu family.

Although the Shimazu family has experienced decline and division, today, the four Shimazu sisters have risen and have already launched the ambition to unify southern Kyushu and even the entire Kyushu Island.

In Kitakyushu, the once powerful Shoni and Ouchi families have become a thing of the past. Now, the Otomo and Ryuzoji families control the east and west of Kitakyushu.

Not to mention the positions of the many small forces on Kyushu Island, the main contradiction is concentrated on the struggle between Shimazu, Otomo, and Ryuzoji.

With the rise of the Shimazu family, the northern invasion of the southern Kyushu samurai became more and more intense, and the Ryuzoji family had already shown a tendency to submit to the Shimazu family.

The Otomo family was also unable to fight against the powerful Shimazu sisters, and had to ask for help from Ichijo Hideyoshi, who had successfully suppressed Shikoku and Western Province.

On this point, Yoshijin Otomo was clear-headed.

They are all kneeling down and serving as dogs. Rather than serving as dogs for those country bumpkins in southern Kyushu, it is more economical to serve as a dog for the more powerful Hideyoshi.

If the saint in Kyoto was not too far away and distant water could not quench a nearby fire, Otomo Yoshitsugu could even go to Kyoto for help and serve the Sasaki family as a dog.

Hideyoshi Ichijo was originally still hesitating whether to intervene in Kyushu affairs too early, but now seeing that the internal integration of the Sasaki family was going smoothly, she was forced to take a gamble in Kyushu.

If one intervenes in Kyushu affairs too early before making full preparations, one will inevitably have to compromise with the local military families, which will be detrimental to future rule.

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