different warring states of japan

Chapter 2101: Inari Mountain Waist Support

Chapter 2101: Inari Mountain Waist Support

As winter turns to spring and everything comes back to life, looking down from the hillside of Inari Mountain, the earth is full of green.

Yiyin stood on the gravel road, looking at the scenery in the distance, and secretly rubbed his waist.

That crazy girl Yukino, when she was entering Fushimi Castle last night, she insisted on dragging Haruno, Tachibana Kanade, and Yoshigane into a profound discussion that lasted until midnight.

If that's all, that's fine.

However, the Takata sisters came to the audience with a political mission, which was to finalize the location of the Shinto branch in Kyoto.

Before daybreak, they begged the saint to move to Inariyama to inspect the new shrine, which made Yoshigin, who was exhausted after working half the night, cry out that he could not bear it any more.

Lust is a steel knife that scrapes your bones. Even though Yiyin has the aura of being forever sixteen years old, no matter how good his body is, it can't withstand such torture.

Just as he reached halfway up the mountain, he felt his waist protesting, so he simply pretended to appreciate the scenery to give his weak legs and waist a chance to catch their breath.

As early as the beginning of spring, Yoshigin came from Tamonyama Castle in the Nara Basin to Fushimi Castle in the southern suburbs of Kyoto.

He announced to the public that he was on a spring outing, but in fact he was sitting in the government office south of Kyoto, supervising the first spring grand council after the reorganization of the Kyoto shogunate and the Kanto samurai.

According to the tradition of the old Grand Council, the Grand Council holds two general meetings in spring and summer during the slack season after the busy farming seasons in spring and autumn each year, inviting all members of the United Front to participate.

The united front members from all over the country will represent the local military families and attend the general congress to express the demands of their own military family groups, and make some political deals with other military family groups to complete new adjustments.

Generally speaking, even if the United Front Group cannot attend the meeting due to illness or other reasons, they will send capable retainers to represent themselves at the meeting and will never miss this meeting of all military representatives.

Although the busy farming season has just passed and there is still some time before the grand review begins, many united front workers from all over the country have already arrived.

The formal meeting lasted only three to five days, but it was just a show of hands and applause, a ceremonial program to show the unity of the united front.

The real political deal was done before the opening.

For Yiyin, he doesn't care about the private interests behind the Grand Council.

Those small profits are just to let everyone have a taste of the sweetness. The successful holding of the Grand Council will be the greatest benefit to the Sōma family.

The Sasaki family successfully organized a new samurai consultation system that was recognized by the majority of samurai families. It was only a matter of time before the Sasaki family came to power.

The makers of the rules of the game don’t care whether others benefit from the rules. As long as everyone is willing to play within the rules, it is in the greatest benefit for the makers.

The first proposal made at the opening ceremony of the new Daipanji after the reform was about Ashikaga Yoshiuji's request to remove the Ashikaga surname and move to Kireikawa.

The current Ashikaga Yoshiuji has inherited the lineage of Ashikaga Yoshiteru, and theoretically replaced Ashikaga Yoshiaki who was struck to ashes by thunder, becoming the head of the Ashikaga Shogunate.

Of course, she did not inherit the position of Ashikaga Shogun.

The position of head of the Kamakura Ashikaga family, which was originally held by Ashikaga Yoshiuji, was officially extinct because of her marriage to the Ashikaga shogunate.

Therefore, once Ashikaga Yoshiuji, the head of the Ashikaga Shogunate, successfully gave up the Ashikaga surname, moved to Kiregewa, and called himself Kiregewa Yoshiuji, it meant that the Ashikaga Shogunate would also be extinct.

The Ashikaga lineage that had lasted for two hundred years was cut off, and the main branch of the Kawachi Genji would be passed on to a side branch. It would be natural for the Sasaki family, the most noble family among the Ashikaga relatives recognized by the samurai of the world, to inherit the throne.

Everything was in line with the samurai tradition, and everything was reasonable. All Yoshigin had to do was bow three times and decline three times in order to gain the orthodox lineage of the Kawachi Genji.

At this point, the Sasaki group had the ambition to establish their own kingdom, replace the Ashikaga shogunate, and establish the Sasaki world.

The dual blessing of divine power and secular power made the Sasaki family's orthodoxy and righteousness comparable to the emperor who was slaughtered by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, and made the Sasaki family truly have the confidence to be a one-line family for eternity. At this time, the Takada sisters from Sakai Port came to the door.

They first half-heartedly dragged Yiyin to party for half the night, and then pushed the exhausted him up Mount Inari, which made him feel refreshed but also depressed.

Inari Taisha Shrine is not far away, four kilometers north of Fushimi Castle.

If it were a normal day, Yiyin would lead the team on horseback, dismount and climb the mountain, and they would arrive in half an hour.

But today, he can only stand with his hands on his hips halfway up the mountain and admire the scenery, lamenting that although his body is not old, his heart is old.

Just as Yiyin was admiring the scenery, Yukino's voice came from behind him.

"What is the saint looking at?"

Yiyin looked back and saw Yukino lying comfortably on a chair, being carried up the mountain by two Mibui wolves. She squinted her eyes to feel the mountain breeze, just like a kitten curled up and just woke up.

Seeing how comfortable she was, Yiyin was furious.

Last night, when Yoshigane, Haruno, and Tachibana Kanade were sweating profusely, Yukino also looked relaxed, watching the three of them exhausted.

Yukino always looks silly and confused, but Yoshigane always has the illusion that he is under her control.

The one who shared Yoshigin's feelings was Yukino's biological sister, Takada Haruno.

Holding the trekking pole and walking up the stairs, Yang Nai took a deep breath. Yiyin was tired, and she was tired too. They had been busy for most of the night. The eldest brother didn't laugh at the second brother.

Yang Noi glanced at Yukino who was lying comfortably on the chair, walked up to her and spoke softly.

"Saint, just a few steps up is Inari Taisha Shrine."

Yukino is weak, and the fact that she can sit on the chair is a special permission granted by the saint; others do not have this privilege.

Although Yang Noi was a fake warrior princess, she still had to maintain the dignity of the warrior family, so she had to grit her teeth and climb the mountain despite her weak legs from a night of fatigue.

Yiyin raised his head and looked upwards, already vaguely seeing the vermilion torii gate, and smiled.

“You guys know how to choose a place.”

Inari Taisha Shrine was established in the eighth century and is said to have been built by the Qin family, descendants of the Qin State. The torii gates painted vermilion serve both to prevent decay and to ward off evil, making it the symbolic building of the island nation's shrines.

Since Ashikaga Yoshimitsu massacred the emperor and his ministers and destroyed Shintoism, all shrines across the island nation have been removed from the list. Even some shrines with a long history that were specially authorized to be retained by the Ashikaga shogunate have fallen into decline one by one.

Apart from the Hachiman Shrine, which enshrines Hachiman Daibutsu and is deliberately maintained as the patron saint of the samurai, the remaining priests and shrine maidens have become increasingly embarrassed over the past two hundred years.

Excluded from mainstream society, they have no one to rely on and can only fend for themselves.

For example, the priests and maidens of Izumo Shrine travel around the world in groups, performing their skills and selling their bodies to barely keep the shrine running.

Most shrines are not as lucky as Izumo Shrine. They can only decay with the passage of time and disappear in the long river of history.

Takada Yonai comes from a business background and is best at asset restructuring and value discovery.

Therefore, she bought over various shrines that had deep roots but were inevitably declining, and quickly expanded the base of Shintoism. Inari Taisha was one of them.

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