different warring states of japan

Chapter 2103 Yukino, the One Who Frightens Yangno

Chapter 2103 Yukino, the One Who Frightens Yangno

The identity of Yiyin as the descended god of Bishamonten was first promoted by Master Jueshu of the Tendai sect.

Although Master Jueshu had died long ago, the various Buddhist sects had reached a consensus to deify Yiyin and make him the guardian deity of Buddhism.

With the support and promotion of the Buddhist sects that monopolized the island nation's culture and religion, Yoshigin's path to Shinto was smooth sailing, but on the other hand, he was also completely bound by the Buddhist sects.

  Now is the time when Buddhism and saints flourish. If Buddhism declines in the future, will the descendants of Sōma be dragged down with it?

New Shintoism is a religious tool used by the Sasaki clan to counter various Buddhist sects and seize the right to interpret the present gods.

Perhaps, the Takata sisters did not have the subjective intention of suppressing and weakening the Buddhist sects, but from the perspective of the Buddhist sects, this is a matter of life and death in which one side will gain while the other will lose.

  After the invasion of Nanmanism, Buddhism's two-hundred-year monopoly on the island's religion and culture has been gradually weakened. Now that Shintoism has revived, how can this not cause concern among the Buddhist sects?

Sooner or later you will have to pay for what you have done, but no vested interest group is willing to give up the benefits voluntarily, and all concessions must be won through struggle.

The conflict between Shintoism and various Buddhist sects is an inevitable result that everyone can see but no one can ease.

The Takata sisters bribed the remnants of Shintoism on the periphery and started the new Shinto cause, while the Buddhist sects could still pretend not to see it.

But now that Inari Taisha has reopened, the influence of Shintoism has already spread to Kyoto, and the knife has been pointed at the lungs of the major Buddhist sects, so the friction has naturally become intense.

Kyoto is located at the foot of the emperor of the island country, the best place, and also the core area of ​​Buddhism.

At that time, the Nichiren sect rose to power and fought fiercely with the Ikko sect. Eventually, the Ikko sect was forced to move its mountain gate and reopen the Honganji Temple in Ishiyama.

The victor, the Nichiren sect, did not end up well either.

He was regarded as a thorn in the side by the Tendai sect. Taking advantage of the internal strife of the samurai who had no time to take care of Kyoto, the mountain monk of Mount Hiei went down the mountain to exorcise evil and massacred countless followers of the Nichiren sect.

The Nichiren sect was severely damaged and returned to Kyoto with the help of Oda Nobunaga several decades later. Soon after, the burning of Mount Hiei occurred.

Oda Nobunaga's death took place within the gate of Honnoji, the largest stronghold of the Nichiren sect in Kyoto.

The Honnoji Temple was burned down by Akechi Mitsuhide, and the abbot Nichigen died. The Nichiren sect was severely damaged, and this became another mysterious case.

After all, all the Buddhist nuns have kind faces and solemn statues, but if their core interests are violated, the gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will have angry eyes and will ensure that your entire family will be killed.

Yoshigaki was not surprised that the Takada sisters' Shinto cause suffered a setback in Kyoto. What worried him was that Takada Yukino had not changed her bad habits. When she encountered problems, she liked to kill the whole family and solve problems with violence.

The most feared thing in religious disputes is bloodshed. Once blood is shed for faith, there will be many situations where the fight continues until death.

If Yukino were really allowed to force her way through, it would probably provoke an irreconcilable blood feud between Shintoism and Buddhism, which would not be in the interests of the Sasaki theocracy.

Yiyin was both wary of and trying to win over the various Buddhist sects.

The island country is poor, and most of the untouchables at the bottom of society live a miserable life from birth to death, as they are exploited harshly throughout their lives.

There are sixty-six countries in the world, with a population of ten million and a stone height of twenty million.

Yiyin couldn't even afford to support one million samurai population, and only considered supporting the 500,000 samurai population behind the 80,000 hatamoto, and then restraining another 500,000 samurai population.

But the other nine million untouchables were destined to be slaves for generations and saw no hope at all.

Since we cannot provide them with material things, we must at least give them spiritual sustenance, and Buddhism is a very good choice.

If you work hard and accumulate virtue in this life, you won't have to work so hard in your next life. What a spiritual comfort! It is enough to make nine million untouchables be exploited all their lives without complaining.

Whether it is the imperial court or the samurai shogunate, the island nation’s political power has always worshipped and paid homage to Buddhism from ancient times to the present, and they have their own reasons.

The new Shintoism created by the Takata sisters is definitely not as effective as Buddhism in such an important matter as making the lower-class people work like slaves and be content.

Therefore, Yoshigin did not want a violent conflict between Shintoism and the various Buddhist sects.

It would be better for both sides to tolerate each other, promote each other's business, and become religious tools for the ruling class to oppress the lower classes, just like during the imperial court period.

On Mount Inari, Yoshigin used coaxing, deceiving, threatening and bribing to finally make Yukino promise that she would not act rashly, and only then did she feel at ease to go down the mountain. After Yoshigin left, the Takata sisters sat on the ground facing each other shoulder to shoulder, and Yukino spoke.

“I have already told the saint what my sister wanted.

Sister, do you think the saint will find a way to subdue the Tiantai Sect and the Rinzai Sect and allow the new Shinto to smoothly settle in Kyoto?"

Yang Nai smiled.

"Thanks to you, sister, the saint will definitely find a way to suppress those greedy bald donkeys when he returns.

Haha, these bastards actually dared to negotiate with me. They didn’t even think about it. If it weren’t for the Spoelstra family taking care of them all these years, would they have the peace they have today?

  What an ungrateful thing!

But it's okay. This time I'm using you as an example to scare them and let them recall the grand occasion of the Kyoto Tianzhu. I think they will be much more honest and there will be less trouble in the future.

I just have to thank you for lying to the saint to cover up my scheme."

Yukino looked at Yangno strangely and said.

"Sister, you should know that I only speak the truth in front of the saint."

Yang Nai was stunned, the hair on his back stood up, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he asked stutteringly.

"You...are the things you just said to the saint true?"

Yukino nodded, taking it for granted.

“I have ordered Kondo Isami to gather the Mibu wolves from all over the country to Kyoto, and have allocated a large amount of money and food to allow the Divine Guards to recruit ronin villains.

Thanks to you, sister, I have saved a lot of pocket money in the past few years, which I have used wisely.

If those nuns are unwilling to listen to the words of the saint, I will order Mibu Wolf to take action and first find a few Tendai and Rinzai sects' outer temples near Sakamoto Castle to test my swords.

Let’s see if these nuns are really as loyal and unyielding as they say, willing to sacrifice everything for their faith, even their own lives.”

Yang Nai broke out in a cold sweat and said with a toothache.

"The Tiantai and Rinzai sects just don't want to see Shintoism establish large-scale branches in Kyoto and its surrounding areas. In fact, their obstruction is quite restrained.

You're not making a fuss about nothing!"

Yukino looked towards the north along the mountain, and out of sight there was Mount Hiei, known as the Father of Buddhism on the island nation.

"Sister, you know I never believe in agreements, promises, or agreements. I only believe in boundaries and bottom lines that are stained with iron and blood.

I heard that Mount Hiei was burned twice. I really want to see the sky dyed red by the mountain fire. I really want to see Enryakuji Temple where blood flowed like a river.

Faith should be crazy, persistent and unrestrained. How can it be negotiated? I hate those nuns. They don’t believe in Vaisravana and they don’t want to die. It’s really annoying.”

Yang No looked at Yukino who had a calm face and was unable to say anything.

If Haruno's love for Saint is such that she is willing to give everything for it, then Saint himself is everything to Yukino.

In Yukino's opinion, the islanders who do not believe in saints should not breathe. This idea, which is as natural as drinking water and eating, sometimes even makes Yangno feel afraid.

Now Yang No even felt a little regretful that she should not have given Xue No that crooked idea of ​​scaring and fooling the saint.

Yang No could only pray that the saint could deal with those big nuns, otherwise Xue No would really take action.

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