different warring states of japan

Chapter 2105: 1 Hit, 1 Sweet Date

Chapter 2105: A Stunning Strike and a Sweet Date

Yagyu Munenori was stunned and said hesitantly.

"Saint, this seems to be the responsibility of the confidentiality team?"

Yiyin said coldly.

"I'm asking you how much you know now."

Yagyu Munenori's heart skipped a beat. He had been so pleasant and said he was very satisfied just now, but now his face changed faster than turning the pages of a book. It was true that serving the king was like serving a tiger.

To say that the Yagyu family is not familiar with Kyoto affairs would be a lie.

  Yagyu Muneya served the shogunate for many years. How could Ashikaga Shogun's Omegatsu not know about the dirty things going on in Kyoto?

Although Yagyu Munemori has fled now, Yagyu family is still headed by Yagyu Munemori.

However, the Yagyu family business was thriving, and some of the connections from that time were naturally reluctant to distance themselves from the new dynasty and upstarts of the Yagyu family, so many relationships were naturally still maintained.

The main reason why Yagyu Munenori did not dare to speak casually was that he was not sure what the saint meant.

  Is the saint unhappy with the people in the Kyoto sect and wants to reshuffle the clan, or is there something else going on?

Furthermore, the Secret Censor is the one in charge of internal suppression, not the confidentiality group for external intelligence.

Although Kyoto is under the control of the Sasaki family, it is not a divine territory after all, and it does not do the work of secret inspectors.

  Why would the saint ask about the Kyoto sect?

Yagyu Munenori was hesitant. Seeing the saint's face becoming increasingly stern, he was frightened out of his wits. Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind.

Last night, Sister Takata seemed to have met the saint.

Despite being sweaty, Yagyu Munenori knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"The Buddhist sects in Kyoto have been somewhat unstable recently. The high-profile announcement of the New Shinto sect's move into Inari Taisha Shrine has caused dissatisfaction among Buddhist sects.

Various sects sent people to appeal to the respected sect leaders such as Master Tenkai of Enryaku-ji Temple of the Tiantai Sect and Master Chongchuan of Nanzen-ji Temple of the Linji Sect.

They hope someone can take the lead and curb the wanton expansion of Shintoism."

Yiyin said coldly.

“Why not report it?”

Yagyu Munenori swallowed his saliva.

"Saint, the authority of the Secret Censor is limited to the Divine Leader..."

Yiyin interrupted.

  "Shintoku? Is my shrine a Shintoku?

It's fine that there are frictions between Buddhist sects and Shintoism, and conflicts between temples and shrines in various places, but now it has come to Kyoto. What else do you want to quibble about?"

Yagyu Munenori was sweating profusely, feeling extremely aggrieved, but he also came to his senses and realized who he was taking the blame for.

  It was obvious that the Takata sisters were trying to put a dent in the Buddhist sect. The saint had no way to deal with the Takata sisters, so he could only target himself, a small-time head of the group. This scolding was really unfair!

When is a Shinto shrine considered to have entered the realm of the gods?

The saint felt that the Takata sisters were too adept at stirring up trouble and were out of control, so he wanted the secret inspector to bring the shrine under supervision.

But you have something to say, please speak frankly! Why do you want to push the blame onto a little lackey like me?

Isn’t it that the Takata sisters have slept on the holy bed and with the saint, so the saint protects them?

Yagyu Munenori worked honestly, but because he had never slept with a saint, he could only blame himself for any misfortune he encountered.

This world is so unfair! Thinking of his former boss, Nizi Shengjiu, Yagyu Munenori felt sad.

A worker is a worker after all. No matter how well he does his job, he is not one of our own. When something happens, the difference between us can be seen.

Today's scolding may seem like it was due to Yagyu Munenori's dereliction of duty, but in fact, the saint has expanded the scope of the concept of divine territory to include shrines as well.

If the Takata sisters later discovered that the Anxing Imperial Secretary was secretly monitoring them, they would have nothing to say, because as loyal believers of the saint, they could not deny the concept that the shrine belonged to the divine territory.

This anger certainly cannot be vented on the saint, so naturally the hatred will be directed at the group of nosy lackeys like the Secret Censor.

Although Yagyu Munenori suffered a loss in silence, he had to kowtow and admit his mistake, express gratitude, and silently bear the blame handed over by the saint.

So, if Yagyu Munenori didn't take the route of the living sword, offending people everywhere and shedding blood, sooner or later the whole Yagyu family would have died, and life would have been unbearable.

Yiyin felt a little embarrassed when he saw that Yagyu Munenori had a constipated look on his face but was still admitting his guilt and accepting punishment honestly.

After all, he is not an emperor and cannot be cold-blooded and ruthless. He still has some humanity.

After thinking for a while, Yiyin said.

"Yagyu Muneno is indifferent to fame and wealth, lives in seclusion and practices hard, has a noble character, and now has achieved great success in swordsmanship. He has created his own living sword, which can be taken without a sword, and has made the Yagyu Shinkage-ryu flourish. I admire him very much.

I will order the Tongxin Secretariat to issue a circular to the world, calling on all swordsmen in the world to learn from Mr. Yagyu Munenoga, to be cautious and strive for self-improvement.

In addition, the Shiba selection will also include the Yagyu Shinkage-ryu as a candidate for the swordsmanship assessment, with a special grade. "

After hearing this, Yagyu Munenori's breathing became heavier. He banged his head heavily on the tatami and shouted.

"Yagyu Munenori thanks the saint for his grace on behalf of my mother and the Yagyu Shinkage-ryu. The Yagyu family is willing to follow the saint until death, and will never turn back!"

It wasn't that Yagyu Munenori wanted to lose her composure in front of the emperor, it was just that the saint had given her too much, and she was so excited that she couldn't control her emotions.

Although the Yagyu family has some status in the Sasaki family, the position they hold is really difficult to describe.

The samurai family values ​​military merit the most. No matter if it is a swordsman or a mezuzu, they are all marginal figures in the samurai family, only slightly better than the ronin villains.

The Yagyu family took the path of mezuke, which is actually just like the Takata family took the path of business. Although they are the lord's confidants, their upper limit is too low and their limit can be seen at a glance, and they are not respected by their colleagues.

Therefore, Takada Yukino forced Takada Haruno to switch to Shinto and use business as a stepping stone. After successfully taking the position, she naturally kicked away this stumbling block.

The Takata sisters were protected by the Holy Spirit, so they naturally had no worries about their transformation. But the Yagyu family was in a miserable situation, and they could only do their job of being a waiter, which had no future.

But today, the saint gave Yagyu Munenori a big red envelope after giving him a stunning blow.

Speaking of stun guns, how could the Shinto Cult be easy to deal with? Mibu Wolf has always killed people without blinking an eye. Letting the Dark Imperial Censor supervise this group of cold-blooded swordsmen will definitely cause a lot of trouble in the future.

Furthermore, there is no normal person among those who are involved in religion. If Yagyu Munenori gets involved in this vortex, who knows what kind of strange things he will encounter. He might even die.

But on the other hand, the red envelope given by the saint is also big enough.

The Yagyu family was originally a master of kendo. There were two generations of swordsmen in the family, Yagyu Muneaki and Yagyu Munenoki. The former was the chief of the Ashikaga shogunate, and the latter was the head of the secret inspectors of the Sasaki family, and they were both famous.

Although Yagyu Muneaki got involved in a dispute with the shogunate and eventually escaped, her identity was not cleared. It would always be a hidden danger if someone found fault with her and asked about the scandal of abandoning her master and running away in the future.

The saint said that Yagyu Sogen was a man of high character and called on swordsmen all over the world to learn from Yagyu Sogen. Then Yagyu Sogen was a retired master, and from now on no one could use her past scandal to make trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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