different warring states of japan

Chapter 2115 The Difficulty of Having Both

Chapter 2115 The Difficulty of Having Both

No matter what Yoshigin and his friends were thinking, Takada Haruno was encouraged when he saw the saint nod to allow Sasaki Dokura to relax credit.

She bowed.

"The saint is wise. With this, I have the confidence to lead the Spoelstra Fed to do something great."

Yiyin shook his head and said.

"Whether it's wise or not, I have no choice. I know what's going on. It's just a matter of weighing the pros and cons.

In life, whatever people want to do has its pros and cons.

Doing nothing is not bad, doing less makes fewer mistakes, doing more makes more mistakes, this is a true saying.

Since you are determined to do something, I will naturally support you, but you must understand this in your heart.

It is impossible for a person to have all the benefits. The more you want, the greater the troubles in the future. "

Takada Yono bowed respectfully.

"Follow the teachings of the saints."

Yiyin sighed.

“I’m not talking about the Spoelstra Fed.

It was I who gave the nod to Sasaki Dokura to relax credit, so naturally I will be concerned about the troubles that may arise in the future.

I am talking to you about New Shintoism."

Although Takada Haruno is the chairman of the Sapporo Federal Reserve and an economic tycoon nominated by the so-called Divine Group, her power is actually far less than when she was a merchant in Sakai Port.

Back then, Takata Haruno was in charge of all business matters. All of the business activities of the Sōma family in Kinki revolved around her, whether it was stocks, real estate, or soil storage, she had the final say.

Even whether such an important institution as the Sasaki Foundation can make money and whether Ishida Mitsunari can survive depends on Takada Haruno's support.

But now?

The Sakai Port business was dismantled, and Daizo Changan replaced Takata Haruno to manage Sasaki Warehouse. He was watched by the evil mother-in-law, the Tongxin Secretariat, and he was also surrounded by the Integrity Group to check his integrity and the Institutional Advisors to check his accounts.

  Da Zang Chang'an was trembling with fear and behaved in a very orderly manner. How could she still have any of the majesty that Takata Haruno had in the past?

It can be said that without Yoshigin's nod, Takata Haruno, the chairman of the Sawa Federal Reserve, would not be able to accomplish anything, and Sawa Dokura would not dare to cooperate.

Although Yiyin does not care about the Fed's joint meeting, any resolution of the Fed cannot bypass him.

Without the saint's permission, the five major followers will just laugh it off and treat the Fed's decision as fart.

This is just like the transition from authoritarianism to constitutionalism. Before the death of Yiyin, the monarch who actually had the final say, he could only formulate the principle of consensus but could not implement true constitutionalism.

He was the one who conquered the world. Even if he stepped down and maintained the system of consultation, in everyone's eyes he was still the boss whose word was law.

The Sawa Fed arranged by the Yiyin weakened General Sawa and promoted a system of cooperation and consultation that could only be truly formed after his death.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Yoshigin has the final say and must also bear the greatest responsibility, so what he said was not Takata Haruno's turn to be responsible, which was the truth.

The dirt and infamy behind him can only be borne by the greatest person. Who will care about a small group of four or five people a hundred years later?

But the trouble of Shintoism cannot be avoided without the instigator Takata Haruno.

The reason why Yoshigin could not leave the capital for a long time was to suppress the conflict between Buddhism and Shintoism. As long as he was in Fushimi Castle, no one dared to cause trouble.

But on the other hand, if Yiyin didn't resolve the conflict between the two religions, he wouldn't dare to just go back to Duowen Mountain City.

Religious conflicts are far more acute than secular conflicts because it is truly a zero-sum game. If you eat one more bite, I will eat one less bite. If you live, I will die.

It was too difficult to make Buddhism suffer, admit defeat, and continue to sing praises for oneself. If you want the Buddhist sects to truly obey, you must make some concessions, so Yoshigin must first persuade Takata Haruno.

There is no way to talk to Yukino Takada. Her world is black and white. If you are not one of us, you are our enemy.

Fortunately, Takada Yukino only controls the military force of Shintoism, and the operation of the church affairs is handled by her sister Takada Haruno, who is a businessman, so they can negotiate.

Gao Tianyang heard the saint's hidden meaning and laughed.

  “The saint wants Shinto to back down?

The new Shintoism integrates shrines from all over the country and competes for the right to interpret religion, which will inevitably squeeze the living space of various Buddhist sects.

Kyoto is the best place in the world. This time when the new Shintoism is stationed in Kyoto, shrines from all over the country are looking forward to it, and they also want to see whether I have the determination to compete with the various Buddhist sects.

If I retreat at this time, people's hearts will be dispersed.

The saints are wise enough to know that the various Buddhist sects will never willingly give up the right to interpret their religion. Even when the saints were alive, they would still bow their heads and submit.

But if one day you... return to the throne of God in heaven, what should the descendants of Shiba face in the misinterpretation of Buddhist scriptures?

The foundation of the Sasaki theocracy must be laid firmly during your reign. There is no time to lose.

Buddhism has been spread in the island country for nearly a thousand years, but I only have a few decades to operate it. Time is running out.

Only by absorbing the remaining shrines of the old Shintoism and winning over and integrating those old priests and shrine maidens can the new Shintoism grow rapidly.

The dispute between gods and Buddhas is inevitable, if not today, then someday in the future.

I don’t dare to believe in the wisdom of future generations, and I don’t want to leave huge troubles for them.

So I hope it can be resolved today, because today we have the saint, me, and Yukino, and Buddhism cannot be overturned."

Takada Haruno's words were so sincere that Yoshigaki couldn't help but nod.

Today, Shintoism is like a rising new company with a strong background, using its abundant capital to acquire companies everywhere.

Those old companies that were once glorious but have been sluggish in recent years due to policy suppression are now discussing acquisitions while waiting to see what will happen next.

If Takada Haruno shows fear towards the Buddhist sects at this time, there will be no talk of acquisition.

Those famous societies that have fallen on hard times are willing to talk because they don’t want to be bullied any more.

If Shintoism had not come, I would have been bullied. If Shintoism had come, I would still be bullied. Wouldn't it be a waste of time for Shintoism to come? It would be better for it not to come!

Going to Kyoto to take over Inari Taisha Shrine was a well-considered decision made by Takata Yono.

She dragged Yukino to see the Saint, played sandwich with Tachibana Kanade, and dragged the exhausted Saint up Mount Inari. All of this was part of the plan.

The saint stayed in Fushimi Castle south of Kyoto from early spring to late summer, which put pressure on various Buddhist sects and prevented them from making any rash moves. This gave the New Shintoists nearly half a year of strategic time to expand wantonly.

But what is coming must come. After the saint finished his work in Kyoto, he finally couldn't resist talking to Takada Haruno about the dispute between gods and Buddhas. This shows that the saint's patience has come to an end.

Takada Haruno could only show a sincere attitude and strive for the best outcome for Shintoism in front of the saint.

The saint looked at Takada Haruno and spoke slowly.

"You can't have all the benefits in the world by yourself. You can only choose one side, the benefits of the living and the benefits of the dead."

Takada Haruno was stunned and bowed.

"I am ignorant, please enlighten me, sage."

Yiyin said calmly.

"Bishamonten is a war god, a god who protects roads and commerce, and a guardian deity of Buddhism, but he does not have a samsara priesthood.

I am the descended Vaisravana. Wherever my eyes reach is the mortal world, not the underworld."

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