Chapter 35 The Senate
The deep winter has not yet left, and the smoke of the battle has slowly dissipated. This is the third day after the war.

In Qingzhou City, Yiyin was silently in a daze in the mansion.After he was sent here in a coma, Nobunaga gave him this mansion near the castle tower.

This is also a disguised affirmation. In Eastern culture, the closer you are to the master, the more attention you get.

Even if it is a direct minister, only a favored minister and good general is worthy of a samurai mansion with such a position.

The war was over, and after Tsuchida Gozen knelt and cried that day, Nobunaga reluctantly agreed with him to go to Sumori City, persuaded his younger sister Nobuyuki to surrender, and promised not to pursue the rebellion.

The overjoyed Tsuchida Yuzen drove over in a bullock cart overnight, and it was almost time to arrive at Qingzhou City with all the samurai who had pleaded guilty.

His life was saved, but he couldn't get away with the reduction of seals and changes, right?Shibata Katsuya and Lin Xiuzhen are the elders of the family, too many punishments will easily make the family feel sad.

And Nobuyuki has his father's blessing, and he should be able to save his life with his tail between his legs, but he is just pitiful for those Ji Wushi who died in battle.

The samurai will happily accept the ending of the family's re-stabilization, and some people died?When did the samurai succession not come from a fight?
It has been hundreds of years and thousands of years. Except for the years when the shogun was strong, everyone was used to it.

The wise warrior Ji died, and the descendants of the family inherited it.Only those who have a salary will die when they die, and they will help with the burial, and they will be counted as their companions doing their best.

Foot light peasants and soldiers?Just kidding, the weeds in the field will grow again after being cut, who cares.

Am I the only one who cares? Yiyin looked at the gray clouds in the sky and smiled wryly.

No matter how many years have passed, the boy from the previous life is still in my heart.A man is still a teenager until he dies. Even if his life as a social animal has buried his blood, the meddling in this life has broken his back.

However, he was born under the red flag and grew up in the spring breeze. No matter how he ignored some bottom lines, they were deeply rooted in his heart.

Human life is not worthless!Yi Yin, who could only recuperate and lick his wounds at home, thought silently, but knew that he was powerless to change.

The power of an individual is insignificant, and the power of a person who is afraid of death is even less worth mentioning.He is not a person with the will to change the world, he just wants to go with the flow and live a good life.

It's ridiculous to say that it was just a shabby and settled fake Sibo family before, but after this battle, it became famous.

Compared with the fate of being annexed by the Oda family at any time before as a junior, now it is accepted by a direct minister with his head held high, and many samurai are convinced.

No one can change this kind of thing. The martial arts society rewards public kindness as a matter of course, and great achievements do not reward pills sooner or later.

Many samurai families perished on this, and the clear-minded and ambitious Oda Nobunaga certainly wouldn't be confused about this kind of thing.

And this battle is a battle of escorts, and there is nothing more successful than Conglong, Yiyin is very happy.

In addition, after a few days of fermentation, his brave and unparalleled battlefield image was passed on from both the enemy and the enemy, and finally unexpectedly generated new gains.

Host: Yoshihiko Shiba

Title: Siba Yuqian (The samurai do not recognize your Shiba direct lineage, but recognize you, charm +1)

Ghost Sibo (Your reckless charge on the battlefield has won unanimous praise from the brainless warriors, and the chance of injury on the battlefield has decreased)

Strength: 5 (Teacher Saitama’s training method makes you as strong as a woman, friendly reminder, it’s better if you’re bald)
Dexterity: 4 (boars are only slightly more agile than you)

Intelligence: 6 (experiences in previous lives give you a self-knowledge that most people don't have)

Charm: 8 (you can eat with your face) +1 (go to the Whale House, you are the prettiest cub on the wine table)
Legendary events (history that future generations will enjoy watching):
Oath of Difficulties and Eight Sufferings (Spoel Edition): Your little thought becomes an inspirational story that people pass on orally and resonates with a history that has not yet happened. (Traditional samurai with a conservative personality will increase their first encounter favorability, and a certain character's first encounter favorability will be max)

The First Soldier of the Warring States Period (Owari version of Shiba version only): Your bravery is known to everyone, your achievements shine in military history, and your first battle resonates with a history that has not yet happened. (Warriors who love to lead the charge will increase their favorability when they first meet, and the favorability of a certain character will be max.) (People who are hostile to you will be instilled with fear, and the enemy's physical strength and morale will decline faster on the battlefield. The limited range: Owari country.)
I look so powerful, but the system's ambiguous statement always feels unreliable.

How much does the favorability increase?How much does instilling fear add?If you feel complacent when you look at the words comfortably, you will probably die in the future. Word games without specific data are hooligans.

Yiyin stared blankly at Yukino who was practicing sword in front of him, thinking idly.

Ever since she was injured, Xue Nai refused to leave her side, she was either serving by the side or practicing sword with all her might.

It was her before you closed your eyes, and it's still her when you open them again. Can people really not sleep?Yiyin couldn't help complaining.

He understands Xue Nao's mood, but is it good to become a tool man who only knows how to swing a sword under orders?Obviously looks so beautiful and has a good figure.

"Lord Yiyin, His Highness Oda sent someone to send a message that a review will be held in the meeting hall of the castle tower tonight. Earlier today, the rebels in Sumori City have been escorted into the city."

Yang Nai came in to report, and by the way gave Xue Nai a look, this younger sister who did nothing had envy in her eyes.

She was too busy, so she dispatched the farmers and soldiers back to the village, sorted out the recovered armaments, and transferred a servant from outside the city to Shiba Mansion in Kiyosu City to calculate the expenses for this battle, calculate the food stored at home, and recruit Ashgaru again.

One day can't wait to be split into two days, unlike Xue Nai who doesn't care about everything, as long as she is with Lord Yiyin.

"You've worked really hard, and you should also pay attention to rest. I really don't know how the Sipo family will work when you fall ill."

Yi Yin looked at Yang Nao's dark circles from lack of sleep, sighed, and patted her on the shoulder.

"Willing to die in service of the Lord."

Yang Nai's eyes turned red and tears started to fall.As long as Lord Yiyin understands me, I will bear with you, Sister Waste Chai.

"By the way, where's Yiji Ji? I haven't seen her all day."

Yiyin looked around and asked.

"Maeda-sama went to Maeda Toshihisa's residence, and her mother Maeda Toshiku-sama is still under house arrest there.

Tonight's review will also talk about the rewards and punishments of each family. She said that she will come back to meet you later. "

Yi Yin nodded, Li Yi beheaded two ranks on the battlefield this time, and he is also a hero, so he is qualified to attend.

Thinking about it, she was in a bad mood this time, this girl is too emotional, she doesn't look like a Wu family at all, she will suffer a lot if she can't see through the world.

"Then I'll squint for a while, and you'll call me later."

Looking at the sky, Yi Yin said to Yang Nai.

It was still dark, and Yiyin rode to the outside of the castle tower with his interests. The warriors who came and went were all beaming and greeted each other.

At this time, all the ministers with meritorious service came, and the guilty ones knelt in the courtyard long ago, waiting to be punished.After a big victory, everyone will inevitably be promoted and raise their salaries. Naturally, they are all in a good mood and joking with each other.

When Yiyin arrived, the scene turned cold.

After all, he was not familiar with the Ji samurai of the Oda family, and the only Toshiie he knew was probably accompanying the sinners of the Maeda family at this time, hoping that Nobunaga would be more merciful if he knew about it.

The warriors were thinking about how to get close to this upstart, and a petite figure seized the opportunity.

"Meet Shiba Yuqian, my lord is well."

Yi Yin took a closer look, isn't this Nobunaga's servant Fujikichi?Petite and cute, she looked like a porcelain doll, but she was dressed in a samurai costume today.

"Isn't this Fujikichi? You became Ji Wushi?"

Yiyin couldn't help asking curiously.There is a world of difference between the classes of warriors and civilians, and it is not generally difficult to cross over.

"Yes, my lord. I was born in Kinoshita Village, and the Kinoshita family, the land servant in the village, had no daughters. I was lucky to join the Kinoshita family, and now I change my name to Kinoshita Hideyoshi.

This Hideyoshi was given the name by the lord, and he has not yet thanked the lord for giving him the name.Thank you sir. "

It turned out that this is the case, Yiyin understood.Although the genders of this world and the original world are opposite, many customs are interlinked.

In the previous life, in ancient times, the ancestral home was looked down upon, and the custodial son-in-law and prisoners were the main force to distribute the frontier and enrich the population.

It's just that for the common people in this world, being able to join a samurai family, even a low-level samurai family like a village servant, is a rare thing that can't be expected. Only warriors Ji look down on her.

It's no wonder that after Hideyoshi came up to talk to her, no one wanted to come over, probably because she didn't bother to talk to this kind of extra daughter-in-law.

"I changed my name, Kinoshita Hideyoshi, it sounds like a good name. Is it common for samurai to change their names?"

Yiyin talked nonsense casually, and Yiyi on the side was in a bad mood today, and he talked a lot less, but at this time, it seemed that something touched his heart, and he answered.

"There are a lot of them. Generally, the nobles give them the characters. Like adults, they change people's names casually. When they meet those with a stronger temper, they will draw their knives and chop people."

Yoshigin rolled his eyes at him, and Kinoshita Hideyoshi remained silent in embarrassment.Regardless of interests, continue to talk.

"And like me, the concubine daughter of the Takigawa family was adopted by the Maeda family and changed her surname to Maeda."

As if recalling something from the past, talking to himself made the two people beside him very speechless.

"Don't pay attention to her, she's just like this, it's inexplicable. Haha... Kinoshita Hideyoshi, work hard."

Hideyoshi walked away happily.Yiyin smiled, but in his heart he always felt that he had missed something important, and couldn't figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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