Chapter 4 Systems
Oda Nobutomo, who looked like a mature royal sister, was sitting on the stool, without armor, only wearing a black kimono.

Resting his chin on his left hand, he stared listlessly at the cheering soldiers in the mansion.Most of the armies in the Warring States period were ashigaru farmers and soldiers assigned to a small number of elite warriors. When they were light feet, they were only in charge of food, and they had to prepare their own weapons.

Don't even think about food and pay, if you have an opportunity to rob, you will definitely seize it.Feeling that the anger in her heart has gradually subsided, she has to think about how to deal with the funeral.

The Kiyosu Oda family, who was born in Shimoowari Four District Guardians, was originally a concubine of the Iwakura Oda Family in Kamiowari Four County Guardians.

After guarding Siba's family fell behind, he not only overwhelmed the direct descendant Kami Oda, but also appointed Shiba Li as a puppet, and he was unrivaled in the limelight in Owari.

It's a pity that the world is difficult, and the rise of Oda Nobuhide under him has overwhelmed this generation of Kiyosu Oda Family Governor Oda Nobutomo.

Finally, he killed Oda Nobunaga, contacted Shibo Yitong, and wanted to kill Nobunaga at the banquet where Shibo Yitong entertained Oda Nobunaga, and regained the rule of Shimoowari.

Who would have thought that Shiba Yitong, who had always been obedient to her, secretly told Nobunaga because of fear.

The plot failed, and he was kicked out of Qingzhou City, his ancestral home, and the dignified governor of the Oda family in Qingzhou became a laughing stock.

Since then, Nobutomo Oda's temperament has become more and more violent, and he will kill people to vent his anger if he is not happy. He always feels contempt in the eyes of others.

In the past few days, after the autumn harvest in the village, he drank a few more glasses, and was scolded by Nobunaga for paying taxes, and the hatred for Shiba Yoshitomo in his heart could no longer be tolerated.

Impulsively, he took the samurai of his family and fifty ashigaru people and killed them. Anyway, Siba is also an outdated grasshopper.

Thinking about how to solve this matter in his mind, Nobutomo Oda never thought that the horse seal he was wearing in his bag would point out the direction for his enemies.

Ma Yin is something that only daimyos with more than a thousand people out to kill the enemy will run around with.

But the outdated Oda Nobuyuki was most afraid that others would look down on her, so she wore it everywhere to show her former majesty. This ridiculous practice finally brought her a fatal disaster.

Approaching dozens of steps quietly from behind, Yoshihiro wielded a bamboo spear and rushed to Oda Nobutomo's horse seal first.

Attracted by the sound of rushing behind him, he turned around and saw dozens of samurai Ashgaru rushing out from behind, and cold sweat immediately broke out from the believer's head.

He didn't expect that someone would come to the rescue at all, all the parts had already entered the mansion, only three or five valet surnames accompanied him.Caught off guard, a few knives and guns were cut and knocked to the ground.

The leading tall warrior pointed a bamboo spear straight at himself.In the panic, he didn't have time to pull out the knife, so he could only flip the stool backwards and rolled on the ground in embarrassment.

How could Yiyin let her run away like this, without caring about pity and pity, he shot directly at the face of Oda Nobuyu, who had lost all color, and Shinyou managed to dodge, and stuck it on the right shoulder.

Xinyou was knocked to the ground by the impact, Yiyin stepped on her breasts, pulled out the knife from his waist and swung it down.A bloody arrow spewed out from the swan-like jade neck of the believer, forming a bloodstain on Yiyin's face.

An electronic sound suddenly sounded in Yiyin's mind.

(Successful first kill, reward kill value +100)

But the situation did not allow him to think carefully at this time, so he cut off Oda Nobuyuki's head and held it against it with a bamboo spear.

"Oda Nobuyuki was taken by me Shiba Yoshigin!"

The few light feet who had just rushed out of the mansion saw the head of Oda Nobuyuki, immediately lost their fighting spirit and fled in all directions.

Maeda Toshiie and Shiba Yoshigin led the people to rush in, continuing to shout as they rushed.The resistance of the Shiba family in the mansion had long since ended, and the light feet under Oda Nobutomo greedily stuffed all the valuables in their sights into their bosoms, and even pulled the servants of the mansion aside with a bit of audacity.

The sound of clothes being torn and low sobs ignited the desire of more people, turning this place into a paradise for beasts.

So when the reinforcements rushed in, the ashigaru members of the believers couldn't organize a resistance at all, and fled with the stolen goods or over the wall or took other ways.

Only a few Ji warriors rushed over and were besieged and killed by everyone.Soon, the Guardian Mansion, which was on fire and full of dead bodies, was taken back.

"Hurry up and put out the fire!"

Maeda Toshiie greeted the follow-up team, and Yoshigin walked indifferently.

Li's family looked at his back with a little worry, wondering if he could hold on to the tragedy of his family's destruction.

Yiyin followed his body's instincts and walked towards the main hall, where the house governor discussed matters and greeted guests, and it was also the place where most warriors saved their dignity for the last time.

As expected, it turned into a flame, the main beam had collapsed, and the flame could not be extinguished for a while.It was a bit sad for a while, because the memory of the previous life and the different views made him never really integrate into this world.

Whether it is the first time to kill someone, or to be exterminated.He was more thinking about his own safety and future, and he didn't think too much for other people in the family.

Maybe this world is just a VR game to him, but it's too real and too cruel.

The emergence of the system made him more indifferent and unscrupulous towards everything in this world, Yiyin clicked on the system menu that had just appeared in his mind.

The killing system is activated.Killing one is a crime, and killing one is a hero.If nine million are slaughtered, you will be a hero among heroes.Please the host work hard to kill people and become a hero among heroes as soon as possible.

Kill Rating: 100
Host: Yoshihiko Shiba

Title: The eldest son of the Shiba family (charm +1)

Strength: 5 (Teacher Saitama’s training method makes you as strong as a woman, friendly reminder, it’s better if you’re bald)
Dexterity: 4 (boars are only slightly more agile than you)

Intelligence: 6 (experiences in previous lives give you a self-knowledge that most people don't have)

Charm: 8 (you can eat with your face) +1 (you are full)
The system may be late, but it will never be absent.

Just took a cursory look, and there was a slight sound coming from the side.Yiyin drew out his knife alertly.

"Who's there! Come out!"

"Master Yiyin, yes... yes... we..."

Two figures tremblingly supporting each other came out of the broken tiles behind the main hall, and Yiyin carefully identified them by the light of the fire.

"Yang Nai? Xue Nai?"

Trembling, the two girls knelt down towards Yiyin.

These are the two sons of the Sibo family. The ruined territory of the Siba family is only a small village near the guardian mansion, with seven or eight families.

These are the two children of the villagers who starved to death in the village a few years ago. Because they are beautiful, they were raised at home since they were young, and they are naturally used as slaves for generations.

Although it sounds cruel, but without Shiba's family, he would have starved to death long ago.

Yiyin recalled carefully, the two girls should be one or two years older than him, and his sister Yang Nai is one year older than his younger sister Xue Nai.

"Are you all right?"

"It's okay, but everyone is dead."

As if being greatly stimulated, Yang Nai cried loudly in horror.

The younger sister, Xue Nai, had a dull expression, her beautiful eyes were wide open, and she couldn't say anything, and she even forgot to cry, as if she had exhausted all her strength standing up.

"At least you're still alive."

Yiyin turned his head and continued to look at the burning main hall.

"Lord Yiyin, we will..."

"Just smile."

(End of this chapter)

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