Chapter 401 Love
That night, Yiyin and his party crossed the Yamada River and temporarily settled in a small temple under Ruiquan Temple for a few days.

When he arrived, Yiyin couldn't help being stunned.

The nuns of Ruiquan Temple are so bold that they dare to take in outsiders at the gate of the closed country.

This is a warrior of more than sixty Ji Ji, and it can overthrow a city wherever it is placed.

But Yixiangzong's nuns are so upright that they recognize money but not people.He just squeezed out a place to live in the monastery that has always been in the vicinity of Zong Ruiquan Temple.

The monastery has a very high status in the territory of the Yizong sect, which prevents the possibility of harassment by outsiders, and is also the dark under the light of the center of power.

Yiyin smiled wryly and shook his head.

The nun samurai family is not the opponent of the samurai family, and Yi Xiangzong's Yi Yikui can't shake the overall situation of the samurai society.

The leaders of Yikui formed their own forces, and the nuns were only interested in profit. This grassroots was worse than the Wu family.

No matter how unreliable a samurai is, he also knows the principle of honoring the public and rewarding him. He is greedy for profit, but never abandons his bravery. Going out and killing people is a basic skill.

And these big-headed and big-eared nuns who use religion to attract believers only know how to do their best, and they are not prepared for war.

After dinner, he was walking in the courtyard, and happened to meet Izumi Nobutsuna who was doing evening class, and watched with great interest for a while.

After she finished class and saluted, the two chatted for a while.

Yi Yin questioned.

"The sword master of Shangquan came to Kanto with me to return to the homeland of Ueno, and there is a guide on the way.

Now the troubles I and His Highness Uesugi have encountered have nothing to do with you, why stay and work hard together? "

Umizumi said with a smile.

"Mr. Kenshin asked, and it's not easy for me to say some polite and hypocritical words to perfuse you.

I stayed because of Xinyinliu. "

Yiyin was dumbfounded.

"Are you doing it for His Royal Highness Shangshan's promise to open the school for lectures?

She can't even tell the result of her own trip, you are too stubborn about it.If something goes wrong, wouldn't it be that he lost his life with him? "

Nobuzuna Umizumi smiled wryly.

"Ken Shinshin is not a swordsman, and he doesn't know how difficult the sword is.

If you want to open a gym in one place, you must first please the local samurai and participate in the swordsmanship competition. Only the winner will have the opportunity to open the hall to teach skills and promote their own swordsmanship.

The Kanto is bitterly cold, and the swordsman's swordsmanship may not be superb, but he is really not afraid of death, and is willing to fight for the survival of his school.

The swordsmanship of my three disciples is indeed good, but the local Dabi is different from the general's sword room, they are extremely cruel, and they may not be able to win the favor of the Echigo swordsman.

Now that His Royal Highness Shangshan is in danger, it is also a good opportunity for my Xinyinliu.

As long as we help her get through this catastrophe, the relationship between the two parties will be different. Xinyinliu will only be able to gain a firm foothold in Echigo, and I can return to my hometown with peace of mind. "

Yi Yin nodded.

Nobuzuna Umizumi is indeed frank. She has devoted her whole life to Xinyinliu, hoping that the kendo she created will be passed on, and she is willing to lose her life for this.

he exclaimed.

"Excellent, Shangquan Sword Master."

Umizumi Nobuzuna smiled and said.

"I am from the Ueno samurai family, and I fought in battle when I was young.

Echigo is a great opportunity for my Xinyinliu, even if I die here, I don't want to miss it.

It's not far from Ueno country, even if my body is gone, my soul can still find its way home. "

With bold words, Yiyin's affection for her increased sharply, but he didn't understand, so he asked.

"Kanto kingdoms, why do you value Echigo so much?"

Nobuzuna Kamizumi glanced at the puzzled Yoshihiro and explained.

"Ken Shinshin is not familiar with Kanto, and Echigo is a very important place in Kanto.

Of all the plains in the Kanto region, the Sendai Plain in the Mutsu Kingdom is the largest, but the Northeast is bitterly cold and lagging behind. Harvesting and population are both problems, and there are many and scattered samurai families.

The second is the Kanto Plain. I am from Ueno, and Ueno is part of the Kanto Plain.

Outsiders often say that the Guandong Plain is vast and rich, and if you get it, you can gain the world.

In fact, there have been years of wars and the collapse of water conservancy facilities. Musashi is the most flooded country. It is not as good as it is said.

Echigo Plain is not as big as the first two, but it is not small.

Just because the Echigo Mountains block the cold sea current, the Echigo winter is cold and snowy.After the snow melts in spring, it is muddy and difficult to cultivate.

All three plains have advantages and disadvantages, but the strength is the first in the Kanto Plain, and the second in Echigo. "

Yiyin nodded thoughtfully.

Nobuzuna Umizumi is a native of the Kanto region, and the country of Ueno, where his family lived for generations, is also the heartland of the Kanto region.

What she said gave Yoshigin a deeper understanding of Kanto, and she also understood why she valued the opportunity Uesugi Terutoro gave Shinkageu so much.

Once Uesugi Terutora has complete control over Echigo, his power will expand to become the top power in Kanto.

The stone height of the Kanto Plain is higher than that of the Echigo Plain, but there are many famous names, and the Hojo family is still conquering.

However, Echigo Plain was already in the hands of Nagao's family. Nagao Jinghu took back the post of Kanto supervisor and transformed into Uesugi Terutora.

With a righteous name in hand, she is of course confident to integrate Echigo and enter the Kanto Plain to compete with the Hojo family.

Yoshiyin collected his thoughts and continued to talk with Nobuzuna Umizumi, respecting the sword master in his heart.

She was approaching her sixtieth age, and she could have gone back to her hometown to spend the rest of her life in peace, but for the sake of the sword in her heart, she was willing to work hard in Yuezhong with the Shangshan Sipo family.

This old woman is really not simple.

As long as this level is passed, not only will there be a war bond with Uesugi Terutoro, but Yoshihiro will also have to treat Xin Yinliu differently, which is all because of her hard work.


Noto Country, Noto Hatakeyama Home Castle, Nanao Castle Castle Tower.

The important minister Onjing Zongzhen aggressively asked to see the family governor Hatakeyama Yoshizuna and questioned him.

"I heard that the governor of the family received the foreign messengers and then set off to leave the port. Why didn't he discuss with the ministers and make his own decision?"

Her attitude is condescending, but Hatakeyama Yoshizuna seems to be used to it.

This sister Yu has a mature temperament, she is not surprised by honor or disgrace, and she has passed the age of youth and irritability.

Said calmly.

"Someone came here with a letter from the Hatakeyama clan and asked me for a small boat. Can I not be the master of such a trivial matter?"

Mr. Wen Jing was suffocated, Shanshan Road.

"I don't mean that, I just care about what the Zong family has ordered, so we can discuss things later."

Yoshizuna Hatakeyama said lightly.

"The envoys of the shogunate went to Echigo, and they just borrowed a boat to send a message."

Although this matter involved the chaos in Vietnam and China, it was true on the surface, and it was not prevarication.

Boss Wen Jing knew that she was being rude, so she sold a few words to the governor before leaving in embarrassment.

Hatakeyama Yoshizuna watched her back silently, thinking about the pros and cons of Shiba Yoshigin's overture in the letter to the Noto Hatakeyama family.

The Noto Hatakeyama family is closely related to the Hatakeyama clan, which originated in the era of the third shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.

Because Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was dissatisfied with the governor of the Hatakeyama clan at that time, the governor was forced to abdicate with his sister.

After the death of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the younger sister went to represent the four generations of generals and was willing to return to the elder sister, which was appreciated by the public and praised by the world.

The Wu family is greedy, such good deeds from sisters are rare, so it is natural to write about them.

In order to thank his younger sister, the governor of the Hatakeyama family transferred the guardian of the Noto country, one of the guardians of the four countries led by the Hatakeyama family, to his younger sister, and the Noto Hatakeyama family was separated from then on.

The main family and the branch family are closely related, and the relationship is inseparable.

The Noto Hatakeyama family also had considerable influence on the Etsu China guarded by the Hatakeyama family. Disputes arose between the three guardian generations of the Etsu and China, and they often sought the mediation of the Noto Hatakeyama family.

Within the Noto Hatakeyama family, there are also branches of the Hatakeyama family's retainers, such as the Jinbo family and the Yusa family, all of which have branches in Noto.

We are all relatives, the bones are broken and the tendons are connected, the relationship is quite complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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