Chapter 41
After eating this supper for a long time, the main reason was that Maeda Toshihisa, who washed away his slump and became excited again, took Yoshihisa to talk about things, and Li Zhan was next to him, offering tea and water, with a confused expression on his face.

She hasn't reacted until now, the pie is too big and she fainted.

The total stone height of the Oda family is 6000 shi, Oda Nobunaga directly received 1500 shi, and the Maeda family headquartered [-] shi, and now Maeda's interests have [-] shi!
The main family is a big family with several generations of direct line, collateral line, and retainers.How many Ji warriors will be rewarded by the public for a lifetime, and they can seal dozens of stones to Zhixing and leave them to future generations to die in peace.

Riku patted his plump chest and Yoshihisa promised that he would bring out four samurai from the banner directly under his jurisdiction and [-] veterans of ashigaru from his home to enrich the Hazama Maeda branch.

As for whether the former Tian family governor Li Chang would be taboo about the division of staff that Yi Yin was worried about, Li Jiu laughed.

For veteran warriors, Warrior Ji is both a resource and a burden.There will be a group of Ji warriors in the family every ten years, and how to arrange them has always been a big problem.

Now that there is a branch family to divert, it must be overjoyed.You can't write two Maeda in one stroke.

Compared to other martial arts who use their children as cannon fodder to go to the battlefield at a lower price, it is definitely supportive for their own children to have knowledge and conduct and arrange some manpower.

Yi Yin nodded straight after listening, and asked Li Jiu about his family management experience.

After all, he is the former young master of the old samurai family and the current real person in charge of the Tozama branch family, and Yiyin, the cute new family supervisor, can do a lot of things well.

But Yiyin did the math, Lijiu is a horse-riding warrior who prepares at least [-] horses for a year, and brings at least [-] horses for each of the four banner warriors on foot, and the twenty ashigaru.

In addition, the benefit itself has gained knowledge and action, and the 1500-year salary will also be withdrawn. The territory of [-] shi is definitely not enough for four publics and six people. If the money and food are not enough, the villagers will definitely have to increase taxes.

It was late at night, and the two of them were brought back to Sibo Mansion in Qingzhou City to arrange a rest.Find two sisters, Yang Nai Xue Nai, to test their homework.

Yes, Yiyin has never let go of the homework of the two girls. The thousand-character prose and simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are not difficult.

In the Middle Ages, there were many reckless people, but not many people who could read and count. Before the Japanese language was developed, Chinese characters were used.It was too late for the Takada sisters to use force, so the cultural class could not be interrupted.

Yiyin believes that if a person can read, write and count, his writing ability and logical thinking will not be too bad.

Only in this way can the two women have the ability to survive in the Wu family society, and they can help themselves better.

"How could Master Yiyin do this! That's 1500 Shi Zhixing! The population of these lands was bought back by Master Yiyin with arrow wounds all over his body! What face does Maeda benefit have!"

After finishing his homework, Yiyin confessed to the two girls about the distribution of benefits.Of course, Xue Nao still looked indifferent, and Yang Nao's reaction was very normal and very Ji Wushi.

"I've made up my mind, there's no need to persuade me!"

Yiyin blocked Yang Nai's words with one sentence, but judging by her appearance, if she didn't give a good explanation, she would focus on her interests in the future, and the family would not have peace.Sighing, he spoke to her patiently.

"Yang Nai, I understand how you feel. But you also know that with your and Xue Nai's abilities, 1500 shi in Xicun is already the limit you can manage.

Moreover, the barrel is a little far away from the vicinity of Qingzhou, what do you want to do?Recruit Ji Warrior?Is it reliable?The retainers and samurai of the Shiba family are all dead, who else can I rely on besides profit? "

Yang Nai was told that he couldn't refute it, so he blamed himself for his lack of ability, so he clenched his fists and made up his mind to work harder to become stronger.Seeing her appearance, Yiyin knew that the problem was temporarily solved.

The samurai society originated from the era of laws and regulations ruled by the emperor and ministers. At that time, the place where the emperor and prince descended was divided into two surnames, Genji and Heping.

The servants of manors and landlords from all over the country made loyalty alliances one after another, and gradually developed the Wu family with the local force and the blood relationship of the two surnames.

Afterwards, the rule of the emperor and ministers ebbed, and the Wu family gradually gained the ruling power.

When Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was the third generation of the Ashikaga Shogunate, she won the title of King of Japan conferred by the Ming Dynasty, and wiped out all clans of the Emperor, Gongqing, and the samurai family dominated Japan from then on.

Therefore, the ruling foundation of samurai society is the blood relationship and the upper and lower system of rewarding the public.

The Shiba family has been in decline for a long time, and the family tree, retainers, and Ji warriors have been exhausted in previous catastrophes.In the end, Oda Nobutomo wiped out the family with one move, leaving only Yiyin kitten, and he had to pull the Takada sisters to pretend to be Ji samurai to enrich the number of people in order to rule a village.

The Ji warriors from outside cannot be trusted, and the stubborn illness of the Wu family in Xiakeshang prevents Yiyin from entrusting outsiders casually.

And Maeda Yili also observed for a long time, and only when he understands the character can he divide her knowledge and behavior with peace of mind. As for whether the Maeda branch family will be rebellious after a few generations, he doesn't bother to care about the affairs behind him.

What's more, the sharp sword of the surprise attack in Tongzama was still hanging above his head, and Yiyin couldn't say it.

But no matter how difficult it is, Yiyin's move can be called shocking.The monarch and ministers share the same salary, which has never been heard of in Wu family society since ancient times.kindness?I don't know if the properties will change?
After sending away the Gaotian sisters, Yiyin suddenly thought of this, and opened the attribute to look at it.The old attributes have not changed and will not be repeated, and a new legendary plot has been added.

Junchen Tonglu (Sibo version): Two ones add five, your behavior stunned all the samurai who learned about it, and resonated with a history that has not yet happened. (The favorability of traditional warriors who are underappreciated increases, and the favorability of a certain character is max when they meet for the first time)

no?This kind of stupid thing really has a samurai to do it?Yiyin looked at the attribute table in disbelief.

Just as he was thinking, there was a sound outside the door.


Yiyin asked, but nothing happened.Be vigilant, maybe a thief has entered the house.Picking up the knife on the shelf, he walked to the door lightly, sideways to avoid it and pulled it halfway open.

I only saw Li Yi standing under the steps with his head bowed, motionless.

"Didn't you go to rest, Yiji? What's the matter?"

Seeing that she didn't respond, Yiyin thought for a while and asked.

"Did you hear Yang Nai's words?"

Li Yi shook his body, bowed and said.

"I'm really sorry, because I couldn't sleep and wanted to talk to the Lord, and I happened to hear it. But I avoided them when they left, and I wasn't found."

Yiyin looked at her helplessly, you have learned to listen to the corners even though you are innocent and pretty, luckily you were not discovered by Yang Nai, otherwise your aggressive temper would turn out, and I would have no peace tonight.

"Come in and talk."

The two returned indoors and sat opposite each other.Li Yi looked ashamed, hesitated for a long time, and sat down.

"The kindness of the lord, the benefits are kept in mind. But Yang Nai is right, the 1500 stones were exchanged by the lord for overcoming obstacles and thorns. I, Maeda Li, have no face to take it. Please take it back."

After exhausting all his strength, he seemed to have collapsed after speaking.

"You... the call of the lord, the lord, was Maeda Riku-sama taught you, right?"

Yiyin helped her up.

"Give back Zhixing to me, then how are you going to arrange for Master Riku? Or are you going to go to Kyoto with her?

Isn't it exactly the same as before? You have no other way to be stubborn. "

"You don't get rewarded without merit, this has been the case since ancient times."

Li Yi said with a stubborn head.

Well, this is a wooden fish head, Yiyin can't do anything with her.

I can't tell her the reasons for those things, and I can't say that I look tall, but in fact I have a small calculation in my heart, so I don't suffer.

No way, acting soared.Yiyin looked into her stubborn eyes, leaned forward slowly, and kissed her small cherry mouth.Li Yi opened his eyes wide in disbelief, and was hugged by Yi Yin.

Yi Yin leaned on her shoulder, pleading in a low voice into her ear.

"Please don't go, stay by my side, I really need you. Without you, I don't know how to go on the road to revive Shiba's family."

Seeing Yi Yin's weak side, Li Yi remembered that he was just a boy.It was too cruel for all the hopes and burdens of the Shiba family to be placed on the shoulders of a single man.

Late at night. .will not leave. .

(End of this chapter)

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