Chapter 420
Chao Cang Zongdi watched the house governor's face turn pale, and sneered in his heart.

Asakura Yoshikage is a mediocre person, she has known this for a long time, but she confirmed it again today.

Why did all the Asakura branches actively respond to her call?Why did the Ono people ignore Ono Gunji Asakura Jingjing and obey her?
Because of profit, stupid house governor.

Asakura Yoshike, who was obsessed with the power and prestige of the family governor, was confused and ignored the essence of the samurai family.

What is the reason for the warriors to gather under one family name and offer their loyalty to the family governor?
It is to safeguard one's own interests and get more benefits.

There are three main forces in Echizen.

One is the Dunhe people, who are entrenched in the north of Omi, closely related to Omi, and alienated from the country.

The second is the Magara area after the Tsuruga County turned north over the mountains. This is the territory of the domestic samurai who surrendered to the guardian of Echizen.

At the beginning, they were loyal to guarding the Shiba family, but now they are loyal to guarding the Asakura family. The Asakura family is both using and defending them.

The third is the Fukui Plain, which accounts for more than half of Echizen's [-] koku.

The Tsuruga people with the strongest centrifugal force rebelled in the third generation, and were put down by Asakura Sodi, and Asakura Sodi, who was loyal to the main family, was named Tsuruga County Secretary.

The guarding samurai family in the Magara area was trapped by the North and South Chaocang family, so they had to settle down to be small, and the country has been peaceful since then.

As for the Asakura families on the Fukui Plain, the most difficult one is the Asakura family of Ono County Secretary.

Ono County is located in the mountains in the east of the Fukui Plain. The land is barren and life is difficult, and the samurai are also the best at fighting.

To the west of Ono County is the Asakura Clan of Ichijo Valley Castle, backed by the eastern mountainous area and radiating to the western plain, occupying a large area of ​​safe and rich fields in the middle of the Fukui Plain.

The northern part of the Fukui Plain was entrusted to the branches of Asakura, and Mount Dairi, located to the north of them, was the dividing line with the Kaga Kingdom.

In recent years, Kaga has always used religion to open the way, spread faith in the northern part of Echizen, established temples, and strictly abided by the privilege of not entering or entering, and was hated by the various branches of Asakura.

The samurai family brutally oppressed the lower classes, and a large number of people attached themselves to the Ichizo clan, which has become an irreversible trend in northern Echizen.

Now that Honganji Temple seems to be in high position, it has made it clear that it wants to expand the Buddhist kingdom on the ground. After receiving the report from Asakura Zongdi, how can they not panic.

As for the Ono people, they have always been used as watchdogs by the Asakura clan of Ichijo Gucheng.

When the Kaga country in the north changed, the dogs were allowed to bite Xiangzong.When there is nothing to do, the leftovers are used to feed half hungry and half full.

Even if the wild people are dogs, they can't bear it anymore.They are all separated from Asakura, so why do you eat meat and I eat meat.

Whenever the people of the wild go to the north to fight, don't they covet the land of Kaga country?After passing Dari Mountain, the Dashengchuan area stretches to the north is a fertile plain!

The Asakura family has lived a happy life in Ichijo Valley City for three generations, and has accumulated a lot of conflicts.

If it weren't for the giant Buddha of Asakura Zongdi, the family would have been in trouble for a long time.

Now that Asakura Zongdi wants to tear himself apart with the Zong family, and fight with the Zong family in the north, who would not support it?

It is the grandson who does not support!Dry!What the hell is always Zong!

Asakura Zongdi has already seen through everything, and everything he does is for the interests of the Asakura branch family.

And Asakura Yoshikage is still struggling with her dignity, how can she fight Sodi?
Even if you bring in Feng Gong from Cheng Gucheng, it will be embarrassing for more people to watch her.

Fortunately, the local samurai from the Magara area were not called, otherwise the Asakura family would be completely humiliated in the country.

Asakura Yoshikei said with a stinky face, unwilling to be humiliated silently again.

"Mr. Zongdi is planning to overtake me and start a war with Yixiangzong?

Do you still see me as the family governor! "

Chao Cang Jingjing shook his head secretly, his sister was too impatient.

She has already lost all her hands, the best thing to do now is to be patient, she is still young, and Zong Digong is too old.

Confronting head-on now will only bring shame upon oneself, further weakening the authority of the main family, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Asakura Zongdi glanced at the angry Asakura Yoshikage, and said lightly.

"The house governor misunderstood, I was just exercising my own power.

It has to be valued by previous generations, and I have been in the executive position of the Asakura family army for three generations. It is my duty to weigh the pros and cons and fight abroad.

Please don't be offended by the governor. "

Asakura Yoshikage said angrily.

"The followers of the Ichimu sect are fanatical, and the Kaga country is known as the country of the people, with an army of [-].

Zong Digong went to war easily, fearing that the consequences would be difficult to deal with. "

Asakura Sodi chuckled and replied.

"The Yixiang sect looks huge, but it is actually vulnerable. The family governor has no military knowledge, so he will inevitably be confused by his appearance."

The reviewing warriors had weird faces, and they lowered their heads, not daring to laugh.

To say that the Wu family doesn't understand military affairs is to point their noses and scold people as trash, and the face of the family governor turns blue.

Asakura Sodi continued.

"The stone height of the Kaga country is only [-], where can we get food to support the [-] troops?
Even if the entire population of the leading country is enlisted in the army, the number will not exceed [-]. Driving the old and the weak, men and children into battle is nothing more than a murder. "

As soon as she finished speaking, the Wu family present laughed out loud.

Zong Ruo has always been famous, but when it comes to fighting, the Wu family is not afraid of those untouchables led by Yi Kui.

Asakura Yoshikage looked displeased and retorted.

"Even so, there is really no point in provoking a war and wasting food and money in vain."

Asakura Sodi caught her mistake and counterattacked.

"Why doesn't it make sense?

Over the years, Yixiangzong has radiated the northern part of Echizen with the Kaga country as its foundation.

Attracting believers, building temples, and refusing to pay taxes, it is already a country within a country.

If the hidden dangers are not eradicated, if Yixiangzong takes the initiative to launch Yixiang Yikui, I am afraid that all the north of Jiutoulongchuan will be ravaged by Yikui people.

It's too late to react afterward, and every family's territory in the north will be trampled to nothing. "

What she said made the family members in the northern part of the Fukui Plain teary and looked at the governor with unkind eyes.

Zong Digong is right, the family governor has no military knowledge.

Asakura Zongdi turned the subject again and said.

"My purpose of this Northern Expedition is to expel Yixiang Zongni officials out of the country, destroy their monasteries, disperse the believers, and restore peace to each family.

My family and Yizongzong have different interests, and sooner or later we will fight.

That being the case, it is better to fight in Kaga than in my home Fukui Plain.

The goal of this battle is to break through Mount Dainichi and send troops to South Kaga from the valley of Mount Dainichi.

Advance to the Great Sacred River and confront Yixiangzong across the river to prevent them from infiltrating Echizen again.

The area from Dainichi Mountain to Daishengchuan was entrusted to the Ono people with territorial security, and the threat of Yixiangzong was kicked out of the Echizen border. "

As soon as this remark came out, the people sitting in the field suddenly became excited.

Dashengchuan has abundant water sources, and there are fertile fields on both sides of the river, which is what the people living in the backcountry yearn for.

After Asakura Sodi finished speaking, he glanced at Asakura Jingjing, and the Ono people behind her were also looking at her, waiting for the Ono County Commander's answer.

Chao Cangjing was sweating on the camera lens, feeling like she was sitting on pins and needles, like a light on her back, like a pimple in her throat, what could she say?
Of course it is support!If you don't support it, you may die of sudden illness if you are not careful when you go back.

Following her statement, Asakura Yoshikage closed his eyes.

Completely defeated.

The two strongest members of the Asakura family, Tsuruga and Ono, both support Asakura Sodi to go to war. If she, the governor of the family, is ignorant, her position will really be shaken.

If the head of the family does not make profits for his subordinates and prevents everyone from getting rich, either his hands are strong enough or his neck is strong enough.

The swords of the Wu family often cut off the head of their own family governor.

Asakura Yoshikage finally died. The heart of playing chess with Asakura Sodi couldn't be stopped, and if he stopped, he would die.

Chao Cang Zongdi glanced at the silent house governor, did not push further, and continued to give orders.

The Asakura family's review has been decided, and after the spring plowing, the Kaga Ichikomune will be attacked.


Echigo, the castle tower of Kasugayama Castle.

Kakizaki Jingjia rushed into the meeting hall excitedly, shouting.

"The two adults are looking for me. Is the logistics already secured? Can the soldiers go over the middle?"

Naoe Ketsuna's face was ugly, and he didn't answer, but silently glanced at Usami Sadamit who was at the side.

Kakizaki Jing's heart sank and asked.

"What's the matter? Yang Beizhong rebelled?"

Her first reaction was that something happened to Yang Beizhong.

In the Echigo Kingdom, the Sino-Etsu and Xia-Etsu were divided by the Agano River, and the domestic samurai families to the north were called the Yangbei Congregation, and most of them were stubborn anti-Nagao sects.

Seeing that the two concubines were silent, the first reaction of the Kakizaki Jing family was to turn against the Bei people.

Usami Sadaman sighed and said slowly.

"Fanchang raised the flag in the village to rebel, and all the families in Yangbei responded. Zhongtiao Tengzi couldn't hold back, and sent a letter for help.

Daikuma Asohide followed and raised the flag, the Sino-Vietnamese guards and old ministers had many attachments, Sakado Castle Lord Nagao Masaki, and Hojo Castle Lord Hojo Takahiro all raised their flags in response.

The village is actually defending the Weiwei City, and sent an urgent letter, if there is no reinforcement after the spring plowing, she can only be loyal to the lord. "

Kakizaki Jing's family gasped, almost all of them were reversed.

(End of this chapter)

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