Chapter 423
Uesugi Terutoro saw Shiba Yoshigin's exhausted face and forced himself to persuade himself, and his heart softened.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Just put it on her account first, and then calculate it later."

It's not that she doesn't know the disadvantages, it's just that she can't swallow this breath, but the situation is stronger than others, and she naturally knows which is more important.

Call her stupid, but she is very shrewd, and she knows the result of storming Yuezhong.

Now that there is a ladder to go down the steps, it is logical to accept Shiba Yoshiyin's kindness and sell him some face.

I sneered in my heart, it's not too late for a girl to take revenge for ten years, you wait for the post of Shenbao chief.

Seeing her soft-spoken attitude, Shiba Yoshihiro also breathed a sigh of relief, and continued.

"What about the territory of Xinchuan County?"

Uesugi Terutora was a little embarrassed.

"Last year when I played in Yuezhong, I had already divided up the territory, I didn't keep a single cent, I gave it all to my subordinates.

If I backtrack at this time, I'm afraid there will be twists and turns, I will think of other compensations to Shiina Kangyin later.

The business dealings of gold, silver and green hemp can benefit her more. "

Yiyin was disappointed.

The most important territory of the Wu family, one share is worth more than countless gold and silver.

Money will be spent, and territory represents land and population, food and soldiers, which is especially important for the war-torn samurai society.

If Uesugi Terutora does not return the territory, Shiina Yasushi is willing, Shiina's retainers will not let it go, this alliance will end sooner or later.

But at this time, Uesugi Terotora had just given himself face, and Yoshihiro couldn't continue nagging and persecuting him, so let's make a fuss when he returns to Echi.

The group of people rested overnight, replenished some food and grass, and headed towards Songcang City.

Shinkawa County has dense rivers and streams, all of which flow from the hills on the northern side of the Hida Mountains in the south to Toyama Bay in the north, forming a water network in the shape of a river.

Yoshigin and his entourage followed the Shiina family envoys, crossed the Kadokawa River, the Saatsuki River, and arrived at Kadokawa.

Along the way, with the order of Shiina's family governor in hand, it was naturally smooth.

Matsukura Castle is located in the north of Tateyama, backed by the mountains, and in front of it is the origin of Kadokawa. The water flow is fast, easy to defend but difficult to attack.

This city is the residence of the Shiina family, the foundation of the Shiina family, and it is reasonable for it to stand for many years.

To go to Matsukura Castle, the best route is to cross the river downstream from the north, where the river level is gentle.

Uojin Castle, Jinshan Castle, and Tianshen Mountain Castle here are all Matsukura Castle barriers, forming horns by the sea and the river.

There are mountains behind Songcang Castle, and turbulent currents block the front, and the three flanking cities threaten the enemy's logistics line.

If these three cities are not captured, the supplies behind them will be under the opponent's nose, and Songcang City cannot be besieged for a long time.

Jinbao Chief is aggressive, and Yasunon Shiina was able to block the arrival of Echigo's reinforcements, but he was also tempered by the terrain.

Yoshihiro and his party survived the crisis and relaxed their minds. They only waited until Matsukura Castle met Shiina Yasun to supply the army with food and grass, and then headed to Echigo Kingdom.


In Echizen Country, Asakura Keiji gritted his teeth and followed the gallop, only feeling that his whole body was going up and down and was about to fall apart.

Looking at the expressionless Dao Shengmeng beside him, he felt that this tall, beautiful and heroic warrior Ji Wu was simply not human.

Just two days after her mother left Tsuruga Castle, she arrived with reinforcements from the Shiba family, which surprised Asakura Keiki.

It took only seven days for the envoy to dispatch, and excluding the one-day delay on the way, the Shiba family's Ji samurai group came to Echizen in six days. What the hell is this reaction speed?

One hundred and seventy elites are all equipped with two horses, armed to the teeth, what is the Shiba family with a mere two hundred thousand shi going to do?The old man is ready to throw it to Kanto?

Asakura Keiji couldn't understand.

The leading warrior Ji, who was much taller than ordinary people, dressed in a military uniform, was heroic and handsome, and said to her.

"I implore my lord to replenish the military supplies for five days, and we will be on the road immediately."

Asakura Keiki frowned.

"Echizen is plowing in the spring, and you, Ji warriors, might send troops to scare the families along the way, so come with me.

Bring rations for three days, and make up the rest at the Kaga border. My mother should have arrived there and is setting up a supply point, so I can share some of it with you. "

Dao Shengmeng bowed politely and said.

"I will trouble my lord for everything, how about your equestrian skills?

We are in a hurry, and it may be a bit hard to transfer between two horses. "

Asakura Keiji felt that he was underestimated, so he answered proudly.

"You are proficient at bow and horse, so don't worry about me."

Looking back now, Asakura Keiji felt that he was really stupid.

Unexpectedly, this heroic woman was so scheming that she resorted to aggressive tactics. The drive along the way made her want to vomit blood, so it was hard for her to suggest a rest. She seemed incompetent, and she was really depressed.

It's okay to enter the Fukui Plain, but the mountain road between Tsuruga and Fukui was really terrible.

Dao Shengmeng didn't think so much, all she did was to rush to Yuezhong as soon as possible to be a scorpion for the lord.

After passing the Kuzuryu River, it is the western end of the Dainichi Mountain Valley. The stream traverses the entire valley, and the road at the bottom of the valley connects the two countries of Echizen Kaga.

Asakura Sodi's gathering point was in the Kuzuryu River area, and when Shimakatsu entered the northern part of the Fukui Plain, there was already a scene of hell on earth in front of him.

There were hanged nuns along the roadside, and the villagers were busy digging pits to bury them. Ji warriors happily pulled pack horses and drove the people to transport supplies.

Although Shimao Katsuo was very anxious, seeing the different spring plowing scene in front of him, he still couldn't help slowing down and asked Asakura Jingji for advice.

"Master Asakura, what are you doing here?"

Chao Cang Jingji had some guesses in his heart, so he reined in his horse and asked the warrior Ji who passed by.

She is the daughter of Duke Zongdi, and her status is not low, so the landowners in the nearby villages replied respectfully, and the two finally understood.

Asakura Zongdi was on the military review, slapping Asakura Yoshikage's face back and forth, and stomped on his feet.

Yoshikage Asakura, who knew he was helpless, simply pretended to be dead and sat and watched Sodi Asakura perform.

Then the entire Asakura family was mobilized, and each branch was profitable, so naturally they responded positively.

Halfway through the spring plowing, it was no longer possible to use all their strength, and each family mobilized their manpower to flatten the surrounding monasteries.

Regardless of whether you are a nun from the Yizong sect or not, all the nuns who resisted will be chased away, and all the nuns who resisted will be hanged.

The steadfast believers were slaughtered, those who lost their way and found their way back were confiscated heavily, and the gold, silver, grain and cloth in the temple were transported home by car.

Compared with the hard work of spring plowing, this windfall made every family feel like New Year's.

Tsutsui Junkei's worries in Kyoto finally surfaced. The samurai don't care if you are Shingon sect or Ichigo sect, it is foolish not to grab money if you have money.

When people's rationality is overwhelmed by greed, the ugliest dark side completely explodes.

The Wu family oppressed the bottom, and the people were in poverty, so they often used religion to soothe their hearts.

Today, all Buddhist believers have been purged, and the samurai who had an excuse to burn, kill and loot led Ashari to turn into hungry ghosts, giving birth to countless ugly things.

Dao Shengmeng became angrier the more she listened. She has a high temper and strictly abides by justice.

At the beginning, he was rejected and bullied like that in Tsutsui's family, but he always adhered to the way of monarch and minister, and served the master loyally.

If it wasn't for the fact that the third wife of the hundred places told the truth, she would still be obsessed with the shitty things that the Tsutsui family and the Yagyu family ruined the Shima family.

But ever since she followed the soft-hearted Yiyin, she finally got what she wanted. The lord put justice first, and she is also extraordinarily energetic.

I don't want to, but I saw the greedy and evil side of the samurai in Echizen, and I was immediately furious.

But remembering Mitsuhide Akechi's earnest warning when they parted, for the sake of the safety of the lord, she had to choose to be patient, but the eyes she looked at Asakura Kageki were no longer kind.

Asakura Jingji's scalp was numb from her look, and he was also flustered.

She was doted on by Asakura Zongdi since she was a child. In Tsuruga County, she wanted the wind to get the wind, and the rain to get the rain. She had never seen such a cruel extermination of Buddha.

Seeing that the people are pitiful, they feel compassion, but they know that they can't do anything wrong.She just lacks experience, but she still has intelligence.

For her sake, her mother severely offended Yoshikage Asakura, the fifth-generation family governor. After that, she still doesn't know where the relationship between the two parties will go.

All the evildoers here are all the subordinates of Chaocang's family, if she stopped rashly, she would cause trouble for her mother.

Mother and Asakura Yoshikage have been at odds, so it is too important for Tsuruga Asakura's family to win the support of Asakura's branches.

She can't spoil her mother's affairs for her own likes and dislikes.

She is dragging her old body to do her best for me, how can I hold her back here.

Thinking of this, Asakura Keiji's eyes were sharp, and he looked at Shima Katsumeng without losing the wind.

She said.

"Let's hurry up, listen to the land here, the mother is not far ahead.

The supplies of all the families are approaching her garrison station, and we will be able to arrive by following the chariots and horses all the way. "

Shimao nodded vigorously.

The Asakura family is the guardian of Echizen, and the conflict between the domestic religion and the samurai is indistinguishable.

She was just a little resentful that the local martial arts took the opportunity to break the bones and suck the marrow, which violated the principles of the martial arts.

But in the final analysis, these things are only morally condemned, and it is indeed the state affairs of the Asakura family as the Echizen Guardian Territory.

The guardian exercised her own rights. She, a foreign minister who is transiting, has no right to make irresponsible remarks.

In troubled times, people are like worthless people, so take care of yourself first.

(End of this chapter)

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