Chapter 43 Meeting
Here the Shiba family is discussing the specific content of the law, and Maeda Toshihisa has already returned to the temporary residence of the Maeda family in Kiyosu City impatiently.

Lichang was surprised by Lijiu's return.Based on what she knew about her eldest daughter, she should have packed her luggage in Huangzi City by now and was about to leave for Kyoto.

So he took Li Jia and met Li Jiu together in the inner room.

"My lord, the Li family."

Li Jiu saluted first, and the two women returned the salute.

"Lijiu, did anything change when you came back?"

Seeing Lijiu's happy face, Lichang's heart skipped a beat.

"Yes, mother, there is good news. Governor of the Shiba family, Yoshigin Gozen, gave the 1500 shian block certificate awarded by His Highness Oda to Yili, and now the materials in the two villages of Ozama Mountain belong to Yili."

Lijiu's voice trembled a little, she still couldn't believe this kind of pie in the sky.I'm not afraid to say that I didn't sleep well last night.


Li Changli's family stood up at the same time, how could they sit still.

"Yiyin-jun, is this keeping you for profit?"

Lijia's reaction was the fastest, and he understood.Li Chang couldn't believe that a martial artist would do such a thing, so he didn't think about it.

"Yes, I am ashamed to say that Yiyi wanted to go out with me to the capital last night, but Lord Yiyin made this proposal. I still can't believe it. He said that he and Yiyi are like brothers and sisters. Five, monarchs and ministers share the same salary."

Li Chang was puzzled.

"Even so, just give more salary. This is Zhixing, Zhixing, a total of [-] stones! How many years has the Maeda family been in business, and how many dangers have they experienced before they have the current six thousand stones in Huangzi City. For this reason , and had to sacrifice you."

Li Chang said to Li Jiu sadly, Li Jiu shook his head.

"My lord, I don't blame you. It's my own choice to be loyal to the master's family, and the choice of my mother and the Li family protects the family. Winners and losers, this is the price I pay voluntarily, and I don't regret it."

Li Jia said while thinking.

"Yiyin-kun's decisive decision is far superior to that of a woman. His Highness Oda has already made up his mind to expand. After winter, there will definitely be another fierce battle. This is an opportunity for the samurai to be rewarded by the public. If the Shiba family is to revive, it must catch up with His Highness.

However, the Siba family has been silent for many years and lacks retainers. The benefits of martial arts are strong, and the eldest sister is calm and resolute. They are all talents that the Siba family urgently needs.Most importantly, you are all loyal Ji warriors.

Lord Yiyin will resolutely give half of the territory Zhixing.Only when the eldest sister comes forward to help the Tian family digest the territory, can the Shiba family accumulate more strength to serve the public to seek greater rewards. "

Li Chang thought about it carefully, understood what Li Jia meant, and couldn't help sighing.

"Anyway, it's all about fifteen hundred stones, Shiba Yuqian is really willing."

"You can only gain if you give up. It's a good thing that Shiba-kun is far-sighted. If he is not a man..."

Li Jia sighed, but Li Jiu smiled ambiguously.

"It's not a man who is so strange. I thought about it all night last night. Could it be that Shiba Gozen has taken a fancy to my family's interests.

Thinking about it, the revival of the Shiba family business also needs an heir, right?If Li Yi gave birth to Siba's son, he would adopt Siba's family, haha. . "

Li Chang listened, smiling winkingly.Although Li Yi does not have the blood of the Maeda family, Li Jiu is no longer the young master of the family, so she naturally has no possibility of inheriting the clan.

As the head of the Maeda branch family, there is no problem at all. He can bring land and population to the family, and divert the newborn warrior Ji in the family.

Since ancient times, samurai has expanded their influence little by little in this way.As honorable as General Ashikaga, isn't it also maintained by the Ashikaga family and multiple branches.

As for whether Siba Yuqian is really interested in profit, she doesn't care.

That's for the future, the most important thing now is to eat up Zhixing and stabilize it as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Li Jia heard Li Jiu's words, but his heart was empty, as if something was missing.

"Then what do you mean by coming back this time?"

Li Chang probably understood Li Jiu's thoughts, and spoke to confirm.

"I want to take away my four Banner Samurai at home, and the twenty Ashgaru under my direct control.

I also hope that my mother will support me with a batch of food, grass and military equipment, so that I can grasp the territory as soon as possible.

It's already deep winter, and next year's harvest will depend on these days, so act fast. "

Li Jiu said, Li Chang nodded frequently.

"You're right, take the manpower with you. I'll write you a warrant and go directly to Huangzi City to pick up the supplies. Has the security certificate arrived?"

"His Highness Oda will send it to the Shiba Mansion in the city today, and then I will set off."


The two were talking, but they didn't realize that Li Jia was not in the state, and they didn't know what they were thinking.It wasn't until Li Jiu got support and left in a hurry that Li Chang found out about her condition.

"Lijia, what are you thinking?"

"Mother, no, it's nothing. Eldest sister has left?"

Li Chang looked at her speechlessly, it's been a while.

"Speaking of which, it's time to prepare for your marriage with Mr. Song."

Li's family lowered their heads when they heard this, Lichang thought she was shy and smiled.

Songjun's father and Lichang's husband are brothers, but luckily, his wife died in battle, leaving behind orphans and widows.

Later, his father remarried and sent Mr. Song to Huangzi City, where he was adopted by Li Chang as his adopted son.

Li's family and Matsukun were childhood sweethearts, and this time Li's family was established as the young master. Marriage is a combination of closeness and joy, and everyone is happy to see it.

Li Jia was upset when he heard this, and subconsciously rejected it.

"I've been a little busy recently. His Highness Oda is collecting food and service from various families. He is going to expand the mother-in-law group and divide it into red and black groups. I'm busy recruiting people and setting up new regulations. I don't have time to do these chores."

"Is marriage a chore! Is the continuation of the Wu family also a chore!"

Li Chang was annoyed, the eldest daughter and the fourth daughter were her two most proud daughters, it was too bad that they refused to get married.The eldest daughter has adopted at least one adopted daughter, and the four daughters are even more worrying.

"I don't care how busy you are, I have already written a letter asking Mr. Song to come to Qingzhou City. You can wait for Mr. Song to come and get married when the time comes. Don't think about using official duties to perfuse me, I still want His Highness Oda to marry you Woolen cloth!"

Li's family wanted to say more, but was blocked by Li Chang's few words, and resigned dejectedly.

Toshika tidied up his clothes and went out to be on duty. As soon as he walked to His Excellency the castle guard, he saw his immediate subordinate Shimomurai Nagayori walking out with a dozen paper forms.

"Lai, where are you going?"

"The Lord is well."

Murai Chang Lai bowed respectfully.She was originally the Banner Hime samurai directly under the Toshi family. This time, the Toshi family made military achievements and became the young master of the Maeda family.

She also expressed her intention to follow and became the first retainer of the Li family.

"His Highness has already signed the certificate of appreciation and the certificate of security, and ordered me to send it to each family."

This world attaches great importance to rituals. After each victory, the main family must write a letter of thanks to the heroes who have made contributions.If Zhixing is bestowed, you need to write down the security statement.

Even if it is surrender and allegiance, there are also texts of surrender and oath.

The use of paper and ink is quite particular. Maybe hundreds of years later, the descendants of the two sides will have their brains out after fighting outside.

"Are there any members of the Shiba family?"

When Lijia asked in a strange way, he was stunned.Murai nodded without doubting anything else.

"The Shiba family ranks first, there must be some."

"Give me the share from Shiba's house, and I'll deliver it."

Murai knew that Toshika had a good relationship with Yiyin, so he didn't think too much about it, and gave the share to Toshika.

Lijia didn't know what he was doing, but he couldn't resist the urge to look at Yiyin, and gave instructions to the left and right.

"I'm going out for a while, you don't have to follow."

The Lord and Lord Tianshou are all subordinates of the mother's clothes, and they are obedient.

Moments later, at the gate of Sipo's mansion, Yi Yin and Li Jia unexpectedly meet.

Yang Nai was discussing the specific content of Shiba Ashgaru's testimonies with Li Yi, and Yiyin was bored by hearing this, so he went out for a walk to get some air.

Xue Nai wanted to follow, but Yang Nai grabbed her.It's not a dog, and you can't live without your master for a moment. Sit down and listen to me. You also need to know about the family affairs.

"Li Jiaji, why are you here? Is there something wrong?"

"I'm here to send a certificate of thanks and a certificate of safety to Mr. Yiyin. Here's my congratulations."

Lijia really sighed, Yiyin is really a blockbuster, and the reward for this first achievement is not small.

But having said that, the warriors are all convinced by the merits of fighting endlessly under the thirteen arrows.

Behind the scenes, everyone secretly called Shiba Gozen, Ghost Shiba, and the desperate Thirteen Lang.

Yiyin thanked with a smile, thinking about the current indifferent relationship between Yiyi and Lijia, and said.

"Shall we go celebrate? I know a nice tavern"

"But as ordered."

(End of this chapter)

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