Chapter 434 Desperate
Asked the Chief of the Shinbo.

"Nagao Jinghu really inherited Uesugi Nae's character? Is it recognized by the general?"

Yiyin replied.


Shen Baochang nodded thoughtfully.

"She is indeed powerful. Taking advantage of Echigo's heavy snow to seal the country, she went to Luo, and almost revitalized Echigo's overall situation."

Yiyin heard the hostility in her words, was anxious, and threw out his bait.

"Master Gongfang ordered me to go to Echigo as an envoy to lead the platform for Kanto and read out the imperial decree.

Lu met a Shiina family who ambushed and killed the shogunate mission. The crime is unforgivable. I will report to the shogunate and deprive her family of Koshichu's guardianship. "

Giyin erased the fact that Jinbo Chief blocked the mission, deliberately emphasized Shiina Yasun's crimes, and asserted that the shogunate must punish him, which was a condition for Jinbo Chief.

Shen Baochang heard it clearly, his expression was uncertain, he thought for a while, and shook his head.

"This is a matter between Terutora Uesugi and Yasunon Shiina, I don't want to get involved."

Yiyin wanted to speak again, but she stopped her with her hand and said decisively.

"Your Highness Shiba, please go back! As an envoy of the shogunate, it is better not to participate in these local chores."

Seeing that the head of the Shenbao was resolute, his heart darkened, he knew that the road was dead, and he didn't know what to do when he went back.

The cavalry and his party had run out of ammunition and food, so they insisted on coming to Jinbao's house, hoping to persuade Jinbao to take up the post.

Now that the plan has been shattered, and going back to explain, morale must be low and almost collapsed, and it will be difficult to do what to do afterwards.

But Jinbao Chief's attitude was firm, so he had no choice but to grit his teeth and leave, and return to find a solution.

Yoshihiro left, while Terashima Kosaka was still trying to figure out what the two of them meant, thinking whether the Shiina family incident would be good or bad for him.

The head of the Shenbao suddenly called her.

"Terashima job appointment."


"You led someone to follow His Royal Highness Shiba.

He was too tired, and I rejected him again. He was so preoccupied that he lost his guard.

Uesugi Terutoro must be hiding nearby, follow him, find where Uesugi Terutoro is, and send an envoy back to report to me.

I mobilized the standing army and arrived shortly thereafter. This time, I will definitely take her life. "

Terashima was stunned for a moment, then he was overjoyed and kowtowed to the ground.

"Don't worry, the governor, leave it to me."

Uesugi Terotora hated Uesugi Terutoro deeply.

Last year's defeat, the loss of soldiers will not be mentioned, and the reserve team under his command was beaten to collapse a few days ago, which seriously affected her prestige among the new leaders.

Now that he has the opportunity to kill this enemy, he is naturally very happy.

She hurried out, ready to stalk.

Shen Baochang's face was as heavy as water, she almost moved her heart just now, but in the end she chose to kill Uesugi Terutora.

In the end, Shiba Yoshigin's weight is not enough, so she can't feel at ease to form an alliance with Uesugi Terotora.

Sipo's family is far away, so why should they guarantee the two alliances?

How can Yoshihiro Shiba guarantee that Terotora Uesugi will not cross the river and demolish the bridge?
Even if she really does not regret the alliance, is her temperament a reliable ally?
As an enemy, she had studied Uesugi Terutor carefully, and she was a madman who couldn't bear to be wronged.

Good at war, but terrible at being allies.

Shiina Yasushi can't bear this trash, so if he joins hands with her, what good results can he have?

Yiyin thinks that the position of Chief Shenbao is surrounded by Yixiangzong, so he must be afraid, and hopes to seek foreign aid to fight against Yixiangzong.

In fact, the situation of the Jinbao family is not as difficult as Yoshiyin imagined, and the position of Jinbao chief is not easy to fool around.

There is no shortage of warriors who are disgusted and fearful of Yixiangzong in Yuezhong. Shiina Kangyin made a wrong move.

Yi Xiangzong not only couldn't help her, but also gave Shenbao the chance to take the post, completely killing the famous Shiina family.

Compared with Yoshihiko Shiba's repeated deprivation of his post, she believed in her hands more, and she wanted to use them to send the Shiina family on their way.

Yixiangzong confuses the people at the bottom with his beliefs, and uses the privilege of the temple to exclude the rule of the samurai family, which has long aroused the anger of many samurai families.

Shiming Kangyin did not stand up for his own retainer group, but instead joined Yuezhong Yixiangzong. This is the way to die.

The two Shiina Jinbos are listed side by side in the Etchu Guardian Dynasty, relying on the ruling inertia within the guardian system and the prestige accumulated over the past few decades.

Shiina Yasunon tricked and killed his ally Uesugi Terotora, and took refuge in Izumomune, completely smashing the Shiina family's signboard.

From then on, the Yuezhong samurai must follow the lead of the Shenbao chief.

It is indeed useful to remove Shiina's guardianship, but it is just icing on the cake, and this chip is not heavy enough.

Shen Baochang had already selected several targets in his mind, and only waited for the spring plowing to win over Shiina's retainers, isolate Shiina Kangyin, and continue to conquer Xinchuan County.

And Uesugi Terutoro hoped for the alliance at this time, and wanted to ask Shinbo to help her return to Echigo.

She has already obtained the position of leader of Kanto, and has enough status to integrate the Echigo Samurai.Once we let her go back, Echigo will be more united.

If Terutora Uesugi breaks the alliance and turns against him and continues to attack the land of Etsuchu, what will she use to block the more than [-] shi of Echigo with a mere [-] shi of Jinbaojia?

Why is the head of the Shinbo willing to put his own safety above the protection of Shiba Yoshigin, a young man?

So, although she was tempted, she chose to refuse in the end.

It is the safest way to kill Uesugi Terutora and eliminate this variable.

The Noto Hatakeyama family is too busy to take care of themselves, and Hida's national strength is weak.

If there is civil strife in Echigo, and there is no power around to interfere with Echuchu, then she can concentrate on annexing the Shiina family and dealing with Ichikozong.

Therefore, Uesugi Terutora must die.

Chief Jinbao ordered the assembly of the horses to set off first, and the follow-up reserve team followed closely.

Uesugi Terutora came to ask her for help when he was reduced, and he must have suffered a heavy loss at the hands of Shiina Yasushi.

If Huluo Pingyang didn't seize the opportunity, wouldn't it be too silly for her to be the head of the Shenbao?


Yiyin with two horses walked back to the cavalry's resting place in a daze, all the way he felt his head was about to explode.

Negotiations with Shinbo Chief failed. This is an extremely calm and self-restraining person. She understands what she wants, is not impulsive, and will choose the safest method to protect herself.

This kind of person is quite troublesome, no wonder he can revive the Jinbao family by himself.

Yoshigin didn't even mention the Hatakeyama clan and the Noto Hatakeyama clan, because it was useless.

If you don't see a rabbit, you won't spread an eagle if you don't see a rabbit. Without the guarantee of strength, no one's name will work.

Yiyin is not worried about himself.

A person who is so cautious as Jinbao Chief will not lose his mind to attack him, so it is wise to send him out of the country as a gift.

But Uesugi Terutoro is in trouble, and the Jinbo family ignores it, which does not mean that Uesugi Terutoro is allowed to roam around in his own territory.

The Shiina family blocked the road, and the Jinbao family did not allow them to cross the territory to go to Noto to ask for help from the Hatakeyama branch. What should she do?
What's more troublesome is that the spring plowing is coming to an end.

Echigo is a powder keg, and Terotora Uesugi has been away for too long.

After the spring plowing is the traditional battle season of the samurai family. Seeing the worried expressions of Uesugi Terutora and Naoe Kanetsugu, they know that the problem is not small.

Even if the Jinbao family allowed Terotora Uesugi to take the opportunity to board the boat and return to Echigo, the time wasted would be enough to make a mess in the country, not to mention the fact that the head of Jinbao was clearly hostile.

The front was approaching, and Uesugi Terutoro had already seen him waving from a distance, so Yoshihiro calmed down and cheered up.

The more difficult it is, the less the leader can show weakness, otherwise the people under his command will be distracted and the team will collapse.

Yoshigin suddenly thought, since Jinbo Chief is hostile to Terutora Uesugi, why would he just refuse and let it be over?

Isn't she afraid that Uesugi Terutora will lead the cavalry to wreak havoc on his own territory, collect supplies, and resist?
Dogs bite people when they are in a hurry, not to mention Uesugi Terutoro's proud temper.

Yiyin opened his eyes wide, goosebumps appeared on his body, and sweat oozes from his forehead.

Looking back suddenly, there are a few black spots hanging in the distance, looming.

"not good!"

Yiyin beat his horse and walked quickly, rushing towards Uesugi Huihu.

In the scout behind him, Terajima smiled with his mouth open, but he gritted his teeth tightly, with a fierce face.

Said to the envoy around him.

"Hurry up and report to His Highness that we found it."

When Fan Hui's horse ran quickly, Terashima said to the left and right.

"His Royal Highness and the cavalry team will arrive in a short while, let's follow up, and we must not let Uesugi Terotora escape."

She was determined.

Although the young man in front had two horses, both of them were showing signs of fatigue, and they couldn't run fast.

The people negotiating are so embarrassed, the brigade must be even more miserable, there is no need to attack, as long as they keep an eye on them, they will not be able to escape.

Uesugi Terutoro looked at Yoshihiro's returning figure and felt relieved just now, but when he saw him suddenly galloping on horseback, he frowned.

She rode forward to meet him, and the two sides had just approached when Yiyin shouted loudly.

"Go! Go! Go!

Convincing Jimbo Chief failed, she sent people to follow me, and we were exposed! "

Uesugi Teru's heart sank, he dismounted slowly, Yoshiyin reined in his horse and looked at her, and said anxiously.

"Let's go quickly!"

Uesugi Terutora smiled sadly.

"How can we go, people are tired and horses are exhausted.

Instead of being hunted down by the head of the Shenbao and dying in embarrassment on the way to escape, it is better to save some energy to fight with her, at least die decently. "

Yiyin's face turned pale when he heard this, and he gritted his teeth.

"It's my fault. I forced you to come to the Jinbao family's territory. If you follow your advice and go east, you may have already escaped."

Seeing his remorseful expression, Uesugi Terotora approached him with his horse, stroked his cheek with his right hand, and said softly.

"It's the same on the east side, it's a dead end.

You've done a lot for me, enough, enough.

Promise me, when the boss of Jinbao comes after you, your warrior Ji will not join the war.

Shen Baochang is an extraordinary person, with a calm mind and will not easily offend the shogunate.

She wants my life, but she will treat you with courtesy, as long as you don't intervene in the war, she will send you out of the country properly afterwards.

Go back, go back to the next few days. "

(End of this chapter)

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