Chapter 443 Sincerity
At this time, finance was still very crude, mainly coinage and usury.

Imai Zong didn't touch usury for a long time, and she specialized in money transfer.

The benefits of transporting gold and silver to the Celestial Dynasty in exchange for the Yongle money from the Celestial Dynasty are enormous.

Japan is known as Treasure Island, rich in gold and silver mineral resources, so the price of gold and silver is almost halved compared to that of China.

Japanese merchants transported gold and silver to the Celestial Dynasty and exchanged them for copper coins, and the profits doubled in one round trip.

Copper is produced in Japan, but coins cannot be minted.Ancient coinage is a high-tech industry, and what metals to add and how much to add are all particular.

Too soft and it frays, too hard and it brittles.

The easiest way to mint coins is to transport back Yongle coins and remelt them. One Yongle coin can be made into four local fine coins in Japan.

In the Japanese copper coin market, Yongle coins are the first, fine coins are the second, and the profit of recasting copper coins has doubled again.

Therefore, the money earned from crossing over is huge profits.

And doing this business requires a lot of cash flow, and smuggling gold, silver and copper coins requires a lot of joints, which is not a business that ordinary people can do.

Takada Yono is also unwilling to touch Imai Sohisa's reserve funds, which will ruin this cornucopia of daily progress.

She thought about it and said.

"Release the news and leak the joint opening of the port between my family and the Hokuriku samurai family."

"Master Takata is trying to use the Hokuriku Road trade route to lure merchants in Sakai Port to invest in stocks?"

Master Takata sneered.

"The Sipo family's cheap ones are so easy to make, I want them to spit out the price increase blood-sucking money for me, no, turn it into supplies and give it to me.

Otherwise, don't let her goods go through my business. "

Imai Sohisa nodded, understood.

Merchants are not of one mind, but they are ugly to each other, and their hands are even darker.

Going out to do business, often a few points of profit can kill a big businessman with a broken capital chain, and ordinary businessmen are even more trembling.

Yono Takada's threats will work.

It's not that all the merchants sold high-priced goods to the Shiba family, it's just that some merchants were unlucky, and it was too late for others to see the joke.

If she encounters someone who is not enlightened, just because everyone takes the opportunity to squeeze her business share is enough for her to drink a pot.

After all, the Hokuriku sea route has been around for a long time. As long as the local samurai are politically united and stable, this business route will be able to operate and make money immediately.

Once the Hong Kong trade is opened, profit-seeking businessmen will flock to Hokuriku.

What about these merchants excluded by the Shiba family?Hardtop?
Business wars are no less brutal than martial arts battles, and they may have to go bankrupt after a short period of time.

Since ancient times, merchants have not fought fiercely with samurai, because money is really not as hard as a knife, and most merchants will definitely know how to choose.

In this way, Takada Yono will be able to overcharge at least [-]% of the goods.

And when the news from Hokuriku Road came out, there must be another group of speculators who came to invest money and bet on the Shiba family to make this happen.

High risk and high return, this money will be exchanged for a large amount of supplies to send to Sibo territory.

After careful calculation, the amount of supplies is astonishing, which should be enough for Iga to fight a battle.

Takada Yono couldn't help feeling proud, from now on, in Shiba's family, the Takada family finally had a place.



Yi Yin followed Kojima Township to Toyama Castle again, thinking about how to convince Jinbo Chief.

At the foot of Toyama Castle, I met an envoy who came to report.After listening to her words, Xiaodao Zhizhen said respectfully with a smile on his face.

"Godaisho, Your Highness Uesugi, the House Governor has prepared a place for repairs in the castle town for the Hime Samurai of the two families.

Please also ask the troops to go with the envoy to supplement the military supplies and have a good rest. "

Yiyin nodded silently.

Jinbao Chief can afford to let go, and when he learned that he was willing to come to Toyama Castle, he immediately changed his face and prepared the most needed logistical supplies for the group, showing his sincerity.

Yoshigin said to Uesugi Terutora.

"I'll go to the castle tower in the city to talk to Chief Shinbo, sister Uesugi, take the cavalry to repair first."

Although Uesugi Terutora was reluctant, he still nodded in agreement.

It is impossible for both of them to go to the castle tower. At this time, the enemy and the enemy are unknown, and no agreement has been reached.

If they go together, if the head of the Shenbao has evil intentions, it will be a one-pot fate.

Shiba Yoshiyin, who holds Yujian, is the best candidate to negotiate, and Uesugi Terotora is outside to support, so this arrangement is very appropriate.

Behind him, Yuki Yamanaka hesitated to speak, and Yoshihiro nodded to her.

"You come with me."

Yamanaka Yukimori showed joy and let out a hi.

After Shiina Kangyin's ambush incident, Yiyin didn't dare to be too careless.My leg is still injured, and I can't even run away if I encounter trouble.

With Yamanaka Yukimori, if something goes wrong, with her bravery, it is enough to rush out of the city and let Uesugi Terutoro know what happened.

Shangshan Huihu said.

"I will keep an eye on the city gate. If there is any change, I will immediately attack the city and save you."

Xiao Dao Zhizhen was embarrassed to hear it, but it was not easy to intervene.

It would be nice if the two sides who were still fighting not long ago could sit down and negotiate. Can you still expect the other party to not pay attention?

Yi Yin nodded, and said to Shima Katsuo.

"You lead a group of people to follow His Royal Highness Uesugi and follow her orders."

Yoshigin of course hopes that the negotiations will go smoothly, but Uesugi Terutoro's approach is correct, and the heart of defense is indispensable.

It's just that if you really fight, your old capital will be lost here.

Uesugi Terutora's Ji Samurai suffered heavy losses in Shiina's Matsukura Castle, and now the main force of the cavalry is more than [-] cavalry from the Shiba Concentric Congregation.

If there is a fight, no matter the outcome, Yiyin will cry to death.

For the present plan, it is best to reach a covenant with Jinbaochang.

No matter how bad it is, let her have scruples, dare not attack the cavalry, and let Yiyin and his party leave.

Uesugi Terotora followed the envoy to the castle town to repair the site, and Yoshigin was led by Kojima Town to continue to the city.

Outside the castle tower, Shinbo Chief silently looked at Shiba Yoshigin who was walking forward with his leg wound bandaged.

Seeing that his face was normal and his smile was like a flower, his heart shuddered and he bowed deeply.

I have to say that he can walk so handsomely while walking, the young man of the Sipo family is indeed magnificent.

The most frightening thing is that she was almost shot to death just now, but she can greet her with a smile in a blink of an eye. This city makes her feel admirable.

"The head of the Jinbao has seen the Imperial Palace, and the Imperial Palace is safe."

Yiyin laughed.

"I was ordered by the shogunate to go to Echigo, and this time I will pass through Echigo, which will cause trouble for His Highness Jinbao."

"Don't dare, this is my duty, please."

The two exchanged pleasantries all the way, and after entering the conference hall, Kojima Shizhen and Yamanaka Yukimori both stood outside the door and did not follow up.

Shiba Yoshiyin has a high status, and the post of Jinbao chief gave up the main position to him, and he sat at the bottom.

After sitting separately, the head of the Shenbao kowtowed to the ground to apologize.

Yi Yin waved his hand.

"His Highness Shenbao is innocent and meritorious.

I was passing through Yuezhong, and I didn't want Shiina Kangyin's wolf ambition to ambush the shogunate mission.

If His Royal Highness Shenbao hadn't been loyal to the shogunate and received the supplies, the mission group really didn't know what to do. "

The head of Shenbao was taken aback for a moment, but then he was overjoyed, this young man is really on the right track.

She had thought a lot about what to say.

I was going to shamelessly push the matter of blocking the mission, following the imperial platform, and shooting him with an arrow, onto the dead Terajima, so that the matter could be resolved.

Who knows that Yiyin is even more shameless, directly pretending that these things never happened, clearing away the psychological barriers between the two sides in the negotiation.

Seeing that his leg injury is still throbbing, but his face is full of sincere gratitude, Shenbao Chief also admires him very much.

Given the face given by the imperial platform, the job of Shenbaochang is of course down the ladder.

She said with righteous indignation on her face.

"Kangyin Shiina acts recklessly and harms the envoys of the shogunate, and he will die a terrible death!"

Yiyin chuckled and didn't answer.

Taking the post of Jinbao Chief out of the attack on the mission is for the sake of smooth negotiations.

But it would be too disgusting to sing oboe with her, I really thought my legs didn't hurt!

Seeing that Yoshihiro didn't talk to each other, Shenbao Chief gave a sly smile and got straight to the point.

There are nearly [-] elite Ji warriors watching outside, and delaying for a moment will increase anxiety for both parties.

She said.

"Yutaisuo, you said before that you would deprive Shiina Yasushi of his service and promote the alliance between me and His Highness Uesugi, can you still count?"

Yiyin said categorically.

"Of course it counts."

Shen Baochang asked again.

"Then what can I get?"

Any deprivation, any alliance, are all false. In the final analysis, the Jinbao chief sent troops to help the mission go to Echigo.

Shiina Kangyin colluded with Yixiangzong and assassinated allies, and his reputation was already ugly.

What Uesugi Terutora has to do is to withdraw his troops back to Echigo, regardless of the Shiina family's mess.

Yoshigin moved his mouth, Uesugi Terotora even patted his butt and ran away. He didn't pay at all, and Jinbo Changzhi felt that he was too bad.

Yoshihiro Shiba also agreed with her idea. If the alliance is to be stable and long-lasting, it must be profitable.

The alliance between Etsuchu Shiinajia and Uesugi Terutora was torn up, and the original strategic concept was frustrated.

He really wanted to win the position of Chief Jimbo, stabilize the direction of Echigo, and prevent Echigo from being attacked on all sides.

Therefore, the pie must be big enough to control the fullness, so that Chief Jimbo willingly agrees to form an alliance.

 A million words, the promised million words become a god?There is one less reason to lie to myself and cry.

(End of this chapter)

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