Chapter 458 Arrival
Benzhuang is really anxious.

Once Yang Beizhong crossed the Agano River, Nagao Masaki and Okuma Asohide would send troops from east and west, and surround Tochio Castle from three sides.

And Hojo Takahiro of Hojo Castle was blocked on the way of the Shangyue reinforcements going north, so she couldn't receive news from Kasugayama Castle at all.

We can only hope that the lord will return to the country, take charge of the overall situation as soon as possible, and come to rescue.

The atmosphere in the meeting hall was silent, the village was really thinking far away, when the outside came to report that a cavalry team had come down from the city, the number of which was nearly two hundred.

Ben Zhuang squinted his eyes and asked.

"Which flag is it flying?"

The outsider paused and answered.

"General Ashikaga's house."

All the concubines in the conference hall were stunned and clamored, and Ben Zhuang actually cursed fiercely.

"What's the noise! ​​Quiet!"

Looking at the person, his eyes are like knives.

"General Ashikaga's house? Can you see clearly?"

The man answered hastily.

"The city said to bring His Royal Highness's letter and painting, and I dare not slack off, so I hurried to pass it on to you."

Ben Zhuang really got up and walked out.

"If you don't open the city gate, quickly find a hanging basket and hang up the envoy's letter.

I'm going to the city to have a look. "

In the last sentence, she was speaking to Saito Asanobu, who nodded and shouted for silence, waiting for Shino Honjo to come back.

Honjo Shino is very relieved to hand it over to Saito Asanobu, she is the best among Uesugi Terotora's side, hereditary Akata Castle.

This person is both wise and brave, able to participate in internal affairs, and also skilled in battle. He is the second person in the Zhongyue Uesugi Terutora faction under Honjo Shino.

Benzhuang really left in a hurry, and soon went to the city.

Looking outside, there was indeed a white flag with the Ashikaga family pattern in the ranks of the army, and Honjo couldn't help but wondered when he looked closely, that was actually the imperial flag.

At this moment, a warrior Ji had been hoisted up with a letter.

Honjo really looked at ten lines at a glance, and finally confirmed Uesugi Terutora's painting, and then let out a sigh of relief.

The lord didn't go into details, but just told her that the person who came from the city was the governor of the Shiba family, and came to Kanto with a sword.

Although the words were written in a hurry, what she said in the letter, giving Tochio Castle to the Imperial Palace as a move in Kanto, made her overwhelmed.

I don't know who gave this idea to the Lord, it is really brilliant.

Ben Zhuang really doesn't know that his lord is sincerely giving away the city, and he doesn't know how capable this imperial master is.

She thought this was just a stopgap measure, but it was enough to make the rebels' minds fluctuate and it was convenient to delay time.

The lord Shangluo was valued by General Ashikaga, and sent to the platform of the imperial platform to announce the decree. The status of the Kanto leader is so real that no one dares to question it.

Thinking of the depths, she smiled and asked the Shibaji samurai who came up.

"What's this guy called?"

The immature warrior Ji replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"It's in the township of the Lower Gamo clan."

Ben Zhuang nodded and said.

"Pu Shengji, you go down in a hanging basket and express my apologies to the imperial platform, the city is narrow and small, it is not suitable for a large group of people to enter.

Please take the cavalry to the west side of the city wall to the outlying garrison. I will order people to prepare there for you to repair. "

Gamo's hometown frowned.


Ben Zhuang looked at this half-grown girl and said in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

Gamo's face was solemn, and said.

"Since your lord has checked the authenticity of the painting, it proves that His Royal Highness Uesugi has transferred this city to my Imperial Palace Office, so naturally our army should be stationed there.

Is there any reason in the world to garrison troops outside and guest troops inside? "

It was only then that Ben Zhuang came to his senses, his face was ugly.

She found out that Uesugi Terutora's letter did not write the change, which was a false name. Could it be that he really gave Tochio Castle to someone else?How can this work!
Tochio Castle is the most important city in Chugotsu. How can it be given to someone else to guard Joetsu, even the Imperial Palace of General Ashikaga.

She was hesitant, Gamo Clan already held the handle of the knife and scolded.

"Why don't you open the door to welcome the Imperial Palace, are you going to disobey the order of the Kanto governor?"

The Gamo family is very smart, and Shiba Yoshigin has decided to call this trip the Imperial Palace to the outside world, in order to make full use of the name of Hanoi Genji's descendants.

Under the false prestige of the fox, of course she had to support her master's face.

The Wu family is afraid of power but not morality. If you are soft, others will dare to look down on you. How can you give in at will?
Benzhuang really took a look at this childish warrior Ji, and naturally understood her intention of putting on a show.

If it were any other time, this kind of little girl would have been slapped to the ground by her slap when she was playing wild in front of her.

But at this time, her words are always controlling her, so that Ben Zhuang really can't get angry.

The imperial platform, Kanto is in charge of two mountains, one represents the majesty of the Ashikaga family, and the other is the order of her lord, how does she refute?

Gritting his teeth, he ordered.

"Open the city gate and welcome the imperial platform to enter the city!"

Yiyin waited silently under the city, although it took a long time, he remained calm.

Following the opening of the gates of the village and Gamo's village, he rode forward and gave an order.

"Dao Shengmeng, control the city gates and main roads along the way, and stay behind at each pill.

Xingsheng in the mountains brought people to follow me into the castle tower. "

The two concubines cheered up and went about their own business.

Yiyin saw that the village really had a sullen expression on his face, and said.

"Didn't His Royal Highness Uesugi tell you in the letter? Give me full power, and you have to obey my orders."

Honjo was really taken aback, there was indeed such a sentence in the letter, but it was written in a hurry, she thought it was just an honorific address to the imperial court.

Seeing her hesitation, Yiyin knew she would be wrong, so he said softly.

"His Royal Highness Shangshan told me that you are her close person and told me to believe you.

I also hope you can believe me, I have the same interests as her, I am here to quell the rebellion, not to fight for the territory. "

He has a handsome appearance and a soft-spoken voice, which made me immediately feel good about him.

At this moment, she saw Naoe Kanetsugu in the queue, and was taken aback for a moment.

Seeing her nodding slightly, she understood.Since the lord has given such orders, I will follow the orders, but there is a trace of worry in my heart.

With Naoe Kanatsugu present, the Imperial Palace did not choose to let her be hanged on the top of the wall to coordinate, but ordered her to forcefully order her. Is this a declaration of her independence?

It's inconvenient to think about it now, she just let out a high and led the way.

Yoshigin dismounted and handed the reins to Yamanaka Yukimori, side by side with Honjo Mino, and said.

"Go to the castle tower and walk slowly, and tell me about the situation in Zhongyue.

I want to know who the warrior Ji in it is, who is ours, who can win over, who needs to be suppressed, and who must be killed. "

It was still the same light tone, but it made Ben Zhuang feel a chill from the bottom of his heart, and the respectful expression on his face was much more real.

She lowered her head and looked sideways, and explained to this enigmatic and handsome Imperial Palace all the affairs of China and Vietnam and the truth and reality of the various warriors in the castle tower.

All the way to go very slowly, but there will be an end after all.Yamanaka Yukimori opened the sliding door of the meeting room and bowed sideways.

Yiyin took the lead and walked in front, with his chest raised and his head raised, walking towards the main seat.

Honjo followed closely behind, and after he was seated, he sat next to Saito Asanobu on the left, and handed her the letter in his hand.

Naoe Kanesuke entered the room, bowed to Yoshiyin, and sat down in the crowd on the left.

Yamanaka Yukimori waved his hand, and two Ji warriors walked in behind him, and closed the sliding door left and right. There was a sound of quick steps outside the door, and the knocking sound of weapons and armor, and then became silent.

Yamanaka Xingsheng bowed his head and walked to Yiyin's side, bowed and sat down, with a white flag waiting beside him.

During the whole process, the warriors in the meeting hall were silent, looking at the two Ji warriors at the door, and then at the imperial flag on the main seat.

Only Saito Chaoxin lowered his head, looked at the letter, read it for a while, and handed it forward with both hands.

Yamanaka Yukimori took it with both hands, turned half-turned and lowered himself in front of the lord.

Yiyin took the letter slowly, put it on the copy, looked down, and said.

"I am Yoshigin, governor of the Shiba family, and I am ordered by the general to go down to Kanto with a sword in my hand, to read the imperial decree for His Highness Uesugi's successor as the governor of Kanto.

His Majesty Uesugi dedicates this Tochio Castle to the Imperial Palace, I am very relieved.

I don't know why many warriors gathered here, why? "

As he spoke, he looked at Honjo Shino.

Ben Zhuang really understood, kowtowed to the ground and said.

"On the Imperial Terrace, Echigo rebelled against Wang Hua, and raised his troops to make trouble. He is about to attack Tochio Castle, and he will mess with me Echigo."

Yiyin acted shocked and said angrily.

"There is such a thing!
This Tochio Castle is the temporary residence of my Hanoi Genji descendant, who dares to risk the disapproval of the world and surround the residence of the pillars of my samurai family, this is a great treason! "

The two sang together, and the corners of the Wu family's eyes twitched as they watched.

This is so different from what I thought!

Isn't Fuchu Nagao's family a samurai family?Where did Changwei Jinghu go?Who is His Highness Uesugi?Do we want to continue with our big event?Are you still doing the internal response to the rebellion?
Several people panicked and made eye contact with each other.The leader knew that it was not good, so he kowtowed to the ground and asked.

"May I ask the Imperial Palace, who is Your Highness Uesugi?"

Yiyin shot her a sideways look, and said flatly.

"Nagao Jinghu went to Luojingdu, and got the general's permission to inherit the Uesugi family in the mountains, succeeding the Guandong leader, bestowing Tong characters, and changing his name to Uesugi Teruhu."

The man was suffocated by a series of dazzling family names, and wanted to speak, Yiyin asked back.

"who are you?"

She answered with a bow.

"Hidetada Kuroda, the lord of Shimotaki Castle."

(End of this chapter)

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