different warring states of japan

Chapter 460 Cooperation

Chapter 460 Cooperation
Honjo was silently observing the performance of the imperial court, already full of awe in his heart.

Compared to his proud lord, this Godaisho is more like a mature ruler.

The basis of domination is violence, and violence does not need to be abused.

Whether you have the ability to kill others is not important, what is important is that everyone thinks that you can kill her and is afraid of it.

This imperial platform has won the samadhi, and some tricks made the Chinese and Vietnamese people temporarily suppress their minds and dare not easily turn against them. It is really powerful.

You know, he is an outsider.

He frightened Zhongyuezhong with the help of Shinnai's top shirts, and then used Zhongyuezhong's retreat to prove his ability to Shinnai of the village, and stabilized the dominance of decision-making.

What a great boy.

Ben Zhuang was thinking silently, not daring to look at this man with the eyes of ordinary men, and his attitude became more respectful.

How can Yiyin think so much like Benzhuang Shinai? He just spent a year in the big dye vat in Kyoto, and he has to know how to play instinctively.

Tochio Castle was his first foothold in Kanto. Regardless of whether Terotora Uesugi’s gift could be recognized by the Uesugi retainers after the war, he must work hard to lay a solid foundation.

Echigo's three points, Uesugi's private land on the top, and the rebellious Yangbei territory on the bottom, only Zhongyue can do some tricks.

Uesugi Terutoro's Uesan crowd, the vassals left behind by the old guardian, plus Ueda and Koshi Nagao's family, are enough to play a table of mahjong.

What's more, there are many noises within the various forces, as can be seen from this war.

One word, chaos.

For Yiyin, who had just arrived and only had less than two hundred Ji warriors in his hands, it was a mess, he was afraid that everyone would unite as one.

Compared with Kansai, the Kanto samurai's poor life makes them more violent and extreme. They love to cuddle and reject outsiders.

The Echigo samurai family is also famous for its bitter cold training in the Kanto. They are not afraid of death, and it is even more difficult to control them.

It is really a good starting point to have the chaos in China and Vietnam that allows him to divide the local martial arts and suppress and win without delay.

He had to rely on Yujian to consolidate his prestige and basic market as soon as possible.Echigo wars are raging everywhere, and the gathering of Zhongyue is a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

As for what Terotora Uesugi said about sharing Echigo, it makes sense to sleep with the same couch.

How to say it is how to sleep in the bed, Uesugi's retainers don't agree, it's just the same bed and different dreams.

Even if you admit it, who is above and who is below?Who has more quilts, and who is half-baked outside to catch the cold?
In the end, you have to rely on your own strength to fight.

No strength, no matter how nice the words are, it is useless. The political game depends more on the means than on the strength.

Yoshiyin's actions will inevitably harm the interests of the Uesugi family and self-interest. How could the Ji warrior group of the Uesugi family be happy.

As for Honjo Shino, Uesugi Terutora's confidant in Chuetsu, Yoshigin wants to unite her and guard her.

At the critical moment, take more benefits to your own bowl, let the Sibo family maximize the benefits of China and Vietnam, and gain a firm foothold earlier.

Therefore, he never asked Naoe Kanatsugu to come forward to coordinate the two sides, but was so tough that Honjo Shina handed over the leadership of Sino-Vietnamese.

Naoe Kanetsugu is not an easy girl, she probably figured out what he meant, after entering the city she just watched but didn't talk, and has been quiet until now.

Yoshigin Shiba and Honjo actually met their eyes, and they both smiled reservedly.

With Kuroda Hidetada's head on the ground, the attitude of the Chinese and Vietnamese people has become clear, and they will wait and see for the time being, and will not act rashly.

After dragging away the dead bodies and cleaning up the venue, Honjo introduced the samurai present one by one for Shiba Yoshihito.

The concubines exchanged greetings, as if the wet blood stains on the ground did not exist.

Waiting for the last round, Ji warriors retreated with their own concerns, leaving only Yiyin, Shanzhong Xingsheng, Honjo Shino, Saito Asanobu, and Naoe Kanesuke five people.

Yiyin asked the real estate of the village.

"Will there be repetitions?"

Benzhuang really shook his head.

"Thinking is inevitable, but without a leader, no one dares to make a move for a while, and it should be stable for a few days."

Yi Yin nodded and said.

"His Highness Uesugi and I set a date of ten days, and she must get through Hojo Castle to come to support.

I spent two days on the road, and now I have eight days left.Now that they recognize Tochio Castle as my imperial residence, they will have more scruples in the future.

Even if the rebels arrived and besieged the city, they would not immediately waver and open the door to offer the city. "

Tochio City is not small, and the Shangshan army is still too small, so they will definitely use the Zhongyue people to help defend, and the most fearful people with ulterior motives should cooperate with the outside.

After Kuroda Hidetada's incident, although this hidden danger has not been eliminated, it has been delayed for a while, which is also a good result.

Ben Zhuang nodded and said.

"Yang Beizhong crossed the Agano River just now, and it will take three days to reach Tochio Castle if everything goes well.

Before they arrived, Nagao Zhengjing and Daxiong Chaoxiu were short of troops, and they did not dare to arrive early to complete the encirclement.

If there is nothing wrong with His Highness, we only need to wait for five days. "

Yiyin was puzzled.

"It's been a while since Chungeng, why are Yangbei people so slow?"

Ben Zhuang actually smiled.

"Unknown to the imperial platform, the Yangbei people have rebelled several times over the years, and they have been strictly guarded by the master.

Except for a few samurai families such as Zhongjo Fujizi, all other families were heavily taxed, and there was not much food left in the family.

If they want to send troops, they have to force the Yang Beizhong, who are biased towards His Highness, to pay for food and money, and it will be too late to argue.

I think it's too early to cross the river now. "

Yiyin shook and smiled wryly, what a mess of Yang Beizhong.

"Didn't they kill the samurai who were close to His Highness Uesugi? Is there such a miracle?"

Ben Zhuang actually answered.

"Yangbei people have been connected with each other for hundreds of years, and each family has broken bones and connected tendons, and the relationship is complicated.

Which family has the situation of making small moves behind the back of the big guy, and whose body is clean?

If he really wanted to kill someone, it wouldn't be Zhongtiao Tengzi's turn to put the knife first. "

Seeing that Yiyin was surprised, she briefly explained the origins of the four branches of the Yangbei Congregation.

After hearing this, Yiyin smiled and said.

"Your Miao character is also the home village. Is it the same as the Yangbei Zhongbei Zhuang family?"

Ben Zhuang shook his head and denied it.

"Not really.

Yutai Institute must not underestimate these reckless women just because of the internal discord among the Yangbei people.

If it weren't for these people's rebelliousness, they couldn't find a leader who could suppress them, and no one could beat them after Echihou.

They can really fight. "

Ben Zhuang really sighed.

She was afraid that because of the internal chaos of Yang Beizhong, the imperial platform would underestimate the enemy and make a mistake in decision-making, so she issued a reminder.

In fact, Yoshihiro is the best at coaxing, cautious counseling, arrogance and arrogance are the way of Uesugi Terutoro's rich second generation, he can't.

Yi Yin continued to ask.

"Tell me more about Okuma Asohide and Nagao Masaki, why did they rebel, and how strong are they?
What was the reaction of Koshi Nagao's family?Will her family take the opportunity to make trouble? "

Ben Zhuang replied one by one, and she also felt guilty about Daxiong Chaoxiu's rebellion.

Not to Okuma Asohide, but to the lord Uesugi Terutora.

It was because she didn't manage well the people sent by Uesugi Terutoro that led to the rebellion of Okuma Chaoxiu and his former guards.

As for the Nagao political scene, it is a typical samurai's expansion of ambition, similar to Hojo Takahiro's rebellion.Greedy chant, nothing to say.

As for the Koshi Nagao family, she said.

"Master Nagao Jingxin sent an envoy to summon me. She stood still to intimidate Nagao Zhengjing, which made her hesitate, and she didn't mean to stand by.

Koshi Nagao's family is His Highness's father's family, and many families work under His Highness's command, so they are trustworthy.

It's just that the Guzhi Nagao family is not as strong as the Ueda Nagao family, so they can't move lightly. "

Yiyin nodded, and after Ben Zhuang's description, he finally understood.

Terotora Uesugi's basic board in Chuetsu, internally is Honjo Mino's family of Chuetsu upper garments, and externally is the Koshi Nagao family of her father's family. These two parties are the backbone supporting her to control Chuetsu.

So, if Yiyin wants to gain a firm foothold in China and Vietnam, there are not many helpers to choose from.

Ueda Nagao's family was excluded first, and Nagao Masaki married Uesugi Terutora's brother, and had the right to inherit the Nagao family in Peep Fuchu.

This is also the fundamental reason why she disliked Terotora Uesugi and changed the Nagao family in the Fufu to the Uesugi family in Yamauchi. Because of this, she lost the possibility of ascending to the position of Lord of Echigo.

This kind of martial arts greedy for power cannot be controlled by Yi Yin's current strength.

The guardians of Daxiong Chaoxiu's faction can be considered. Their requirements are not high, and they only hope that their own interests will not be violated.

Yiyin couldn't help rolling his eyes.

This guy Uesugi Terutora, the honest samurai who surrendered obediently, was forced to rebel, the ruling method is too rough, stupid.

However, he was given a chance.It's just that I don't know how good Xiong Chaoxiu is, and whether it's worth the effort to give her a hand.

The guardians of China and Vietnam are also divided into many factions. For example, Usami Dingman in the Kashiwazaki Plain has joined Uesugi Terotora and is doing well.

Daxiong Chaoxiu is so bad, is there a problem in itself?
Look and say.

(End of this chapter)

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