Chapter 464
Yiyin couldn't see the resentful eyes of Xingsheng in the mountains behind him, he rode his horse and rushed to forty or fifty steps, shouting loudly.

"I am Yoshigin, governor of the Shiba family, and I came to Echigo under the order of the shogunate, and entered the Yamauchi Uesugi family for His Highness Nagao, and succeeded the Kanto governor to announce the decree.

His Royal Highness Nagao changed the character to Miao, and was given the name by General Ashikaga, calling it Uesugi Terutora.

You waited for rebellion and rebellion, the crime is unforgivable, if you don't surrender quickly, aren't you afraid of harming your husband and wife! "

Daxiong Chaoxiu was in an uproar. Although he knew that Uesugi Terutora had left the country, only a few high-level officials knew that she was Shangluo Jingdu.

Of course, this kind of news that affects the morale of the army will not be disclosed casually, and it will increase the prestige of Uesugi Terutoro.

It's just that the envoys of the shogunate came and spoke in front of the battle with the imperial flag, which immediately disturbed the morale of the army.

Warrior Yiji asked Daxiong Chaoxiu.

"Master Big Bear, is what he said true?"

Another Ji warrior retorted.

"Of course it's a lie! Fuchu Nagao's family is a samurai family, how can it be favored by General Ashikaga!"

"The imperial flag is right in front of the formation! How can it be fake!"

"The Nagao family has always been unrestrained, maybe it's a fake Yuqi!"

"Who dares to pretend to be the leader! Don't die!"

"The Nagao family in Fuchu killed the guardian twice, does it look like a deadly samurai?"

All the subordinates could not stop arguing, and Da Xiong Chaoxiu felt a splitting headache when he heard it.She didn't doubt the other party's words, but became more vigilant.

Today's battle is too strange, the opponent's army is weak, and they are provocative in front of the battle, causing our army's morale to be chaotic.

I'm really not afraid that my own army will overwhelm him and kill him, the envoy of the shogunate.

Her pupils shrank suddenly, what if this is intentionally attracting me to attack?
Da Xiong looked at Chaoxiu from a distance, and always felt that there was some trump card hidden behind the opponent's formation.

At this time, the warrior Ji under his command was already fighting fiercely, and they all made suggestions to her.

"Master Big Bear, we haven't fought with him yet, so we shouldn't be punished too much for surrendering now, how about..."

"Let's put p! It's true that those people in this village despise us. If we back down halfway, how will we live in the future!
In any case, they have to fight for a while, so that they will be a little scruples about doing things in the future! "

His subordinates were talking all over the place, but Xiong Chaoxiu's heart was getting colder.

The warriors of Ji seem to have different ideas, but in fact they are just hovering between surrendering and surrendering after the fight. After all, their morale is depressed.

These people just want Uesugi Terutoro to know that the consequences of over-squeezing them are unpredictable, so they should be more gentle in the future.

If you really tear your face, the courage to go to the end does not exist.

Da Xiong Chaoxiu smiled wryly, then what is she?For a while, he carried the flag and set up troops with a feverish mind, and fell into a dilemma.

As the leader of the rebellion, after he surrendered, he would definitely be pulled out and beaten, to make an example to others, and he would no longer have his current status.

There was resentment in her heart, but she did not dare to fight the enemy.

As she thought about it, she became more and more certain that the young man who claimed to be the governor of the Shiba family had left behind, and would suffer a big loss in a real fight.

If you don't fight, you will die.Hit, die immediately.How to do?
Looking back on the grievances he has received over the years, Honjo Shino's favoritism, Uesugi Terutoro's ridicule, Okuma Tomohide feels bitterness in his heart.

My old lady is a good person and good at doing things, but she doesn't give me a way to survive, and bears the humiliation but suffers even greater humiliation.

Daxiong's family is also an old martial arts family, shameless!

Daxiong Chaoxiu felt a depression in her chest that she couldn't vent, her eyes were red, she stopped listening to the noise of the martial artists around her, and rushed out of the formation single-handedly.

"I am Daxiong Chaoxiu, who dares to fight me!"

She chose a ride.

Seeing a cavalry galloping out of the enemy army, Nobuzuna Umizumi rode his horse forward and rushed to protect Yiyin's side.

Yiyin was astonished when he heard that the other party proposed a ride, this Xiong Chaoxiu is interesting.

Yoshigin had heard from Naoe Kanetsugu before that the two generations of the Okuma family were responsible for guarding the Uesugi family Duan Qianfang, and they were tax collectors through and through.

How brave can a samurai who inherits such a position be?Is this to show one's will by death?

Nobuzuna Kamizumi said in a low voice beside Yoshigin.

"Odaisho, let me go?"

She was really afraid that this young man would rush forward by himself, he did a lot of single-handedly before the battle.

Although Yoshihiro Shiba is unparalleled in battle, he has never lost a hand in a battle.

But often walking by the river, there is no way that your shoes will not get wet.If there is an eventuality, who dares to take responsibility?

Ever since he picked up Yujian, this person's identity has changed, and he is the justifiable Yutaisuo.

Let the general's husband go out to fight against others, how shameless are these Ji warriors under his command?Forget about being ashamed!

Yoshiyin didn't think too much, he just glanced at Nobuzuna Umizumi, who was fully equipped with a gun and saber, and nodded.

"Shangquan Sword Master be careful."

Kamizumi Nobutsuna asked confidently.

"Do you want to die or live?"

When she was young, she was also a well-known warrior in the Ueno country. Later, she traveled around the world to study swordsmanship. Her strength, speed, reaction, and physical strength are all unmatched by ordinary Ji warriors.

Even though he was old, he didn't dare to be too arrogant when it came to battle.But before the battle, he was singled out, and he was really not afraid of anyone.

Yiyin glanced at the confident Juggernaut, laughed dumbfounded, and said.

"Swords and guns have no eyes. You don't have to keep your hands. It's not good for her if she dies."

Yoshihiro really thought about wooing Daikuma Chaoxiu and other Ji warriors, but the status of the internal affairs public in Echigo was too low, so he didn't really care too much.

Daxiong Chaoxiu would choose to beg for a horse, a political official is so demented, and his intention to win over is much weaker.

To die is to die, no pity.

Nobuzuna Kamizumi nodded, understanding Shiba Yoshigin's thoughts.With a chuckle, she charged forward with her gun in hand.

"I, Nobuzuna Kamizumi, will be your opponent!"

Big Xiong Chaoxiu didn't listen to her carefully when he saw a general coming out from the opposite side, so it was good to yell!Concentrate on riding the horse and rushing to the past.

The two horses galloped staggered and formed a ball.

The cavalry fights against each other, which is different from the impact and trampling of the infantry line.

The cavalry rushed to the infantry, holding their swords and guns still, and the acceleration alone was enough to pierce or cut a human body.After the horse's speed slows down, the spear is thrown forward or sideways to stab at the rear of both sides.

After the Song Dynasty, the pure heavy shock cavalry almost disappeared in the Eastern battlefield because of its single purpose.

Light and medium cavalry who can shoot, charge, fight in close combat, and run long distances are the mainstream.

However, it is impossible for cavalry to fight against infantry like fighting against infantry. The impact of the collision of horses alone can kill or maim both sides.

Everyone keeps their horses' heads aside and attacks their opponents sideways. The main weapons are armor-piercing weapons such as dougu, steel whips, and axes and hammers.

The length of the weapon is about one arm, and it is not too heavy, so it is convenient for round and round beating.

Japan is barren, with few cavalry, and even less heavy armor. The two sides fought mostly with cavalry, shooting or swords.Although the Japanese sword is powerless against heavy armor, it is a sharp weapon against light armor without armor.

Kamizumi Nobutsuna was full of confidence, and the two sides rode staggered to try to stab each other off the horse with superhuman speed and reaction.

Who would have thought that Xiong Chaoxiu would respond in time and flip her lance aside.

The spears of the two men were one and a half long, not suitable for cavalry battles, but they were both confident that they did not draw their swords, and they were staggered and pasted together, each using their own methods.

Nobutsuna Umizumi twisted his waist and swung his arms, only to see the body of the gun that was thrown away was drawn back like a whip.

Who would have thought that Daxiong Chaoxiu was already prepared, he lowered his waist and used his left arm protector to block the blow.

Then, he clamped the body of the spear that had lost its strength under his ribs, and stabbed Nobuzuna Shangizumi with the tip of the spear in his right hand like a white snake spitting out letters.

The Juggernaut reacted superhumanly, turned his head to avoid the tip of the gun, and grabbed the body of the gun.

Da Xiong Chaoxiu suddenly fell to the outside, and the two spears brought the two Ji warriors overturned from the horse and rolled into a ball.

Nobuzuna Umizumi didn't expect her to do such a thing. After falling off the horse, he slowed down by half a beat, letting Daxiong Chaoxiu pull out the knife first, and slashed at him with the knife.

Between death and life, Sword Master Shangquan shouted loudly, rushed into Da Xiong Chaoxiu's arms, grabbed her wrist, intending to grab the sword.

The two concubines blushed and tried their best to seize control of Dao Dao.

Yi Yin watched in horror from behind, he never expected that Daxiong Chaoxiu would be so brave that he would be able to fight against Umizumi Nobutsuna.

What about the tax collector!The promised soft persimmon!Seeing this, he couldn't help but love talent.

If Yoshigin wants to gain a foothold in Echigo, he needs to find a reliable local force to cheer for him and monitor the place.

The feudal era was no different from the modern country he lived in in his previous life, and he had no modern civic consciousness.

Civic education in modern countries closely links the country with individuals, and national leaders organize and mobilize national power far more than feudal rulers.

Apart from other things, the retainers of the retainers are not my retainers. The typical political consciousness of this feudal rule is enough to make the ruler unable to control the grassroots.

The centralization of power is like the ancient Chinese dynasty, and the imperial power does not go to the countryside, and is maintained at the county level.

It's not that the rulers don't want to go deep, but that in ancient times when the civic consciousness was not awakened, there was no low-cost way to control the grassroots.

It is the mainstream consciousness at the grassroots level not to abide by the law, but to protect each other. The rulers can only compromise and reach a tacit understanding with the local tyrants.

It is the same in Japan.

Although Yiyin has a noble status, in order to turn it into power, he also needs the cooperation of the local warriors to complete the contract of the status of the master.

Impressed by Daxiong Chaoxiu's ride, Yiyin changed his dispensable mentality before, and seriously considered wooing this force for his own use.

(End of this chapter)

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