different warring states of japan

Chapter 476 Transformation

Chapter 476 Transformation
Yi Yin galloped back to the front of the Chinese army, threw the imperial flag to Yukimori Yamanaka, and began to give orders.

"Naoe Kanetsugu, ordered Honjo to stop advancing."


"Big Xiong Chaoxiu, the Chinese and Vietnamese people also stopped attacking."


All the concubines could see the shrinking of the Yangbei people, Shiba Yoshigin was able to order a truce, and of course the Tochio samurai who had different ideas were willing to obey.

Tochio City's army is not as strong as Yangbei's elite. Even if the morale is high at this time, once the battle is fought, the consequences will be unpredictable.

In case those savage women see the blood and become fierce, it is uncertain which side will suffer the greater loss.

The intention of Tochio City is to stand by and wait for help. If the morale of the Yangbei people is taken away and they are unable to attack the city, then there is no need to continue fighting. Excessive force will not be worth the loss.

Originally, this joint battle was very reluctant, and it was Shiba Yoshigin who insisted on going his own way.Now that he has let go, the others are of course willing to cooperate.

In addition, his order can be carried out quickly because the previous Yiqi has completely overwhelmed these warriors.

The martial arts family puts the most emphasis on military merit, and the superiority and inferiority of the upper and lower levels are just appearances, and they respect the strong in their hearts.If it is really orderly, where did the lower and upper martial arts come from?
After all, if you want to get real respect, you have to be able to fight!

The Yangbei group is a group of rebellious warriors who are famous in Echigo and even in the entire Kanto, and their combat power is tyrannical.

They rebelled several times, and the Fuchu Nagao family had to tolerate it, because they could fight, and the price of suppressing them was too high.

Being able to kill eight warriors of Yangbei Jiji in a row, Yiyin's reputation in Kanto has officially opened.

The two armies withdrew their troops separately, and the battle was anticlimactic, all because of Yoshihiko Shiba's strong record on the imperial platform, which shocked the audience.

After returning to the castle tower in Tochio Castle, Yoshigin sat on the main seat, and beside him, Yamanaka Yukimori took the hot towel from the attendant, turned around and offered it with both hands.

Yiyin took over the wiping.

Sweating profusely, his hair was stuck to his cheeks, head and neck with sweat, and as he wiped it, it brought out bursts of youthful smell.

His movements seem to have some kind of peculiar rhythm, which makes the viewers unable to help but indulge in it. He is really a charming and moving stunner.

A group of Ji warriors watched him wipe his sweat, but the audience was silent.

Suddenly, a violent cough sounded, waking everyone up, and they bowed their heads in silence.

Da Xiong Chaoxiu stopped coughing, kowtowed to the ground, and apologized.

"Your servant is disrespectful."

Yi Yin shook his head and said.


In fact, he doesn't mind the arrogance of Ji warriors, the charm of up to 14 points is really troublesome.

No matter what he does, he can create a fascinating attraction, and it is estimated that the action of going to the toilet can also be fascinating.

It's inexplicable to the extreme, so it's easy to see, what's the matter with love.

Yiyin put the hot towel on the copybook and started talking about business.

"My lord, are there any people in Yangbei who are close to Shangyue?"

Ben Zhuang replied after saluting.

"Report to the Imperial Office, Zhongtiao Tengzi has always been close to the family governor, and she sent someone to call the police to raise troops in Yangbei.

This time I was coerced into sending troops, and I was notified early to express my apology. "

Honjo Shino's attitude became more and more respectful.

The imperial court has proved his ability, so the emotional disputes between him, the governor and the general will become even more difficult.

Her shoulders are really narrow, and she can't carry the big Buddha, so she waits on it respectfully and waits for the governor to come to play by herself.

After listening to her words, Yiyin nodded silently.

In fact, Naoe Kanetsugu also told him about Nakajo Fujiko, and he just wanted to confirm further.

If Zhongtiao Fujizi is really half-hearted, then there must have been twists and turns in Yangbeizhong at this time.

Yang Beizhong's rebellion was predictably doomed to fail, and the warriors who jumped ship to survive should show their talents.

So what will Honjo Shigecho, the general of the rebellion, do?

It is very important for Echigo to integrate after the rebellion in order to launch the Kanto strategy.

Uesugi Terutora will never punish too severely and hurt Echigo's national strength.She will definitely use Zhongtiao rattan resources to divide the Yangbei people and use it for her own use.

So for the Shiba family, what benefits can they get from it?
From the attitude of Yang Beizhong in this battle, it can be seen that these descendants of the royal family are in awe of Hanoi Genji's descendants, and Yiyin will never give up this good opportunity to get more bargaining chips.

To get a share of the pie, Nakajo Fujisuke, Uesugi Terutora's agent, can't be counted on, so what about Honjo Shigecho?
Among the four parties in Yangbei, the main family and the Zhongtiao family are the most powerful. This rebellion was initiated by Fan Zhang of the main family, and she is sure to take the blame.

The dealer is destined to be suppressed, Uesugi Terotora took the opportunity to support the Nakajo family to control the Yangbei people.

If Yoshigin can get the allegiance of Shigecho Honjo, and part of the Hokkaido who are dissatisfied with Uesugi Terutoro, the Shiba family will have a greater say in Echigo.

Yiyin pondered for a while, then cast his eyes on the respectful and polite Daxiong Chaoxiu, and he had some calculations in his heart.

See if you can find someone to communicate with Fanchang, and see if this person can get back from the wrong way.

Learn from past mistakes to avoid past mistakes, cure diseases and save lives.

Who hasn't made a mistake?Always give someone a chance, it depends on whether she is clear-headed or not.

Yiyin said to Ben Zhuang.

"The morale of the Yangbei group has been severely depressed, and their fighting spirit has been shaken. You find a way to contact Nakajo Tengzi to further divide their fighting spirit.

His Highness Uesugi has already captured Hojo Castle, and will come to help him soon, we will strictly guard the castle.

As long as the reinforcements arrive, Yang Beizhong will have no choice but to surrender, and the overall situation will be settled. "

Ben Zhuang really bowed his head and said yes, but he was full of slander in his heart.

This is the military strategy discussed by the two of them, and there is no need to fight today's joint battle.

Although judging from the results, the effect is very good, completely destroying the arrogance of Yang Beizhong and making them lose the courage to attack the city.

But sending troops actually gives the opponent a little chance to come back, and the wise don't take it.

Honjo knew very well that this fight was for Yutai to establish his authority in Echigo, which would be detrimental to the Shin Uesugi family.

But his multiple identities are too difficult, neither Honjo Mino nor Naoe Kantsuke, Saito Asanobu dare to stand in the way.

Not to mention the noble status of the imperial platform, just the ambiguous concept of the governor's sweetheart left them with lingering fears and no courage to act.

Benzhuang really sighed secretly, how can there be such a young man in this world, so handsome, it is really a big trouble.

The Shin-Uesugi family and the Shiba family are now in a cooperative relationship, but she always feels that the differences in the future will not be small, and troubles are yet to come.

Yiyin didn't bother to care what she thought, all he had to do was to get as many bargaining chips as possible to increase his power and voice.

The samurai family doesn't believe in promises, they only care about strength. The new Uesugi family's internal retainers, guarding the old ministers, and the entanglement of the San Nagao family, let Uesugi Terotora have a headache.

What he has to do is to gain a foothold in Tochio City, keep the old guardians of Daxiong Chaoxiu, and finally, take down as many Yangbei people as possible.

Both Shiba Yoshigin and Honjo Shino understood that the rebellion was coming to an end, and the future game in Echigo's country would be played out between the two cooperative parties.


Yang Beizhong is stationed in the shogunate.

Ben Zhuang Fanchang closed his eyes on the main seat and said nothing, one after another Ji warriors came from various camps one after another, their eyes flickered, and they communicated something secretly.

Nakajo Fujisuke changed from his previous low-key, chatting and laughing happily with the sitting Ji samurai, and didn't care about the feelings of the host in the main position.

When everyone arrived, she spoke.

"There is news from the city that today's front is indeed undoubtedly the imperial platform.

Mr. Nagao came back from Shangluo, and he was valued by the general. He inherited the Uesugi family in the mountains, and took charge of the Guandong. He was given the name and changed his name to Uesugi Huihu.

His Highness Shiba Yoshigin was engaged to General Ashikaga, and he went to Echigo with a sword to testify for His Highness Uesugi's platform. "

She still wanted to talk, Benzhuang Fanchang suddenly opened his eyes and said.

"The two armies are at war, and you communicate with Tochio Castle, this is a crime of collaborating with the enemy."

Zhongjo Fujisuke was interrupted by her, but he smiled and retorted.

"I planted the Satoshiya flag on the head of Tochio Castle, I did it for everyone's benefit, and I used channels to find out the matter.

I am not like someone who acted arbitrarily and attacked the imperial court. This is an unforgivable crime, isn't it a trap for us? "

Fanchang of the village ignored her, just looked at the leaders of the various families sitting there, and saw that they were all silent, and their teeth were cold.

At the beginning, everyone scolded Zhongtiao Tengzi bloody and asked her to pay for the rebellion.Now that the situation has reversed, everyone has become a turtle.

The matter of co-authoring the army is the only one in my village!You are all loyal, are you coerced by me?

I bother!

Seeing her silent, Nakajo Fujisuke felt even more proud.Although she didn't expect things to turn out like this, it was good for her.

The Yangbei people were disgraced at the foot of Tochio City this time, and many samurai had already expressed their kindness to her, which greatly enhanced her power among the Yangbei people.

The rest of the people may be unwilling, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that Tochio Castle is already out of reach.

For the Yangbei people sitting outside the city, this rebellion is doomed to fail.

In order to save my family from suffering in the future, I can only ask Fanzhang of this village to suffer more grievances.

(End of this chapter)

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