Chapter 498
Nagamasa Asai bid farewell to his first love and chose to bow to the cruel reality.

At this time, someone from the Shiba residence in Kyoto specially sent information for Mitsuhide Akechi.

Akechi Mitsuhide looked at Fujibayashi Kyo who kowtowed to the ground, saw her trembling, and sighed.

"Am I so scary?"

Fujibayashi Xing's body trembled, forcing herself to restrain the urge to tremble, and said flatteringly.

"Your Majesty is becoming more and more powerful, and this subject is in awe, and I can't help it."

Akechi Mitsuhide scolded with a smile.

"People are still so stupid, but their lips are much sweeter.

It's a pity, I remember reminding you to be careful when doing things, but you seem to have forgotten again?Who dared to monitor the high-ranking warriors at home, who gave you the courage?

This is Yagyu Munemo's authority, aren't you afraid that she will chop off your head with one knife? "

Fujibayashi Xing's face turned pale, and she gritted her teeth.

"My lord taught me to keep it in mind. I am concerned about your safety, and I don't mean to sow discord."

Akechi Mitsuhide chuckled.

"What? So flattering me? Are you trying to take your sister's seat? Do you want to be the governor of the Fujibayashi family?"

Fujibayashi Anko shook her head.

"Fujibayashi Muru is more stable than me, and I have no objection that the Fujibayashi family should be passed on to her.

It's just that I don't accept that Baidi Santai Fu, who killed my mother and found someone to pretend to be her replacement, I will never forget this hatred.

I would like to be an ox and a horse for you, only hope that one day, you can help me avenge, kill her and the whole family to avenge my mother! "

When Fujibayashi Xing said this, she was hoarse and burst into tears.

Akechi Mitsuhide looked at her coldly, and suddenly smiled.

"Stupid guy, the lord once promised the third wife of the hundred lands that as long as she is loyal to the public, the previous mistakes will be forgotten.

Are you asking me to disobey the lord's order?You are still so stupid, Fujibayashi Anko. "

Fujibayashi Anko sat down and stopped talking.Akechi Mitsuhide watched her for a while, then shook his hands.

"Get off."

Fujibayashi Xing let out a high, and backed out.

The two did not reach any verbal promise, but Fujibayashi Anko believed that Akechi Mitsuhide agreed.

Otherwise, with this person's temper, I'm afraid I'll peel off my skin again if I make waves again.

Akechi Mitsuhide watched her leave and smiled coldly, this idiot.

Of course she won't give any promises, because she just wants to use Fujibayashi Anko.

Yoshihiro Shiba left the recent days and left the middle group to Akechi Mitsuhide, which was the best tool for her to play tricks in the recent days.

But Fujibayashi Muku, who is in charge, is cautious in doing things, and there is no way for her to do some things, so she will take the blame.

Now that Fujibayashi Xing herself asks to jump into the pit and seek death, Akechi Mitsuhide is of course willing to give her a chance.

As for the future treachery?Hmph, I am wise that Mitsuhide is destined to go to hell, do I still care about this?

As long as the lord is well, let me take care of all the deeds in the dark.

Akechi Mitsuhide cast his eyes on the information on the copybook, picked it up and lit it on a candle, watching it slowly turn into ashes.

After all, Maeda Yoshitoshi is a military commander, and it's a pity that he is too direct and rude.It's a pity that Nizi Katsuhisa, Otani Yoshitsugu, and Fujido Toraka joined forces to hold down the disaster, and the disaster was eliminated.

Does Akechi Mitsuhide care about Maeda's spying on her territory?Of course I don't care.

She even had the heart to cut her flesh, and let the General Sipo expose the infighting of the Sipo family in front of everyone.

Infighting is good, so Mitsuhide Akechi has enough reason to convince others that he is sincere in uniting all parties to attack the general.

The Miyoshi family is in civil turmoil, and the Rokkaku family is about to have civil strife, and the Ise family is powerless to resist under the persecution of the general.

These criminal officials who offended Ashikaga Yoshiki, can they not be afraid to see the Ashikaga family gradually recovering their former power?

Akechi Mitsuhide needed a reason to join them, and Sponey coveted the Lord, what a good excuse, she couldn't help laughing.

Maeda took the marriage dispute seriously, but Akechi Mitsuhide knew that there had never been such a thing as marriage. This was an illusion planned by her to confuse the inside and outside.

In the lord's heart, only the doves occupy the magpie's nest, spread the branches and spread the leaves, and revive the Shiba family. This is the grand plan that Akechi Mitsuhide has planned for him.

Thinking that he could be blessed by the lord again, get his seed, and give birth to his child, Akechi Mitsuhide felt hot all over.

Her winking eyes were like silk, and she couldn't help stirring her fingers deep into the spring spring.His eyes were blurred, and Shiba Yoshigin's smile was all in his mind.

Stupid Ashikaga Yoshiki, stupid Maeda benefit.

My lord, I have arrived. . .


It seems that the turmoil has subsided recently, but it is secretly surging, and the enemy and the enemy are indistinguishable.

As far away as Echigo Tochio Castle, Yoshigin of the castle tower waited for the belated arrival of the Hyakuchi santaifu.

She fell to the ground and kowtowed, telling the lord about her experiences in these days.

"After receiving Your Highness's order, the military team and the Chinese team will discuss several matters. Then leave the Omi country, go along the Higashiyama Road to the Mino country, and then to the Shinano country to Kanto.

Along the way, spies were sent to the Imagawa family of the Suruga country, the Takeda family of the Kai country, and the Hojo family of the Sagami country to buy local news with huge sums of money.

I believe that in the near future, information from all over the country will be collected from the Ministry of Echigo Kingdom and presented to His Highness. "

Yiyin nodded. The army group is the ninjas under the command of the San Taifu of the Hundred Lands. They have their own channels to buy information about similar businesses in the Kanto region.

These ninjas were belittled by the samurai and lived in poverty.As long as they are given enough benefits, it is most convenient to use them to inquire about information.

In terms of intelligence, San Taifu of the Hundred Lands is a master. The results of the cooperation between the army team and the local ninjas will depend on her methods.

Yiyin asked smoothly.

"Did you hear any news about Owari when you passed Mino Country?"

The three princes of the hundred lands replied respectfully.

"I have indeed noticed that the Oda family is preparing to attack Mino and compete for the foothold on the north bank of the Kiso River, and the Owari Shiba leader is also involved.

I heard that Owari Shiba acting officer Maeda Toshiie has made military exploits and was commended by His Highness Oda Nobunaga.

In addition, there seems to be a civil strife in Mino, and the ruler Isshiki Yoshiryu is confronting the important minister Ando Mamoru, and the situation is unknown.

I was in a hurry and did not investigate further, please Your Highness Haihan. "

Yiyin nodded thoughtfully.

What happened to Maeda Toshiie?Owari Shiba led in the mountains south of Owari, away from the front line of the Kiso River where Owari Mino confronted.

How did she participate in the Mino Raiders? It sounds quite positive. What is she going to do?
Yoshigin didn't doubt Maeda Toshiie's loyalty, and the Owari Shiba collar was an unexpected gain for him.

Most of the territory of more than [-] stones was conquered by Maeda Toshiie, no matter how much she tossed about, Yoshigin would have no objection, and it would not affect the overall situation of the Shiba family anyway.

The Shibo branch of Yoshihiro is based in recent years, and the future will look at Kanto.As for the little territory of Owari, he didn't take it to heart.

He only asked about Owari by the way, so he didn't go into it further.

Yiyin looked at San Taifu of Baidi and said.

"You've done a good job. Afterwards, the military team will be in charge of Kanto intelligence, focusing on Imagawa, Takeda, and Hojo.

Especially the movements of the Takeda family and the Hojo family, I need your accurate information, don't let me down. "

The three princes of the hundred lands bowed.

"Please don't worry, those Kanto ninjas can't fool my eyes.

I spend a lot of money to obtain information, if they don't follow the rules to deceive me, I will hunt and kill them according to the rules, and no one can say anything wrong.After a few times, these people will know the severity.

I will try my best to sort out a qualified information network after the summer harvest and be responsible to you. "

Yiyin nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing that Yiyin's face softened, the third prince of Baidi quietly changed his posture.Suddenly, there was a burst of seductive temperament in the seemingly ordinary gestures of raising hands and feet.

There is charm in ninjutsu, both men and women contain tricks.The third wife of a hundred lands didn't dare to go too far, she just wanted to arouse the lord's favor for her.

She fought fiercely with Yiyin back then, but now that the lord's status is getting higher and higher, her heart is also getting weaker and weaker, for fear that one day she will be counted.

Yiyin was taken aback for a moment, feeling that Yujie in front of him was much more seductive.

She has high cheekbones, single eyelids, and slender eyes. She looks different from ordinary people and has a special charm.Kneeling and raising her head, she has the charm of a seductress like a snake.

Yiyin had always been wary of her, and when she suddenly raised her head and treated him with a lack of respect, she immediately felt something was wrong.

Although I don't know what she did, but what enchanting posture in the modern society has not been unlocked in the previous life?How could you be dazzled by the simple actions of the feudal era?

Yi Yin said lightly.

"come here."

The third prince of the hundred lands was moved, did he succeed in the end?
She was hesitant to approach, although she really wanted to increase the favor of the lord, but she didn't dare to do too much.

Use charms to confuse your lord, once exposed, I am afraid that he will be torn to pieces by the warriors in the future.

Seeing her hesitation, Yiyin became more sure that she was playing tricks, and shouted.

"come over!"

The third prince of Baidi was startled, but he knelt forward helplessly, and leaned in front of the lord.

Yiyin looked at her coldly, and slapped her hard across the face, knocking her sideways when she was caught off guard.

(End of this chapter)

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