Chapter 57 Challenge
It took Yiyin a lot of effort to appease Yiyi.

I have to control her not to be extreme, but also hide the fact that I don't care about chastity, and I have to pretend that I care about fame but for you I pretend not to care.

Among them, it is difficult, and it is not humane.

At this time, in Minami Omi Kannon Temple City, Ashikaga Yoshiki presided over the funeral of Rokkaku Sadayori, giving the Rokkaku family enough face, and then sent a minister and Tian Yuomasa to test the attitude of the Rokkaku family's new governor Rokkaku Yoshin.

After Wada Yuomasa communicated with the Rokkaku family, he returned to the imperial palace and expressed the Rokkaku family's attitude to the general.

"Liujiao Yixian promised me that the Liujiao family will support Lord Gongfang as the ancestors did when they were alive. For the changes of the Miyoshi family, they are willing to donate food, grass and military equipment."

After listening to Wada Yuimasa's words, Ashikaga Yoshiki frowned.

"Just to support food, grass and armaments? Didn't you say send troops?"

Wada Yuomasa hesitated for a moment and said.

"Rukaku Yoshiken means that the Asai family has been very restless recently, and hopes that the public will give the Liujia family Kita Omi the position of guardian, and help the Liujia family suppress the Asai family's affiliation."

Ashikaga Yoshiki was furious, this six-cornered Yoshihide was not as sensible as her mother, and he made an inch of it.

Because the position of the Omi Kingdom is too important, the Ashikaga family designed a half-country guardian system for it.

The Minami Omi guardian is naturally the Rokkaku family, while the Kita Omi guardian is the Kyogoku family who was expelled by the Asai family.

The Liujia family is asking for a price from General Ashikaga, hoping to take advantage of the turmoil of the Miyoshi family to get the title of guardian of the entire Omi country.

But Ashikaga Yoshiki didn't want to give this title.She doesn't covet the land of Beijinjiang, so she can't make enemies with the Asai family.

Ashikaga Yoshiki deeply realized that the Rokkaku family after Rokkaku Sadayori's death was no longer reliable, but in the face of the prying of the Miyoshi family, she had to continue to deal with the Rokkaku family.

Is the Ashikaga family going to perish in my hands?Looking at the calluses on his slender fingers from practicing swords, he clenched his fists, not reconciled.

In Owari Kiyosu Castle, Shiba's house.

Xue Nai coughed twice, and took the hot tea from her sister.Looking at his younger sister's pale face, Yang Nai said distressedly.

"What's wrong with you? You are afraid of cold and heat, and you always cough. How did your body become so bad?"

Xue Nai smiled faintly, looking at the scenery outside the window.

"I feel fine."

Yang Nai pointed her forehead with one finger and scolded her.

"Don't think that knowing a little bit of swordsmanship is great, and you don't know how to practice it. What will you do if your body is so poor?"

Yukino looked at her sister helplessly.She has a cold temper, and now that she is unwell, she is even more unwilling to talk nonsense.

But this is her own sister who depends on each other for life. She loves nagging and must ask her to answer, which makes her feel tired.

"It's okay, I know my situation."

Yukino could faintly feel her own limit, if she approached it, her body would collapse.

But as long as you restrain yourself and don't overdo it, your body will be weaker, at least not the useless waste it was before.

Being educated helplessly, Maeda Toshihisa walked in.

"Master Maeda, well."

"Yang Nai Ji, Xue Nai Ji, well."

Rijiu greeted the two sisters with a smile, and looked at Yukino curiously.

What happened a few days ago spread in Qingzhou City, and the samurai who were still laughing at what Shiba Liu swordsmanship was before were dumbfounded.

Among the disciples of Aizhou, some daughters of the Wu family followed suit and witnessed the scene of Xue Nai kicking the gymnasium.

Almost invisible sword drawing.

Faced with the question, everyone answered this way, which aroused even greater curiosity among the warriors.

It is almost the nature of warriors to like to dance swords and swords.Everyone relies on martial arts for a living, what scene has not been seen, how fast is this invisible sword drawing technique?
If Xue Nai hadn't been ill since she came back, the Wu family would have come to ask for advice.

"Why did Master Maeda come here?"

Yangnai and Lijiu communicate with each other regularly about their affairs at home, which is not the time for the two to agree.

Riku said with a serious expression.

"The Hachisuka family in Haidong County and the Maeda family are family friends. The current family governor Hachisuka Masari sent someone to bring me a piece of news."

Yang Nai listened carefully, the news must be very important for Li Jiu to come in a hurry.

To be honest, she envied Maeda Toshihisa very much.How many years has the Maeda family been cultivating in Owari?All over the world are friends.

Shibata Katsuie interceded in an accident at the Toshi family, and that was a good friend.Mrs. Matsuoka took care of him, he was a family friend.

It's not like myself and Xue Nai, who don't even know the origin of a surname when they go out, and Li Jiu needs to teach him everything about the family and the outside world.

Fortunately, Master Riku never hides his secrets.Thinking about it, he looked at Riku with gratitude.

Li Jiu actually didn't think so much, she is a traditional Ji warrior.Yiyin treats her with sincerity, so it is natural for a scholar to die for his confidant.

This Siba is now her family in front of most of them, and the intricate relationship between the Wu family, just for Yang Nai to know, it will take a long time to make up for it.

"Xiaoliu, the son of Hachisuka Masori, is now hanging out with some wild warriors on the border between Owari and Mino."

The children of the Wu family are rebellious. In order to train the heirs, the elders will turn a blind eye to some slightly out-of-the-ordinary actions.

Many principles cannot be learned at home, and it is not a bad thing to go out and fight.Among them, Fengsuhe Xiaoliu is more able to play.

She led a group of villains to and fro at the border of Owari Mino, and she was a well-known miscellaneous soldier.

If it weren't for the territory of Isshiki Yoshiryu and Oda Nobuya, the Hachisuka family would have been reprimanded by Nobunaga long ago.

"It is said that Owari passed down a reward for the head of Yoshigin, the son of the Shiba family, fifty pennies."

Yang Nai was furious.

"Master Yiyin's head is worth fifty guan!"

Li Jiu looked at her speechlessly, Yang Nai knew he had made a slip of the tongue, and bowed to admit his mistake.

"I'm sorry, Riku-sama."

"It's nothing, I can understand your feelings. The point is that this reward has already been sent to Iga and Omi. It seems that Master Yiyin's plan to go to Beijing by detour has been seen through."

Yang Nai and Ri Jiu knew that Yi Yin had diverted to avoid Mino, but they still couldn't avoid it.

"The reward was issued from Owari, so is it Oda Xin'an's work?"

Xue Nai spoke suddenly.She just doesn't talk much, no one avoids her about family affairs, and she knows everything she should know.

Yang Nai and Li Jiu looked at each other and nodded.

"It shouldn't be wrong. But don't worry, the benefits are taught by me, and her skills are enough to deal with the people of Iga Koga.

I am just bringing this news to you so that you will not be frightened when you learn about it from other sources. "

Li Jiu is full of confidence in his adopted daughter, and this cub will play tricks in the mountains and forests, and will not suffer.

Shino stood up.

"I'm going to kill Oda Shinan."

Yang Nai pushed her down.

"Aren't you out of your mind? She is the governor of the Kami Oda family, the head of the samurai family on the same level as Mr. Oda Nobunaga. Is it you, a three-legged cat, who can kill with kung fu?"

"I'm not a three-legged cat Kung Fu! I want to protect Lord Yiyin!"

Xue Nai looked at her sister aggrievedly, feeling that she just didn't believe in herself.Yang Nai was delighted with his sister's worry.

"You will tremble after beheading the master of the sword gym. There are hundreds of dojos the size of this Owari, you go and pick them all for me."

"If you choose me, can you go to Kyoto to protect Lord Yiyin?"

Xue Nai asked seriously, and Yang Nai replied teasingly.

"Okay, I promise."

Xue Nai picked up the knife and left, but was stopped by Yang Nai.

"Stop. Remember that killing is not allowed, click to the end. Beheading every time, people are offended, and the Shiba family will stop messing around in Owari from now on.

If you can't beat it, surrender, don't scare me to death by getting disabled like last time! "

Seeing that Xue Nai was obsessed with swordsmanship, Yang Nai thought of finding something for her to do, but he just drew a bottom line so that she would not go out of line again.

"Master Yiyin told you to listen to me carefully."

Xue Nai nodded and left.

Yang Nai let out a breath, now it can be peaceful for a while, this little girl is getting more and more disobedient.

 The two chapters yesterday got recommendation votes from four people, which surprised me, the highest number of people in history, Dirty Dirty.


(End of this chapter)

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