Chapter 62 Anger

After a while, Ashikaga Yoshiki snorted coldly.

"It's quite precious, so what does the Oda family want from me?"

Yiyin was dumbfounded by the question.If I don't take you to chat like this, how can I answer these words.

The vassals at the side knew that the general was in a bad mood because of the affairs of the Liujiao family, so they didn't dare to intervene, and could only look at the boy from the Shiba family with pity.Looking at it, it looks pretty good-looking.

"His Royal Highness Oda Nobunaga has no other intentions, but just wants to show the respect of the Oda family to the public.

However, I have a personal request.His Royal Highness Oda Nobunaga avenged the Siba family, but the Siba family had nothing to repay.

This time, Shangjing would also like to implore the Lord Gongfang to bestow upon His Highness Oda Nobunaga the position of guardian of Owari, as a comfort to his loyalty. "

Ashikaga Yoshiki sneered, sure enough.

"I see."

Yiyin was dumbfounded, got it?and then?That's it?
It's not that Ashikaga Yoshiki likes to make friends with powerful warriors in the world, as long as he shows enough sincerity, he will gain something.This guardian is not a position with real power, is it worth you to block me?

Some of the vassals on the side had a good relationship with Shibo Yitong, and they almost couldn't stand it anymore, but they didn't dare to come out and intervene.

Speaking of which, Yiyin was stunned, and there are rules for donating money to General Ashikaga for rewards.

You need to find a familiar vassal for introduction first, and discuss your request quietly.Then the vassals persuaded the general to send someone to read it after accepting the donation. How could anyone mention it in person.

It's no wonder Shibo Yiyin was confused, she was not a daughter, Shibo Yitong just provided for him to eat and drink, and he could find a good family when he grew up.

This political matter is naturally a woman's business, so what's the use of teaching my son.

It's fine if you don't know the rules, but according to Shiba Yitong's face, it's fine if Mr. Gongfang is not sure.

Coincidentally, the Liujiao family forced Bei Omi to protect him, which ignited Lord Gongfang's temper, and now Yiyin was also implicated.

Of course, Yoshihiro didn't know about these things, and seeing Ashikaga Yoshiki making things difficult for him, he couldn't suppress the blood in his heart.

"Is the official party dissatisfied with me? Therefore, I will not approve it."

"Bold! Who allowed you to talk to me in such a tone! The position of guardian is an official position set up by the shogunate, how can you give it to me privately?"

"The Shiba family was entrusted by the first general to be guarded by Owari, and they can propose any Owari affairs, so why can't I mention it."

The two spoke faster and faster, and their voices became more intense.The vassals did not expect this young man to be so staunch, and Ashikaga Yoshiki became angry.

"But Siba's family is dead! You are just the son of Siba, and you are not the pro-daughter of the family. What qualifications do you have to represent Siba's family!"

"I swear by Owari Tsukishita, let me suffer all kinds of hardships! I am determined to revive the Shiba family! Since I have taken on this important task, I can naturally represent the Shiba family!"

Ashikaga Yoshiki looked at this resolute young man in surprise, not expecting such an oath.

"This is not Owari, so say what you want."

"Your Highness can send someone to Ozhang to inquire, everyone knows."

No one had ever dared to talk to Ashikaga Yoshiki like that, even Miyoshi Keicho was here, respectfully and respectfully.

After Shiba Yoshihiro scolded him, the general lost face.It doesn't matter whether you win or lose an argument with a man, it doesn't sound good to say it.

But Ashikaga Yoshiki just saw that the young man was not pleasing to the eye, thought about it and said sarcastically.

"Then where do you go to revive Siba now?"

"His Highness Oda Nobunaga has appeared, and I am honored to be a direct minister of His Highness."

"Your dignified Owari protector Shiba's concubine actually became an official under the Oda family, and the face of Shiba's ancestors has been completely humiliated by you."

Ashikaga Yoshiki rushed to the top of his head with anger, this Shiba family boy is really a jerk.

In any case, the Shiba family is also a close branch of Ashikaga, and now it has been reduced to working for the samurai family in the Owari countryside.You are shameless, my general's family still wants it!
"I do not think so!"

Yiyin has already gone all out, offending the general to such an extent, there is no need to ask for a guardian.

Nobunaga has paid so much money, and if he fails to do his own work, he will definitely suffer when he returns home, or he will be humiliated in various poses.

It doesn't matter whether you are General Ashikaga or not, please let me lose my temper and vent my anger.

"Is it because of the face of the ancestors to break through the thorns and create a family business? It is the belief of self-improvement! As long as I am alive, the Shiba family still has hope!"

The young Yoshiki's words hit the weak point in his heart, but the always tough Ashikaga Yoshiki didn't want to admit defeat.

"Hmph, that sounds nice. I remember that Shiba's family still has a 1500 koku material store. Could it be that he used the material store to beg for mercy and beg for his direct minister."

Yiyin was furious.

If I was willing to do this, I would have been comfortably hiding in the big house in Qingzhou City, and I just need to lie down on my back and let Nobunaga have sex every day.As for running around, do you still have to go to the battlefield to fight for your life!

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, maybe the ministers around him think the same way.Yi Yin never stopped doing anything, and used his strengths to take off his clothes if he disagreed with him.

Ashikaga Yoshiki was also dumbfounded.I've never seen a man so bold, with so many women around, and he didn't hesitate to take it off.

Yiyin lifted the haori on his body, took off his clothes and covered the two points on his chest with his hands, showing his strong chest muscles and six-pack abdominal muscles in front of the women.

Because of physical problems, men in this world are either thin or obese. Women have never seen such a figure.Yiyin relied on his previous life's physique and never stopped exercising.

Although the boy's muscles are not as large as those of an adult man, his body fat ratio is low and his figure is exquisite and full of youthful atmosphere, which makes a group of women swallow their saliva when they see it.

Pointing to the arrow wound on his body, Yi Yin raised his head proudly and said.

"I have never sold the relics left by my ancestors, and I also received 1500 shi of Zhixing from His Royal Highness Oda Nobunaga.

Relying on these more than ten arrow wounds, he fought bravely without retreating after being injured, and was rewarded for the first achievement in the battle.

So, Mr. Gongfang was wrong, the current Shiba family is Sanqianshi. "

Looking at this young man as proud as a peacock, his dazzling figure, and the scars on his body, Ashikaga Yoshiki was really speechless.

She suddenly envied Yiyin a little bit, and she also wanted to recreate the glory of her ancestors with one sword and one sword.But she couldn't, the Ashikaga family was burdened with too many things, which made her breathless.

She moved her head silently.

"Put on your clothes, how decent it is!"

The words are reprimanded, but the tone is much softer.

The vassals who heard the implication came out to comfort them one after another, and the scene became less tense.

Outside, Yili and Hideyoshi watched the whole process of Yoshigin and General Ashikaga's confrontation without losing the wind, with different thoughts.

Li Yi was originally a rebellious character, seeing Yi Yin talking about the general at a loss, he felt a little more love in his heart.

There are countless men in the world, but Lord Yiyin is unique.

On the other side, Hideyoshi lowered his head respectfully, seemingly submissive, but secretly glanced at Yoshihiko's back, revealing a strong and substantial possessive desire in his eyes.

One day, I will have you.

(End of this chapter)

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