Chapter 80 Deadlock
Asai Nagamasa took Yoshigin and his party, hurriedly rushed back to Otani Castle, where Asai Hisamasa lived, within a few days.

Xiaogu Castle is located on Xiaogu Mountain, near the Aechuan River Basin.The land is fertile and the business is prosperous.In the castle town, a large number of retainers moved in, gathering wealth and people's hearts, making the Asai family replace the Kyogoku family as the center of Kita Omi.

On this day, Asai Nagamasa held a letter from Hosokawa Fujitaka, and Shiba Yoshigin raised the Ashikaga white flag and entered Otani Castle.

With the support of powerful vassals Akao Kiyozuna, Isano Motomasa and others, the governor of the Asai family, Hisamasa, was forced to retire and passed on to the young master Asai Nagamasa.

The first thing Asai Nagamasa did after he became the governor of the family was to spread the word to all directions, and spread the story of Yoshihide Rokukaku robbing and killing the envoys of the shogunate who mediated the two wars throughout the Omi Kingdom.

That's right, Yiyin changed suddenly.The envoys sent from the shogunate to assist the Rokkaku family became envoys to mediate the war.It's really gratifying to congratulate, gratifying to congratulate.

For a while, public opinion was in an uproar, and Liujiao's retainers questioned the master's family one after another. Of course, Liujiao Yixian would not admit it.

I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense.

But the news from the west directly stunned Liujiao Yixian.

General Ashikaga Yoshiki mobilized the Ashikaga Huis, pointing out that Rokkaku Yoshin is the enemy of the samurai family, and threatened to conquer Omi himself to ask for an explanation.

This series of changes stunned Miyoshi's family.

Miyoshi Changqing hesitated.She holds the huge forces of seven or eight countries, and she is strong, but it is not so easy to coordinate and mobilize these forces.

On the one hand, the various factions in the family need to be coordinated and impartial, and on the other hand, the distance is far away and armaments also need time to raise.

After thinking about it, it is impossible to keep up with the good thing of taking advantage of the enemy's infighting.I can only refuel with 666 in the distance, I hope you all can use your brains.

Miyoshi's family liked it, but the shogunate and Liujiao retainers were unwilling to fight.

Fighting kills people and consumes a lot of money, food and supplies.Warriors are not fools, they know how to kill people all day long.

There are people who will do things that lose their heads, but who will do things that are not beneficial?
The reason why the shogunate fought with the Miyoshi family was because the Miyoshi family invaded recent times and took away Sakai Port, not to mention, and now they are spying on the Izumi country, the Hanoi country, and even the general Yamashiro family and want to intervene.

The shogunate shogunate either occupied these places, or took the general's salary to eat, so naturally they had to fight Miyoshi's family to the end.

But Omi is different.Minami Omi's land, General Ashikaga, beat the Liujiao family for a hundred years and couldn't digest it, so he didn't want to.The commercial interests of Lake Biwa also shared a large share of the pie with Kyoto through the Seta River.

What else is this?Just to vent your anger?

The Liujiao retainers did not want to be enemies of the shogunate.In the past few years, Liujiao and the shogunate have been in harmony, which is a rare good day for the Liujiao family in a century.Engaging in business, beating up Asai, and living a happy life.

Liujiao and Asai are bound to fight.

The Liujiao samurai have won great profits from the Asai family over the years, and now they occupy the land of the nine counties near Jiang, so they want to eat more in Longwangshu.

The Asai samurai family were beaten down by Liujiao to only three counties, and they also wanted to try their best to take back their land and commercial town one day.

Both sides stared at the food in the other's bowl, so naturally they wanted to beat their heads and bleed.

But why does Liujiao Yixian make the general unhappy, is he sick?The Liujiao retainers also murmured in their hearts.

Therefore, both Ashikaga Yoshiki and Rokkaku Yoshin were under pressure.

The hexagonal vassals are known for their toughness in recent times.This toughness is not only external, but also the governor of the family, forcing Liujiao Yixian to bow his head to the general.

Liujiao Yixian's letters of defense followed teams of money, food and armaments to Beijing, which gave the shogunate enough face.

The shogunate shogunate also pulled the furious Ashikaga Yoshiki to persuade him again and again.

Sister, forget it.

Hosokawa Motochang specially wrote a letter to blame her daughter for being troublesome.She's not such a good old man like Haruhito Mibuchi, she's easy to fool.

The Izumi Hosokawa family bore the brunt of the struggle against the Miyoshi family, and it was a tense time.Instead, Hosokawa Fujitaka drew Ashikaga Yoshiki's attention to Omi, which is really not a woman.

In addition, he wrote a letter to scold his younger sister, Mibuchi Haruyuki, what kind of confidante Nashiba Yoshiyin is, who has fascinated the always wise Hosokawa Fujitaka so much that he is not allowed to enter the house of Hosokawa's house.

Haruhito Mibuchi and Fujitaka Hosokawa were both scolded, one was my sister, the other was my mother.Speaking of it, Izumi Hosokawa's family governor is still in power and majestic.

Mibuchi Haruhiko was submissive, but Hosokawa Fujitaka was not convinced.

This shogunate is also decayed. It only wants to maintain the status quo, and it doesn't have the energy to go out and do something.You can appease the Liujiao family today, and you can be the Sanhao family tomorrow.

If things go on like this, will the Ashikaga family have a day of revival?Not to mention the Ashikaga family, where should the Hosokawa family go?
Although she is resentful in her heart, she is still just a little young master of the Izumi Hosokawa family for the time being, and it is not her turn to decide everything.

Just thinking of Yiyin's fortitude and determination, I can't help but feel melancholy.After Hosokawa Motochang vetoed it, the two also lost their fate. Thinking of the face of that strange man, my heart felt cramped, I couldn't sleep, and there was nothing I could do.

Since both parties want to compromise, things will be easy to handle. The most troublesome thing now is the Ashikaga white flag in Shiba Yoshigin's hand.

The letter of Hosokawa Fujitaka, Hosokawa Moto can often say that it is false, nonsense, nothing.

But the meaning of the imperial flag is too great, it is the face of the Ashikaga family that cannot be discarded.Even if Ashikaga Yoshiki wiped out his family property and committed seppuku, he would not call it a lie against his conscience.

Ashikaga Yoshiki's temperament is already strong, and he has been a grandson for too long in order to maintain the family business these years.

Although she was persuaded by the vassals to agree not to mobilize to attack Liujiao, but if she was asked to say that the imperial flag sent out was fake, she would really turn the tables.

Mibuchi Haruyuki has been scolded into shit by a group of vassals.If she hadn't been kind and kind, had made many friends over the years, and was of the blood of the Hosokawa family, she would have been hacked to death long ago.

Didn't you send out the Ashikaga White Flag because of your troubles, why are you so passive!Now that the Asai family imperial flag is in hand, how can the shogunate deny it?

Haruyuki Mibuchi, lose your father!

In the meeting room of the Imperial Palace, Ashikaga Yoshiki looked at the persuading vassals with cold eyes.

The shogunate ministers are Ashikaga's wings and shackles.They have their own interests and demands, and they are not unconditionally obedient and loyal to General Ashikaga.

For example, now, they want to force the general to stop the crusade against the Liujiao family.

Ashikaga Yoshiki had seen through this a long time ago, and after venting, she sadly felt her own powerlessness again.

The mobilization of the Ashikaga family has stopped, and she has no way to bypass the vassals to attack Rokkaku Yoshin.

But she also has her own dignity and bottom line as a general.Never claim that the imperial flag is fake, and never take back Liujiao Yixian's enemy of the samurai family.

The lord Gongfang gritted his teeth and persisted, leaving the ministers at a loss.They are all vested interests of the shogunate for many generations. It is already shameful to persecute the general in this way, so it is necessary to go further. .At that time, I am afraid that I will die badly.

The situation was at a stalemate, and for a while there was an awkward silence between Kyoto and Minami Omi.

(End of this chapter)

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