different warring states of japan

Chapter 819 Chain reaction

Chapter 819 Chain reaction

Saito Toshizo asked.

"Since this is the case, we cannot use the missionary rights of the Nanban Cult to threaten Ishiyama Honganji Temple and force them to make concessions.

Wouldn't it be useless to introduce the Nanman religion into Beijing? "

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"How could it be a waste of hard work.

I will write a book right away and send it to Shishan Hongan Temple to show Master Xianru my firm opposition to Nanbanism.

Tell her that with me in the shogunate and Siba's family, the southern barbarians will not be able to get the right to preach.

Although the Shingon sect of the Ichiko sect has differences in doctrine, everyone is a Buddhist.

My lord Shiba Yoshihiro joined the Shingon School of Taoism, and I also joined the Shingon School with my lord. I am devout and protect the Dharma for the Buddha!
If Shiba's family stays in the shogunate for a day, the wishful thinking of the southern barbarians will never come true! "

Saito Toshizo saw Akechi Mitsuhide's impassioned performance, filled with righteous indignation like a fanatic, vowing to protect the Dharma to the death, he was stunned for a moment.

Sister Fujibayashi knelt down and sat down silently, as if she didn't see or hear anything.

Saito Toshizo thought for a while and asked.

"If it seems that the master insists on going his own way, he still has to make things difficult for the Shiba family? Will you change your position and help the Nanman sect obtain the missionary right?"

Akechi Mitsuhide's expression slowly returned to calm and elegant, and said.

"how is this possible?

The Shiba family is not a small family of weeds blowing here and there, we are big trees in the sky and we must stand firm.I said that if you don't help the Nanman Cult, you won't help the Nanman Cult.

If Ishiyama Honganji is going to make things difficult for the Shiba family, at most I will be disheartened and stop mixing.

However, as acting officials of the government, the Ninagawa family has done a lot of things for the general, suppressing the Ise family's vassals to death, and is highly valued by the general.

If the Ninagawa family is fully mobilized, the general will give him some face.

There are sixty-six countries in the world, and they cannot get complete missionary rights. In view of the face of the Ninagawa family, the missionary rights of one country and two countries can still be negotiated.

For example, Settsu country? "

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled brightly, Saito Toshizo gasped, so vicious.

The Setjin Kingdom is the frontier of the confrontation between the Nanban Sect and the Yixiang Sect.With the missionary power of the shogunate, the Nanman religion has changed from underground to official, and it is difficult for the local Buddhist samurai to restrict their activities.

Saito Toshizo asked.

"The Tiantai Sect and the Shingon Sect are looking for you? You don't care, they won't let you go, right?"

"Let them go to Shishan and ask Master Xianru if I should meddle in these nosy matters."

"The Ninagawa family is willing to replace you, stand up for the Nanman religion, and offend Kyoto Buddhism?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't offend, Danba country is fighting again.

The year before last, the Miyoshi family had negotiated with the shogunate, and the territory that the Shiba family worked so hard to preserve for the Ninagawa family was all in Funai County, Tanba country.

Those vassals who followed the Ninagawa family had many territories in Tamba, the border between the two countries, and they were all poor people who were hit by the fish in the pond.

Recently, I am discussing with the Miyoshi family through Matsunaga Hideo, asking them to control the efforts to counter the rebellion, so that the counter-rebellion will not affect the territory of the shogunate. "

"Can Miyoshi's family listen to you?"

"The Miyoshi family doesn't want to, so let's break it up. Anyway, the general is already ready to make a move, and wants to weaken the Miyoshi family with the help of the Tanba country samurai.

Miyoshi's family is unwilling to be peaceful, and the general is even less willing.I also want to see who is trying to stabilize whom.

Since you don't want to listen to me, then I don't need to worry about anything, I don't need to persuade you, which saves me a lot of troubles. "

Saito Toshizo asked back and forth, but was refuted by Akechi Mitsuhide with a smile.

She had a vague feeling that the headaches of several families these days were all related to this elegant and calm warrior Ji in front of her.

It was she who tied the hands and feet of each family, and then helped untie them while putting new ropes on people.Until someone couldn't help but explode, and got up and chopped off the restraints on his hands and feet.

Saito Toshizo couldn't help shivering, and looked at Akechi Mitsuhide's face with a little more awe.

This new owner has a lot of thoughts on her mind. What exactly does she want to do?Anyone who plays with fire must set himself on fire, isn't she afraid of getting burned?

Saito Toshizo was in a state of confusion, so he didn't want to ask again.

Akechi Mitsuhide had no intention of continuing to answer.She is just trying to carve out this available new retainer to let her understand the truth, and how much she can understand depends on herself.

As Vietnam and China start fighting, Kaga and Noto will have to fight sooner or later.The lord wants to avoid the war wholeheartedly, but if there is a real fight, he has to fight for peace for two or three years, so as not to lose.

Kaga's Qili Laizhou was a close friend of the previous Dharma master, and his status had long been shaken after Master Xianru succeeded to the throne.

There is a turbulent undercurrent in Kaga's country. She chose to attack Noto and export conflicts to the outside world, in order to use Noto's land to appease the interior.

Xiama Laizhao from Yuezhong was sent by Master Xianru to Hokuriku Road, perhaps with the intention of supervising Qili Laizhou.In the long run, it is to replace it.

But the Shiina family in Etsuchu was wiped out, and the Uesugi-Jinbo coalition forces came in menacingly.The fact that Kaga has always invaded the Noto samurai family has threatened the Hokuriku trade route.

Yuezhong has always been the weakest in the sect, but Xiajian Laizhao has become the person he fears the most.What if the samurai fight the rabbit and take the Yuezhong Ichigo clan together?
There is a serious dispute over the Wuling Temple in Etsuchu, and Chief Shinbo has long wanted to strike at Etsuchu Ichiko, but the Shiina family in Xinchuan County is immortal, so she can't do it.

This time the Echigo army went out to fight in Etsuchu, Echu, and Noto. The samurai families of the two countries have finally found the master Qingtian who is in charge of the people. The Hokuriku Road Ichigomune will definitely be unlucky.

Regardless of Shiba Yoshiyin's willingness or not, the local samurai will use the tiger's skin to do it, such as the Yixiangzong Temple in Xinchuan County.

Yoshigin knew that this would happen, but he couldn't stop it. He could only plan ahead and let Akechi Mitsuhide and Takada Yono appease Ishiyama Honganji. What else could he do?

Xiajian Laizhao was afraid that Etsuchu Ichigomune would be killed, and Qili Laizhou was afraid that the Noto Wu family would counterattack.The two hit it off immediately, so they simply acted first.

While the Uesugi-Jinbo Allied Forces were still in the territory of Xinchuan County, they first took down the old Jinbo collar and took Shiba Yoshiyin.

The Noto samurai family is still in disarray, and the old leader of Etsuchu Jinbo was killed in a surprise attack. If Shiba Yoshigin is captured again, Uesugi Terutora will be overpowered, and he has to compromise in the end.

But after all the calculations, they didn't expect Shiba Yoshigin to be so powerful.

The dispute between the big and small sects in the north and south of Kaga, the two temples of the Etsu-chu Ichigo sect stand side by side, and the general general sent by Motoyama has different interests with the nuns of the local temples.

Shiba Yoshigin used one finger to enable the Nengdeng Wu family to counterattack Kaga, and with the other hand the cavalry raided the leader of Ruiquan Temple.All the internal contradictions of the Hokuriku Dao Yixiangzong were revealed.

To make things even more troublesome, Shibo Yiyin was at the top of the shogunate.

It is only a matter of Hokuriku that the local Yixiangzong and the local samurai fight to death.However, the high-level shogunate and Ishiyama Honganji were involved in this war, which added new variables.

Shiba Yoshiyin didn't pay attention to people like Qili Raizhou and Shimoma Raizhao at all, because their status was not equal.He can directly question the Venerable Master, and solve local problems from the highest level.

(End of this chapter)

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