different warring states of japan

Chapter 822 Xue Nai talks about swordsmanship

Chapter 822 Xue Nai talks about swordsmanship

But it’s also good, with Ninagawa’s relative’s informant, the suspicious Ashikaga Yoshiki will be even more distrustful of Hosokawa Fujitaka and the vassals.

Ise Zhenjiao thought bitterly that the vassals did not take her seriously for a long time.

Ashikaga Yoshiki thought that she still had three nails in this wreck, and asked Ninagawa to find out about her, but in fact, she had been abandoned long ago.

Even the Hojo family in Kanto has gradually alienated their relationship with the Ise family.

The Ise woman who went to Kanto back then, her descendants have been operating in Kanto for three generations, and the relationship with the Ise family in Kyoto has long been weak.

Now that the Ise family is loathed by the general, the behavior of the Hojo family is not surprising, and the Ise Zhenjiao is already alone.

Fortunately, Ashikaga Yoshiki misjudged that Ise Sadako still had supporters, and would continue to suppress the vassals who joined him, instead forcing them back to Ise Sadako.

Ise Zhenjiao showed a resentful expression.

Ashikaga Yoshiki is not stupid, she will find something is wrong sooner or later.When she sees clearly the nature of Ise Zhenjiao's strong outsiders but hard-working ones, she will kill this outdated former leader of the shogunate.

This time the performance in front of Ninagawa was leaked to Ashikaga Yoshiki.Slandering the generals of the past dynasties, intending to dethrone the lord, she has no way out.

The information that Ninagawa brought back will make Ashikaga Yoshiki doubt the thoughts of the vassals and Hosokawa Fujitaka's loyalty.

But the person who really wants to attack Ashikaga Yoshiki is still hiding in the dark, accumulating strength and pulling the string, ready to release a deadly cold arrow.

Akechi Mitsuhide, this young man who Ise Zhenjiao can't see through, hides very deeply.

Ashikaga Yoshiki never imagined in his wildest dreams that this Siba diplomat, who beat and scolded and always supported her in front of her, wanted her to step down.

Siba's important ministers do not get along.Interesting, these rebellious ministers who have no king and no mother will do anything for the sake of men.

Thinking of Shiba Yoshihiro, Ise Joshin's face darkened again.

If it weren't for him, why would the Muchen faction be here, and how would the Ise family be here!This vixen, who has ruined the country and the people, I hope he will die in Kanto.

Ise Zhenjiao narrowed her eyes and smiled viciously.

The time left for the Ise family is running out, and the news brought by Ninagawa's own life can only make Ashikaga Yoshiki scruple for a while longer.

At the latest this autumn and winter, Ashikaga Yoshiki must be deposed, whoever is in charge is good.

Otherwise, the Ise family would really be over.


Kyoto Imperial Palace, Sword Room.

Ashikaga Yoshiki seemed very angry today, it was rare for her to raise the bamboo sword Yagyu Munegan had prepared for Shininryu, and compete with a swordsman.

General Jianhao has practiced sword since childhood, but he is not familiar with the usage of bamboo sword.The bamboo sword of Xinyinliu is called the bag bamboo sword, and the feel and weight of the real sword are completely different from the real wooden sword.

Therefore, Ashikaga Yoshiki was suppressed by the opponent in the competition.Although the other party was in awe of the general's status and behaved cautiously, it still made the depression in her heart even hotter.

Finally, she threw the bamboo sword far away and smashed it against the wall of the sword room.The bamboo sword that rebounded and fell, slowly flipped to Liu Shengzongyan's feet, and did not move.

"What kind of bamboo sword competition, does not hurt the body, nonsense!
Can a swordsman who is used to using a bamboo sword still use a real sword?Still a swordsman? "

Ashikaga Yoshiki sat back on the throne and complained aggressively to Yagyuzong.

Yanagyu Zongyan saw through the general's bad mood, no answer would be good, so he simply prostrated himself on the ground to plead guilty, without saying a word.

Ashikaga Yoshiki couldn't get out of his stomach, and glanced at the sword room.All the swordsmen kowtowed to the ground, only Takada Yukinogi sat there in a daze, as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

Indeed, it has nothing to do with her.But Ashikaga Yoshiki was in a bad mood, just seeing her look like nothing to do with him made her feel uncomfortable.

"Takata Yukino, tell me, is this bamboo sword useful?
Use your Flying Sword Style to taste for me, what is the sword of the living that Xinyin Liu advocates. "

Ashikaga Yoshiki made a joke.

Takada Yukino's sword skills are extremely fast, and she doesn't have a school of her own, so others call her swordsmanship the Feitian Yujian style.

As soon as the general said this, all the swordsmen looked at the indifferent Takada Yono.Yanagyu Zongyan, in particular, was very nervous.

Yagyu Zongyan is the Ometsuke of the shogunate, she knows why the general is in a bad mood, and she already knows the news brought by Ninagawa.

On the one hand, Ise Zhenjiao dare to say it, but on the other hand, it is also sad. The faction of ministers who were monolithic at the beginning is now falling apart.

The general smashed a few teacups to be upset, and he came to the sword room to vent his emotions.The Izumi Hosokawa family and the dissatisfied vassals that Ninagawa mentioned were true, the general knew.

But Ashikaga Yoshiki couldn't kill everyone, she couldn't kill them, and she didn't dare to kill them.

She just wanted to find out what kind of medicine was buried in the gourd of the Ise Zhenjiao.She dared to contact Ninagawa's relatives to talk about deposing the general, so she must rely on something.

Ninagawa Kiyoshi was a cowardly dog ​​and vomited everything out, but Ashikaga Yoshiki still didn't know.Anyone!participate!
She ordered Yagyu Munegami to pay the big eyes, but could not get a satisfactory answer.Liu Shengzong smiled wryly to himself, how dare she talk nonsense.

In the entire shogunate, how many people are dissatisfied with the general's overbearing?That's too much!But who is really going to rebel?Can you talk nonsense!
Others don't talk about it, just Izumi Hosokawa's family, without conclusive evidence, how dare she name one person?

The Izumi Hosokawa family, the Mibuchi family, and the Shiba family, these local power factions are intertwined, can they be moved by trumped-up charges?

Even the generals may not dare to bear the consequences, and Ometsu, the shogunate, is even more of a p.

The general was upset, so he came to the sword room to practice swords, taking the opportunity to vent his emotions.

To belittle Xinyinliu to nothing, and to confuse the concept of the bamboo sword with the concept of the living sword is to show Yanagyu Zongyan a little color.

In addition to being the shogunate daimogetsu, Yagyu Zongyan's greatest hope in this life is the Guangda Xinyinliu school of swordsmanship, which is related to the fame of the former and the later.

The general is the master of the world, and her preferences have a great influence on the warriors.Xinyinliu was in Shangizumi Nobuzuna, and Yagyu Zongyan served as the shogunate swordsmanship teacher for two generations, which led to the development of the entire school.

But swordsmanship is a small skill after all, and swordsmen are just lackeys raised by the Wu family.The general really wants to turn his face and explain the living sword indiscriminately, and Liu Shengzongyan has nothing to do with this supreme being.

She looked at Takada Yono nervously, just because she was afraid that she would talk nonsense.The swordsmen present are not limited to Xinyinliu's family, and other schools have long been unwilling to accept the prosperity of Xinyinliu.

If today's debate is not well-spoken, and someone adds fuel to the news, it will damage Xinyinliu's reputation.

Takata Yukino looked at the general in a daze, then tilted his head, and said inexplicably.

"I don't know how to use a bamboo sword, and I don't know the flying sword style."

Ashikaga Yoshiki stared at her, but saw that she was calm, with a clear heart, and for a moment he really had nothing to do with this pure swordsmanship girl.

Ashikaga Yoshiki said bitterly.

"It won't work, is it because the bamboo sword is useless?"

Takada Yukino shook his head.

"It's good. I'm afraid of accidentally killing someone when I draw the knife."

(End of this chapter)

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