different warring states of japan

Chapter 851 The Kindness of a True Husband

Chapter 851 The Kindness of a True Husband

Yoshihiro Shiba came secretly, Shimakatsu Takeme thought it was the same thing again.

Speaking of which, I have already accepted grace twice, but nothing has been received.She was sorry for the entrustment of the master, and did not leave a germinated seed for the Shiba family.

The Kanto War is imminent, Shima Katsumoto thinks that the Lord is going to give himself another chance.In addition to being excited, I gradually became confused about my own thoughts.

I want the seeds to germinate, but I am also greedy for the thrill of being sneaky with the lord.The more she insists on giri, the easier it is to indulge in forbidden pleasures, and her mood is very contradictory.

But now, seeing Shiba Yoshiyin's eye circles red, he almost burst into tears.Dao Sheng suddenly woke up suddenly, what was he thinking!

The lord removed his left and right guards because he wanted to discuss state affairs with me in secret. This is his trust in me!and I?My mind is full of those fish and water, how can I be worthy of the lord's kindness!

Bah, I'm a jerk!
Dao Sheng kowtowed fiercely and said sincerely.

"My lord, is there any difficulty, can you tell me about it?

The emperor is worried about the humiliation of the minister, the emperor is humiliated and the minister is dead, Dao Sheng is willing to go through fire and water for the imperial platform! "

Yiyin shook his head, two glistening tears ran across his cheeks, I felt pity for seeing it, and it made Dao Shengmeng's heart ache.

"It's okay, I just remembered that you have been with me for more than a year, and you have done a lot of things before and after.

But I am incompetent, none of the bold words I told you at the beginning have been fulfilled.The Kanto Raiders is still a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water.

You are a loyal minister, but I am a mediocre lord. I am the one who is sorry for you. "

Yoshihiro's eyes were full of affection, and he looked at Shima Katsumoto.His right hand stepped forward and pressed her hand, as if he couldn't help it.

Shimao Katsuki trembled all over, and said affectionately.

"Why do you say this on the imperial platform, you must win the battle, you must take the attack, you are the only hero I have ever seen in my life.

Besides, righteousness and reason are close to the body, and there is benevolence and righteousness in the heart.It is my luck to serve under your command. "

Yiyin patted her hand, which caused the two of them to sway.The first time is raw, the second time is cooked.The name is the master, but the body has already remembered each other.

Physical contact, those things are reflected in the brain, this is called instinct.Dao Katsuo resisted fiercely and did not dare to behave like a beast, this is his duty.Yiyin refrained from showing his bestiality, which is called human design.

Both of them have worked hard, but the scene where the monarch and his ministers get along well has to continue to be said, which is also interesting.

Yiyin said with red eyes, wiping away tears.

"What kind of a hero am I, just Echigo has made me embarrassed everywhere.

The Lord of Giri, alas, is just a pitiful being manipulated by others. "

Shimao Katsuki sees Yoshihiro so decadent, and a fire burns in his heart.She stood upside down and sneered.

"Who doesn't respect the Imperial Palace, embarrassing you? My swords and guns are not decorations!"

Yiyin's face was pale, and he smiled bleakly. He didn't speak, but bit his lip and shook his head.

Dao Shengmeng finally couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed his hand with one hand, and gently wiped his tears with the other hand.

"Odaisho, if you have any embarrassments, just tell me, even if I risk my life, I don't want it..."

In the middle of speaking, Dao Shengmeng sighed, and said affectionately to Yiyin.

"My heart for you can be shown to the sun and the moon."

With tears in his eyes, Yiyin squeezed Shimao Katsuki's hand tightly, put it on his lips and kissed him lightly, and said.

"I understand what you mean.

It's just that I'm sad, and I can't find anyone to talk to, so I have to talk to you.You can't help me, no one can help me, this is my life.

There is nothing we can do about natural and man-made disasters, it is better to go back early and get closer.

These days, the Kyoto shogunate always sends letters urging me to go back. This time I will probably marry the general, and I feel uncomfortable. "

Dao Sheng was kissed by him suddenly, and his heart was sweet.He also heard that Yiyin was disheartened and wanted to go back to get some wormwood, and he was suddenly in a state of confusion.

She couldn't speak clearly, said anxiously.

"Yutaisuo, you have spent so much effort on the Kanto Raiders, and now the launch is imminent, why would you want to give up halfway?"

The lord is the general's fiancé, and it's justifiable that the two got married.Dao Shengmeng can't say, don't go back and get married!

Her mind was very confused, and she just wanted to procrastinate for a while, and use the strategy of Kanto as an example.

Seeing Dao Shengmeng's impatience, Yiyin knew that the fire was almost over.He didn't even want to lose his face today, and at this point in the performance, he was almost at the end of the show.

He sighed helplessly and said.

"Did you know? The spring rain in Echigo this year is nearly half less than in previous years."

Shima Katsuki was taken aback for a moment. She manages Tochio Castle and has heard a little about the lack of spring rain.

But she is not a local, and it is inconvenient to talk nonsense before the summer harvest and many things have not been finalized.

Shimao asked, squinting his eyes.

"Is the Imperial Palace afraid of drought and poor harvest, which will affect the Kanto Raiders?"

Yiyin shook his head, finally trying to see him.

"His Royal Highness Uesugi came to discuss with me, saying that this year's harvest may be poor, and the grain harvest will be reduced by [-]% to [-]%.

The Uesugi vassal group insisted on launching the Kanto Raiders, they meant food in the Kanto. "

After Yiyin finished speaking, tears fell on the tatami like unstoppable jade beads.This crying couldn't stop, crying until Shimao Katsumoto's heart was broken.

"You say I'm righteous, but what can I do with those Uesugi retainers?

It is not allowed to rob, there is no military rations.By default, they went to rob, and the Guandong Plain was full of starvation, and I felt ashamed, so what kind of lord of righteousness am I!
After much deliberation, let's go back to the nearest few days.If the Uesugi family wants to make a strategy, please go by yourself.

I can't do the evil deeds of robbing the population and starving the whole family to death. I don't deserve to be the name of this Wu family. It's better to go home and get married. "

Yiyin cried and said that today's performance was a little too strong.

On weekdays, the Wu family all talked about his husband's benevolence behind his back.A man is a man, after all, she is not a woman, her heart is too soft.

Today, he will play the role of a man in this world thoroughly, and let Shimao Katsushi see him crying and collapsing!
Dao Shengmeng was flustered by his crying, and didn't know how to persuade him for a while.

She was originally a samurai Giriji, and she couldn't understand the greed of the samurai family.But the practice of Uesugi's vassals is common sense that happens every disaster year.

There is only so much food, and people are still half-starved and half-satisfied in good years, and there is not enough to eat in bad years.Either starve yourself or others, reasoning is useless.

No matter how righteous the warrior Ji is, he can only face reality.

Since ancient times, there is only a pot to cook rice, but there is no reason to set up a pot to cook rice.The dead die until there is enough food to eat, and the rest can live. This is the cruel reality.

Dao Shengmeng didn't speak, because she was still a samurai at heart, and she followed the principles of the samurai.She really didn't care whether the civilians died or not.

Although I can't understand the greed of Uesugi's retainers, it is indeed a normal practice to rob food and survive the famine in a disaster year.On the contrary, Shiba Yoshigin, his own lord, was not thinking normally.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Yiyin cried even more sadly.He looked at Dao Shengmeng with tears in his eyes, and choked up.

"Do you also think that I am making trouble for no reason?"

Shimakatsu gasped, not knowing what to say.

The Echigo samurai family was hungry, and they were not allowed to grab food even if they had knives and guns. This is an operation against humanity.

Human nature is selfish, we just want to eat, drink and survive.Only those made of special materials can be as noble as Yiyin hopes.

Wu family can't do it!

(End of this chapter)

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