different warring states of japan

Chapter 867 The Best Reason

Chapter 867 The Best Reason
Imperial Pavilion, inside the side hall.

Shiba Yoshigin sat on top, and below were Okuma Asohide, Ishida Mitsunari, and Ina Chuji.

Recently, Mihime has been working in Naoe Tsuseki, which has become the economic cooperation office of the Echigo duopoly.

In addition, Dazang Chang'an also attended.

Da Xiong Chaoxiu glanced at the unfamiliar Ji Wushi, feeling puzzled.Tomorrow is the day of the Shiba Council, what is the urgent need for the imperial audience to be summoned?

As usual, Gamo Clan guarded the lord, and Ii Naomasa served by Yoshigin's side.

After all the concubines saw it, Yiyin pointed to Dazang Chang'an and said.

"This is Chang'an, the great treasure. The accompanying ministers who have been brought in recently will also belong to the adherents in the future, your colleagues."

The three concubines greeted Dazang Chang'an one by one, and Yiyin waited for the greetings to finish before cutting directly to the topic.

"Big Xiong Ji, I heard that the spring rain this year is not smooth and the rain is sparse."

Da Xiong bowed to Chaoxiu.

"Reporting to the Imperial Platform, there is indeed such a thing.

This year's rainfall is more than half that of previous years, wheat and rice fields have dried up, and a poor harvest in summer and autumn is a foregone conclusion.

The urgent report to Etchu was sent by Naoe Tsuseki. Did the Uesugi family inform you? "

Yi Yin nodded.

"His Royal Highness Uesugi discussed with me that Uesugi's vassals intend to stick to the Kanto Raiders. Their idea is to provide food at the battle site to make up for the shortage of food and grass.

What do you think about this matter? "

Daxiong Chaoxiu said respectfully.

"Grassing food in a disaster year is a common method used by samurai families, but for the Kanto strategy, it may be harmful rather than beneficial."

Yiyin raised his eyebrows in surprise, this was the first time he heard opposition from all the forces in Shiba.

I didn't expect that the first ones to stand up against the food grab were not Shimao Katsuo and Yamanaka Yukimori, but the Xingyi, who were responsible for the logistics.

Yiyin suddenly became interested and asked.

"Echigo's harvest was poor, and there was a big gap in the military rations of the Kanto Raiders.

It stands to reason that you are in charge of all logistical matters, and you are under the greatest pressure. You should support the food plan of the Uesugi retainer group the most.

how?You don't agree? "

Daxiong Chaoxiu said.

"The devotees of the Uesugi family have actually secretly vented to me, hoping that I will support their food plan.

Because of the benevolence and righteousness of the lord, they are also afraid of being obstructed by you. This is using me to speak.

Ashamed to say, I was a little tempted.The objection now is because of Ishida Hime's admonition. "

Shiba Yoshigin looked at Ishida Mitsunari, saw her bow and salute, and said.

"Lord Xiong is polite, I just read some information sent back by the same army group, and feel that the actions of the Uesugi retainer group are harmful to the Kanto Raiders.

It is also Mr. Big Bear who is open-minded, accepts advice like a stream, and agrees with my ideas. "

Yiyin twitched the corners of his mouth, Ishida Mitsunari is doing well, and Daxiong Chaoxiu seems to think highly of her.

Ishida Mitsunari, the adjutant, was actually a supervisor sent by Yoshihiro who was arbitrarily determined by Daxiong Chaoxiu's line to do things he was worried about.

Supervising soldiers have been disliked since ancient times. It is fine to be polite on the surface, but it is too difficult to mix well and let the supervised people really make friends with you.

Daxiong Chaoxiu and Ishida Mitsunari looked at each other and smiled, Daxiong Chaoxiu said.

"The specific idea comes from Ishida Hime, let her speak."

Yiyin nodded to Ishida Mitsunari, and Daxiong Chaoxiu gave her the opportunity to show his face, and the relationship was quite good.

Ishida Mitsunari bowed and said.

“I dare not take credit for this matter.

It was the lord who ordered the same group of troops to enter the Kanto Plain early to collect local intelligence, which made me discover the bad consequences of food shortage. "

Yiyin listened silently.

He sent the San Taifu of Hundred Lands to the Kanto Plain to collect intelligence about the Hojo family. In addition to Yiyin, there is also a copy in the Kanto Service Office for general information, allowing high-ranking samurai to read and understand the enemy's situation.

Unexpectedly, before the army moved, Ishida Misachi had already used this information, and she was indeed very motivated.

Yi Yin said.

"The Wu family robbed food in a calamity year, and it is a humble bastard who has endured famine for generations, and there is nothing I can do about it.

There is only so much food, and the shogunate's decree prohibits being vulnerable to famine, and the middle and lower class samurai who are starving will not listen at all.

Why do you object to this behavior and think the consequences are serious? Give me a clear explanation. "

Shiba Yoshigin didn't expect that the answer he didn't get from Unino Toshiichi could get it from Ishida Mitsunari by mistake, and he was full of expectations.

Ishida Mitsunari also knew that this was his best chance to show his face in front of the lord.

She has worked in Echigo's private business for more than a year. On the basis of doing her duty well, she has tried her best to maintain her relationship with Okuma Asohide, and she can be regarded as looking forward to the day of repayment.

She took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Odaisho, you know that the Kanto Plain is the origin of the shogunate and the birthplace of the samurai family.

There are descendants of famous families all over this place, and there are countless people who claim to be of noble blood, and they look down on the outsiders in Kansai the most.

The Hojo family was originally a descendant of the Ise family of the Ise Heira family, and they pretended to be Hojo Miao, and their lineage and status could not convince the Kanto samurai family.

But her family endured for three generations under the hostility of the Kanto Wu family.Not only stabilized the Izu and Sagami countries, but also defeated the two Uesugi families, holding the Kamakura government in their hands and holding them as puppets.

How did her family gain the support of the stubborn local Kanto samurai?Are you not curious? "

Yi Yin frowned.

Ishida Mitsunari didn't talk about the disadvantages of food, but talked about the Hojo family.He didn't understand what she meant, but he nodded reluctantly and let her continue.

Ishida Mitsunari said.

"Kanto does not have the prosperous commercial taxation of Kansai, and the samurai's income is all in the land. Therefore, the land tax is very high, and it is generally practiced that there are six gongs and four people, or even seven gongs and three people.

When the Takeda family unified the Kai Kingdom, the previous governor, Takeda Nobutora, resorted to militarism, and even raised taxes to eight lords and two people.

Even the high-ranking samurai couldn't bear this level of land tax rate, and joined forces with the young master Takeda Harunobu to expel the governor.

In the Royal Terrace, the land tax of the Hojo family is four lords and six people, the only benevolent government in the Kanto. "

Yi Yin nodded and said.

"I've heard about this a long time ago. The Hojo family is indeed tolerant of the citizens."

"It's not just that, the Hojo family has seized all the old collars of Izu Sagami and unified the tax.

Just removing the scattered official taxes in various places and distributing money from different buildings in the same building has reduced the burden on the local villages by [-]%.

In addition, Chuanma transportation, water conservancy construction, and granary preparations are all in good order.

I dare to assert that this year, the old Hojo collar in Izu Sagami will not lose more than [-]% of their harvest.The reserves of the Hojo family can fully survive, and there is no need to deliberately increase the exploitation of the local villages.

Odaisho, just imagine.

The core territory of the Hojo family is stable, and the army has no shortage of food and grass. However, after my Echigo army entered the Kanto Plain, it was like locusts grabbing food and sweeping up.

If the two sides are in Ueno, and the Musashi and the two countries fight, who will the hearts of the local samurai be towards?
Even if our military strength is strong, we can attack Sagami country in one go and surround Odawara Castle.But this fortified city, which the Hojo family has repaired for two generations, will fall easily?

Once the Hojo family fortified the wall and cleared the field, even if the army relied on robbing food to supplement military supplies, it would not last long.

As long as we dare to retreat, the Hojo family doesn't need to use troops.All you need to do is shout out that the four men and the six people will not grab food, and the middle and lower samurai families of Ueno Musashi, who were previously intimidated by swords and guns, will run back to her house.

The hearts of the people are exhausted, will this Kanto Raiders still have a successful day?At the imperial platform, the strategy of grabbing food really broke the foundation of the Kanto Raiders. "

Shiba Yoshihiro looked at Ishida Mitsunari who spoke so generously, and couldn't help but scream up to the sky, wishing he could hug Ishida Mitsunari and kiss her hard.

He finally had an excellent reason to unite the samurai Shibajiaji and oppose the grain grabbing operation of the Uesugi retainers.

(End of this chapter)

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